Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Christmas Eve

December 25, 2014

Not too bad today cold but no snow. Nonny rang Mary fine not eating much rabbit for tea. Another computer died.


Arthur Butterworth

Arthur Butterworth Photo: Guzelian

Arthur Butterworth, the composer, who has died aged 91, took his inspiration from the open landscapes of the Yorkshire Dales, the rugged mountains of the Lake District and the melodic English music of the early 20th century.

A brass player by training, he was rarely in step with metropolitan musical fashions. Indeed, the only time his music was heard at the Proms was in 1958, when Sir John Barbirolli and the Hallé Orchestra performed his first symphony.

Although he studied at the Royal Manchester College of Music with Richard Hall – whose students included Peter Maxwell Davies and Harrison Birtwistle – only once did Butterworth humour his teacher with a 12-tone work: a trio for oboe, clarinet and bassoon. Instead, works such as The Path Across the Moors, describing a walk with his dog, The Quiet Tarn (Malham) and A Dales Suite indicate where his affinities lay.

There were other influences in his 100-plus works: a post-war spell in Germany led to an organ partita based on German church music; The Owl and the Pussycat (1978) emphasised his love of animals; and Sinfonia Borealis was inspired by the northern lights. The music of Sibelius also cast a long spell over Butterworth’s work. He was a prolific composer for brass bands, but was regarded with suspicion after voicing his doubts about their preoccupation with competitions in “A Cloth Cap Joke?”, an article published in 1970.

Arthur Eckersley Butterworth was born at New Moston, Manchester, on August 4 1923, the son of an electrical engineer. He was no relation to George Butterworth, the composer of A Shropshire Lad, although confusion often arose; the cover of one CD bears a sticker reading “Where George Butterworth appears, please read as Arthur Butterworth”.

Arthur was a choir boy, attended the Hallé’s concerts and learnt trombone, cornet and trumpet. He played with local bands before joining the prestigious Besses o’ th’ Barn band in 1939. At North Manchester Grammar School he had a supportive music teacher, but his family gradually became less enthusiastic about a musical career, even removing their piano. His father arranged for him to join a solicitor’s when he left school.

In 1942 he enlisted with the Royal Engineers, training near Lossiemouth, where he was inspired by the remoteness, and serving in North Africa. After demobilisation in 1947 he joined the Royal Manchester College of Music. He also took lessons privately with Vaughan Williams, who encouraged him to develop his own voice, regardless of the prevailing fashion.

Disillusioned with college, Butterworth left early to join the Scottish National Orchestra as a trumpeter, occasionally helping as a rehearsal conductor. He returned to Manchester in 1955, joining Barbirolli at the Hallé, where he stayed until 1962. He then taught brass in West Yorkshire schools until securing a post at Huddersfield School of Music, but found lecturing frustrating; he resigned in 1980.

However, he retained his connection with the area, serving as director of the Huddersfield Philharmonic Society (1964-93) and the Settle Orchestra, which he helped to establish in 1967. Despite his views on brass bands, Butterworth was guest conductor of the National Youth Brass Band from 1975 to 1984. He returned to conduct the Royal Scottish National Orchestra in 2008, which was now belatedly championing his music. The following year the sixth of his seven symphonies was premiered in St Petersburg.

Butterworth, who was appointed MBE in 1995, served as chairman of his local RSPCA. His house near Skipton was named Pohjola, a name from Finnish folklore used by Sibelius.

In 1957 he had dedicated his first symphony to his wife, Diana, whom he had married in 1952. After her death last year he wrote Elegy for Diana, which was premiered in March. “It now seems fitting that I pay this farewell tribute to her at the end of our long life together,” he told the Westmorland Gazette. They had two daughters.

Arthur Butterworth, born August 4 1923, died November 20 2014




Sir, The introduction of “drunk tanks” (News, Dec 22) is a depressing acceptance that getting “off your face” is socially acceptable. You quote Chris Hewitt as saying that, as a paramedic, he is expected “not to judge any patient”, but surely society has the right to “judge”. These “merrymakers” should not be wrapped in cotton wool. They deserve to be fined, named in the press and made to pay for the services they waste.
Leo McCormack
Sedgefield, Co Durham

Sir, My wife recently had to be taken to a London A&E. The ambulance crew was superb as were the hospital staff. However, ten of the 14 cubicles and three chairs were occupied by people — including a peer of the realm — with alcohol issues. Why isn’t the government focusing on this behaviour, which is clearly a cause of so many problems?
Geoff Codd
Osmington, Dorset

Sir, I congratulate Libby Purves for “Let the believers hold midnight Mass in peace” (Dec 22). It reminded me of a Christmas Eve many years ago when my wife and I were sidesmen at a midnight service that was disrupted by drunks. It took Nick Bury, our young vicar, to put things into perspective. He asked us: “Don’t you think there were any drunks in the inn at Bethlehem?” Nick later became dean of Gloucester cathedral.
David Rhodes
Lindford, Hants

Sir, Your story on Paul McCartney’s daughter’s charity work (Times2, Dec 18) stated that the death of Paul’s mother Mary led to him writing Let it Be. The real inspiration was my late father Malcolm “Mal” Evans, who was the Beatles’ road manager. In David Frost Salutes the Beatles, a TV movie made in 1975, my father explains to Frost that while in India, “Paul was meditating one day and I came to him in a vision and I was just standing there saying ‘let it be, let it be’ and this is where the song came from.”

Gary Evans

Camberley, Surrey

Sir, I am sure that Simon de Bruxelles was not inferring that Zulus armed with assegais were superior fighters to the 24th of Foot, although this is the impression that some may get (“Horror of Rorke’s Drift”, Dec 22). The blame, if any there is, must go to the British leadership; to Lord Chelmsford, for splitting his forces, but also to the officer in command at Isandlwana, Colonel Pullein, who scattered his troops, enabling the Zulus to infiltrate and attack the British from the rear. It did not help that their ammunition boxes were screwed down and there was only one screwdriver. Later, at the battle of Ulundi, the British, having learnt their lesson, formed themselves into a Waterloo-style square and it was the Zulus’ turn to be wiped out.
Christopher White
(ex 24th Foot)
Beaminster, Dorset



An NHS sign with Big Ben in the background in Westminster

Andy Brnham wrote to Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, accusing him of treating Parliament with ‘contempt’ by keeping MPs in the dark over proposed changes to ambulance services Photo: PA

SIR – Accusations that Andy Burnham, the shadow health secretary, is playing politics with the ambulance service are hardly surprising, given that he has frequently accused the Coalition of privatising and generally mismanaging the NHS.

This is the same Andy Burnham who was health secretary and a minister in the last Labour government, which wasted billions on private finance initiative schemes, leaving many trusts struggling with horrendous debts; which presided over tick-box policies resulting in the horrors of Mid Staffs and other failing hospitals; and which negotiated the new contract for GPs, increasing doctors’ salaries for less work and leaving patients with no real cover after hours or over the weekend.

Michael Edwards
Haslemere, Surrey

SIR – Ed Miliband has proposed that it should be a criminal offence to undercut pay or conditions by exploiting migrant workers. He could start with the NHS. Thirty-five per cent of doctors and nurses in the NHS are immigrants from countries with far lower wage levels than Britain. The high number of immigrant employees has depressed the wage levels of medical staff trained in Britain and allowed working conditions to deteriorate.

It is not just pay. The quality and safety of NHS care have been put at risk by uncontrolled immigration from EU states with lower standards for qualification.

If the NHS is to be sustainable, then it has to be made an attractive place for professionals trained in Britain to work.

David James
Colby, Isle of Man

SIR – It’s worth noting that, in the majority of news reports showing A&E staff, they are doing paperwork, not treating patients. Members of my family working in that sector agree that they could easily meet government targets but for the fact that they have to treat patients between completing forms and information returns.

We have the staff at the front line, but most of them are being used as administrative assistants to an unnecessary level of middle management.

R P Draper
Burgess Hill, West Sussex

SIR – With all the recent controversy about the ambulance service and A&E departments, I would like to highlight my recent experience when my husband died suddenly and unexpectedly at Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey.

From the moment I called the ambulance, my husband and I received exemplary care. In a very busy department they never gave me the feeling that they were in a hurry to move me on.

At this time of grief and sorrow I am eternally grateful to the staff, knowing that everything was done to help. They are the model that all NHS workers should follow.

Andrea Thomas
Wokingham, Berkshire

Online child protection


SIR – The Prime Minister has unveiled new measures to crack down on internet child abuse.

Modern communications may help offenders to access indecent material, but it also enables law enforcement agencies to monitor and respond to evidence in ways that were never possible in the past, when grooming happened only by personal contact and pictures were sent by post.

The internet was designed to provide adaptable routing even after serious damage. This resilience, while helpful to us all, does make even well-intentioned censorship difficult. The protection of children from online exploitation and abuse is best achieved by parents following the excellent advice provided by GetSafeOnline and the Child Exploitation and Online Protection agency, and teaching their children to do the same.

There is no quick technical fix that will protect victims – the most effective approaches use education, responsible parenting and more resources for enforcing the law.

Professor Will Stewart
Institution of Engineering and Technology
London WC2

Cancer cash cuts

SIR – Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, said in a speech about cancer survival in Britain that “cancer is a key priority for this Government“.

While we all welcome the better cancer survival outcomes, Mr Hunt’s fine words are belied by his specialist commissioners at NHS England. They propose to reduce payments to hospitals for the main cancer therapies by an average of 6 per cent next year.

Worse, they propose to cut the payment to hospitals for additional cancer treatments over a 2014-15 baseline by half.

Mr Hunt acknowledges that hospitals currently see “51 per cent more patients with suspected cancer than in 2010”. At that rate of increase, how does he propose that these new patients should be treated?

While hospitals accept the need for further efficiency savings where possible, the people who are going to suffer are cancer patients.

If this Government truly believes that cancer is a key priority, it should put its money where its mouth is.

Simon Oberst
Director of Clinical Development
The Cambridge Cancer Centre

Far from fine

SIR – I’ve just received two penalty charge notices for the same traffic transgression in Croydon, taken by two cameras 100 yards apart.

Hopefully Croydon council will use my fines to improve the road signs to assist drivers in an unfamiliar location at night.

Jenny Wood
Meopham, Kent

2015 and all that

SIR – If Gerald Burnett (Letters, December 23) calls 2015 “two thousand and fifteen”, does he say that the Battle of Hastings was fought in “one thousand and sixty-six”?

Mike Jones
Chingford, Essex

Calling card

SIR – I too, recently lost a camera memory card. It was found on the summit of Mount Whitney, California, by a resident of San Diego, who traced me via a picture of a lodge in South Africa, despite being confused by photographs, among others, of the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen and Kilimanjaro.

Tony Baker

Cornish house-sellers pushed out local people

St Ives harbour –1,500 years after the outsider St Ia landed and gave it her name (Alamy)

SIR – Timothy James (Letters, December 22) blames outsiders for blighting St Ives, or Porthia. He states that Cornish families have been “pushed out” because house prices have soared.

In fact blame, if blame there is, lies exclusively with those families. No one has forced them to sell property to outsiders just because they offered to pay more than locals. The seller always controls the sale and is free to accept any offer he chooses, even a lower offer from a Cornishman rather than a higher offer from an outsider.

The conclusion must be that Porthians have brought higher prices on themselves by accepting offers that they considered to be in their best interests at the time, which has had the unfortunate effect of pricing other Cornish people out of the market.

Ken Rimmer
Chelmsford, Essex

In the black

SIR – When I was a young man living in Chelmsford in the Sixties, the street lights went out at 11 o’clock each night and, on the few occasions I was in the deserted town after midnight, I was stopped and questioned by the police.

Our village, like many others, has no street lighting, so I don’t have much sympathy with those who complain about their street lights being dimmed or turned off after midnight.

Mervyn Vallance
Maldon, Essex

SIR – It is difficult to comprehend the economics of reducing street-lighting hours, as most street lighting in Britain is controlled by photo-electric cells.

To reduce the hours requires installing some form of timing device. The capital cost of these devices and the labour costs of installing would surely take many years to recover.

Where is the saving?

Donald A Wroe
Ulverston, Lancashire

Judicious choice

SIR – Three cheers for Lauren Davidson promoting the correct use of the English language.

Among the glaring examples one encounters today are the frequent references to the “justice system”. When I was at school this was known as the judicial system.

Keith Haines

Battle for control

SIR – It is possible that, by placing the remote control on the television, David Watt’s wife hopes that he will take more exercise (Letters, December 23).

My husband falls asleep holding the remote so that I am unable to either lower the volume, change to another station or switch off.

Stella Bowman
Prestwich, Lancashire

SIR – I have a solution for David Watt: buy a second remote, put it on a cord and hang it around your neck.

Ronnie Baker
Beaminster, Dorset

Does anyone still carve turkey at the table?


SIR – Does anybody carve their turkey at the dinner-table these days, as in the picture with Xanthe Clay’s article?

Julian Andrew
Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire

SIR – I received a note from the Royal Mail telling me that a small package awaited collection and that there was £1.20 to pay: £1 handling fee and 20p excess postage.

On collection, I found a Christmas card sold by Tesco – a delightful gingerbread man of felt stuck on to cardboard, too thick to qualify for normal postage. On checking at my local Tesco, I found no warning on the packaging of these cards, so I’d guess that every one posted incurred a penalty.

Jenni Beddington
Yatton, Somerset

SIR – Christmas is a charitable time, but are there too many charities?

Duplication and fragmentation risk wasting people’s generous giving.

Our daughter was greatly supported by charities until her death in September. They have continued to support our family and to use her story for their causes.

It would have been understandable if we had set up yet another charity in her memory. However, by working with existing, experienced charities we feel that money will be better used and our daughter’s voice more clearly heard.

Richard Luscombe
Flitwick, Bedfordshire

SIR – Some years ago an acquaintance phoned me just before Christmas. I told her the sad news that my husband and I had separated and would soon be divorced.

When her Christmas card arrived it was addressed to both of us but with my husband’s name scored out. I suppose she must have been on a tight budget.

K S Swanson
Blanefield, Kinross-shire

Globe and Mail

Irish Times

Irish Independent



Globe and Mail

Carl Bildt

The international battle for Santa Claus’s house

Merry Christmas

Though Santa Claus has not commented on the matter, it is now clear that he could choose several passports when he travels the world on Christmas Eve. In 2007, a privately funded mini-submarine planted a Russian flag directly beneath his alleged home. And two weeks ago, Denmark, which has sovereignty over Greenland, staked its own territorial claim, also covering the North Pole.

By filing its claim with the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, Denmark has joined our era’s “great game:” the contest for economic control over a large part of the Arctic. And Denmark’s claim is massive. Not only does it seek sovereignty over everything between Greenland and the North Pole; it is also extending its claim to nearly 900,000 square kilometres, all the way to the existing limits of the Russian economic zone on the other side of the Pole – an area 20 times Denmark’s size.

How to assess countries’ claims to Arctic territory hinges on the status of the Lomonosov Ridge, a vast formation that rises from the sea floor and stretches 1,800 kilometers from Greenland to the East Siberian continental shelf. Everyone agrees that it is a ridge. The key question is whether it is an extension of the Greenland shelf or an extension of the East Siberia shelf.

Denmark, together with the government of Greenland, now claims that it is the former, giving it the right to extend its economic zone across a huge area at the top of the world. Though nothing is yet known about the claim that Russia says it will present in the spring, there is no doubt that it will argue the opposite.

And what about Canadians and their claim? That remains to be seen, but there have been reports that Prime Minister Stephen Harper is dissatisfied that Canadian scientists are not being sufficiently aggressive in pressing the country’s case.

Nonetheless, for all the hype about a “race for the Arctic,” and despite the rather icy atmosphere among the claimants, there is little reason to fear conflict. Under the terms of the 2008 Ilulissat Declaration, all of the countries bordering the Arctic Ocean agree to resolve their claims peacefully and based on the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. According to settled procedure, a UN commission will first judge whether the claims have merit. If they are overlapping, which is highly probable, bilateral negotiations will be held.

Such talks, to put it mildly, could take time. Norway and Russia negotiated over a far smaller territorial delimitation for four decades.

Both Denmark and Russia have been devoting significant resources to exploring the Lomonosov Ridge. Denmark has hired Swedish icebreakers for repeated expeditions, and Russia has been deploying special submarines to obtain samples from the ridge and the ocean floor.

The Arctic region has always been strategically vital for Russia, accounting for roughly 85 per cent of Russia’s natural-gas production, which is based primarily in Western Siberia. The Kremlin has activated a new military command for the Arctic, and is busy reopening air bases and radar stations along its Arctic shoreline.

But it is a very long way from these new Russian bases to virtually everywhere. And, in addition to the vast distances, there is the harsh climate. A Canadian military commander, asked what he would do if foreign soldiers attacked his country’s Far North, calmly replied that he would dispatch an expedition to rescue them. Though Russia had hoped for a rapid increase in shipping along the Northern Sea Route, commercial traffic this year fell by 77 per cent.

Of course, the stakes are too high for Canada, Denmark, and Russia to allow the region’s remoteness and its hostile environment to influence how resolutely they press their claims. Boundaries like these are fixed once and forever, and no one knows what discoveries, technologies and opportunities the future might bring.

But for the time being, neither Santa Claus nor anyone else has reason to be worried. The nature of the Lomonosov Ridge will be debated for years to come, while his thoughts – and ours – are likely to be focused on more immediate issues.

  (Brian Gable/The Globe and Mail)


Dentistry has a far larger ‘boys’ club’ problem

Joan Rush, LLB, LLM (Health Law and Ethics) is a former adjunct professor in the faculties of law and dentistry at the University of British Columbia.

Why are we surprised to discover, through a scandal involving abusive Facebook posts, that discrimination and harassment are present at the Dalhousie University Faculty of Dentistry? Leadership of the dental profession and of Canadian dental education remains a white male bastion. The deans of all ten faculties of dentistry in Canada are men, and of the 18 directors of the Canadian Dental Association, only one is a woman. There are no people of colour on the CDA board, yet many dentists reacted angrily to a July 2013 online post in the Journal of the CDA by Dr. Ernest Lam calling for greater diversity in the leadership of the profession. One dentist argued that rather than worry about diversity, CDA leaders should limit the number of graduates to promote greater profitability for working dentists

Like all forms of discrimination, the misogyny and callousness at Dalhousie have been carefully taught. The CDA and the Deans Committee of the Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry should reflect on the message sent by their glaring lack of diversity and their failure to care about the growing number of Canadians who do not have access to essential dental treatment.

The “tone at the top” in the CDA and in dental faculties creates a sense of entitlement among dental students and encourages a lack of empathy for the many Canadians who need their care. Dental students receive no mandatory training in treating special-needs patients and are taught that, because dentistry is private, they can offer any service and charge any fee they wish. The result is a profession that does a great job providing cosmetic dentistry and Botox to wealthy Canadians while failing to provide essential dental treatment to Canadians who are poor, disabled, elderly or living in remote communities. The Canadian Institute for Health Information reported in November 2013 that, relative to the 34 countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Canada performed “poorly” in insuring equitable access to dental care.

The women of the Dalhousie dental faculty are within their rights to demand an appropriate response to the sexual harassment they experienced. In addition, Dalhousie must assure all Canadians that the university does not accept the culture of hatred and chauvinism that developed in some of its male dental students and faculty. Dalhousie can use the revelation of degrading and misogynistic behaviour as an impetus to change the culture of the dental faculty into one that places a priority on empathy and commitment to care.

The members of the Dalhousie dental “Gentlemen’s Club,” which was responsible for the offensive comments, could dedicate their first year of practice to working, under supervision, in hospitals, geriatric residences, not-for-profit clinics, and in remote areas of the province, to serve patients who desperately need dental treatment. The chauvinistic professor who showed his class a safety video featuring bikini-clad models could dedicate time to supervising the Gentlemen’s Club members during their year of service, as could Dr. Tom Boran, Dean of Dalhousie’s Faculty of Dentistry, who has so far remained silent about the culture that developed within his Faculty.

Canadians pay a lot for dentists to be trained. Tuition fees for dental school are shockingly expensive, but still represent less than a third of the real cost of training. Taxpayers make up the difference. It’s time that Canadian dental faculties ensure that their graduates are trained to be respectful and empathetic to each other and to all Canadians, so that dentistry can become the partner in health care that Canadians need it to be.



John Cook is President of Greenchip Financial Corp. Andrew Heintzman is President of Investeco Capital Corp.

Recently, the first Canadian university joined a growing global movement to divest endowments from fossil fuels. Concordia’s $5-million was largely symbolic; it still has $95-million invested in oil and gas companies. But its decision was another signal that the divestment movement is gaining momentum.

In fact, divestment is creating a significant new challenge for an oil industry that is already fighting hard to maintain its pre-eminence in the world of energy.

This year alone, over 800 organizations with more than $50-billion in assets have officially committed to divestment. These include the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, the World Council of Churches, the University of Glasgow, Stanford University, and a pending vote at the University of California. In Canada, several faith-based organizations have signed up as well, including parts of the United Church. Their congregations are well versed in the issues and highly committed to pushing divestment from oil the way they did from tobacco 15 years ago.

On campuses throughout the Western world, students and faculty are forcing their governors to vote on divestment. Last week Dalhousie became the first university in Canada to vote. The result was 15 to 3 (with several abstentions) to keep its investment in oil stocks. George McLellan, the committee head, said afterwards: “If we turn our backs on a number of [big oil] companies, why would they put their money in here?”

Indeed, the arguments in Canada track those in America and Europe: a battle of philanthropic and research support versus moral, scientific and investment arguments. But votes are pending at the University of British Columbia, the University of Toronto and the University of Victoria; McGill, Trent and Simon Fraser University are all likely to vote in the next twelve months. The implications of the “no” vote at Dalhousie could go both ways, providing ammunition to university advancement teams, but also steeling the resolve of students and faculty.

The moral argument for divesting has taken on a new nuance. As University of Toronto student Ben Donato-Woodger recently said, “It is a structural injustice against young people to have people who won’t be paying the price make judgments that will harm the next generation. Failing to divest would be a clear act of not caring about their students.”

Simon Rockefeller admitted on a recent webcast that the $50-million of fossil fuel company shares his foundation planned to sell would quickly be picked up by other investors. But he also said that focusing on the money misses the point; it’s about leadership and awareness. Politicians will have to think carefully about ignoring the growing wave of engaged students, professors, church-goers and other voters.

They’re less patient and more organized than their forebears in the South African Apartheid divestment movement in the 1980s, who were told divestment was hopeless and would never work. They know that it eventually did.

It isn’t hurting their cause that the operating economics of the fossil industry are deteriorating as quickly as the price of oil is falling. Even over longer periods, the argument that investment returns would significantly suffer without oil doesn’t seem to bear out.

· In the past five years, the TSX with all its oil and gas constituents has significantly underperformed the TSX 60 excluding fossil companies.

· Over the past 10 years, the performance is almost identical with or without oil and gas in the index.

· According to the New York Times, U.S. universities hold an average of just 2.1 per cent of their assets in fossil investments. If this is so, it will be an even easier argument in the States that divesting won’t really affect investment returns.

Indeed, sector past performance and “investable universe” arguments are small potatoes. The real risk investors face sits on the balance sheets of the petro companies. As much as 80 per cent of fossil reserves may be worthless if the oil, gas and coal is kept in the ground by regulation or capital constraints.

Even Bank of England Governor Mark Carney told a recent World Bank seminar that the “vast majority of reserves are unburnable” if global temperature rises are to be limited to below 2C. But to stay within that 2 degree limit, we can only emit 565 more gigatons of carbon. Yet oil and gas companies have five times that amount frozen in their fossil fuel reserves.

Activism doesn’t come naturally to Canadians. But this battle has legs and divestment is finding its historic place in the transition to a more sustainable energy future.

A Christmas mystery

When I was a kid, it seemed as though Christmas came every five years or so. Now that I’m in my 60s, Christmas is here every three months or so.

What gives?

Peter Dielissen, Fredericton


Watch the skies

Re Rise Of The Drones (Dec. 23): As a private pilot, I applaud your editorial on drones, their dangers and your call for responsible use – with one objection. You say “yield to commercial aircraft.” That should be “yield to all aircraft!”

I fly a four-seat Cessna 170. If a 70-pound drone (or even a 10-pound one) hit my aircraft at my modest cruising speed of 100 knots (190 kilometres an hour), the effects could be catastrophic. If it came through the windshield at that speed, it could kill me or my passengers; strikes on prop, wings or tail could lead to loss of power, jammed controls or worse.

Besides staying well away from airports (including hospitals where helicopters may land), the guidelines long used by model-aircraft enthusiasts are proven to be safe: Keep it below 400 feet, always in the operator’s line of sight, preferably with a spotter to warn of any approaching aircraft.

The danger of these machines lies in the ability of the operator to “fly” it while watching the video screen rather than the sky. These things are being sold, often without adequate warnings, to people who have no idea of the dangers they can pose to aircraft.

Alan Salvin, Ottawa


Faith, ruled

Leah McLaren raises an important question: Is it possible to be a church and be free of doctrine? (Is It Church If There’s No God Or Dogma? – Dec. 18).

The early church developed concise summaries of belief called “ruled faith.” It was the difference between playing street hockey and being in the NHL. The church’s doctrines, or core convictions, are intended to shape its life. They are not the game itself, but they give shape to the game.

These core convictions guided Champlain as he engaged with First Nations people with respect. They shaped the civil rights movement of Martin Luther King. Far from stifling wonder, they have led to the creative work of Bach, Brubeck and Rembrandt.

The church’s doctrines are intended to nurture life, not stifle it.

Ray Harris, Winnipeg


ERs? Bring a book

It was a pleasure to briefly dream of a future in which simply changing the design and culture of an emergency department made everything right again (Organized Emergency – Life & Arts, Dec. 22).

Sadly, the utopian vision is just that. Emergency crowding is a reflection of hospital overcrowding. It almost never occurs when hospitals function at 85-per-cent capacity and practically always does when hospital bed occupancy rates hit 95 per cent. Most Canadian hospitals routinely face occupancy rates greater than 100 per cent.

Crowded emergency departments, with their cumulative misery shared by patients, their families and staff will not be solved by more space and verdant courtyards bathed in natural light. A more aggressive redesign of the health-care system with a view to improving bed availability in both the hospital and the community is required.

Regrettably, evidence of a shared vision is lacking from most governments in Canada today. Better bring a novel on your next visit to the ER.

Alan Drummond, Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians, Ottawa


Expel them

It astounds me that the president of such a prestigious academic institution as Dalhousie University needs to circulate a questionnaire seeking remedies for dealing with a group of misogynist dental students (Dalhousie Measures Fallout From Misogynistic Comments – Dec. 22).

Expulsion is the obvious and only appropriate disciplinary action. We do not want this group of cretins practising dentistry in Canada.

Jon LeHeup, Rothesay, N.B.


Mind the language

We like to keep our home free of casual or gratuitous profanity. It’s a conscious choice we’ve made to maintain a dignified, uplifting and supportive environment for ourselves.

Of course, this is a constant struggle and I, too, am not entirely innocent. However the casual use of profanity or the creeping of profanity into our home is something we wish to avoid.

Your Broadsheet Music: A Year In Review (front page, Dec. 20) listed a band called “Fucked Up” in capital letters.

I know this is a group’s name, but I don’t want to be confronted with it on your pages. Its presence pollutes our sanctuary.

Michael Hahn, Grimsby, Ont.


Globe letter writer Catherine Johnson says that she could think of a stronger word than “pimp” to describe what the Wildrose defections did to democracy, but that The Globe wouldn’t print it (‘Jim Prentice’s BFF’ – Dec. 22).

Not only would you print it, you did. On the front page, and in capital letters, no less.

Tim Baikie, Toronto


Pols on the move

Re Manning Says Sorry For Urging Defection (Dec. 23): Heather Forsyth, the new interim Wildrose Leader, crossed the floor herself from the Progressive Conservatives in 2010? She is now replacing Danielle Smith, who defected from Wildrose to the PCs.

At the rate political defections are occurring in this country, I’m surprised the various legislatures haven’t installed leader boards and crossing guards to direct the pol traffic.

Robyn Murphy, St. John’s


If this is what advice from the head of the Manning Centre for Building Democracy looks like, I’d hate to see what advice from the head of the Centre for Tearing Down Democracy looks like.

Roger Huang, Calgary


Crossing the floor? Dozens of politicians have done it just since 2000. It’s increasingly common.

Remember Vancouver MP David Emerson? He crossed the floor less than three weeks after being elected. No wonder people don’t trust politicians.

Candidates should tell us before they are elected if this could be in their (dance) cards.

Will they, won’t they, will they, won’t they, will they join the dance?

Will your politicians take an unexpected stance?

Will they trip a light fantastic, make a sudden move

Will they cross the floor ignoring you who don’t approve?

Do they have a strategy that gives you lots of spin

And make you trust their program so you want to let them in?

And do they choose the music so you’re dancing to their tune

And leave you in the lurch when there’s a chance more opportune?

It used to be, but now it seems it’s never quite the same

That when you went to dances that you left with whom you came.

Anne Spencer, Victoria

Irish Times


Irish Independent



December 24, 2014


Off to the tip with 15 bags of leaves. Give Shanti her Christmas present, Co-op and Jill comes to call.


Alan Williams was a long-serving Labour MP whose chance of high office was blighted by his party’s years in the wilderness

Alan Williams, former Labour MP and Father of the House

Alan Williams, former Labour MP and Father of the House Photo: GETTY

Alan Williams, who has died aged 84, was Labour MP for Swansea West for 45 years, a minister in four departments and, at the close of his parliamentary career, Father of the House.

Moderate, sensible and never a hogger of the limelight, Williams was one of the generation denied the chance of higher office by Labour’s defeat in 1979 and the internecine strife that kept the party in opposition for 18 years. He was 49 and a minister of state when Margaret Thatcher pitched his party into the wilderness, and 67 and a senior backbencher by the time Tony Blair led it back to power in 1997.

Williams might not have made the top flight anyway, as he never won election to the shadow cabinet and shadowed a cabinet minister for only one year as shadow Welsh secretary. Yet his impact was felt; he demolished the economic case for retaining a Royal Yacht, and under his chairmanship the Liaison Committee of select committee chairmen gained the right to question the prime minister in public.

His highest profile moment came in June 2009, when as Father of the House he presided over the election of a new Speaker after Michael Martin’s forced resignation over his handling of the MPs’ expenses scandal, broken by The Daily Telegraph.

The election was the first held by ballot, the previous system of moving resolutions in favour of each candidate in turn having degenerated into a shambles when Martin was elected in 2000. The former Labour foreign secretary Margaret Beckett was favourite, but Labour MPs switched to the maverick Tory John Bercow, who defeated his fellow Conservative Sir George Young by 322 votes to 271.

Two years before, it had fallen to Williams in the same capacity to put the final question to Blair before he left the Chamber to resign as prime minister, and from the Commons. Williams told him that despite their differences, he could say that Blair had been “one of the outstanding prime ministers of my lifetime”.

His most important contribution to Labour was the robust line he took against the rampant Left in the early 1980s. When others on the Right of the party were defecting to the SDP, Williams stayed, urging Labour to purge itself before it was too late .

Alan John Williams was born on October 14 1930, the son of a miner. Educated at Cardiff High School, Cardiff College of Technology and University College, Oxford, he became a lecturer in Economics at the Welsh College of Advanced Technology and a regular broadcaster in Wales.

He joined the Labour Party as a student, and was a member of the National Union of Students’ delegation to Russia in 1954, as the Kremlin opened up after the death of Stalin.

Williams fought Poole in 1959, and five years later captured Swansea West from the Conservatives as Harold Wilson led Labour back to power. A promising member of a large, young Labour intake, he became after the 1966 election PPS to the Postmaster General, Edward Short.

The next year he was appointed parliamentary secretary in the Department for Economic Affairs . The Daily Telegraph’s sketchwriter reckoned him “far from the most dashing spokesman of a far from dashing ministry”, but he saw off Left-wing critics of the government’s economic policies.

When the DEA was wound up in October 1969, Williams moved to Tony Benn’s upgraded ministry of technology, with responsibility for economic issues and the nationalised industries. It fell to him to announce that pit ponies would be withdrawn from all but a handful of mines where machinery could not replace them, and defend an embarrassing shortage of smokeless fuel.

Within months, Edward Heath pulled off a surprise election victory. Williams now became opposition spokesman on consumer protection and small businesses . On Labour’s return to power in March 1974 he became minister of state in a new Department of Prices and Consumer Protection headed by a fellow-moderate, Shirley Williams.

Alan Williams had a role in perpetuating Labour’s controls and subsidies on the prices of basic foods, which Mrs Williams later conceded were economic nonsense. He brought in regulations obliging publicans to display the price of drinks, and rolled out a network of local consumer advice centres.

After James Callaghan succeeded Wilson in 1976, Williams moved sideways to the Department of Industry as deputy to Eric Varley, and at the end of the year was made a privy counsellor. He concentrated on shoring up Britain’s flagging manufacturing sector, including the workers’ co-operatives Benn had encouraged. He also took the heat for his department’s refusal to let Toyota open a car importing base in Bristol in an attempt to force the Japanese company to go to a development area.

The weeks in early 1979 before the Callaghan government’s defeat at the polls were difficult for Williams. He had to admit his efforts to boost British manufacturing had been undercut by the “Winter of Discontent”, which had cut production by 10 per cent and laid off 235,000 workers. He then had to bite his tongue as other Labour ministers campaigned for a “Yes” vote in the Welsh devolution referendum, a cause he then did not support. He was vindicated by the plan’s defeat, but in the ensuing election held his seat by only 401 votes.

Back in opposition, Callaghan made Williams a front-bench spokesman on Wales. When Michael Foot became Labour leader late in 1980, he appointed Williams shadow minister for the Civil Service. He condemned Mrs Thatcher for “vindictiveness” in deleting from the New Year’s honours civil servants who had struck over their pay.

After Labour’s devastating defeat in 1983, Neil Kinnock made him a trade and industry spokesman and campaigns co-ordinator. On his watch Mrs Thatcher floated British Telecom, a step Williams denounced as “the biggest giveaway in British commercial history – you can sell almost anything at half price”. In his dual role as deputy shadow Leader of the House he also turned up the heat over the Spycatcher affair.

In 1987 Kinnock made Williams shadow Welsh secretary for a year before demoting him to deputy shadow Leader of the House once again . He left the front bench in 1989.

Williams came into his own as a respected backbencher. In 1990 he rejoined the Public Accounts Committee, on which he had served in the 1960s, staying there for the rest of his career. He secured an investigation by the National Audit Office into the cost of royal travel, which revealed – as he intended it should – the true cost of the Royal Yacht Britannia and contributed to the eventual decision to pay her off.

Williams served on the Standards and Privileges Committee at the height of public concerns about parliamentary “sleaze”, and from 1997 on the Joint Committee on Privilege.

From 2001 he chaired the Liaison Committee, and in 2005 he succeeded Tam Dalyell as Father of the House. He retired in 2010.

Alan Williams married Mary Rees in 1957. She, their two sons and their daughter survive him.

Alan Williams, born October 14 1930, died December 21 2014


A serious omission from the science section of Bim Adewunmi’s list of female faces of the year (G2, 23 December) was the new head of Cern, Dr Fabiola Gianotti (Report, 4 November).
Dr Richard Carter

• A boycott of Amazon is not just for Christmas (Online report, 23 December). Find the Amazon-free shopping guide at
John Wicks

• Two special advisers have been forbidden by the Cabinet Office rules to take part in election campaigns (Home secretary’s special advisers removed from parliamentary list, 19 December). Surely the opposite should be the case: to work as an adviser, there should be an accompanying obligation to take part in parliamentary elections, and in the process come into contact with real voters on their doorsteps. It would beat cosy focus groups any day. The further from Westminster this takes place, the better.
Leslie Freitag
Harpenden, Hertfordshire

• Abiotic methanogensis on Mars based on deposits of the mineral olivine has been known about for many years, without previously triggering a debate on extra-terrestrial life (Report, 20 December). Don’t tell David Bowie, though.
Graham Charnock

• Corrections are always amusing but today’s (22 December) were a delight. Thank you for a good laugh.
Madge Pelling
Coddenham, Suffolk

• Humanists rejoice! 98% of our “Xmas” cards are secular – there is hope after all. As a Scot, I particularly enjoyed the absence of Wee Freakings.
James Herring
Dunbar, East Lothian

My late eldest sister, Kitty, was photographed by Jane Bown some time during the 1970s. She was a shop steward fighting for equal pay for sewing machinists. When my sister died two years ago, my daughter asked if she could have the photograph as she also lived in Alton. Not until I read that Jane Bown had died and looked at her work in the middle pages (22 December), did I realise why this photo was such a lovely image of my sister, and how lucky we are to have one of her photographs. I feel quite proud of her, as she was a typical lovely-looking Hoxton girl, who left school at 14 with no proper schooling because of the war. But she was a very feisty shop steward and I feel that Jane Bown could see this when she chose to photograph her.
Doris Barrett

I met Jane Bown briefly in May 1982 at Wembley Stadium, where Pope John Paul II was to celebrate mass on his visit to Britain. I was the photographer for a Catholic magazine. The press photographers had been corralled in an area roughly in the centre of the football pitch, facing the platform where mass was to be celebrated. There were dozens, all with step-ladders and long lenses. While we were waiting I got talking to a diminutive lady who introduced herself as Jane Bown from the Observer. She had an SLR camera with a lens that looked as though it might have been 135mm at most. After weighing up the situation she said: “This is hopeless. I’m not staying here. Keep an eye on my bag, will you?” And off she went. Shortly after the Pope had arrived she returned, picked up her bag and said goodbye. Next morning the Observer carried on its front page a striking picture of the white-clad Pope, alone against a dark background, a hand raised to acknowledge the crowd. And underneath: Photograph: Jane Bown.
Fr Michael Henesy

How very sad to hear the news of the death of Jane Bown. One of my favourite photographs is her portrait of Anthony Blunt taken (I think) in 1964, 15 years before he was exposed as a Soviet spy. At the time of the photograph, Blunt was surveyor of the Queen’s pictures and there is a government or crown document on his desk. However, if you look at Jane’s portrait with the benefit of hindsight, there is something dark, tense and secretive about it, characteristics somewhat atypical in Jane’s work. Assuming that she had not been told, this one portrait sums up her profound psychological astuteness.
Martin Pick

Russia Today
The control room of 24-hour international, multilingual Russian television network Russia Today (RT). Photograph: Dzhavakhadze Zurab/ Dzhavakhadze Zurab/ITAR-TASS Photo/Corbis

It is a bit late in the day for Peter Horrocks to complain about BBC World Service underfunding in the face of ratcheted-up competition from Moscow and Beijing (World Service fears losing information war as Russia Today turns up the pressure, 22 December). When he appeared before the Commons foreign affairs committee on 9 March 2011 to explain the new BBC licence fee-funded regime for the World Service, MPs repeatedly offered to mount a campaign to help him to ask for a better settlement for the World Service. Horrocks as repeatedly declined their offers of support, insisting the BBC as a whole must accept funding reductions. That looks like a strategic error, as does the earlier closure of direct broadcasting to Russia and central Europe on the grounds that pluralism of communication and information was now freely available in those countries.

There is a source of funding readily available to the World Service – the huge annual underspend in the international aid budget. This should be made available to the World Service, not because it is deemed to make a contribution to development but because it serves the essential needs of listeners for unbiased information. BBC World Service is a broadcaster, not an aid agency, and should be funded as such. The World Service was never an arm of the Foreign Office. It must not become a division of overseas aid.
John Tusa
Managing director, BBC World Service 1986-92

You compare the BBC’s international activities, funding and audiences with those of its Russian counterparts. You say that the BBC World Service’s current global reach is 191 million. That figure is based on recent representative, quantitative research in many countries around the world. You say Russian Today claims “it can reach 700 million”. That is like saying the Grauniad can reach 64 million people in the UK. Both sentences are equally meaningless.

The one thing I do know is that Russia’s international broadcasting activities have never been very successful anywhere. In the Soviet days, surveys carried out in most countries showed tiny audiences for Radio Moscow. I think the only places where we ever found audiences of any significant size for Radio Moscow were where it broadcast in a language that other international broadcasters were not using; examples I remember were in India and west Africa. But all those modestly successful services were closed during the 1990s, when all state-funded Russian international broadcasting began to put a heavy emphasis on English. I have seen no evidence from anywhere that this move has been successful in audience terms.

Radio Moscow, now the Voice of Russia, and its TV counterparts, unlike the BBC, do not carry out any kind of regular audience measurement. So they have no idea about the size, nature or whereabouts of their audiences. My guess is that they are very small, and almost certainly smaller than they were in communist days.
Graham Mytton
Head of audience research, BBC World Service 1982-98

Your report raises the familiar issue of the competing obligations to domestic and foreign constituencies. The World Service is a huge asset doing generally excellent work. But why should home licence fee payers meet the bill for the provision of an international public good and/or a foreign policy instrument?

This dilemma was an all too predictable result of the decision to fund the World Service out of the licence fee. It is all very well to say now that this will help the BBC to defend the very principle of the licence fee, but that will not solve the problem of long-term resourcing. The answer is for the government to grasp the nettle of the need to fund external broadcasting by hypothecating a given amount out of general taxation to be ring-fenced within the BBC’s budget, thus preserving both journalistic independence and the resources necessary to do the job – which are very small beer in relation to, say, the defence budget.
Christopher Hill
Professor of international relations, University of Cambridge

Every day, and three times each day, I take the news from Russia Today, the BBC, ITN and Sky. The best for world coverage and the avoidance of patronising “human-interest” leads is RT. Though it is true that it gives the Russian angle on many stories – on which Sky is equally US-biased – much of the reporting is factual, broader than all the other channels, and pro-US interviews, critical of the Russian government, are often broadcast from the US. Your article quotes ex-RT broadcasters with clear axes to grind; the truth is that the depth and balance of RT are in many ways superior to our own BBC, which is often lazy, with stereotypical and predictable vox pop interviews and the shallowest of comment. The best news programme of all, however, is Channel Four News.
Ian Flintoff

I would not look to Russia Today to tell me what is going on in Russia, or to give a complete picture of what is going on in the wider world. Neither would I look to the BBC to tell me what is going on in this country or the wider world.

RT regularly gives information about important events that should be reported on the BBC but never are.
Brendan O’Brien

‘Margrethe Vestager has made clear that the commission is treating the LuxLeaks papers as ‘market information’ and is reviewing these tax rulings to decide whether or not they should be made the subject of further illegal state-aid cases.’ Photograph: Emmanuel Dunand/Getty

We deplore the decision by Luxembourg to bring criminal charges against someone they believe to be the whistleblower responsible for passing to the media confidential rulings awarded by the Luxembourg tax authorities (Report, 20 December). We believe these disclosures were manifestly in the public interest, helping to expose the industrial scale on which Luxembourg has sanctioned aggressive tax-avoidance schemes, draining huge sums from public coffers beyond its borders.

The so-called LuxLeaks papers have already forced senior Luxembourg politicians, past and present, to admit there is an urgent need to reform the way multinationals are taxed. The revelations have also transformed the international tax debate, prompting the finance ministers of France, Germany and Italy to write to the European commission calling for urgent action. In their words: “It is obvious that a turning point has been reached in the discussion on unfair tax competition … Since certain tax practices of countries and taxpayers have become public recently, the limits of permissible tax competition between member states have shifted. This development is irreversible.”

We believe this development is in large part thanks to the brave, public-spirited actions of an individual who ensured the contents of confidential tax rulings granted in Luxembourg became public. In contrast to his actions, Luxembourg has shown itself reluctant – up to this week – to disclose, even to the European commission, the criteria by which it offered businesses confidential tax rulings. Officials at the commission are tasked with ensuring such rulings do not constitute illegal state aid, and are already investigating whether Luxembourg rulings separately granted to subsidiaries of Amazon and Fiat violate state-aid laws.

Until last Thursday, Luxembourg had been firmly resisting what it told the European court of justice were speculative and disproportionate requests for information on its tax rulings from the commission. But now it has abruptly changed course and is complying with all requests. We believe this change is the result of the LuxLeaks scandal. Meanwhile, Margrethe Vestager, commissioner responsible for competition issues, has made clear that the commission is treating the LuxLeaks papers as “market information” and is actively reviewing these tax rulings to decide whether or not they should be made the subject of further illegal state-aid cases. While we understand and agree the rule of law must be observed, we note that Luxembourg prosecutors are required to have in mind whether or not the public interest is served by pursuing a criminal prosecution. We believe there is no public interest in prosecuting an individual suspected of bringing the LuxLeaks papers to the attention of the world.
Raymond Baker Global Financial Integrity
Jack A. Blum Tax Justice Network USA
José Bové French MEP (Green)
Franziska Brantner German MP (Green)
Richard Brooks Author
Prof A J Brown Griffith University
Terri Butler Australian MP (Labour)
John Christensen Tax Justice Network UK
Allison Christians McGill University
Frank Clemente Americans for Tax Fairness
Alex Cobham Centre for Global Development
Rosa L. DeLauro US Congresswoman (Democrat)
Karima Delli French MEP (Green)
Anneliese Dodds UK MEP (Labour)
Lloyd Doggett US Congressman (Democrat)
Rev Prof Andrew Dutney Uniting Church in Australia
Bas Eickhout Dutch MEP (Green)
Prof Peter Eigen Transparency International
Sven Giegold German MEP (Green)
Andrew Giles Australian MP (Labour)
Jesse Griffiths Eurodad
Gavin Hayman Global Witness
Nathaniel Heller Global Integrity
John Hilary War on Want
Martin Hojsik ActionAid International
Kelvin Hopkins UK MP (Labour)
Tim Hughes Involve
Yannick Jadot French MEP (Green)
Cathy James Public Concern at Work
Lord (Joel) Joffe UK member of upper house (Labour)
Eva Joly French MEP (Green)
Ged Kearney Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)
Paul Kenny GMB union
Dr Sheila Killian University of Limerick
Philippe Lamberts Belgian MEP (Green)
Archie Law ActionAid Australia
Mauricio Lazala Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
Daniel Lebegue Transparency International
Eric LeCompte Jubilee USA
Laetitia Liebert Sherpa
Caroline Lucas UK MP (Green)
Benoît Majerus University of Luxembourg
Adrienne Margolis Lawyers for Better Business
Sorley McCaughey Christian Aid Ireland
Len McCluskey Unite the union
Porter McConnell Coallition for Financial Transparency
John McDonnell UK MP (Labour)
Katherine McFate Center for Effective Government
Michael Meacher UK MP (Labour)
Austin Mitchell UK MP (Labour)
Richard Murphy Tax Research UK
Melissa Parke Australian MP (Labour)
Cedric Perrin French senator (UMP)
Prof Sol Picciotto Lancaster University
Bernard Pinaud CCFD-Terre Solidaire
Prof Thomas Pogge Yale University
Marc Purcell Australian Council for International Development
David Quentin Tax Justice Network UK
Michèle Rivasi French MEP (Green)
Friederike Roder ONE
Prof Tulio Rosembuj University of Barcelona
Molly Scott Cato UK MEP (Green)
Mark Serwotka PCS union
Nick Shaxon Author
Prof Prem Sikka University of Essex
Nick Smith UK MP (Labour)
Jim Stewart Trinity College, Dublin
Lord (Ben) Stoneham UK member of the upper house (Lib Dem)
Dr Andy Storey University College Dublin
Ernest Urtasun Spanish MEP (Green)
Tom van der Lee Oxfam Novib
Denis Vienot Justice et Paiz
Duncan Wigan Copenhagen Business School
Rebecca Wilkins FACT Coalition
Dan Wootton Uniting Church in Australia
Dr Mark Zirnsak Tax Justice Network Australia


So on “Panic Saturday” shoppers were expected to spend £1.2bn, this being contrasted with the 13 million Britons expected to spend Christmas in poverty (report, 20 December).

The growing gulf between haves and have-nots is also a big issue in many Western countries, such as in Germany where I am currently living, but we should recognise that the story does not stop there.  No, the goods bought with those £1.2bn are often sourced in ultra-low-cost countries where, in order to give consumers the lowest possible prices and to give importers/retailers the high margins they demand, goods are produced in sweat-shop conditions.

Then add to this the inherent cruelty in industrial meat production, energy requirements for production and transportation of goods, and endless, superfluous, plastic packaging and  you have a Christmas problem of proportions far beyond the issues covered in your report.

I don’t want to put a damper on Christmas, but surely the point of the whole celebration is to have a pleasant, reflective time with family and friends rather than to indulge in an orgy of consumption? And, unfortunately, no amount of tinsel will disguise the fact that excessive consumerism involves immoral, inhumane and damaging consequences.

Alan Mitcham
Cologne, Germany


Mike Stroud (letter,  22 December) contrasts the unmitigated greed shown by some people with those facing the Christmas festival in poverty, illustrating his point  by reference to a  gold-plated child’s car priced at £30,000.

Assuming his circumstances are similar to most people of average means, he can console himself that he doesn’t have to socialise with the truly awful types who would consider spending that amount of money on such trivial things.

Patrick Cleary
Honiton,  Devon


Keith Gilmour’s semantic objections to the current definition of “poverty” (letters, 22 December) centre on the peripheral, ignoring the benefits to social cohesion of understanding, and hopefully doing something about, the obscene gulf between rich and poor.

It matters not in the slightest whether the “poverty line” is set too high or too low, and even should one of his extreme examples come about (“if we could somehow double every income or if all the world’s billionaires were to suddenly relocate to Britain”) there would still be people in need, and in order to help, we would still need to know.

Eddie Dougall
Walsham le Willows, Suffolk


Keith Gilmour considers it “ludicrous” to believe that poverty will be reduced “if we just take huge sums of money from one group and hand them to another”.

Not half as ridiculous as the current regime of cutting welfare benefits and wages for the poor, presiding over an increase in zero-hours contracts, increasing indirect taxes (which disproportionately affect the least well-off) and continuing to allow multi-million pound bonuses and salaries in Britain’s corporate boardrooms and the City, while also cutting income tax for the super-rich. Could Mr Gilmour explain precisely how any of these policies will reduce poverty?

Pete Dorey


As a taxpayer I am really fed up with the benefit scroungers favoured by George Osborne.

Every business that does not pay a living wage is, and will continue to be, subsidised by our taxes, as long as Boy George keeps the minimum wage below the living wage.

He decries the deficit and insists on the need for austerity while seeing the only answer as a speedy return to the situation which led to the problem in the first place: excessive consumer credit, purchases and debt, fed by banks given free rein by ineffective regulation.

Malcolm MacIntyre-Read
Much Wenlock,  Shropshire


Give us buildings to delight the masses

As an academic who has spent much time in German universities dealing with the evolution of the modern urban environment and the place of architectural form within it, I must protest most strongly about the extremely intolerant and preconceived views expressed by architectural critics concerning the 10 geometric principles for urban design of the Prince of Wales (22 December).

I have long believed and taught that there have always existed certain natural aesthetic-cum-architectural formulations that rest more easily upon the eye of the human beholder than other more arbitrary concepts that have come about over the past 100 years. It really amazes me that so-called objective critics of our built surroundings are so obsessed with the status of Prince Charles that they seem oblivious to the fact that good urban design is not, and never has been, the absolute creature of governing elites. It is, rather, an intrinsic aspiration of the human condition and can be appreciated – if not always so easily achieved – by people with reasonable intelligence of every social degree.

If only the architectural and planning establishment in Great Britain would give up its narrow cultural prejudices about how it wants the future urban environment to unfold, and, as in Continental Europe, actually give the people of this country buildings and urban surroundings in which they could take a genuine delight. A more civilized lifestyle would be achieved for all.

John V N Soane


Prince Charles is regularly mocked for his views on architecture; yet his 10 “geometric principles”, tabulated in your newspaper, are very similar to the strictures of the architectural historian Alec Clifton-Taylor, who visited 18 English towns on BBC television between 1977 and 1984. Among  other things, Clifton-Taylor urged the use of local stone in old English towns.

Many people feel alienated by modern buildings, and by the way towns have been made to conform to the needs of car users.

John Dakin
Toddington, Bedfordshire


The NHS is superb value for money

I think we should begin to wonder why the Tory party appears to be so keen to undermine the NHS. Why do they keep saying it is too expensive and wasteful?

The net expenditure for 2013/14 was £109bn (NHS Confederation Key Statistics). For a population of 64 million this works out at £1,714 per head per year. This is less than other advanced European countries such as Germany and France. In comparison with the healthcare systems of 10 other countries (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the US) the NHS was found to be the most impressive overall by the Commonwealth Fund  in 2014.

There are savings which can be made. The NHS should not have to deal with the care of those elderly who are just frail. As a committed supporter of the NHS I feel that it should be paid for by ring-fenced increases in general taxation.

We should not despair or think that a great social experiment should be abolished. When we are sick, we are all equal.

Mary Leedham-Green
Woodford Green, Essex


Last week I had a urine infection, felt dizzy and passed out, somewhat foolishly, at the top of the stairs in my mother’s house. I woke up at the bottom, having broken her stairlift. She called the paramedics (as I’m deaf), who duly arrived and checked me over. I was then whisked off to Royal Derby hospital where I was treated with endless courtesy amid a battery of tests. Thankfully I had not broken or fractured any bones, but was detained overnight as a precaution.

The whole episode showed the NHS at its most professional and efficient, yet still caring. Do we really want to dismantle this for private profit predators whose smile is only as big as your wallet?

Paul Redfern
London N2


Due to a diligent GP, I was referred to A&E yesterday and spent six hours receiving a variety of tests and saw at first-hand that hard work and selfless attitude of NHS staff. The winter season is not yet in full swing but they coped well, as lack of staff and equipment seem major problems; there are masses of vacancies in London NHS. Those on duty last night were on 12-hour shifts. In a pressurised environment this is just  too much.

Reform can be a good thing if you take all interested parties with you. It will ultimately fail if you don’t. Therein lies the problem; government wants a failing service. We will never replicate A&E in a market-driven world – we will do well to remember that.

Gary Martin
London E17


Is Nigel Farage for real?

The Independent has an excellent history of creating fictitious columnists – Bridget Jones, Cooper Brown and Talbot Church spring to mind. Am I alone in realising the weekly column by Nigel Farage is another spoof? Or have I made a terrible mistake?

David Walker
Sittingbourne, Kent



Sir, If it is true, as you suggest (Leader, Dec 20), that (senior) civil servants are not good at “getting things done”, then the role, organisation and recruitment of civil servants needs a thorough examination, since “getting things done” for ministers is their job.

It is very true, as you say, that a good special adviser can be an asset, though it is not so difficult to “get things done” in Whitehall if one has the immediate ear and backing of a dynamic secretary of state. It may be even truer that things are generally better done if they are first critically examined by the people who will actually be responsible for doing them.

Many of the administrative messes of the past 30 years might have been avoided if the procedures had been more thorough, less dynamic, and less punctuated by backstairs chatter between political advisers and the press — accompanied, it must be said, by constant slander of the civil service.

John Rimington
London N5
Sir, Is Britain better governed as a result of the work of more than 100 special advisers to ministers? No one knows (“Special Forces”, leader, Dec 20). A rigorous independent study of their contribution to government is badly needed. That should be followed by cross-party agreement on an upper limit to their numbers and by the establishment of a simple and transparent set of criteria that they would need to meet before being considered for appointment. Allowing ministers to appoint whomsoever they wish is hardly a satisfactory basis for good government.

To complement the work of career civil servants, special advisers need a firm understanding of the policies of the political party whose interests they are helping their ministers to advance.

That is unlikely to be available to those whose political education has been derived principally from a lobbying or public relations organisation.

On the Tory side, many of the best special advisers have been graduates of the Conservative Research Department. It was there that both the current prime minister and chancellor served their apprenticeships. So too did Nick Timothy and Stephen Parkinson, whose work is highly valued by the home secretary (“Cameron approved removal of May’s aides from candidate list”, Dec 20).

Lord Lexden
(Deputy director, Conservative Research Department 1985-97)
House of Lords

Sir, I have no problem with Mr Cameron barring Mrs May’s aides from becoming Conservative parliamentary candidates.

I hope he will go further and legislate for all aides to be banned from standing, regardless of party, unless they have worked a minimum of five years outside the Westminster bubble between advising and standing. We need to change the parliamentary system and that will only start when we change the people.

Richard Bailey
Ryde, Isle of Wight

Sir, Michael Savage writes of today’s increasing use of “spads” by ministers (News, Dec 19) as “special advisers”. In my field, a “spad” is the acronym for “signal passed at danger”. How exquisitely appropriate.

Kevin Carleton-Reeves
(Safety consultant, railways)
London SE19

Sir, You conclude (Leader, Dec 23) that “Mr Clegg has put country before party”. Is this not the test which every voter should apply at next year’s election?
Peter Rossdale

Newmarket, Suffolk

Sir, At several restaurant celebrations this year, I have noticed the tendency for revellers to sport special Christmas jumpers. Should the collective noun be a “fright” of jumpers?
Anneke Berrill
London N1

Sir, Richard Crampton’s article “The bonds of marriage: no stronger than a strip of tinsel” (Dec 23) is very sad. It is interesting, though, to note that “tinsel” contains three Christian words, “Silent, Listen, Enlist”. If taken seriously, these could lead to a rethink by those people whose marriages are in trouble this Christmas time.
The Rev Allan Bowers
Sidmouth, Devon

Sir, Apropos the letter from Julian Peel Yates (Dec 23). I married the daughter of an earl who has the courtesy title of lady. If there were equality between the sexes I would be Lord Julia. Perhaps I will suffer the inequality.
Robert Hiscox
Marlborough, Wilts

Sir, Kaya Burgess is right (TMS, Dec 22). Each year “distinguished graduates” on the special University Challenge embarrass themselves with their seeming lack of knowledge. When you realise that many of the contestants have responsible posts in government and business, it is rather worrying.

Dennis Foster
Tockwith, N Yorks


Halal meat in a butcher's window, London

Halal meat in a butcher’s window, London Photo: ALEX SEGRE/ALAMY

SIR – Jews have always labelled food (Shoppers will be told how their meat has been killed). Our strict system of supervision ensures that meat labelled kosher is kosher and meat labelled beef is in fact beef.

Shechita conforms entirely to the EU definition of stunning: “any intentional process that causes a loss of consciousness and sensibility without pain, including any process resulting in instantaneous death.” So labelling meat stunned or unstunned would be misleading.

What Huw Irranca-Davies, the shadow environment minister, suggests is fair and would be informative. Consumers should know whether their meat has been shot by a bolt, asphyxiated by gas, electrocuted by tongs or water or slaughtered by the Shechita or Zabiha methods.

Jews do not say a prayer when slaughtering an animal. Nor do we claim that Shechita “kills animals instantly”. Scientific evidence bears out that Shechita does what the law requires; that the animal is rendered insensible to pain without unnecessary suffering, something that the approved mechanical methods do not.

Henry Grunwald
Chairman, Shechita UK
London NW5

SIR – The British Veterinary Association is heartened by “the clearest signal yet” that the Government will introduce labelling to inform consumers about whether products come from animals that were “stunned” or “non-stunned” before slaughter.

But we emphasise that this is not a matter of “compulsory labelling of halal or kosher products”. The issue is animal welfare at slaughter, not religious practice or preference. Compulsory labelling of products as halal and kosher would do nothing to inform the public about animal welfare concerns, and could fuel prejudice.

The British Veterinary Association campaigns for all animals to be pre-stunned before slaughter to render them insensible to pain until death supervenes. But if non-stun slaughter is to continue we must have clearer labelling.

It is important that the issue of welfare at slaughter is not hijacked by other agendas and the clear, simple labelling being suggested by George Eustice, the environment minister, keeps the sole issue of animal welfare to the fore. We believe this is a step in the right direction for consumers who care about the welfare of animals when they purchase meat and fish.

John Blackwell
President, British Veterinary Association
London W1

SIR – If shoppers are to be informed as to how their meat is killed, will this include a note hung round a pheasant’s neck, “I was shot while fleeing for my life,” and a notice on supermarket fish counters: “Most of us were hauled out of the water and simply left to die slowly and painfully by asphyxiation”?

Martin Jarvis
Abingdon, Oxfordshire

North Korea’s fears

SIR – It is unlikely that the North Koreans care twopence what we think (Letters, December 21).

The most probable reason for the regime allegedly causing Sony to pull The Interview is that the North Korean people might find it funny, making them subversive.

Christopher Macy
Wellingore, Lincolnshire

SIR – The Sony imbroglio – cyber attack, weird dictator, vendetta, blackmail, capitulation – has all the makings of a Hollywood movie. Is somebody making it?

Dr John Doherty
Vienna, Austria

The Forces we need

Michael Fallon during a visit to soldiers from Army Reserves based in Wiltshire (Richard Watt/MoD)

SIR – Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, states: “Our Armed Forces should reflect the society they serve”. I was under the impression that they were there to protect the society they serve. Armed Forces that truly reflected our society would be somewhat less than effective.

John Kellie
Pyrford, Surrey

Hospital firefighting

SIR – Can an impending collapse of the overheated emergency admission system be avoided? Maybe, but imbalance between supply and demand is no longer seasonal. It is an all-year-round phenomenon, experienced by Trusts across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The annual “winter pressures” ritual fits a diversionary blame game, exaggerating British weather (rarely exceptional), invoking phantom flu epidemics and Norovirus (real but manageable), and rounded off by predictable pleas of insoluble staff shortages.

Crisis cash injections are then dissipated into high-cost, low-efficiency firefighting measures, with temporary beds, overpriced locums, agency nurses and a growing gravy train of interim managers.

Community services are typically commissioned with over-optimistic performance projections, but they far from compensate for the long-term reduction in beds at NHS acute hospitals.

Strategies to keep older patients out of hospital are well-intentioned but flawed. Elderly emergency admissions are characterised by complex multiple problems demanding humane, efficient, rapid access to skilled diagnostic and treatment facilities, followed by safe early discharge with appropriate integrated health and social care community support.

Too many older patients in the first 24 hours are frenetically shunted, three times or more, between different components of the excessively crowded emergency admission system. This adds disorientation to their distress and generates errors by a fragmentation of medical and nursing care.

The NHS could do without major reorganisation, but needs stability, intelligent implementation of healthy reform and wiser budgeting of its finite taxpayer funding.

Dr John J Turner
Blundellsands, Liverpool

SIR – In considering university degrees for nurses, it should be noted that accountancy became a graduate profession some decades ago but reverted to employing articled clerks (apprentices in Scotland) straight from school, as well as graduates – with no reported ill-effects.

John Birkett
St Andrews, Fife

Knight companion

SIR – Had Sir Elton John married a woman, she would have been accorded the courtesy title of “Lady John”. What, I wonder, is the male equivalent?

Diana Jones
London N12

Next year’s name

SIR – I agree with Carol Chadwick that, in normal conversation, no one refers to the year 1914 as “nineteen hundred and fourteen”. This is because the “hundred” is assumed in that context.

However, in no normal circumstance would the term “twenty hundred” be used. So the correct way to articulate the year 2015 is “two thousand and fifteen”.

Gerald Burnett
Richmond, North Yorkshire

Remote home

SIR – My wife keeps putting the remote control for the television on the television.

It would help me so much to know that I am not alone in this plight, because I don’t know how much more I can take.

David Watt
Oakley, Buckinghamshire

Facing Freeman

SIR – In your obituary of John Freeman you spoke of his power as an interviewer, and rightly so.

In his interview of John Huston, the director stayed my hand (as the vision mixer at the time) at inter-cutting and held a superb low, half-profile shot of Huston’s craggy face for eight minutes.

How many would dare to do so today, given the self-importance of so many interviewers?

John Allen
Irthlingborough, Northamptonshire

Silence by numbers

SIR – The elimination of phone coverage black spots on trains would be double-edged.

While I was travelling from London to Birmingham recently, a particularly loud passenger in the seat in front gave her phone number to the listener at the other end. I seized the opportunity, scribbled her number in the margin of my Telegraph and then texted her asking if she always shouted down the phone.

It all went very quiet after that and I was able to peruse my paper in peace.

Cormac Mac Crann
Cranbrook, Kent

Spruce up your health with a real Christmas tree

A ‘Christmas tree worm’ protruding from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia (Getty Images)

SIR – All types of natural Christmas tree – spruce, Noble, Nordman, pine – exude resins that enrich our environment.

They contain terpenes (natural antibacterials used for centuries to heal wounds) and propolis (a powerful antibiotic used by bees to protect their hives and coat their honeycombs).

A living tree, when it has served its purpose, takes just a few months to decompose. An artificial tree will take 22 million years.

Alan York
Sheffield, South Yorkshire

SIR – Clementines may have overtaken satsumas as the most popular Christmas fruit but what happened to the tangerine?

In both taste and smell it is far superior to the other two varieties.

Les Sharp
Hersham, Surrey

SIR – Why does chocolate money, a favourite stocking filler, no longer have the Queen’s head on it?

Marks & Spencer, for example, are selling chocolate euro coins.

Carolyn Martin
Winchester, Hampshire

SIR – Martin Moyes asks if there is anything that doesn’t count as “Christmassy”. In Superdrug last week I noticed that every item bore a placard describing it as “Festive” – including the toilet rolls.

Anne Osborne
Ringwood, Hampshire

SIR – A small Christmas cake my wife purchased has the following important serving instructions: “Remove ribbon. Place on a flat surface. Slice using a sharp long-bladed knife in a vertical direction. Repeat across cake. Turn cake 90 degrees and slice again in a vertical direction to create rectangular portions.”

Unfortunately they neglected to include instructions on how to eat the cake.

Geoffrey Aldridge
Wingrave, Buckinghamshire

SIR – I was both appalled and amused by the politically correct edition of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen printed in our church hymn book. It replaced “gentlemen” with “gentlefolk”.

Alice Roberts
Kineton, Warwickshire

SIR – As I have grown older I have noticed that the quality of the presents I receive from my children has improved.

Presumably they hope to inherit them.

John Griffin
Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire

Globe and Mail:   (Brian Gable/The Globe and Mail)

George Caron

As a prison warden, I learned that solitary is no solution

Irish Times:

Sinn Féin and the Ceann Comhairle

Sir, – I feel so sorry for Gerry Adams (December 23rd). Ever since Joan Burton asked him some embarrassingly personal questions he seems to have taken umbrage at the Ceann Comhairle’s lack of support. He could put a stop to this nonsense by choosing to answer questions without breaking into questions of his own – a tiresome stunt which doesn’t fool anyone, inside or outside the Dáil. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 5.

Sir, – Gerry Adams and Sinn Fein seem to have a problem with the behaviour of the Ceann Comhairle on procedural issues. There are procedural issues within any democratic parliament, and you change them or abide by them. Mr Adams should not come come crying to The Irish Times every time someone runs away with the ball. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 13.

Sir, – Many people in the last weeks have called for the introduction of cameras to ensure that what happened at Áras Attracta does not happen again. Newspaper reports suggest that the HSE is investigating the cost of this option. While this might seem an obvious way to prevent the kind of physical abuse we witnessed, it is yet another erosion of the human rights of these residents. Unless every corner of their home (and we should remember that this is someone’s home) is covered, it will not prevent recurrence. How many of us would allow CCTV in our bedrooms, our bathrooms?

There is a cultural change needed. The “service provider” mentality needs to change completely. The move from congregated settings to smaller units is meaningless without a complete change of thinking. People with disabilities are not commodities, to be moved from one setting to another to reflect current thinking. They are individuals, with the right to be supported according to their needs. There needs to be real choice about where to live, who to live with, how to spend time and how the funds allocated are spent.

This will only happen with full individualised funding. People who have a choice may not choose to spend all their days in a chair. The irony of choosing a person to lead the investigation who has a vested interest in the “service provider” system cannot be overstated.

We need closer links between vulnerable adults and their advocates, whether they are family members, friends or professional advocates. Advocacy services need to be strengthened, and to have a right to access vulnerable adults, rather than having to depend on the cooperation of the services.

People need to be supported to communicate, and to make as many choices as they can about their life. Speech and language therapy advice should be sought to set up supportive communication environments with alternative and augmentative communication where needed. Ensuring the absence of physical abuse is necessary, but in no way sufficient to allow people to thrive. A complete change of focus, rather than tinkering around the edges is needed. People who have lived in this type of environment, even without the physical and emotional abuse filmed, will require considerable rehabilitation to reach the point where choices can be made.

If you have been unable to decide even which chair you sit in, it is unrealistic to have someone come in and ask where or how you would like to live. Investment in advocacy services and speech and language therapy services focused on creating a positive, responsive communication environment will be essential. The absence of abuse is not enough.

A robust complaints system independent of the service is needed. Too many families are silent because they are afraid they will be asked to leave the service, and are unable to provide the 24-hour care needed at home. Every complaint needs to be taken seriously and investigated.

We welcome the steps taken towards strengthening advocacy and complaints systems in the last two weeks, but argue that they need to go much further. – Yours, etc,



Speech and language

therapists and advocates,

Down Syndrome Ireland,

Citylink Business Park,

Old Naas Road, Dublin 12.

Sir, – Thank you for publishing Fintan O’Toole’s memory of his knitted circus (“When I close my eyes and think of Christmas”, Opinion & Analysis, December 23rd). I smiled as I read the wonderfully captured colour and magic of a child’s innocent delight; and then, as only a great writer can do, he rekindled my memory of a home-made cavalry fort complete with “millions” (probably hundreds) of cocktail sticks painstakingly glued around the external wall as logs. How many hours did my hard-working father spend up to his elbows in Evostick to produce that effect? The uniqueness of that toy made me feel very special and obviously someone that Santy held in high regard.

There’s a funny kind of sadness around Christmas. I treasure my own two daughters now, but wish they could have known their remarkable, gentle grandfather Paddy. So, thank you Irish Times, thank you Fintan and thanks Dad. – Yours, etc,


Fairview, Dublin 3.

Sir, – Further to the letter by David Herman (December 22nd), far from “asserting” that anyone “wanted” to trespass on suburban gardens, I was poking fun at the inconsistencies of those in leafy suburbs who see no contradiction between keeping people out of their gardens and tennis courts with dogs, cameras and alarms while loudly insisting on their “rights” to march over mostly peasant-owned land. The underlying principle appears to be a curiously socialist belief in compulsory sharing of privately owned amenities, secure in the knowledge that they will never be expected to reciprocate.

Ireland certainly is different from many other European countries – rightly or wrongly, we have much more one-off housing than most other countries. Aside from parts of a few counties such as Wicklow, Mayo, Kerry, etc, there simply aren’t the swathes of remote land that you find in many other countries. In many northern and midland counties in particular, go a few hundred yards in any direction and you’re on top of another house. This pattern of rural housing development and small farm sizes means that much of our land is unsuitable for rambling. It’s not the Scottish highlands; it’s not northern Sweden.

Further, the far bigger issue is the chronic political failure to designate more areas as national parkland. It’s startling that Yorkshire has more national parkland than the whole of Ireland put together (Northern Ireland has none). In this context, off-loading the amenity access issue to private landowners is a cop-out to excuse continuing Government inaction on the issue. But then again, you can’t be having too much parkland when there’s all that fracking to be done. – Yours, etc,


Trillick, Co Tyrone.

Sir, – I’m reminded of the farmer who put the the following notice on his gate, “Entry to field free but bull may charge later”. – Yours, etc,


Beaumont, Dublin 9.

Sir, – I’ve enjoyed the debate on these pages about walking, cycling, tourism and property rights. It has certainly opened my eyes to the legitimate fears and gripes of farmers and the frustrations felt by ramblers who feel stymied by obdurate property owners. Whichever side of the debate we come down on, I hope we can all agree that there is nothing like a brisk walk to shed those extra Christmas pounds. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.

Sir, – I watched our distinguished Senators debate for many hours the water services Bill.

An inelegant display of showboating and pomposity by a number of them convinced me of the following: the Taoiseach was correct in seeking to have this assembly of privilege abolished; I should get out more often. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.

Sir, – A number of commentators have begun to question why the most striking Irish popular reaction to austerity has come against the relatively minor imposition of the Irish Water charges.

In his letter, Felix M Larkin (December 23rd) puts the public anger evident at demonstrations across the country in the context of a “revolution of rising expectations”.

In other words, an improving economy and the perception that things are getting better has actually provoked this mass revolt.

Might it be closer to the truth to suggest that the imposition of the Irish Water charges has simply come to many people as the final straw?

Granted, there were no public protests when the bankers were bailed out or the troika came to Dublin, nor following the imposition of the universal social charge or local property tax.

For many people, though, the sight of water meters being installed in their estates and neighbourhoods has resulted in a very visible indication of how austerity has impacted upon their lives. That, and the stories we have read about the bonuses being paid to Irish Water executives.

It’s not that the Irish Water charges are seen as any more unfair than the other austerity measures imposed over the past six years, but people had to reach breaking point in terms of paying for the sins of a tiny elite at some stage.

Strangely, at any of the Irish Water protests I have attended in recent months, I have yet to hear anyone express the opinion that the perception that things were improving had provoked them to revolution. – Yours, etc,




Sir, – The old Irish phrase “uisce faoi thalamh” really came into its own this year. According to the sources, while it literally means “water under the ground”, it actually refers to a conspiracy! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.

A chara, – Your columnist Laura Kennedy (“Why I’m searching for a sense of self at Al-Anon meetings”, December 18th) has done a great service to many families in the lead-up to Christmas. While a joyous time for many, it is difficult and challenging for others. However, Ms Kennedy explained in dignified fashion how she addresses her own family problems, through Al-Anon, and so how there is hope for many who are troubled by relatives with unacceptable behaviour. With great clarity and respect, she showed a way to manage a “sense of grief and disappointment”, to move to knowing unconditional love and self-worth. This was an exceptionally good article and provided great comfort for many. – Is mise,


Rathgar, Dublin 6.

Sir, – The current misuse of the political label of “Independents” by the media and the general public is not only misleading but incorrect.

Apart from the facts that a high proportion of our “Independents” are people who have either been expelled or rejected by their mainstream political parties, the reality is that our electoral system does not permit the election of anyone under the label of Independent. Instead, aspiring politicians who have campaigned under such banners are, rather paradoxically, renamed as “non-party” when it comes to their identification on the ballot paper.

It is not only insulting to those who genuinely do not wish to be associated with current political parties to be labelled as “non-party”, it is also confusing for the electorate. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.

Sir, – Something is rotten in the state of Ireland. We’re well on the way to having a labour force comprised exclusively of IT geeks and financial bean counters.

While universities promote recruitment fairs for IT, science, engineering and business studies students, they do virtually nothing for their arts and humanities students.

With universities uninterested, is it any wonder that employers put so little value on an arts and humanities degree?

But what a loss this is to employers and to the country generally. Bright students can’t find work because employers are blinkered to the value of diversity and creativity that arts and humanities students can bring.

Once upon a time a general education was seen as a strength, but not anymore. We’re now living in the land of the one-trick pony! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.

Sir, – Further to the letter by Patrick Hastings (December 20th), I am also a dissatisfied prize bond customer and I suspect one of many.

I have been buying prize bonds in small amounts since 1987 and when I recently tried to reinvest a €50 prize using their cheque, I received a letter requesting various proofs and my PRSI number and quoting money-laundering legislation. I pointed out to it that the legislation does not require this in my case and that according to, it is not entitled to request my PRSI number.

After further correspondence, the matter is now with its “resolution team” and I await developments. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – Lucille Redmond’s “An Irishwoman’s Diary” (December 9th) mentions CR Fletcher as joint author with Rudyard Kipling, of a history textbook which gave an unflattering portrait of the Irish population. The same CR Fletcher wrote an earlier (1907) Introduction to the History of England which was severely criticised by Mary Hayden for its biased treatment of Irish history.

Hayden was to become, in 1911, the first professor of modern Irish history in University College Dublin. Fletcher was a fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. In a series of three articles published in the English magazine the Sphere, in August-September 1908, Hayden described Fletcher’s writing on Ireland as reckless, improbable and factually inaccurate, quoting Alice Stopford Green, and others such as Kuno Meyer, in refutation, and citing earlier sources including Spenser, Fynes Moryson and the Annals of the Four Masters. Hayden concluded her series, called “Irish history as she is written”, by questioning whether Fletcher’s representation of the Irish population as ignorant savages was either judicious or conducive to good feeling between the peoples of the two countries, in a work written for the future men and women of England. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – On November 29th I was part of a group from the Irish Vintage Radio and Sound Society that visited the decommissioned RTÉ Radio station in Athlone.

We were flabbergasted to see the full 1932 100kW Marconi transmitter in pristine condition and looking like it had just been switched off the day before. We believe that this is the only intact transmitter of its type still existing on its original site anywhere in the world. In Britain there were about 20 stations similar to the Athlone one but unfortunately none has been preserved. This is a very important part of the radio heritage of Ireland and is a true gem that must be cherished.

It was truly fantastic to discover what was hiding behind the “Athlone” on the radio dial. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 24.

Sir, – Who on earth dreams up these Christmas television advertisements? Cue happy domestic scene. Cue anticipation of someone arriving, maybe even Santa Claus. Cue tinkling music.

Then cue snowflakes.

Why snow, for heaven’s sakes? Snow is cold, wet and miserable. People slip and fall on snow-covered footpaths. Snow causes traffic chaos.

Besides, it is very difficult to park a sleigh on a snow-covered roof. Let’s slay the snow, I say! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.

Irish Independent:

Simple message for Christmas is worth more than gifts

Letters to the Editor

Published 24/12/2014 | 02:30

Messages and cards in the doorway where Jonathan  Corrie died on Molesworth Street, Dublin. Photo: Frank Mc Grath
Messages and cards in the doorway where Jonathan Corrie died on Molesworth Street, Dublin. Photo: Frank Mc Grath

Tomorrow, Christmas Day, many people will exchange gifts, some doing so in the traditional manner, emulating the Three Wise Men who presented gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the child in the manger. Others will do so for no particular reason other than it is what is done every year.

Totally overlooked, in a society that is no longer God-orientated, is the fact that over 2000 years ago, God sent a present, or gift, to all mankind in the form of his son, Jesus.

It can be said, without fear of contradiction, that this one person’s enormous impact on the world has never been equalled, or even slightly encroached upon by any other single person, regardless of their achievements.

All he did in the final three years of his life on Earth was to encourage us to be charitable to one another and by doing so reap the reward of eternal life after death. For bringing that message to humankind he was sentenced to death by a mob which had the freedom of choice – and chose the evil of Barabas.

Weak-minded humanity fails to recognise the fact that God, despite not making his presence visible, has always been active sending messages and gifts carried by every single baby that is born – and that includes you, dear reader.

A few of God’s gift-bearers have been John Logie Baird (inventor of television), Alexander Graham Bell (inventor of the telephone), Alexander Fleming (discovery of penicillin) and Karl Benz (the creator of the first automobile).

Some examples of message bearers are Nobel Peace Prize-winner Malala Yousafzai, who has called for the right of all children to a proper education; Wolfgang Borchert, a young German soldier/poet who wrote the powerful anti-war poem ‘No’; and someone we in Ireland should know, homeless man Jonathan Corrie (RIP) who had to die on a doorstep, just metres from Dail Eireann, to convey his message: ‘Every single person should be given a chance.’

Perhaps this Christmas Day, you could ponder on what message, or gift, you bear for humankind.

Patrick Murray

Dundrum, Dublin 14

A truce on Christmas Day

My dad made a ritual of carving the Christmas turkey. Usually, he’d have started on the first glass of wine after the presents were opened.

By the time the turkey came to the table, he was Caesar in the forum, wobbling, but full of confidence and authority. His own mother would give a running commentary on the quality of the tipsy butcher’s efforts. “Your father could cut slices as big as a hand. It looks like it’s shedding feathers, those whispy slices wouldn’t fill a tooth.”

She could keep it going. I’d notice the crimson colour rising over his shirt collar but somehow he kept calm. Then he once said this:

“I could get mad and then you would be sad. Or you could get mad and I’d be sad. Why not let us both be glad, for all we knew and all that we had.”

It made for a kind of Christmas truce. I did note from that Christmas on we always had goose.

T Gerard

Dalkey, Co Dublin

Home thoughts from abroad

I couldn’t agree more with Tara Monaghan’s letter to Enda Kenny (Irish Independent, Monday December 22).

I myself have just come home for the fourth Christmas through one of London’s airports. I am staying for two weeks but I too will see tears again in my mother’s eyes upon leaving and hopeful promises from my dad about the economy.

In permanent employment as a construction manager, a day doesn’t go by without a comment on my accent or pronunciation. I have just chosen to opt out of my company pension as I don’t know if I can withdraw it whenever I move home. I wonder too if I will ever get to move home.

I’m not prepared to move home for a few weeks’ work because, like Tara and so many others, getting set up away from home takes a lot of hard work and you end up leaving people behind that you have helped – and can help – in everyday life.

Eddie Kelly

London/Co Kilkenny

My wonderful life in care home

My name is Mary Fox and I live in the CASA (Caring and Sharing Association) Respite Home in Malahide, and because of the RTE Investigations Unit programme on ‘Bungalow 3’, I wanted to give my very positive experience of living in care to assure people that not all care centres function in such an awful, degrading fashion.

Since the programme – which was very upsetting to watch – institutional care is now being questioned, and rightly so for people with family members in care.

I just wanted to tell of my experience, the exact opposite to what we saw on our TV screens. My career was nursing. But I was diagnosed with MS in 1982 and have gradually, over the years, lost my ability to do things for myself. At this point I can do nothing with my hands or feet, but my mind remains as good as it ever was.

I can speak of my experience in the CASA house. I have PA care every day and am still in charge of my life; what I wear, where I want to go and what I want to eat. I experience only love and care in the house and I take full part in all meetings, outings and the entire goings on.

The CASA house is a respite home (a family-type set up and a home from home for people with disability).

The emphasis isn’t only on being care-givers and service users, but is very much based on friendships, love, care, sharing of our time, respect, dignity, fun and building genuine relationships. One of my fears when I was diagnosed with MS was that when I reached the point where I couldn’t do anything for myself that I would be left in the corner to wilt away. That, thankfully, has never happened to me. I, through the loving care I get in the CASA house and the love and care I give to others, am such a part of everything, just as everyone else is too. I have to say I am very, very happy.

Mary Fox

CASA Respite Home, Malahide,

Co Dublin

Your letters ‘tell the truth’

I have just read the letter of the day (The working poor of Ireland’, Irish Independent, December 22, 2014) and it was excellent. I am a big fan of the letters page because, well, speaking plainly, you have the guts to print the truth.

Michael Coffey

Harolds Cross, Dublin

Don’t forget to close the gate

Reading that it is a two-mile hike from the bottom gate to the front door of the main house on Castlemartin Estate, it occurred to me to be one helluva walk back if someone forgot to close the gate behind them.

Tom Gilsenan

Beaumont D9

Consigning hunts to the past

Tis the Season to be jolly – sadly not for the fox. This wild dog of the countryside gets such a raw deal at Christmas. Over the festive holiday, hunts will be out in force.

Even when I don’t see an actual hunt in action at this time of year, I do notice hunt scenes on hotel walls (murals or prints of old paintings), and on some Christmas cards and table mats. These display all the pomp and ceremony of the chase.

I have no problem with these depictions, because that is where foxhunting belongs – in pictures of our colourful and murky past.

John Fitzgerald

Callan, Co Kilkenny

Irish Independent


December 23, 2014


Off to with Mary to the clinic not too bad thought it would be more crowded. Back in five weeks.


Billie Whitelaw – obituary

Billie Whitelaw was an actress and muse of the surrealist playwright Samuel Beckett who terrified as the hellish nanny in ‘The Omen’

 'Knock on any Door: The Ballad of Queenie Swann'   TV Billie Whitelaw as Queenie Swann

Billie Whitelaw as Queenie Swann in ITV drama The Ballad of Queenie Swann  Photo: ITV/REX

Billie Whitelaw, who has died aged 82, was one of the most intelligent and versatile actresses of her generation. She came to prominence in the post-war fashion for social realism, though she made her name in the surrealistic drama of Samuel Beckett, for whom she was the “perfect actress”. The role that propelled her to worldwide fame, however, was that of Mrs Baylock, the sinister nanny and protectress of the devil-child Damien in the blockbuster horror film The Omen (1976).

If she never reached the front rank of British cinema, her forthright personality and north country vitality made their mark alongside Albert Finney in such films as Charlie Bubbles and Gumshoe. In the 1950s and 1960s her face became fondly familiar in television drama – she was named actress of the year in 1961 and 1972.

On the stage, her acting achieved lasting status in the works of Beckett. The playwright was so deeply affected by her voice as the Second Woman in Play (Old Vic, 1964) that he resolved to write a piece for her: the 17-minute monologue Not I (Royal Court, 1973 and 1975).

When she had played that twice to immense acclaim he wrote another, Footfalls. Thus she came to be considered as the leading exponent of Beckett’s “minimalist” dramas; and under his supervision went on to play Winnie, the woman buried in sand, in Happy Days (Royal Court, 1979) and was appointed in 1993 Annenberg/Beckett Fellow at Reading University.

Not I was probably Billie Whitelaw’s most celebrated performance, because on an otherwise blacked-out stage only her mouth was visible. She compared the acting experience to “falling backwards into hell”.

When she first saw the script – the fragmented, breathless, babbling discourse of a crazed old Irish crone recalling her life and assorted experiences in the silent presence of a shadowy, cowled, father-confessor figure – the actress told the author: “You’ve finally done it. You’ve written the unlearnable and you’ve written the unplayable.” Later she asked Beckett whether the character – known as Mouth in the cast list – was meant to be dead or alive. He replied: “Let’s just say you’re not quite there.”

An intellectually unpretentious Yorkshirewoman who prided herself on plainness of speech, Billie Whitelaw confessed herself “very embarrassed” whenever she read in print that Samuel Beckett claimed to have had her voice in mind while writing this or that passage. His death, in 1989, affected her so acutely that she referred to it as “an amputation”. Though she would never perform his plays again, she kept his memory alive with a series of one-woman lecture tours to various American colleges – even if the stage fright that had often threatened to cripple her acting career never left her.

“I’ve never really felt like a proper actress,” she once told an interviewer. “I still feel like that six-year-old girl who was frightened when the bombs were raining down out of the sky in Coventry.” She was always happiest at her cottage in Suffolk, chosen specifically for its remoteness from London life.

WIth Gregory Peck as Robert Thorn in The Omen (REX)

Billie Honor Whitelaw was born in Coventry on June 6 1932 and educated at Thornton Grammar School, Bradford, after her family moved north to escape the German bombs. Her father, Perceval, died of lung cancer when she was 10 and Billie’s mother, Frances, encouraged the diffident child to join a drama group as a way of building her confidence and alleviating a nervous stutter.

After a stint as an assistant stage manager in repertory, where she hoped that one day she might become “a song and dance person”, she made her first acting appearance in Pink String and Sealing Wax (Prince’s, Bradford, 1950) and her London debut as Victoire in Feydeau’s Hotel Paradiso (Winter Garden, 1954), repeating the role at Oxford Playhouse two seasons later.

With Joan Littlewood’s Theatre Workshop at the Theatre Royal Stratford East, Billie came to critical attention as Mag Keenan, the Roman Catholic heroine of Alun Owen’s north country working-class comedy Progress to the Park, which transferred to the West End (Saville, 1961). After heading the Keith Waterhouse-Willis Hall revue England Our England (Princess Theatre, now Shaftesbury), she played Sara in Eugene O’Neill’s A Touch of the Poet, which toured to the Venice and Dublin theatre festivals in 1962.

Joining Laurence Olivier’s newly established National Theatre Company at the Old Vic in 1963, she acted the Second Woman in Beckett’s Play; Franceschina in the Jacobean drama The Dutch Courtesan at the Chichester festival, where she also played Desdemona to Olivier’s Othello; and at the Old Vic in 1965 she played Maggie to Michael Redgrave’s Hobson in Hobson’s Choice.

When the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Aldwych production of David Mercer’s After Haggerty moved into the West End (Criterion, 1971), Billie Whitelaw took over the role of Claire. Two years later Beckett wrote Not I for her.

As Mouth in ‘Not I’

After repeating the role of Mouth at the Royal Court two years later, she played the amiable, easy-going provincial newspaper librarian in Michael Frayn’s comedy Alphabetical Order (Hampstead and Mayfair) before interpreting another of Beckett’s anguished characters, May, again written for her, in Footfalls (Royal Court, 1976), spectrally communing with the ghost of her mother. Following a spell as the gin-soaked Moll in Simon Gray’s Molly (Comedy), a reworking of the Alma Rattenbury murder case of the 1930s, she returned to the Royal Court in 1979 as Winnie in a revival of Beckett’s Happy Days, with her waist – and, in the second half, her whole body – immersed in sand.

In John Barton’s adaptation for the RSC of The Greeks (Aldwych, 1980), Whitelaw played Andromache, Athena and the Chorus Woman; then it was back to Beckett in two short plays, Rockaby and Enough at the National Theatre (Cottesloe, 1982). The following year she was acclaimed for her role in Christopher Hampton’s Tales from Hollywood (Olivier, 1983).

Away from the theatre, she was best remembered for her role in Alfred Hitchcock’s penultimate feature film Frenzy (1972), and for her chilling performance in The Omen as Mrs Baylock, described by one critic as “hell’s version of Nurse Ratched”. The latter role won her an Evening Standard Award for Best Actress.

She brought the same sense of looming menace to the criminal matriarch Violet, serving biscuits and tea to violent gang members in Peter Medak’s acclaimed film The Krays.

With twins Gary and Martin Kemp in ‘The Krays’ (REX)

Though rarely out of work, Billie Whitelaw was generally better served on the smaller screen than by cinema, beginning as Martha the maid in an adaptation of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden in 1952 and continuing in numerous mini-series and made-for-television films into the 21st century.

Her various performances in The Sextet (1972), an anthology of eight plays run across two months on the BBC and co-starring Denis Waterman, were recognised with a Bafta award for Best Actress. She was Josephine to Ian Holm’s Napoleon in Napoleon and Love (1974), and collaborated with her husband, the screenwriter Robert Muller, on the horror series Supernatural (1977), as the beautiful and enigmatic Countess Ilona.

In 2007 she made a late reappearance in cinemas with a gloriously eccentric performance as Joyce Cooper, the hotel owner with a dark double life (and a submachine gun) in Simon Pegg’s police drama spoof Hot Fuzz.

Yet the bulk of Billie Whitelaw’s time in later years was spent with family and in charitable endeavours. In spare moments she would tend her garden in Suffolk, often digging with her bare hands. “I’m not really interested in acting any more”, she confessed. “I always thought it was a bit of a flibbertigibbety occupation.”

She was appointed CBE in 1991.

Billie Whitelaw married, first, the actor Peter Vaughan; the marriage was dissolved in 1966, and she married, secondly, Robert Muller, who died in 1998; their son survives her.

Billie Whitelaw, born June 6 1932, died December 21 2014


Kim Jong-un inspects a submarine. Photograph: Kns/AFP/Getty Images
Kim Jong-un inspects a submarine. Photograph: Kns/AFP/Getty Images

Satire is a weapon to undermine power; there is no such thing as an innocent comedy depicting revolution in a real-life authoritarian state (US may put North Korea back on state terror list after Sony ‘cybervandalism’, 22 December). No surprise Sony hasn’t put out anything similar about China or Russia. Wrong to pull the film, yes; but crass to have made it in the first place.
Mark Lewinski
Swaffham Prior, Cambridgeshire

• Surely a call to assassinate a living head of state is tantamount to conspiracy to murder? If Hilary Mantel’s fictional story about the assassination of an already dead head of state caused such a controversy, surely calling for the assassination of Kim Jong-un is a much more egregious undertaking. Marina Hyde (Sony and the movie pitch we thought we’d never hear, 20 December) makes no mention of the supposedly leaked emails showing that Sony Entertainment chief executive Michael Lynton spoke with US department of state officials and North Korea specialist Bruce Bennett from the Rand Corporation to seek opinions on the film and potential threats posed by North Korea.

It has been claimed that several of these emails reveal that at least two US government officials gave a rough cut of the film their blessing. It has been suggested that the US thinks such a film could indeed inspire North Koreans to rise up against their leader. True or not, this surely needs examination?

Surely the call by George Clooney et al to withstand “terror” threats against the film in the name of artistic freedom, while correct in principle, are picking on an inappropriate target as far as attempted artistic censorship is concerned. The fundamentalist Christian lobby in the US would be a far more appropriate one.
John Green

• When Sasha Baron Cohen released Borat in 2006, he didn’t have to worry about reprisals from Kazakhstan because it was the attitudes of the citizens of the US that were mocked – and enough of them were prepared to laugh at themselves to make it a success. But how many bone-headed money-obsessed moguls did it take to decide The Interview was a good idea? How could Sony, whose company HQ is in Tokyo, think it was a good idea to release a limp comedy poking fun at an embattled and notoriously prickly dictatorship which has nuclear devices and ballistic missiles and is only about 1,000 kilometres away?
John Wallace

• Should I be  amused or surprised at President Barack Obama’s lack of knowledge of the American film industry’s history (Obama’s threat to North Korea over Sony hack, 20 December)? In the 1930s, to continue doing business in Germany after Hitler’s accession to power, Hollywood studios agreed not to make films that attacked the Nazis or condemned Germany’s persecution of Jews. This bargain involved the heads of every major Hollywood studio. The studios dealt directly with the German government’s representatives and, in particular, the German consul in Los Angeles. They would change or cancel movies according to his wishes. The whole story unravels in a remarkable book, The Collaboration, by Ben Urwand, published by Harvard University Press (Review, 19 October 2013).
Stanley Clingman

• On the same day your editorial points the finger at North Korea for using hack attacks to threaten the US’s freedom of expression you report that South Korea has outlawed the opposition party UPP because of its north-south reunification stance (Report, 20 December). The hack attack assertion emanates from flimsy US evidence. And the crackdown on the South Korean opposition is authenticated by Amnesty International’s statement of serious concern over freedom of expression and association.
Brian Strauss

• We are not allowed to laugh at people for their religious beliefs or for being homosexual and must avoid misplaced humour proving us racist. Even if you do not want to include far eastern dictators in this list, it is just plain foolish to make fun of powerful people whose reactions you cannot predict.
Margaret Kettlewell

•Some years ago (2005) Sony illegally introduced copy protection software into its digital media products without the knowledge of its unsuspecting customers. Karma?
Michael Pravica
New York

• From now on we can assume that many governments can access any information they choose. What this means for business, diplomacy and our security remains to be seen.
Gerald Wells
Congleton, Cheshire

Shaker Aamer protest
A recent protest calling for Shaker Aamer’s release. Photograph: Richard Norton-Taylor for the Guardian

Following the US Senate’s shocking report into the torture of prisoners by US staff, including medical personnel, we have urgently set up an all-party group for the immediate return of Shaker Aamer to his British wife and four children in London. Mr Aamer, an aid worker, was sold to the Americans 13 years ago in Afghanistan, where he was living with his family.

He was cleared for release in 2007 and again in 2009 by the most senior levels of US intelligence and military. Our prime minister has asked for his return to the UK. Successive foreign secretaries have assured his family and lawyers that they are doing everything to get him back. It is absolutely unacceptable that an innocent man who has suffered many of the forms of torture now made public by the Senate can continue to be held in Guantánamo Bay.

Our group has MPs from eight political parties, representing a broad section of UK public opinion, calling for Mr Aamer’s immediate release from a place where his torture continues. The group is committed to active engagement with the US authorities for Mr Aamer’s return home. His continued detention shames our society.
John McDonnell MP chair of the Shaker Aamer parliamentary group, Victoria Brittain, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Peter Bottomley MP, Norman Baker MP, Caroline Lucas MP, Katy Clark MP, Ann Clwyd MP, Elfyn Llwyd MP, Andrew Mitchell MP, Joan Ruddock MP, George Galloway MP, Mark Lazarowicz MP, Andrew Slaughter MP, Sir Bob Russell MP, Naomi Long MP, Joan Walley MP, Martin Caton MP, Nick Harvey MP, John Leech MP, Mark Durkan MP, Alistair Burt MP, Sir John Randall MP, Yasmin Qureshi MP, Gerald Kaufman MP, Diane Abbott MP, Sarah Teather MP, David Ward MP, Hywel Williams MP, John Hemming MP, Mike Wood MP, Roger Godsiff MP, Julian Huppert MP, Michael Connarty MP, Roger Godsiff MP, Andew Dismore London Assembly member, Gavin Shuker MP, Mike Weir MP, Simon Wright MP

A coal-fired power station: since 1992 annual emissions of carbon dioxide have increased by 60%. Pho
A coal-fired power station: since 1992 annual emissions of carbon dioxide have increased by 60%. Photograph: John Giles/PA

It is worth recalling that world leaders all agreed to prevent dangerous anthropogenic climate change as long ago as 1992 at the Earth summit in Rio (Poorer countries demand more from rich on climate change, 13 December). Anything agreed in Paris next year will not be implemented until 2020 at the earliest, and will probably be voluntary. There will be no independent monitoring, so countries can continue to emit carbon while their leaders pay lip service to the need to tackle global warming. Since 1992, annual emissions of carbon dioxide have increased by 60% globally, and the rate is accelerating.
Dr Robin Russell-Jones
Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire

It will be “nose-peg time again” (Letters, 12 December) here in Yorkshire if Labour forms a government with a weak response to the risks of fracking. Locals suffered the stench of escaping gas before Rathlin closed down its shale-gas exploration well at West Newton recently. We have just found out there was also a fire in the well. Despite strong opposition to fracking from local Labour and Green activists, national Labour policy continues to support regulation rather than an outright ban.
Val and Jon Mager
Beverley, Yorkshire

A propos the Belo Monte project in Brazil (Report, 16 December), it must be noted that none of the indigenous territories in the Belo Monte influence area will be flooded as a result of the project, nor will the indigenous population have to be resettled. The Belo Monte project is a result of a careful and thorough environmental impact assessment, which involved comprehensive open consultations with local communities and indigenous peoples.
Roberto Jaguaribe
Ambassador of Brazil to the UK

Fox, Downing Street
For fox sake, which entrance to Downing Street did the animal use? Photograph: Rex

Richard Dawkins is right that robotic machines have supplanted humanoids on other worlds (Little green aliens? Perhaps – or maybe ice creatures, 20 December). His wife, Lalla Ward, who played Romana opposite Tom Baker’s Doctor in Doctor Who, could have reminded him that the Cybermen and the Daleks annihilated the indigenous human beings on their home planets, to become the supreme beings in the universe. Exterminate and happy Christmas!
Frank Danes

• You note that, when Alan Rusbridger became Guardian editor in 1995, this was supported by a journalists’ poll (Guardian staff to vote in process of choosing next editor-in-chief, 20 December). The world of democratic consultation has moved on since then – witness the way the Labour leader is elected. Surely it is now time to let readers have a say too.
Keith Flett

• What a wonderful photograph of the rhinos enjoying their sprouts at Chessington World of Adventures (Eyewitness, 19 December). If anything shouts that we must save these animals, it was this terrific image. Mind you, I would not want to be in the immediate vicinity of the rhinos once those sprouts started to do their work.
Martin Johnson
Congleton, Cheshire

• Hope that fox used the Downing Street side gate ((Fox on the run, 18 December). Another inquiry might cost the earth.
John Hunter
Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire

• After recent front-page stories about a man using a camera and a couple having a baby (Letters, 22 December), I can’t wait for the spread on an elderly woman going to church later this week.
Bill Dixon

Queues at border control at Heathrow airport. Photograph: Steve Parsons/PA
Queues at border control at Heathrow airport. Photograph: Steve Parsons/PA

It is incredible that 300,000 migrant overstayers can go missing in the UK (Report, 18 December) and even more incredible that the records on who has left the country have “significant inaccuracies”. Pursuit of these overstayers and the recording of data has been outsourced to Capita and its contract should be terminated. However, who would take over from Capita? Maybe, G4S. Or maybe not – as G4S is 15% owned by Investco, a US finance company, which also owns 23% of Capita. In fact, about 40% of the shares in the small number of outsourcing companies tendering for these contracts are owned by foreign, mainly US, financial institutions. Perhaps it would be more efficient to go back to having a properly functioning civil service of qualified bureaucrats.
Michael Gold

Snapshot ... Karen Babayan with her mother and grandmother at Christmas in Iran in the mid-1960s.
Snapshot … Karen Babayan with her mother and grandmother at Christmas in Iran in the mid-1960s.

Snapshot: Waiting for Father Christmas in Iran

This is a rather formal picture for a very happy occasion – this was the Christmas party at the Tehran Club, a club for British expats based in a grand old house set in large grounds in central Tehran. My mother Yolande (Lolo) and my grandmother Clara are in their fashionable best, in home-sewn outfits created by my grandmother, who was an amazing seamstress.

Calikmama (my pet name for my grandmother) is in her very on-trend Jackie Kennedy two-piece and, at 52, is only a year older than I am now. In the photo, I am aged around three. Until my fifth birthday, I was stuck like glue to my mother’s skirts, and would not go to anyone, not even long-suffering Calikmama, who subsequently became my greatest ally and best friend.

My dad, Roy Sowerby, who was into amateur theatricals, was always Father Christmas at these parties. His entrance was spectacular. Totally in character, his “ho ho hos” and handbell rang out while he rode a donkey through the gardens to the house, the children crowding around the big picture window, trembling with anticipation.

Until I left Iran with my family at the age of 16, I had led a sheltered life among the Armenian and expat British communities. Despite being the product of a mixed marriage, one of the very first of the Iranian/Armenian community between an aspiring middle-class, educated Armenian girl and a working-class, ex-pro English footballer, I felt well settled and loved by the family I had been born into and relatively unaffected by world politics.

The Armenians, a Christian community, were well respected by their Muslim hosts, having been part of the fabric of the country for more than 400 years. It was something of a shock, therefore, to discover that our world was not as stable as we thought, with the coming of the Ayatollah Khomeini and subsequent Islamic revolution.

After having lived in the vibrant capital city of Tehran for 16 years, I found myself fleeing the impending political tumult and going westward, to England and an estate in the northern suburbs of Leeds, eventually becoming a painter. Our family is now scattered across the globe and this experience of displacement had a profound effect on every aspect of my life and informed every mark and output during my professional career as an artist.

Karen Babayan





The European Court of Justice may believe so, but many of our readers do not agree

Sir, As you state in your leader (“Substantially Wrong”, Dec 19), the labelling of obesity as a disability by the European Court of Justice is contrary to common-sense expectation and is likely to produce the opposite of the desired effect.

Disability is commonly defined as a physical or mental state which limits a person’s normal activities, mobility or senses resulting often from an illness or unnatural event over which one does not have any control. Except in rare instances of certain endocrine dysfunctions, obesity is caused by faulty lifestyle of overeating of the wrong kind of food and lack of exercise. Obesity related to type 2 diabetes is often the cause rather than the effect, the common factors being relative lack of insulin and insensitivity of the body tissues to insulin. In a significant number of cases, obesity-related type 2 diabetes can be reversed when the body mass is reduced to normality by dieting and exercise or surgery. Morbid obesity can debilitate but need not permanently disable a person.

Dr Sam Banik, FRC Path
London N10

Sir, Your report does not say whether, at his weight of 25st, Karsten Kaltoft could physically do his job of “minding” young children regardless of the adjustments made (“Obesity can be a disability, European court decides”, Dec 19) The role implies a need for a degree of agility as well as authority over the young. Young children are usually fit, agile, mischievous and lacking in sympathy for those less agile. They would be able to “run rings” around Mr Kaltoft.

If a person physically cannot do their job however many “adjustments” are made, is an employer required to employ two people to do one person’s job?

Richard Woosnam
Great Edstone, N Yorks

Sir, Obese people will not be employed by small businesses if it means additional expense on facilities. This will not be the reason given for not employing them but it will, nevertheless, be the reason.

Richard Northcote
Berkhamsted, Herts

Sir, I would not want a 25st childminder looking after my grandchildren. Size in itself would significantly reduce the ability to respond to urgent situations and to play outside with children. It would also impair the person’s ability to tie the children’s shoelaces.

Jeremy Preston
Croughton, Northants

Sir, One unintended consequence of classifying obesity as a disability is the resentment that it will cause. In order to qualify, a Body Mass Index (BMI) certificate presumably issued by the NHS will be required. The cost apart, if a BMI of, say, 30 is chosen to define disability, there will be an incentive for those at the margins to put on weight to qualify. The obese ‘disabled’ will also be entitled to disabled parking permits.

Bernard Kingston
Biddenden, Kent

Sir, It is a sad irony that, in the year in which I have read that obesity is now a symptom of poverty in the West, the EU Court of Justice has designated obesity as a disability. I only wonder if obesity was still a symptom reserved purely to the wealthy, as it has always been throughout history, up till now, if the Court of Justice would have made the same judgment.

Johnny Lyell
London W4

Sir, I was ten years old at the start of the Second World War and spent the next six years evacuated with my school in Devon. In that period there was no TV, virtually no cars, and food and sweets were severely rationed. I have kept over the years all the annual photographs of my school forms and, apart from one boy who apparently suffered from a glandular disorder, every one of us looks slim and fit. As our maths master would have said, “QED”.

Leslie Watmore
Beckenham, Kent

Sir, Now that obesity is legally a disability, perhaps the airlines will be obliged to provide decent seating space.

Simon F Fegen
Biddestone, Wilts

Sadly, Rosalind Franklin has to bear a share of the blame for her neglect

Sir, Roslyn Pine protests that James Watson is neither a genius nor a titan of 20th-century science, and charges him with ruthlessness in “harnessing” the work of others (letter, Dec 19). That is unfair. King’s was an old-fashioned place at that time, and female staff were not even allowed in the senior common room.

Nevertheless, Rosalind Franklin’s colleagues and also the group at the Cavendish did their best to engage her interest. Working in her self-imposed isolation, she recognised the helical form of DNA, but not the critical fact that the double chain was dependent upon the complementary nature of A with T and G with C. Crick and Watson’s model-building showed how DNA formed the hereditary material, and how every living thing on earth is related. It laid the foundations for molecular biology.

I did a doctorate at the zoology department of King’s shortly after Franklin left, and was married to one of the lecturers for more than 50 years. She told me of Rosalind’s defensive mien, different from the other workers in Randall’s lively department. Sadly, Franklin has to bear a share of the blame for her neglect.

Charles O’Neill

London SE19

There is a solution to the dilemma of ‘too easy’ practice papers: one national exam board only

Sir, Rival examination boards offering practice papers for maths that are too easy (report, Dec 22)? There is a solution: one exam board only. The case for multiple exam boards is really commercial rather than educational. It would also make the analysis of results between Carlisle and Chichester more meaningful.

Derek Axe

As the spouse of a knight the proper form of address for Mr David Furnish should be Lady John . . .

Sir, The news (Dec 22) that Sir Elton John and David Furnish have married is heartwarming, but it raises questions for the honours system. Conventional etiquette suggests that as the spouse of a knight the proper form of address for Mr Furnish should now be Lady John. Anything less might be seen as manifestly unequal and discriminatory.

Julian Peel Yates

Andover, Hants

Pooh was not the bearer of the burst balloon; his sad gift was the empty jar of honey

Sir, Oh dear, oh dear! Pooh was not the bearer of the burst balloon; his sad gift was the empty jar of honey (letter, Dec 20). Piglet was the unfortunate balloon person. But the two friends together did provide the perfect birthday present for Eeyore: a useful pot for putting things in, and a burst balloon to put in it.

Barrie Page

Piltdown, E Sussex

I enjoy shaking my head at grammatical errors in print. Please, Oliver Kamm, don’t spoil my fun…

Sir, If the Pedant (Dec 20) has his way, many spellings and sentence-constructions formerly recognised as inaccurate will become acceptable. This is an unhappy prospect for me, as at the moment I still find a quiet satisfaction in being able to shake my head at the numerous grammatical errors in, for example, our community newsletter. Oliver, why spoil my fun?

The Rev Claire Wilson

London NW3


British female troops share a joke as they wait for the 904 Expeditionary Air Wing's sunset flag lowering and end of mission ceremony at Kandahar airfield, Afghanistan

British female troops share a joke as they wait for the 904 Expeditionary Air Wing’s sunset flag lowering at Kandahar airfield, Afghanistan Photo: Matt Cardy/Getty Images

SIR – Women have been fighting in the Royal Artillery, the Royal Engineers and the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers corps for years. These units are as embroiled in the front line as the infantry and armoured regiments, and the women have had to pass physical tests to prove their capability of doing the job.

The current debate is about prejudice and historical perception. As full integration is inevitably implemented, the comments of some senior officers that only a handful of women applying for infantry and armour roles will make the grade are demeaning to the initiative from the outset.

Lt Col Charles Holden (retd)
Lymington, Hampshire

SIR – In the period 1999-2003 there were at least two female officers who assumed command of Royal Irish Home Service infantry platoons. These officers attended the necessary infantry command courses in Warminster and Brecon alongside their male peers, carrying the same weight and commanding platoons in public order situations and in the prevention of and aftermath of terrorist attacks.

The ability of an officer to command and control soldiers serving beneath them rests wholly upon their skill and professionalism, not their gender.

J D Brunton
Trim, Co Meath, Ireland

SIR – While I have no intrinsic objection to women serving in front-line combat roles, at a time when the British military is so strapped for cash it is worth questioning whether spending considerable sums on making this change, so that an estimated 34 women a year can qualify, is justifiable.

Peter D Harvey
Walton Highway, Norfolk

SIR – I am a nursing sister working for the Ministry of Defence in an army training regiment. Both young men and women are trained at this establishment and in the medical centre we see them all at their initial medicals and throughout their training, dealing with any illnesses or injuries.

The young women are as committed, gritty and feisty as their male counterparts and all are determined to do their very best. It is blindingly obvious, however, that no matter how fit and determined the girls are, they have nothing like the muscle strength and bulk of the lads. Many struggle to carry heavy packs and weights without risk of injury. I fail to see how they would cope in infantry or armoured regiments where sheer physical strength is the key to effectiveness and, ultimately, survival.

Karen McCleery
Kings Worthy, Hampshire

SIR – Mixing within the infantry could have some positive impact on a culture of chauvinism that can make it difficult for ex-soldiers to reintegrate in modern civilian social and family life.

It is interesting to consider what would happen if Britain found itself facing conscription again in the future. Would this new option for the few then become an obligation for the many?

John Riseley
Harrogate, North Yorkshire

SIR – Men and women do not compete against each other in professional sport. Is this an example of inequality or just an acceptance of physical differences?

Infantry combat is the ultimate challenge of muscular endurance and cardiovascular strength, and putting women in that position simply isn’t practical or fair.

Emilie Lamplough
Trowbridge, Wiltshire

SIR – Our infantry is not the place for social experimentation in gender equality. There is only one question to be asked: “Will the change improve our chances of winning in combat?”

The answer in this case is: “Probably not.”

P Richards
Lytchett Matravers, Dorset

Ailing border control

(Mark Salter/Alamy)

SIR – Keith Vaz, who chairs the Home Affairs Committee, describes the immigration service as being “in intensive care”. It would be more accurate to say it has been completely forgotten about and left on a trolley in a corridor.

Airlines are capable of tracking baggage that flies overseas and back. If it is possible to do this with inanimate objects, what excuse can the Home Office have for failing to track human beings with passports?

Jeremy M J Havard
London SW3

SIR – I am currently on holiday in Thailand. When I entered the country, I was photographed at border control and my passport was scanned and stamped. When I leave, my passport will be scanned again. If I were to overstay my visa, I would face a hefty fine at the very least.

Thai airports have had this system in place for over 20 years. If they can do it, why can’t Britain?

John Procter
Poole, Dorset

Humane slaughter

SIR – Proposals to require labels on meat informing the customer how the animal was slaughtered are to be welcomed.

Research by the independent scientific research charity the Humane Slaughter Association has consistently shown that stress hormones in meat from animals killed without being stunned are considerably higher than in meat from animals that have been stunned.

The labelling of meat should not be turned into a religious debate but should focus purely on animal welfare and science.

Kate Graeme-Cook
Blandford Forum, Dorset

Nursing experience

SIR – Prof Dame Jessica Corner quotes statistics that purport to demonstrate that an increase in the number of nurses with degrees has resulted in a decline in hospital patient mortality. Two events occurring together do not necessarily have a cause-and-effect relationship.

Britain is experiencing a serious nursing crisis with a major shortfall in the number of British-trained nurses available and an inevitable dependency upon the recruitment of nurses from abroad. Insisting on degree-level qualifications will deny many dedicated young people the opportunity to serve in this wonderful profession.

Completing more traditional training and gaining experience on a hospital ward establishes that the individual is truly committed to becoming a nurse.

Malcolm H Wheeler FRCS

Cornwall invaded

Porthis, or St Ives, in Cornwall (Alamy)

SIR – Porthia (St Ives) has been voted Britain’s most popular town in which to live.

Once upon a time the Cornish community would have agreed. Today the town is blighted by holiday lets and second homes. Its lanes are filled with expensive 4×4 vehicles at weekends, even though Porthia lies in the heart of deprived west Cornwall. House prices have soared, pushing Cornish families out and severely threatening the local community.

Timothy James
Botallack, Cornwall

Giving in to hackers sets a worrying precedent

SIR – Sony’s decision to pull The Interview – a film about the fictional assassination of the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un – sends the wrong signal to North Korea, who are suspected by the FBI of orchestrating the Sony hack attack.

Submitting to the hackers’ demand that the comedy not be distributed will lead them mistakenly to assume that they have leverage over the entertainment industry.

Siyoung Choi
Seoul, South Korea

SIR – If Sony were to decide not to take legal action against anyone making pirate copies of The Interview or posting it online, it would take the world by storm.

The hackers would then have scored an own goal.

Harry Leeming
Heysham, Lancashire

SIR – It is striking that Hilary Mantel’s book The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher – a book about the killing of a woman thrice democratically elected – occupies pride of place in many bookshop windows, yet a comedy film that kills off a dictator has elicited a reaction that has even a corporate giant like Sony running scared.

Philip Whittington
Elstree, Hertfordshire

SIR – A film depicting the assassination of a still-living person seems to be in appallingly bad taste.

David Allars
Foxton, Cambridgeshire

SIR – How would America have responded if North Korea had issued a film about the assassination of Barack Obama?

J H Graves
Rugby, Warwickshire

Look closely to see Britain in the driving seat

Shape-shifter: a map of the British Isles from Ptolemy’s Geographia (

SIR – Wingless dragon, bob-tailed dog or a lady throwing a pig; the map of Britain provides ample opportunity for those with vivid imaginations to identify all sorts of images.

I remember that, more than 50 years ago, advertisements for the British School of Motoring used the slogan “Teaches Britain to Drive”. In the accompanying illustration East Anglia filled the car seat, Scotland formed an attentive face, and the arms reaching out to the steering wheel were made up of the north and south peninsulas around Cardigan Bay.

The outstretched legs operating the pedals were represented by Devon and Cornwall.

Mike Siddle
Wragby, Lincolnshire


SIR – I agree with David Spence as regards the use of “Twenty fifteen”.

Nobody refers to the start of the First World War as “Nineteen hundred and fourteen”.

Carol Chadwick
Wilmslow, Cheshire

Pickles in space

SIR – So, Mars is really an ancient landfill site (“Methane and the faintest whiff of life on Mars”).

Perhaps we could send Eric Pickles to investigate?

William T Nuttall
Rossendale, Lancashire

Flea-son’s greetings

SIR – To date my cat hasn’t received any Christmas cards, but last week he received a letter from his vet congratulating him on using a particular flea treatment.

I’m now worried that my charming post lady will think that my real name is Wonky Wilkinson.

Frank Wilkinson
Bolton, Lancashire

Globe and Mail

  (David Parkins for The Globe and Mail)

Zarqa Nawaz. (Mark Taylor for The Globe and Mail)

Zarqa Nawaz

Dear Kim Jong-un: Thanks for stealing the spotlight. Signed, The Muslims

Zarqa Nawaz is the author of Laughing All the Way to the Mosque and the creator of Little Mosque on the Prairie.

Dear Kim Jong-un,

Thanks to you, Christmas came early for Muslims this year. Just when we were starting to lament that all the wack-job megalomaniacs in the world belonged to us, you showed up. All eyes moved away from the Middle East and focused on wherever it is you are. So you get to carry the crazy-terrorist mantle for a few days at least.

And all because Hollywood made The Interview, a satirical film about two incompetent television producers coerced by the CIA into assassinating you. Why are you so upset about this film? I doubt anyone from Good Morning America has suddenly been inspired to book a flight to a heavily guarded military airbase in your country anytime soon.

My sense is this: You think the film makes you look like an idiot. You would have preferred a more dignified aura to surround your character, maybe even one explaining your grievances against the West (and the South, and pretty much the rest of the world). I have one word for you. Well, maybe twelve words. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. When Kazakhstan first learned that Sacha Baron Cohen was playing a dim-witted, misogynistic Kazakh who has a weakness for wearing a lime-coloured mankini, they considered having a fit and banning the film. But then cooler heads prevailed and the country decided to embrace the film instead. As result, tourism increased tenfold and brought cultural currency to a country that most people hadn’t heard of before. For sure, it was a troubling portrayal on many levels, but by not over-reacting, the film ended up being a useful tool in diplomacy.

At least you have Seth Rogan and James Franco in your film. Diplomacy aside, this film could have done one critical thing for you – humanized you at a time when you could use it. Your country is crippled by economic sanctions. Even your Axis-of-Evil buddies have seen the light. Iran is sending peaceful overtures to the United States and both it and Iraq are fighting the Islamic State, which you’ve managed to get off the front pages – which is not easy, so congratulations for that.

With Cuba patching up its differences with the States and moving on, the Axis of Evil may be just down to just you. North Korea is a little-known country that many feel is a bit weird and creepy. By hacking Sony and threatening Sept. 11-type violence against innocent theatregoers, you’re not helping change your image. In fact, you may just have given the United States reason to go after you. Iraq was attacked for having Weapons of Mass Destruction that never actually existed. Your WMD actually do exist.

In the immortal words of the late, great film critic Pauline Kael, “movies are so rarely great art, that if we cannot appreciate great trash, we have very little reason to be interested in them.” The Interview is not going to win an Oscar. It’s not even great trash, and would probably have had a quick death in the box office. But now, thanks to you, it’s going down in the history books.

So call off the cyber attacks, roll out the red carpet and invite Seth and James to Pyongyang for a proper North Korean premiere. Dennis Rodman can help soothe over frayed nerves. After all, it’s more important to have the world laugh with you than at you. Or, more importantly, blow you up.


Errol Mendes

How partisan Conservative ads undermine the rule of law

Errol Mendes is a professor of constitutional and international law at the University of Ottawa and editor-in-chief of the National Journal of Constitutional Law.

In what country does a government take tax revenues and use it to pump out continuous government propaganda that tries to brainwash the citizens with its performance, whether truthful or not? Many would suggest China, Russia or even Zimbabwe. Sadly, it is also true in the Canada governed by the Stephen Harper Conservatives.

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The opposition parties have claimed that the Harper government has authorized more than $600-million in disguised partisan ads since coming into office. These include some earlier Economic Action Plan television ads, and the newest ones announcing the yet-to-be implemented family tax benefits package – outrageously partisan.

When these ads announce that it will fill the pockets of taxpayers with thousands of dollars, it’s a less-than-honest exhortation for viewers to vote Conservative in the upcoming 2015 election. There will, no doubt, be far more honest ads paid for by the Conservative Party with the same content once the election campaign starts and its spending will be restricted to far less than the millions that may be spent on it before the campaign actually starts.

Governments are allowed to advertise about services and programs that they are implementing, but when some of them are either untruthful, promote partisan positions or are not even authorised by Parliament, it becomes a vehicle to undermine the foundations of any democracy that values the spirit and letter of the rule of law.

Former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty realized the democratic immorality of abusing public funds in such a manner and brought in key reforms to stop even his government from betraying the public trust by ensuring taxpayers do not fund disguised partisan ads. The McGuinty government brought in rules that requires all government ads to be reviewed and passed by the auditor-general. The holder of that office has the ability to stop clear partisan ads being funded by the taxpayer. The present national ads for the family benefits tax package would have been stopped dead in their tracks if we had a similar screening process of government ads at the federal level, especially given that they were not even passed by Parliament. Yet, it is reported that the Harper government may spend $100-million for these ads in the hope that it will give them another four years to continue abusing the public purse with similar ads after the 2015 election.

It may not be surprising that Mr. Harper has engaged in this unfair democratic subterfuge. Even back in 2000, while heading up the National Citizens Coalition, he launched court actions against the spending limits of third parties under the Canada Elections Act. With a challenge that seemed to ignore the need for ensuring electoral fairness, his conservative advocacy group used the argument of citizens’ freedom of speech to ask the courts to strike down limits on third-party funding beyond a $150,000 limit during the election campaign. He failed when the Supreme Court lectured him and his group that the law was needed for electoral fairness and a level playing field in order to prevent certain groups or individuals from dominating the media and the electoral process.

Now in government – and outside the electoral period – Mr. Harper has found a way for his government to flood the media with partisan propaganda to the tune of hundreds of millions of our dollars. If such democratic subterfuge has the same effect of unfairness before an election, then the Harper government is clearly undermining the spirit of the rule of law critical to fair elections. He has, in effect, made the government a third party that is allowed to spend potentially millions of dollars, making the actual limits in the election period illusory to some extent. This deserves a profound rebuke by Canadians.


Cuba: A legacy for Obama, or a curveball for Republicans?

If you’ve ever strolled Havana’s broken sidewalks, sucked in fumes from a Lada long overdue for the scrap heap or seen locals getting rations at a neighbourhood libreta store, a part of you probably dies at the thought of it all being overrun by Starbucks and American tourists.

Beyond the island resorts frequented by Canadians, the real Cuba is full of contradictions – a land of deprivation stuck in a time warp, with glimpses of the abundance and 21st century possibilities that a few connected or inventive Cubans already enjoy but almost all aspire to attain. Were it not for the brutality with which the Castros have enforced their dictatorship, the idealistic slogans on sun-faded billboards might seem like romantic notions worth pursuing.

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That the same billboards could one day be advertising iPhones or Internet providers might kill the poet in you. But that’s a small price to pay if it means a better life for average Cubans.

The poets still have plenty of time to indulge themselves. Like all of President Barack Obama’s recent headline-grabbing moves, from his climate pact with China to his executive order on immigration, there is much less than meets the eye in his announcement that the United States will re-establish diplomatic relations with Communist Cuba. That does not mean it wasn’t a bold move, just that its practical implications are for now quite limited, perhaps even short-lived.

Mr. Obama promises to open an embassy in Havana, but Congress is unlikely to provide him with the money to run it or approve an ambassador. Nor can Mr. Obama lift the 51-year-old embargo on U.S. trade with Cuba without congressional approval – and there little possibility of that happening before he leaves office. There will be no rush of Americans to the beaches of Varadero or Cienfuegos or island invasion by U.S. retail chains.

For now, the biggest change is an increase in the amount of cash Cuban-Americans can send to relatives on the island. The cap on remittances will rise to $2,000 (U.S.) every three months, from $500. This will provide a major boost to the Cuban economy – and the Castros.

A Washington Post editorial called Mr. Obama’s move “an undeserved bailout” for the regime of 83-year-old President Raul Castro, who officially took over from the older and frailer Fidel Castro in 2008. It will “provide Havana with a fresh source of desperately needed hard currency and eliminate U.S. leverage for political reforms.”

So why reward the Castros, who have denied Cubans basic freedoms, executed countless dissidents and still imprison political opponents on a whim?

The short answer is: Why China and Vietnam and not Cuba? The United States deals with plenty of undemocratic regimes with horrendous human-rights records, so there is no longer a good reason to single out Cuba, beyond sheer obstinacy. It’s not like the embargo has been a success in snuffing out totalitarianism.

With a Republican-controlled Congress preventing him from leaving a further legislative legacy, Mr. Obama also intends to spend the rest of his term making bold-sounding but partial reforms that, if carried to fruition by his successor, will still have his name on them.

Besides, the Castros aren’t immortal, even if they’re doing their best to look that way. Any U.S. president must prepare for a post-Castro Cuba. Mr. Obama has just gotten some of the preliminaries out the way. Better to act now than to allow China and Russia, whose leaders both visited the island this year, to get any cozier with Havana.

Most important, Mr. Obama has also thrown a curveball at Republicans. They are beholden to fiercely anti-Castro older Cuban-Americans in Florida. But younger Cuban-Americans and non-Cuban Hispanics, for whom the Castros are geriatric paper tigers, now account for the majority of Florida’s Latinos.

Former Florida governor and likely 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said Mr. Obama’s move will benefit “the heinous Castro brothers, who have oppressed the Cuban people.” But while such talk may still be needed to win a GOP nomination, it is clearly out of touch with public opinion.

Hillary Clinton knew that when, on leaving the State Department in 2012, she conveniently left behind a memo urging Mr. Obama to work to lift the embargo. If 2016 yields a Bush-Clinton matchup, Mr. Obama may just have tipped Florida’s critical scales for his former Democratic rival.


Dec. 22: ‘Jim Prentice’s BFF’ – and other letters to the editor

Irish Times:

Sir, – I fully agree with the idea of opening up walking trails throughout rural Ireland. Both from the point of view of encouraging tourism and also to enable people to get out and enjoy their local area. However, I have worked for the farming community for the last 35 years and I have seen at first hand how farmers have suffered at the hands of sections of the non-farming community.

A large proportion of farmers who have land anywhere close to urban areas suffer from unbelievable amounts of rubbish being dumped on their land. They have to put up with trespassers of every age, from small children upwards, who come in with dogs, quad bikes, motor bikes, stolen cars and alcohol. They disturb and injure livestock, damage crops, tear down fences, leave gates open and can be abusive to the landowners. Even farmers who live away from urban areas are not immune. Some areas are popular haunts for men, who walk through farmland with packs of dogs, usually lurchers or terriers type, causing chaos. So while I would love to see the “keep out” signs disappearing, I fully understand why they are there. – Yours, etc,



Co Waterford.

Sir, – Debate on important issues often (and increasingly) appears better teased out on this page than in Dáil Éireann, and the ongoing debate on walkers, cyclists and tourism bears this out. However, Robert Dowds’s contribution (December 20th) might have been better kept to the floor of the Dáil where it might garner him some kudos from fellow politicians, because it adds little to the real debate here.

As a long-time campaigner for tourism infrastructure, specifically for a linked network of trails that would attract the huge and growing market of Irish and foreign cyclists and long-distance walkers, I have always recognised that forcing this infrastructure through private property is not the answer. While the situation in the UK and elsewhere is very far ahead of here in terms of access and trails, there are differences that are important. Farms here are typically small, residential, and farmed by owners; many such landowners do not want open access and nobody should force it on them. Unwilling participants in any measure designed to boost economic activity in rural areas will create planned failure in any such initiative. It won’t work, because the landowners will ensure that it doesn’t.

The people who oppose such initiatives for reasons of naked greed need to be firmly dealt with, but ramming new access laws down their throats is not the answer. – Yours, etc,



Co Roscommon.

A chara, – Your editorial (December 16th) and related letters presume an absence of trails giving access to the countryside. The true situation is very different. A nationwide network of walking trails has developed over the past 30 years (see, the website of the Irish Sports Council and the National Trails Office).

The site records hundreds of walking and cycling trails, including 44 medium-distance and long-distance walking trails, all marked and signposted, registered and subject to regular inspection. This is the result of the ongoing co-operation of landowners and initially the work of community and rural development bodies, supplemented more recently by local authorities, Fáilte Ireland funding, the work of Comhairle na Tuaithe and State initiatives such as the community employment schemes, rural social schemes, the walks scheme and the network of rural recreation officers, with technical and advisory back-up from the Irish Sports Council and the National Trails Office.

The trail with which I am most familiar is the Kerry Way, which circuits the Iveragh peninsula. The basic circuit is 190km in length, allowing for a good nine days of walking or hiking. Largely based on old highways, Mass paths and butter roads, it has been described as a walk through history.

And that’s only one example of unhindered access. Anyone wishing to know the true situation should refer to the Irish trails website. – Is mise,


Walk Trails Ireland,

Killorglin, Co Kerry.

Sir, – In response to Justin MacCarthy (December 20th), we have to say that he’s partly correct when he says that our “politicians have scant interest in either activity”. I’m aware that some TDs actually find the time to walk and cycle, such as Eric Byrne and Ruairí Quinn (Labour), Minister of State Jimmy Deenihan (Fine Gael) and none other than An Taoiseach.

You also published a letter from Robert Dowds TD, who mentions his Access to the Countryside Bill, which has been languishing in the Oireachtas environment committee for 18 months. Keep Ireland Open supports this Bill and we would ask TDs and Senators to nail their colours to the mast and publicly support this Bill. – Yours, etc,


Keep Ireland Open,

Dublin 14.

Sir, – I was bemused to read (“Finance staff went home to find out what was in budget, banking inquiry told”, December 19th) of Rob Wright’s surprise at the limited number of economists in the Department of Finance and his reported comment that “Part of the problem was that skilled economists moved out to set up the National Treasury Management Agency and without the expertise the department did not have the capacity to seriously question some of the regulatory decisions being made”.

In case this goes by without challenge, I would like to make a few comments, as I was the chief executive of the NTMA from its establishment in December 1990 until December 2009.

A total of 25 people joined the NTMA from the Department of Finance when it began operations in late 1990/early 1991 and a handful of others joined over the years. Most were at that time in relatively junior to middle-ranking grades and, as far as I can recall, none had worked as economists in the department.

That all happened about 15 years before the crash – surely enough time to recover. Countries have recovered from the devastation of a world war more rapidly.

It was not as though the people in the NTMA had disappeared into the ether.

Up to the fundamental changes this week, the NTMA chief executive answered directly to the Minister for Finance and we were always available to give advice to the Minister of the day – indeed often whether wanted or not! – and also to any government or opposition TDs or Senators who wanted to talk to us.

An enormous range of additional functions were transferred to the NTMA over the years and it was not because politicians liked the colour of our eyes!

The problem was not lack of economists. Whatever about their number in the department, there were economists everywhere, in the Central Bank, the ESRI, the universities, the stockbrokers, the banks, etc, as well as the IMF, the OECD, the European Commission, the credit rating agencies, all making a good living from analysing and commenting on the Irish economy. In fact, I never hired an economist into the NTMA as I reckoned I could get any amount of economic advice free. The problem was, at its most basic, a lack of common sense.

Before we joined the single currency, we could deal with our excesses through resetting the clock, ie we devalued the Irish pound.

We then joined the German club, where we continued to play by our own rules. At times, we seemed to think we had discovered a new economic theory that applied to Ireland and allowed us to do things that others could not do.

Sometimes there may be an inevitability about a catastrophe. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.

A chara, – In relation to the extraordinary attack on Sinn Féin by Ceann Comhairle Sean Barrett (“Ceann Comhairle Sean Barrett claims Sinn Féin used him as pawn”, December 20th), I wish to clarify the situation.

I have been writing to the Ceann Comhairle for a year now in relation to what I believe to be his failure to discharge his duties properly and impartially.

I have been actively seeking a meeting with Mr Barrett to discuss Sinn Féin’s concerns directly with him. He has not facilitated this.

Yet he clearly has no problem facilitating media interviews to attack Sinn Féin. Mr Barrett says he wasn’t occupying the chair for a section of a Dáil debate about which I complained. He deliberately misses the point.

The substance of my most recent communication with Mr Barrett, is for him, in his capacity as Ceann Comhairle, to deal with the serious issues I have raised.

Highly prejudicial comments against Sinn Féin TDs by members of the Government parties have now become a feature of Dáil debates. The Ceann Comhairle has allowed Sinn Féin TDs to be abused in the most disgraceful manner.

Sinn Féin will not accept a situation where our TDs are subjected to second-class treatment in the Dáil or where those who elected us are given second-class treatment.

Sean Barrett’s comments appear to be an attempt by him to salvage his reputation which has now become a political issue.

I urge the Ceann Comhairle to have the courage of his convictions and meet me to discuss and hopefully resolve these serious issues. – Is mise,


Teach Laighean,

Baile Átha Cliath 2.

Sir, – Noel Whelan (“2014: The year of recovery, or the year of the water uprising?”, Opinion & Analysis, December 19th) writes that historians, when they come to examine 2014, will find it “curious that the most intense Irish popular reaction to the recession came just as the recovery began to take hold”.

There is, however, no mystery in this for the historians. On the contrary, it conforms to the classic model of a “revolution of rising expectations”. Thus, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote of the French revolution that “it is not always by going from bad to worse that a society falls into a revolution. It happens most often that a people, which has supported without complaint, as if they were not felt, the most oppressive laws, violently throws them off as soon as their weight is lightened”.

In other words, the experience of things getting better and the demand for further improvements are important factors in provoking revolution.

Likewise, and closer to home, current scholarship (taking a cue from work such as James Donnelly’s magisterial The Land and People of Nineteenth-Century Cork) tends to interpret the Irish land wars of 1879–83 and 1886–90 as a “revolution of rising expectations” resulting from the determination of tenant farmers to preserve their material gains made since the Famine during challenging periods of agricultural crisis. The Civil Rights campaign in Northern Ireland in the late 1960s can also be seen in this light, namely as ignited by the modest reforms of the O’Neill era.

So we should not be surprised by the recent unrest in Ireland about water charges and other austerity measures. As conditions get better, we will increasingly chafe at the limits beyond which the easing of austerity cannot go.

Expectations of relief having been raised, nobody will be satisfied with necessarily limited progress.

History tells us that this is the moment of maximum danger, and it needs to be carefully handled. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.

Sir, – I write to you in full support of the need to improve the monitoring of care homes for the elderly and vulnerable people.

However, there is one sector involved in the provision of care that has absolutely no monitoring system in place – the private care agencies that provide care for the elderly and vulnerable in their own homes.

In recent years my family had occasion to use the services of two such agencies, to support me in my role as primary carer to my parents, both in their nineties, both of high dependency, one of whom had Alzheimer’s, one of whom had Parkinson’s.

One of these private care agencies we found extremely satisfactory, with well-trained, efficient carers, and a responsive management system. However, our experience with the other care agency was unsatisfactory in the extreme.

At the time I attempted to lodge a complaint with the Health Information and Quality Authority (Hiqa), to be told that private care agencies providing care in the home do not fall under its remit. I then went to the HSE, and met with the manager of disability services for the area in which my parents lived.

I stressed to this person that though we as a family were extremely distressed by our experiences with this care agency, we were also very concerned for those families who did not have a family member present to monitor the care provided to their loved ones, and that we were also aware that the agency in question was employed by the HSE as a provider of HSE healthcare packages.

The reply I finally got from the HSE was that because we had hired this care agency on a private basis, it was not their concern either.

It is vital that a satisfactory monitoring and supervision system be put in place for vulnerable and elderly people being cared for in their own homes.

My fear is that the experience of my family is not an isolated one. Many families do not have a family member as part of the team of carers, as I was, and are therefore not able to observe and monitor the work of the care agencies on the ground.

It is reckless in the extreme to allow this situation to continue. – Yours, etc,



Co Donegal.

Sir, – While I truly appreciate the sentiments expressed in Gerry Boland’s letter (December 22nd), namely that “the most compassionate choice at Christmas is, clearly, a vegetarian one”, I feel bound to state that it honestly wouldn’t be that compassionate toward me. – Yours, etc,


Bray, Co Wicklow.

Sir, – I suspect Arthur Boland may be somewhat late in his suggestion that TDs be guillotined (December 22nd). Judging by the way so many Dáil members are unwilling to take a principled stand – and therefore race from one disaster to the next – I fear most of the chickens are already headless. – Yours, etc,


Drumree, Co Meath.

Sir, – Further to Mr Boland’s suggestion, might I suggest they also receive a strong lash from the whips? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 7.

Sir, – The Sony imbroglio – cyber attack, weird dictator, vendetta, blackmail, capitulation – has all the makings of a Hollywood movie. Is somebody making it? – Yours, etc,



Irish Independent:

Christmas is not just a Christian festival, but one that is shared by secularists and atheists alike, having its origins in North-European pre-Christian rituals. Ritual and celebration are not the exclusive right of the churches.

The winter solstice celebrations, or Yule, that Christmas displaced, give thanks for the gift of light and for the return of the sun from its long winter sojourn. Echoing these sentiments, Christians speak of Christ as the light of the world.

In many ways we are moving towards a post-religious society where people feel free to express the beliefs they hold not out of obligation but from conviction. Many, including myself, feel more at ease with various forms of agnosticism, where answers to questions about belief are tinged with elements of not knowing.

For the Greek philosophers to know that you do not know was the ultimate wisdom.

Attempts to make sense of the notion of a loving god in the face of the suffering of the innocent, the cry of the poor, the pain of loneliness and the radical inequalities that characterise our world sometimes amount to explaining the unknown by the unintelligible. There is a tendency for many religious believers to make God up as they go along.

My atheist friends often seem to have a more compassionate view of what it is to be human, particularly about what it is to be human to one another. The loving of God sometimes occludes the more obvious need to love and forgive one another.

Christ did not come among us to start an institution, but a revolution in our conception of ourselves as dependent on one another. He set out to abolish religion as the worship of idols and the creation of mutually-antagonistic groups.

Christmas is a time for rekindling faith in one another, reinvigorating our humanity, and hoping for better things to come. Happy Christmas to all.

Philip O’Neill, Oxford, England


Thinking to some purpose

You know it’s Christmas when the ads come on warning you not to eat too much, or drink too much.

I would caution against thinking too much. Man’s thoughts are responsible for most of the world’s problems.

I personally have always taken great pleasure in the comforting sound of the east wind entering my right ear and whistling harmoniously out of my left. My head is an echo chamber.

I prefer to daydream or muse. Thoughts are dangerous concrete things people trip over.

But I do wonder. For instance, regarding all the new allowances and refunds offered by the government in relation to Irish Water, I was trying to figure out if it would be possible to get a rebate for all the tears I have shed on the issue. I now have my own constant supply.

Another source of befuddlement and discombobulation is the Universal Social Charge. Fair play I thought, our leaders have come up with a plan to tax me every time I am sociable.

The people in “the know” say there are only two certainties – death and taxes. Well, if that is the sum total of knowledge ’tis indeed folly to be wise.

When I was a little fella we learned a poem:

“There goes the village idiot,

He’s such a happy man.

I wish I was an idiot.

My God, perhaps

I am.”

Remember good people a thought is not just for Christmas…

TG Gavin, Killiney, Co Dublin


Rugby sportswomen

There is a song about “the boys who beat the Black and Tans”. Is it not time we had an equally rousing number to remember “the girls who tanned the great All Blacks”?

This came to mind when watching the replay on TG4 on solstice Sunday. For sheer determination, skill and fitness the Irish girls are an object lesson in how to play rugby.

Ted O’Keeffe, Ranelagh, Dublin 6


Adaption, not recovery needed

I refer to Mr Tom Molloy’s article “Man plans and then God decides” (December 22). Perhaps so, but it’s hardly surprising since most of man’s planning is of the past and entirely misses realities of the future.

Economics have changed utterly – from shortage to surplus, from growth to sufficiency and from work to automation. We can’t manage an entirely new economic situation with old outdated ideology, it’s like trying to drive an automobile with a whip.

We are obsessed with “recovery”. Why indeed should we need it as we live in the best economic time ever? Simply because we don’t manage our extraordinary success very well. Despite more availability of investment capital than ever before, growth, interest rate and inflation are at historically low levels all over Europe and the rest of the world.

The US “grows” by borrowing an additional $2.5bn (yes, billion) per day; the ECB is a proposing €375bn injection to get the eurozone “working again”, the UK Chancellor – shortly prior to an election – predicts the greatest deficit and service cuts ever. Ireland’s export performance appears to buck the trend but, in our favourable tax regime, how much is actually “made” here and how much is just “invoiced” here?

Despite intense conflict and instability in the Middle East, oil prices are falling. Is there a better indicator of just how stuck and stagnant world economics really are?

And why? Because ‘old’ economics of ‘growth’ and ‘working’ and ‘continually producing more’ are no longer adequate. Instead of “recovery” to the good old days of inability and shortage and toil, we need to adapt to the unprecedented economics of ability, abundance and automation.

John F Kennedy once said “change is the law of life and those who look only to the past and present are likely to miss the future”.

Padraic Neary, Tubbercurry, Co Sligo


Flagging North’s problems

With regard to the North, I am led to think about the problem of flag. It is one of the contentious issues in the negotiations in Belfast left in exasperation by the British Prime Minister and the Taoiseach last week. Is there a willingness among the Christian communities of the North to resolve it? And is there a possible compromise acceptable to all parties?

What are the possibilities?

1. The Union flag.

2. The Irish tricolour.

3. The provincial flag of Ulster.

4. The Irish harp, gold (or) on a blue (azure) field.

5. The Irish harp, gold (or) on a green (vert) field.

6. The flag of St Patrick.

Surely somewhere in this list is a way forward for all Irish men and women of goodwill in the season of goodwill.

I send greetings from the sunshine of Tenerife to the much maligned “dreary steeples of Fermanagh and Tyrone”.

Perhaps the light of God´s sun will shine on them at Christmas, not to say on the twin steeples of Armagh and Listowel and on many other steeples in the length and breadth of Ireland besides.

Churchill is not the final arbiter on these matters. After all, 4000 Irishmen followed his grand plan to their deaths in Gallipoli in 1915.

It is time for the Christians in Ireland, Roman Catholics, Church of Ireland, Presbyterians, Methodists and Quakers to face up to the reality of their common faith in the love of Christ.

Gerald Morgan, Chaucer Hub, Trinity College Dublin

Irish Independent

More Up dating

December 22, 2014

Gout almost gone, duck for tea, Mary very tired but manageda little.

Jane Bown – obituary
Jane Bown was a celebrated portrait photographer for the Observer who brought her camera to shoots in a shopping bag

Jane Bown in 1983 Photo: Observer / TopFoto
7:42PM GMT 21 Dec 20141 Comment
Jane Bown, who has died aged 89, was an outstanding portrait photographer who confounded the experts with the simplicity of her camera technique. She spent 65 years on the Observer, for whom she took several thousand pictures of politicians, bishops, actors, pop stars and other celebrities, as well as ordinary people – miners, hop-pickers and women at a holiday camp – whose faces captured her interest.
Nearly all her pictures were snatched on location during the 10 or 15 minutes she was allowed while a reporter was interviewing someone for the newspaper. A tiny, round-faced, unobtrusive woman, she would appear with only a shopping bag, in which her camera would often compete for space with vegetables for that night’s supper.
This unthreatening demeanour had the effect of defusing a subject’s initial hostility. Both the Beatles and the Rolling Stones took to her and allowed her to stay long after the time allocated by their minders. This resulted in famous portraits of Mick Jagger and John Lennon in particular; she found Paul McCartney “a bit pompous”.
Her much-admired picture of Samuel Beckett, showing his face as a cracked desert of lines protruding from a white polo-neck, was captured at the stage door at the Royal Court after he had declined to see her. A very determined character beneath a gentle, nervous manner, she obtained a memorable portrait of Richard Nixon by crawling through the legs of the crowd outside his hotel and shouting to him to look at her.
She worked only in black and white. She was asked to try colour for the Observer when it launched a colour magazine in the 1960s, but she didn’t like it and soon abandoned the experiment. She also used natural light; the only “equipment” she ever allowed herself was a table lamp, which she occasionally carried around to illuminate a face when the light was especially bad. She never used flash or an exposure meter.
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At first she used a Rolleiflex, moving on to a Pentax and finally to her beloved Olympus camera with an 85mm lens, always at a camera speed of 1/60th of a second and with the aperture at f2.8. The combination of wide aperture on a close-up lens produced a very thin depth of field. She focused on the subject’s head, especially the eyes, and caught their faces in a way that isolated them sharply against a hazy background.
Lord Snowdon said she was “a kind of English Cartier-Bresson” who produced “photography at its best. She doesn’t rely on tricks or gimmicks, just simple, honest recording, but with a shrewd and intellectual eye.”
Jane Hope Bown was born on March 13 1925 in Dorset. Her mother was a private nurse, working at Eastnor in Herefordshire, who fell inconveniently pregnant from a patient in her care. Jane never knew the name of her father, but gathered that he was “posh … his family had land.”

Jane Bown, on right holding camera, with Bette Davis (Getty / Hulton Archive)
She was farmed out to her mother’s five sisters in Devon and Dorset (all named after plants: Primrose, Daisy, Violet, Iris and Ivy), who passed her around between them. When she was 18, she joined the Wrens and worked as a chart-corrector for naval operations, including the D-Day landings. After the war she was given an education grant and chose to study photography at Guildford College, even though she had never held a camera before.
She took wedding photographs for a time until her former tutor, Ifor Thomas, having spotted her natural talent, put her in touch with Mechthild Nawiasky, the artist, who was working on the picture desk at the Observer. Nawiasky showed David Astor, the editor, Jane’s college portfolio, and he was so impressed, especially by her picture of the eye of a cow, that he commissioned her to photograph Bertrand Russell, the first of her great Observer portraits.
In 1954 she married Martin Moss, a fighter pilot in the war who became a senior retail executive and is credited with turning Knightsbridge into a prime shopping location. They had a house in Alton, Hampshire, and later moved to Alresford, into a Queen Anne house that had once been occupied by Jane Austen’s brother.
Jane Bown spoke often about her subjects, in her usual staccato sentences, especially if they were boring (Robert Redford was one of those) but rarely about her art. She said once: “The best pictures are uninvited. They are suddenly there in front of you. But they are there one minute and gone the next.”

Portrait of Samuel Beckett by Jane Bown (SODA PICTURES)
Bjork said of her: “She can look at a person and she knows, instinctively, straightaway, who they are.” Jane liked Gordon Brown and showed him laughing, but never caught Tony Blair. Asked about this, she said: “Oh, he was difficult. I just couldn’t get him. I’m not sure there was anything there.”
Her former editor, Donald Trelford, once accompanied her to interview Sir Anthony Blunt. The picture did not appear in the paper then, but it surfaced some years later when he was exposed as a Soviet spy. It showed him as sinister, half in light and half in shadow. Asked if she had sensed something sinister about him at the time, she said: “It wasn’t me. It was the camera. It saw something creepy in his face.”
She was appointed MBE in 1985, and CBE in 1995. When the Queen asked her what she did, she said was “a hack”. Later, when she took the official photograph for the Queen’s 80th birthday, Jane herself was 81.

Portrait of the Queen by Jane Bown (SODA PICTURES)
Although she was clearly one of the great photographers of the age, she only became widely known to the general public after the Guardian group bought the Observer in 1993 and put her archive of pictures online and produced a documentary film about her. She had two exhibitions at the National Portrait Gallery and received an honorary doctorate from Southampton University.
She published 11 collections of her pictures: The Gentle Eye (1980), Women of Consequence (1986), Men of Consequence (1987), The Singular Cat (1988), Pillars of the Church (1991), Observer (1996), Faces: The Creative Process Behind Great Portraits (2000), Rock 1963-2003 (2003), Unknown Bown 1947-1967 (2007) and Exposures (2009).
Her husband died in 2007 and she is survived by two sons and a daughter.
Jane Bown, born March 13 1925, died December 21 2014


Snapshot … Karen Babayan with her mother and grandmother at Christmas in Iran in the mid-1960s.
Snapshot: Waiting for Father Christmas in Iran

This is a rather formal picture for a very happy occasion – this was the Christmas party at the Tehran Club, a club for British expats based in a grand old house set in large grounds in central Tehran. My mother Yolande (Lolo) and my grandmother Clara are in their fashionable best, in home-sewn outfits created by my grandmother, who was an amazing seamstress.

Calikmama (my pet name for my grandmother) is in her very on-trend Jackie Kennedy two-piece and, at 52, is only a year older than I am now. In the photo, I am aged around three. Until my fifth birthday, I was stuck like glue to my mother’s skirts, and would not go to anyone, not even long-suffering Calikmama, who subsequently became my greatest ally and best friend.

My dad, Roy Sowerby, who was into amateur theatricals, was always Father Christmas at these parties. His entrance was spectacular. Totally in character, his “ho ho hos” and handbell rang out while he rode a donkey through the gardens to the house, the children crowding around the big picture window, trembling with anticipation.

Until I left Iran with my family at the age of 16, I had led a sheltered life among the Armenian and expat British communities. Despite being the product of a mixed marriage, one of the very first of the Iranian/Armenian community between an aspiring middle-class, educated Armenian girl and a working-class, ex-pro English footballer, I felt well settled and loved by the family I had been born into and relatively unaffected by world politics.

The Armenians, a Christian community, were well respected by their Muslim hosts, having been part of the fabric of the country for more than 400 years. It was something of a shock, therefore, to discover that our world was not as stable as we thought, with the coming of the Ayatollah Khomeini and subsequent Islamic revolution.

After having lived in the vibrant capital city of Tehran for 16 years, I found myself fleeing the impending political tumult and going westward, to England and an estate in the northern suburbs of Leeds, eventually becoming a painter. Our family is now scattered across the globe and this experience of displacement had a profound effect on every aspect of my life and informed every mark and output during my professional career as an artist.

Karen Babayan

The article by Aditya Chakrabortty on the goings on at Barnet council (Outsourced and unaccountable: this is the future of local government, 16 December) could have been written, to a greater or lesser extent, about any major council in England. Those of us struggling to make local government work when central government has reduced its funding so massively are familiar with the “Barnet graph of doom”, which in 2012 predicted that we would collectively be staring at a financial black hole of around £19bn by 2020 unless things changed. Up and down the country in city, town and county halls, “commissioning” is seen as the salvation to our problems. It has its place; but only if councils retain the ability to monitor its results and bodies like the Care Quality Commission, for example, have enough teeth to make sure that firms and organisations deliver according to agreements.

Clearly, we need major reform both of local government finance and structures before we even consider devolving any more powers from Westminster. We could start by adding some bands at the top end of the council tax and repatriating the business rate. How about looking at local income tax or allowing local councils to retain a couple of percent of the income tax residents already pay to the Treasury? Then let’s scrap those county and district councils that still exist in England and replace them with unitary authorities, thus reducing at a stroke the number of officers needed and particularly the number of councillors, many of whom, from my experience, often sit on both councils anyway.

There’s no easy answer to the problem. It may just boil down to those of us who can afford it being prepared to pay a little more for the services that we value. I wouldn’t bet on that happening in a hurry.
Cllr John Marriott
Lincolnshire county council

• Aside from a feeling that Aditya Chakrabortty seems stuck on a vision of local government that harps back to the 1970s, I have three main issues with his piece. One is his binary view of commissioning, in-house or outsourced. In truth, we have a varied mix of providers, some in-house, some charities, some private-sector and some joint ventures. All are united by a clear definition of the service outcome and a drive to secure value for taxpayers.

Second is his failure to understand that by commissioning services we create contracts based on the quality of service residents receive. Capita’s response to losing some calls was to commission extra phone lines. It now answers more calls than ever, with a higher satisfaction rating than the in-house service.

Thirdly, Chakrabortty seems dismissive of saving of £1m a month. Every penny we save on human resources is money we have for social care or child protection. I know which Barnet residents want us to prioritise. This may be why 53% of residents were satisfied with the council in 2010 and 75% are now.
Cllr Daniel Thomas
Deputy leader, London borough of Barnet

• Due mention should also be made of Barnet’s obsession with increasing its population, although only with the right sort of people that consolidate the political structure of the borough. But for transport, the result is unsustainable congestion from more and more cars. The borough’s cabinet has a “roads, roads, roads and roads” transport policy, to match those aspirations. And Barnet has now granted the UK’s most remarkable planning consent, at Brent Cross on the North Circular Road.

Barnet expects over 29,000 extra cars a day in the Brent Cross area, and the shopping centre expects wealthy new shoppers arriving overwhelmingly by car, even though the transport assessment claims it will increasingly be by bus. That fiction will be obvious only after the shopping centre has opened and the developer has moved on.

All is not lost though, because the borough has a shortlist of new developers, and the cabinet accepted a report that the winner will be announced at a property exhibition in the south of France next spring. Apparently, this is the way that local government now works, the modern way.
John Cox

• The government’s attitude towards the impact of its further round of cuts to local government, which by the end of 2016 will have amounted to £4 in every £10 previously spent, is not only dismissive but insulting to everyone who will feel the consequences. It is of course those most in need of public services who lose the most.

The attitude appears to be that if local authorities have managed to survive despite four years of eye-watering austerity, they can easily cope with yet more deep reductions in spending. This reminds me of a Ukrainian tale of a man who sold his mule with a guarantee that it would continue working without having to be fed for at least a week. The mule was duly bought, worked for a week without food – and then dropped dead. When the buyer complained, the mule’s original owner pointed out that the guarantee had run out. If the coalition’s measures are not a sign of their ideological objection to sustaining public services, I do not know what is.
David Blunkett MP
Labour, Sheffield Brightside

• The true cost of outsourcing local authority services? Supply teaching is an interesting example. This £500m-a-year business is run almost exclusively by private companies like Capita and Hays. One of the last council-run supply services is in Sefton, Merseyside. Last financial year, schools spent £1.6m on this service and less than £58,000 in administration costs – less than 3.6% of total costs. A private supply agency will cream off anything between 30% and 50% of the fee for supply teachers paid by schools.

Sefton Supply Service pays the full national rate for all its teachers and enrols them into the teachers’ pension scheme. Private providers pay teachers up to £60 per day less than the national rate and do not enrol teachers into TPS. So where exactly does schools’ money go? Last year the chief executive of Capita earned £2.2m and that of Hays was granted a pension contribution of £199,000. Another supply-teaching provider, Teaching Personnel, made £7.5m in profits on an income of £50m. A recent survey by one of the teaching unions found that 69% of its supply teachers had seriously considered leaving teaching in the last year.
Richard Knights

• Now that Barnet council has 300, rather than 3,000 employees, may we assume that Barnet council will have 90% fewer councillors?
Ben Ross
Burgess Hill, West Sussex

• Aditya Chakrabortty’s article on the problems experienced by people in Barnet are minor compared with the problems that can be anticipated in the future. By outsourcing its procurement and legal departments, Barnet has, in effect, lost control. It appears to have no means of independently managing and monitoring its existing contracts. More importantly, how will it negotiate new contracts when the current ones expire. There will be no in-house expertise and costs will inevitably rise.
Alan Innes
Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex

• Until actual power is restored to local authorities to make decisions about their own futures, it will be difficult to attract strong political leaders with the necessary vision, creativity and energy to drive our cities forward. Being a cypher of Whitehall, acting to the diktat of Eric Pickles, is not an attractive career option. The bland prescriptions of Sir Bob Kerslake, expressed in modern civic-management speak, fail entirely to take account of the excessive centralisation and resource starvation that have crippled our cities over the past generation. It is a nonsense that a city of a million souls should have less control of its destiny than a French village. Birmingham can become great again, but first Whitehall must remove the shackles.
Roy Boffy

• I suppose I should have known better, but I fully expected Saturday`s Guardian to include news of an angry reaction from Labour leaders to the announcement by the local government minister, Kris Hopkins, that the “latest round of multibillion-pound cuts” to local authorities’ funding was a “fair financial settlement” (Council leaders say breaking point is near, 19 December). What can possibly be “fair” about a settlement that sees over 90% of the councils facing cuts in their spending of up to 6.4% being under Labour control, whilst the ones receiving increases are over 90% in Tory hands? The situation is worsened, of course, by the fact that the figures are more likely to be nearer the 8.8% average, as suggested by the group representing local government heads, making a total of 40% cuts since the coalition took office.

Admittedly, Hilary Benn did accuse the government of cutting funding for “socially deprived cities in the north” disproportionately, but that barely merits the term “opposition”. Why can’t the Labour leadership realise that it is, above all else, unfairness that annoys and antagonises the British people, and that these cuts are just another example of the government’s discrimination. There can’t even be many Tories who honestly believe that rich areas like Wokingham should be getting a better deal than impoverished urban areas further north, but still Labour’s reaction is muted. Such stifled reaction goes some way to explain why Labour’s lead in the polls, after almost five years of unjust and prejudiced government, is only by a slender margin, rather than the double digit one it should be. Why aren’t Ed Miliband and company at least as angry as they were over a misguided tweet recently, or perhaps even more so? This is about people’s quality of life deteriorating, about inequality increasing, and children’s futures being jeopardised. Let’s see some anger and passion.
Bernie Evans

• Congratulations on your editorial (20 December) which, unusually for national media, digs deeper to explain just how iniquitous and absurd the system of council funding has become. Please carry on. Rarely does media coverage of council services seem to get much beyond Jeremy Paxman’s “councils are the people who empty your bins”. But in my experience canvassing on the doorstep, dull and perverse as it may seem to national journalists, many ordinary voters rate council services above national government services as the ones that matter more in their day to day lives.
Tim Bell

• The way the council tax has been run does indeed reveal a wider rot in the governance of Britain from which no political party can be exonerated. It seems to have been beyond the comprehension of law-makers that £72.40 a week jobseeker’s allowance is too low to tax. Much spin is devoted to raising the threshold for the payment of income tax while the robotic council computers are churning out summonses to the magistrates court adding up to £125 costs to inevitable council tax arrears making it even more difficult to collect; then the bailiffs are sent in. Tens of thousands of these Christmas cards will have been sent out last week ready for when the courts open on 5 January.

Supreme court judges commented on Haringey council’s 2012 consultation of benefit claimants about how they would like to be hit with the council tax in April 2013. “Their income was already at a basic level and the effect of Haringey’s proposed scheme would be to reduce it even below that level and thus in all likelihood to cause real hardship, while sparing its more prosperous residents from making any contribution to the shortfall in government funding.” Sooner rather than later the more prosperous residents, like MPs and councillors, must also wake up to the fact that taxing £72.40 is grotesquely unfair.
Rev Paul Nicolson
Taxpayers Against Poverty

• Eric Pickles’ decision to send in commissioners to run key functions in Tower Hamlets is a welcome move (Eric Pickles sends emergency takeover squad to Tower Hamlets, 18 December). What is needed in Tower Hamlets is honest and open government – something which has been in short supply in the borough in recent times, culminating in the shambles of May’s mayoral election, with allegations of electoral fraud and mismanagement.

There are those who seek to present government intervention in Tower Hamlets as an attack on local democracy. They are wrong.

For those of us who believe that the result of the mayoral election should be re-run, the intervention is the beginning of attempts to restore faith in local democracy and council decision-making.

In February next year an election court will decide whether the current mayor and the council’s returning officer have a case to answer over misconduct in May’s mayoral contest.

The future of democracy in our borough and across London is at stake. We are pleased that Eric Pickles recognises that what has gone on in Tower Hamlets is unacceptable and that intervention is the only cure.
Andy Erlam
Tower Hamlets Election Petition

It is wonderful how the establishment works. The truth of Mandy Rice-Davies’s allegations concerning Viscount Astor is questioned by her obituary writer Peter Stanford (20 December) – but without mentioning the fact that he was the ghostwriter for Astor’s widow, Bronwen Pugh. The Guardian reviewer of the book wrote that Stanford was “embarrassing” in his identification with Pugh and showed “partisan snobbery” in his attack on people like Rice-Davies. I always found Mandy to be truthful when tested against the files and testimony from other participants in the scandal.
Stephen Dorril
University of Huddersfield

• Geoffrey Robertson (Report, 20 December) says that the reason for the full documents relating to the trial of Stephen Ward not being released until 2046 is that the date would be 100 years after the birth of the youngest witness. Surely a more likely reason is that by that time anyone who might challenge the official version of events, who remembers or cares about the case or who might seek to arraign those who were responsible for the miscarriage of justice in the case of Stephen Ward, will be dead and so the case will quietly die with almost no publicity when the documents are released?
George Taylor
Kendal, Cumbria

• Without wishing to heap contumely on the memory of John Profumo, who followed his departure from politics with community work in the East End, I recall a ditty which was doing the rounds at the time: “What on earth have you done?” said Christine/“You have ruined the party machine./To lie in the nude/Is not at all rude,/But to lie in the House is obscene.”
Bob Watson

Your story (Mexico authorities knew about attack on students as it happened, 16 December) does not reflect the reality of the disappearance of 43 students in the Mexican state of Guerrero and the ongoing investigations around this event. Without any other source of information than a story published in a Mexican magazine – on which the attorney general’s office has already requested an appropriate rectification – the Guardian admits that it has not been able to verify not only the alleged leaked government documents but the magazine’s account.

The Mexican government is committed to a thorough transparent investigation, with the findings double-checked and assessed by different NGOs, independent groups and experts.
Diego Gomez Pickering
Ambassador of Mexico to the UK

It was heartbreaking to see the photographs of Kabul, where “life continues amid the violence” (The other Kabul, G2, 16 December). Life continues openly for men and boys, that is: the only woman or girl visible was shrouded, totally hidden by a burka, after all the years of our involvement there.
Liz Cope
Dorking, Surrey

• A couple of years ago I was having trouble putting my ferry ticket into the machine at Circular Quay in Sydney. As the queue built up behind me, a member of staff came to assist. An inspector shouted: “What’s the matter, Fred?” His reply was: “Senior.” “Oh,” said the inspector, no other explanation being necessary (Letters, 20 December).
Victoria Turner
Truro, Cornwall

• Chelsea are not the only football club to announce they are to pay the living wage to staff (Report, 12 December). Luton Town in League Two and on much less income than Chelsea have also agreed to do this. More, they have guaranteed admission prices will not rise as a result.
John Loosley
Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset

• Thank you for celebrating Sheffield’s local carol tradition (Report, 15 December). My husband’s seasonal playlist consists solely of traditional versions of While Shepherds Watched from Sheffield and further afield; it lasts for a very long car journey, and is aptly known as “Begin and never cease”.
Helen Albans

• Your front page story, Man learns to use camera (19 December), was almost as compelling as the one about Couple have baby. Twice.
Bob Hughes
Willoughby, Warwickshire



Your report “Two nations” (20 December) contrasts the gross indulgence of many Christmas shoppers on “Panic Saturday” with the fact that millions of Britons will be facing Christmas in poverty.
On a recent pre-Christmas visit to one of London’s top stores, we were astonished to see a child’s toy car on sale for £30,000, (of course it was gold-plated). What sort of person can spend that sort of money on a child’s toy when there is so much need in the world?

Mike Stroud

Christmas this year comes in the wake of the launch by the Archbishop of Canterbury of the report about the scandal of hunger and food poverty in Britain, while trillions of pounds drift tax-free into overseas accounts.

The birth of a healthy boy to a healthy mother is to be celebrated. The mother was expected by a tyrannical regime to walk the 80 miles in the last weeks of her pregnancy from Nazareth to be registered in Bethlehem. Nazareth is located between the Mediterranean and the freshwater Sea of Galilee. Plenty of affordable oily fish, jaffa oranges, green vegetables, sheep and goats to provide excellent nutrition before conception and during her pregnancy.

Many mothers in Britain today cannot afford a healthy diet at the same time as utilities, council tax and transport on £57.35 a week (aged 18 to 25) and £72.40 a week (aged 25 or over). Since 1979 successive governments have allowed the value of adult unemployment benefits to crash, leading to poor maternal nutrition and a greater risk of low birth weight and poor mental and physical health for the lifetime of their babies. Three days’ food from a food bank will not cover a nine-month pregnancy.

Rev Paul Nicolson
Taxpayers Against Poverty
London N17

Your front-page “Two nations” report repeated the claim that 13 million Britons now live in “poverty”.

In Britain, you are said to be in “poverty” if you are on 60 per cent of the median income. As the median UK household income is currently about £23,000, you are in “poverty” if you’re on less than £14,000 a year. And all sorts of absurdities follow from this definition.

What would happen to “poverty” if we could somehow double every income or if all the world’s billionaires were to suddenly relocate to Britain? How could such “poverty” ever be eradicated? Must every income be identical? This ludicrous definition appeals to people who think serious problems will disappear if we just take huge sums of money from one group and hand them to another.

Keith Gilmour

At last, a sensible US policy on Cuba
During the Cuban missile crisis, in 1962, I and 15,000 other Americans were 25 miles off the Cuban coast in very large landing ships loaded with big guns and tanks and amazing air power waiting to invade the island. As in any army that trains for years to do just that, we were all eager to do our job. Thankfully, it did not happen.

Since that time, we have allowed 20-plus electoral votes in south Florida to prevent a peace process. Cuban expatriates have kept our policy in limbo until now.

President Obama in his last two years is accomplishing good things for America. After more than 50 years of having the wrong policy, our President has established diplomatic relations with a country 90 miles away that poses no threat to us and hasn’t for decades.

I can’t wait to see Cuba without landing on a beach as a target. Good work, Mr President.

Norm Stewart
Aventura, Florida, USA

Listening to Putin accuse the West of trying to “defang the Russian bear” (19 December), one couldn’t help but think that any man prepared to employ that metaphor in the year 2014 does indeed require muzzling.

As the economy crashes around his ears and Russia heads toward deep recession, the solution to his problems do not lie in grandiose conspiracy theories or fomenting mass paranoia. The cheap tactic of counter-blame will fail him as surely as it failed Castro, and sooner. He goes on to accuse the west of plotting to seize large tracts of Siberia’s natural resources. How is such a thing even geographically possible? Does Putin imagine it would be done by stealth?

Cuba has shown the good sense to consign the past to history and make the present a priority. How much more pining for the Soviet dark ages will it take before this guy figures out that it all ended in 1988?

Mike Galvin
Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire

Any relaxation in America’s aggressive and bullying stance against Cuba is welcome. However if Barack Obama wishes his initiative to be taken seriously then he must quit the US’s occupation of Guantanamo Bay, which is sovereign Cuban territory.

Roger Earp
Bexhill, East Sussex

Oxygen of publicity for Nigel Farage
Recent letters have expressed concern that The Independent has given Ukip rather more exposure than its poll ratings warrant, publishing Nigel Farage’s weekly column while not giving the same exposure to the Green Party, which enjoys a similar poll rating. Today’s Independent (13 December) seems to bear out this concern with coverage of Ukip-related items spreading over two pages.

The thing that makes The Independent such an attractive quality newspaper is it’s non-partisan approach to politics, as reflected in its name. I realise that Ukip represents a greater threat to the political status quo than the Green Party in the forthcoming general election, but by giving them so much exposure you risk compromising your reputation for impartiality.

Patrick Cleary
Honiton, Devon

In response to John Blenkinsopp’s comments (letter, 17 December) I, too, was more than surprised that The Independent gave space to a party which makes me, for the first time in my life, seriously afraid for the political future of the UK.

My solution has been never to have read the column. But it coincides very much with my thoughts related to the National Front in France. One way to deal with them is to give them enough rope, which should ensure that they hang themselves with it.

Terence Hollingworth
Blagnac, France

I was dumbfounded to see Channel 4 giving half an hour’s puff to Nigel Farage (“Steph and Dom meet Nigel Farage”). Shall we now see David Cameron on The X Factor or Ed Miliband on Strictly? Politics as entertainment?

Betty Rider
Lewes, East Sussex

Senior moment of catastrophe
Your article of 15 December on the most popular nomenclature for the growing population of over-85s fills me with dismay. In a few months I shall have the questionable honour of joining this cohort, and would feel like an object of ridicule if referred to as a “real senior”, as if not to be confused with an unreal one.

In the sincere hope of averting the catastrophe of this abomination’s acquiring currency, I suggest the following alternatives: golden oldies; super wrinklies; late developers or honourable lifers.

Ben Marshall
London N11

Those who reach the age of 85 should be known as “super seniors”.

Peter Fryer

Horror movie for children
Jeremy Redman (Letters, 19 December) thinks those of us who saw Bambi as small children but yet have matured into happy adults were not traumatised by this film. I most certainly was. I was extremely distressed, so much so that I have been careful never to see it again. And, now aged 70, I still would not.

It was truly terrible and I feel upset merely thinking about it.

Sara Neill
Tunbridge Wells, Kent

Who pays for the City watchdog?
Julia Holley (letters, 15 December) is not only spot on about struggling public servants getting no freebies, but the Financial Conduct Authority, which Janet Street-Porter (13 December) chose as her illustrative example, are not even public servants.

They are a very affluent body funded by fee-paying members of the finance industry and they are outside the public sector pay freeze or indeed any HM Treasury pay remit authority.

Neil March
London SE13

Brand at the barricades
I found Joseph Kynaston Reeves’s letter petty, individualistic and selfish (“Russell Brand and an RBS banker: whose side are you on?”, 18 December). It sums up the insular, self-centred, conservative mentality that makes this world the cesspit it is. I stand with Russell Brand. He wants change for the better. He’s on the right side of the barricades.

Sasha Simic
London N16


If community budgets allowed cities and towns to manage the entire process of the welfare state we would have local knowledge managing families and individuals
Sir, Philip Collins (“Welfare in Britain isn’t fair, as Ukip knows,” Dec 19 ) misses the fundamentals of the welfare state.
Fundamental to Beveridge’s report was a partnership between the state and the individual. That partnership has over the years been completely eroded and now it is virtually non-existent.
New Zealand, Malta and the UK are the most centrally governed countries in the OECD. More than 30 government departments control 20 local authority departments on a one-size-fits-all basis. This results in a chaotic management of services, benefits and resultant costs with Whitehall management remote from the real issues of welfare. Government, local government and the third sector aren’t co-ordinated and compete with each other for control and funds.
If community budgets allowed cities and towns to manage the entire process of the welfare state we would have local knowledge managing families and individuals, as exemplified by Louise Casey’s troubled family unit which does so well with one person managing a family rather than 20 — as dictated by Whitehall. The benefits would be substantial.
The idea that the state knows everything has been proved to be incorrect, inefficient and highly wasteful yet ministers insist on hanging on to power.
Sir, We now have a welfare system that is understood by practically no one. Also, the present arrangement encourages idleness — an evil that Beveridge wanted to eliminate.
The whole system needs to be replaced with something that is more even-handed and easily understood. How about starting afresh with an untaxed flat rate citizens wage payable to all together with scrapping all the tax breaks on income.
This would also have the advantages of eliminating the very high rates of marginal tax for those on low incomes, and be simple to administer.
RICHARD GILL, Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucs
Sir, Philip Collins correctly suggests that increasing contribution-based benefit would cost the state more — at a time when the size of the welfare bill is already under question. It would also further complicate a complex system which results in over- and under-payments, claimants’ stress and fraud. Benefits staff contradict each other regarding eligibility and awards.
As a Citizen Advice Bureau volunteer, I have had clients unfairly (in my view) refused contributions-based benefit because of anomalies in the complex rules, eg, because they hadn’t paid NI contributions last year (despite having paid them for 20 years before that); or had several part-time jobs (despite their adding up to 40 hours a week); or because they didn’t know to switch credited contributions from wife to house-husband; or had rogue employers who pocketed their contributions.
Eliminating contributions-based benefits (rolling NI into income tax) would have huge administrative savings.
JOHN WIDGER, Altrincham, Gtr Manchester
Sir, Philip Collins is right: the British system is out of step with our deeply felt instincts about fairness. A fair system must establish more rights by contributing more.
If you have contributed in the past, of course you should get a higher pension, or a more generous benefit than someone who hasn’t.
Fairness demands that if you have not contributed, you should receive a less valuable benefit than someone who has, and it should be tied to a condition that you enrol in some full-time, work-relevant activity so you are not enjoying more free time than they do. Those with strong contributions records should be exempted from such conditions.
PROFESSOR PETER SAUNDERS (Professorial Fellow, Civitas), Hastings, E Sussex

Sir, I have been wrestling with the problems caused by modern architects for years, and particularly the impossibility of finding one’s way around (or even into) modern office buildings (letter, Dec 20). Now at least I understand why these problems have arisen — the architects are copying the ideas of Mad King George.
Anthony Jennings
London WC1
A few days ago I sat by the bedside of a wounded sapper — a reservist — and heard the story of life in a signal-box on a branch line in the North of England. The man was dying. I think he knew it. But the zest of his everyday life was still strong in him. He told me that there were three trains each way in the day, and that on winter nights the last train was frequently very late. This meant a late supper, but his wife saw to it that everything was kept hot. Sometimes his wife came to the box to meet him if it was a dry night.
In the next bed there was a young Scotsman. He was a roadman, and we talked of his roads and the changes which had been wrought in them of late years by motor traffic. He recalled a great storm, during which the sea wall around a certain harbour was washed away and the highway rendered impassable. Then, rather diffidently, he confessed that he had lost a foot — “at Ypres” — and would be handicapped in his work.
At the far end of the ward there was a German who spoke a little English. His wife and children, he said, would miss him at Christmas. We spoke a long time on the subject of Christmas. I suppose by all the orthodox canons that this German should have told me that he was glad to be a prisoner, or else that the German Army would speedily carry everything before it to victory. But somehow he forgot to say these things and I forgot to ask him about them. They seemed far away in the quiet ward, even — and for this I beg forgiveness — grotesque and uninteresting.
By the touchstone of the men it has broken this war is judged, and the makers of this war. And more than ruined villages and desecrated churches these soldiers pronounce condemnation. They, who have given so much, are, in a sense, without joy or enthusiasm; rather they shun recollection. There is no zest in the killing of men. Their thoughts, especially at this season, are directed away from the dull, mechanic force which labours against its bonds across Europe, and dwell in the homes it has threatened. The war is revealed as a thing gross and dull-witted, a crime even against the ancient, chivalrous spirit of war.

Sir, I was amazed that your correspondent had found such difficulty buying a coffee in Havana (letter, Dec 20). My caffeine-addicted husband and I had no problems last month. However, as one can get an excellent, inexpensive mojito to sip, while watching the sun disappear beneath the Havana skyline, my question would be, “Who needs coffee?”
Havana certainly does not need Starbucks and McDonald’s.
Florence Mills
Leighton Buzzard, Beds



SIR – The 350 member churches, schools and communities of Citizens UK wish to praise The Sunday Telegraph’s Justice for the Elderly campaign.
How can we live in a society where our frail parents and grandparents are cared for by people with such little training and time, working for less than it costs to live?
People among our membership with dementia are facing the distress of a different care worker coming in every week, whom they are unable to get to know and trust, and the indignity of someone rushing in and out to help them eat and clean themselves.
Meanwhile, dedicated and kind care workers are not even being paid the minimum wage, since their travel time between visits is not properly remunerated.
Our campaign #icareaboutcare joins your paper in calling on care providers and commissioners to improve standards of pay, training and continuity. Politicians from all parties must make sure social care has the funding it needs to meet these basic standards.
Related Articles

Letters: The NHS needs a long-term plan to end crowding which compromises care 20 Dec 2014
Rev Paul Regan
Chair of Trustees, Citizens UK
London E1
SIR – You are right to say that “a civilised country has to care better for its elderly”. This requires properly trained and licensed care workers who know that they are valued.
Employers who fail to pay the minimum wage to their care workers must be identified and prosecuted.
Christopher Broome
Sheffield, West Yorkshire
SIR – As a coalition of over 75 charities campaigning for improved social care, we welcome your Justice for the Elderly initiative which seeks to ensure older and disabled people are treated with dignity and respect within the care sector.
We believe that the most important issue to be addressed is chronic underfunding, which has seen dramatic rationing of social care support for older and disabled people and their carers, excluding thousands from the support they desperately need.
This also has a knock-on effect as the health service is forced to pick up the pieces when people become isolated, can’t live on their own and slip into crisis.
More and more of us need care, but fewer of us are getting it. The Government needs to fund care, as well as the health system, properly. As health experts argue, anything else is a false economy.
Richard Hawkes
Chair, Care and Support Alliance
London N7
SIR – My father is 89 years old, registered blind and living in a charity-run residential home. I have been running a complaint against the home for two years about the standard and quantity of food, and general poor care, to little avail.
I would add “proper and adequate nutrition” to your campaign’s objectives, because food is of the utmost importance for health and wellbeing. It is too easy for homes to offer poor quality food in order to save money.
M D Edwards
Llandough, Glamorgan
SIR – Full marks to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for shutting down the Merok Park nursing home.
The regulator lists 10 excellent reasons for the closure, but no mention is made of whether or not staff were kind and compassionate to the residents. This is because the CQC currently has no means of assessing this factor. On a visit to a home you can see the state of cleanliness, you can look at staffing rotas and training records, but you cannot be sure that staff are treating the residents well.
The CQC needs to encourage homes (and residents’ friends and relatives) to use cameras and sound recording devices to check up on staff. It should also place covert workers in suspect homes, as Panorama did with devastating effect at the Old Deanery care home in Braintree.
David Hogarth
London NW8
A tradition of military figures in schools
SIR – The headmaster of Box Hill School does not know his Hahn history.
Kurt Hahn shared with Goethe a high regard for military virtues. Gordonstoun School, which Hahn founded, always had former members of the Armed Forces on the staff in his time. After the war he ensured that at least four headmasters of his Salem school in Germany were retired officers rather than professional schoolmasters.
The founding head of his Atlantic College in Wales was a Rear Admiral who, at Hahn’s insistence, took early retirement in order to launch Britain’s first international sixth form college.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award was itself entrusted to that not unknown military personality, Sir John Hunt, in 1956.
David Sutcliffe
Lindfield, West Sussex
SIR – Brian Farmer writes that Ofsted has failed to deliver improvements to standards in schools. Ofsted was set up to inspect and report, not actively to improve.
Prior to Ofsted’s conception, schools were inspected rigorously by Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools, who were highly-qualified professionals. They would identify where a school’s weaknesses lay and then offer advice on how to improve. They also led their own courses for school staff to attend.
Ofsted offers no such advice and provides no such courses, so ineffective head teachers are left to their own devices.
Michael Sands
Frimley, Surrey
Brains over brawn

Andy Goode, the Wasps fly-half in action (Getty Images)
SIR – As a professional rugby player, it was brave of Andy Goode to speak out against modern coaches who train for brawn rather than traditional rugby skills. He is absolutely right.
Goode demonstrates every week how an amply framed fly-half with a proper feel for the game can glide through the smallest of gaps.
Coaches should take note, ease off on the gym work and start teaching their young players how to position themselves to give and take a pass at high speed.
Ken Cookes
Bath, Somerset
Regulating terror suspect interrogation
SIR – I was astounded to learn that British soldiers, under new guidelines, have been told not to yell at terrorist suspects.
I was regularly bawled at by drill instructors some years ago at the start of a two-year stint in the Armed Forces. A grim-faced drill instructor would stand nose-to-nose in front of each recruit on the parade ground and yell like thunder into each face. If you flinched during these tirades a drill instructor’s wrath knew no bounds.
Will instructors have to comply with these new regulations too? If so, trained combatants will struggle to cope when they come face-to-face with the enemy.
Ron Kirby
Dorchester, Dorset
SIR – Torture is abhorrent, but in gaining intelligence against a twisted ideology the West must not tie its hands completely. America and the CIA have nothing to feel guilty about.
B J Colby
Portishead, Somerset
SIR – If the West is to maintain the moral high ground in the war on terror it should remember that two wrongs do not make a right.
James Thacker
Tanworth-in-Arden, Warwickshire
Cost of going green
SIR – The costs of the Government’s energy and climate change policies are more than offset by the policies that provide energy efficiency savings. The report into energy costs that we published in November gave a complete picture of everything that affects final energy bills. Looking at the price of electricity alone doesn’t do this.
Our policies are keeping bills lower, keeping the lights on and cutting emissions.
Ed Davey MP (Lib Dem)
Energy and Climate Change Secretary
Safer London
SIR – Christopher Booker questions the value of Transport for London’s (TfL) investment in new digital speed cameras as a means of reducing deaths and serious injuries in the capital.
An average of three pedestrians a day are killed or seriously injured on London’s roads. Speed cameras are an important tool for reducing traffic speeds, which in turn makes our streets safer and benefits the environment, local economies and public health.
Investment by TfL to realise this ambition should be welcomed.
Tom Platt
Policy Manager, Living Streets
London E1
Illegal immigrants
SIR – You report the sad story of the death of an illegal immigrant who was crushed after clinging beneath a truck axle. He was only one of many who seek to smuggle themselves into the Britain in this way.
Would it really be that difficult to arrange for trucks boarding ferries bound for Britain to drive over an upward-facing television camera, positioned in a pit, in order to detect these illegal stowaways?
Dr Anselm Kuhn
Stevenage, Hertfordshire
Out on the street
SIR – As a country resident living far from London, I am interested to learn that the new Metropolitan Police Headquarters is considered too small.
Presumably those that arrive early for work will gain access, while those who turn up late will have to pound their beats. I feel sure that the public will be delighted to see them on the streets and may even be encouraged to call for further reduction in the size of their accommodation.
Lord Kenyon
Whitchurch, Shropshire
The decade pop music lost its small screen sparkle

Kylie Minogue performs ‘Santa Baby’ on Top of the Pops in 2000 (Alamy)
SIR – The low ratings for the inaugural BBC Music Awards programme earlier this month came as no surprise.
Music on TV has been in decline since the weekly Top of the Pops show was abandoned. There has never been a decent music show on television in America – even MTV, which was a brilliant idea when it started out, sadly failed to develop.
The BBC Music Awards show was actually excellent and, very importantly, the music that has been released this year has been terrific, too. Now is the time for someone with a bit of creative imagination to put together a great music on TV format for the modern day.
We need another Ronan O’Rahilly (who created the pirate radio station Radio Caroline in the Sixties) or Vicki Wickham (producer of the popular Sixties music television show Ready Steady Go!).
Jonathan King
Wyndham Yard
A worthy winner
SIR – The bad grace with which some people have greeted the Sports Personality of the Year result is astonishing.
The golfer Rory Mcllroy has achieved great feats. So has the winner, racing driver Lewis Hamilton, and his speech earlier in the night portrayed a personality replete with humility and patriotism.
I would have preferred to see third-placed Jo Pavey win following her unprecedented gold medal at 40 years of age, but to yield to calls by sportsmen and commentators to abandon the public vote would be a mistake. This is not European politics.
Tim Coles
Carlton, Bedfordshire
SIR – It is interesting that today’s youngsters are frightened by the “nasty lady” in the Paddington film.
Over 60 years ago I was scared out of my wits by the Wicked Witch of the West riding her bicycle across the sky when my mother took me to see The Wizard of Oz. My reaction has been recounted many times, with much jocularity, within the family over the years.
Gerald Fisher
Kettering, Northamptonshire
Dutch courage
SIR — Your report about the Utrecht man who toppled his crane while trying to reach his girlfriend’s window to propose made me wonder what it is about that part of the world that encourages these antics.
Back in the summer of 1972, my girlfriend and I were guests of Radio Hilversum in the Netherlands and had been put in separate lodgings by the rather strait-laced management.
Late one night I dropped quietly down from my window, sidled around the courtyard, and clambered up to my girlfriend’s balcony to propose, for the seventh time of asking. I suppose she was mildly impressed, as she replied: “Well, if it will shut you up, yes.”
We are still happily married.
Alex Abercrombie
Told you so
SIR – Dan Dare knew there was life on other planets over 50 years ago, but the only people who believed him were us schoolboys who bought the Eagle comic.
Jim Queally
Cork, Munster, Ireland

Irish Times

Sir, – Derek Byrne writes “There are some, mainly in the drinks industry, who claim education about alcohol abuse simply doesn’t work” (“Demon drink – the greatest public health issue of our age”, Opinion & Analysis, December 15th). This is simply not true. In fact the opposite is the case.
The drinks industry has been advocating education on the harmful effects of alcohol misuse for years. We have been the sole funders of the only significant programme designed to educate people on the dangers of alcohol misuse – We have highlighted time and again the evidence that shows that the principal influencers on youth drinking are parents and peers and when the alcohol strategy was published over a year ago, we stated that “the omission of education measures that could positively impact a culture of alcohol misuse from this Bill [was] a glaring omission”.
The industry wants to work with the Government, policymakers, and other stakeholders to identify and implement effective measures which reduce alcohol misuse, which is causing significant damage to the reputation of an industry which supports 92,000 jobs throughout the country.
Earlier this year the various bodies representing pubs, restaurants, hotels and independent off-licences, as well as drinks suppliers, which I represent, collectively pledged to work with Government on the implementation of meaningful policy measures to combat alcohol misuse by addressing the sale of cheap alcohol, introducing a statutory ban on price-based advertising and introducing statutory codes to regulate the merchandising of alcohol.
When considering the problems with alcohol, it is important that we acknowledge the fact that alcohol consumption in this country has fallen by over 19 per cent since 2001, and our consumption levels are fast approaching European norms. The recent Department of Children and Youth Affairs State of the Nation’s Children report shows that the number of young people stating that they have never had an alcoholic drink has increased by 35 per cent in the past eight years. A Unicef report on 29 countries, published earlier this year, found the percentage of young people who reported having been drunk on more than two occasions has fallen in Ireland.
Irish consumption is falling, and youth consumption in particular is declining. However, what is becoming apparent is that how we consume alcohol, rather than how much alcohol is consumed is increasingly problematic, with people likely to drink in “binges”. Educating people on the dangers of drinking in a harmful manner is vital. We all need to work together in order to achieve this. We want to work with Government, and all relevant stakeholders, to address the important issue of alcohol misuse in an evidence based way. We want to be part of a society that is proud of its sociable cultural heritage, and where binge drinking or antisocial behaviour is not tolerated. We can only do this if we all work together. – Yours, etc,
Alcohol Beverage
Federation of Ireland,
Lower Baggot Street,
Dublin 2.

Sir, Patrick D Goggin (December 15th) says we hear a lot about the relatives of the 2,000 who “came out” for the 1916 Rising but very little about the relatives of the 200,000 who followed Redmond’s call to fight for Home Rule in the first World War. One wonders just where Mr Goggin has been the last three decades? Claims that the Irish State has displayed a national amnesia towards those Irish who fought in British uniform in the Great War are without basis.
In March 2011 former president Mary McAleese delivered a speech at Suvla Bay, site of the 1915 Battle of Gallipoli, commemorating those Irish in British uniform who died during the invasion of Turkey. This poignant commemoration and speech by our former president reflected the emotions of the Irish nation as we remembered with dignity all those who died in that dreadful imperial conflict. Also, in 1998, in an unprecedented act of political ecumenism at Messines Ridge in Belgium, President McAleese, alongside Queen Elizabeth II, dedicated a peace tower in memory of those from the entire island of Ireland who answered Redmond’s call and never returned from Flanders. The president spoke proudly of nationalists and unionists who fought side by side in the Great War. These commemorations and dedications were an acknowledgement by the Irish State of the sacrifices these men had made and relatives of these men were represented by the government and president.
For many years now Irish society in the South has been accused of failing to honour the memory of those who were slaughtered in the Great War. Can it be that Mr Goggin is unaware that since 1986, the Sunday nearest July 11th each year has been set aside to commemorate all Irish killed in war, including those who gave their lives in both world wars? The President, Taoiseach, leaders of the Opposition and religious leaders from all the main churches are invited to attend. This is truly a national commemoration to honour those Irish who died in all conflicts, with formidable respect and dignity, and it is entirely appropriate that this National Day of Commemoration be held. – Yours, etc,
Dublin 6W.

Sir, – The referendum on divorce was passed in November 1995 by 9,114 votes – the same number of students at a medium-sized college.
During the month of November 2014, the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) registered over 20,000 new student voters, the largest voter registration drive in recent years – proving students’ desire to engage with the issue of marriage equality.
Over 90 per cent of students are in favour of marriage equality – far higher than in the general population. If we’re serious about marriage equality, it’s crucial that we maximise student turnout for next year’s referendum.
USI has always advocated that April would be a more suitable time for students, because May is exam time for most. Friday, April 24th would, in our view, be an opportune time to hold the referendum and it would allow for a higher student turnout.
May 1st is also a Friday and would be far more preferable than later in May.
To hold this referendum any later would be an act of folly on the part of the Government – none of us want to be watching the votes coming in wishing that more people could have voted Yes – when it could so easily be facilitated. – Yours, etc,
Union of Students in Ireland,
Portview House,

Sir, – I enjoyed your positive coverage of Limerick City of Culture but I would like to augment it, if I may, by paying tribute to a small group of Limerick-based readers who, on a very limited budget, programmed and delivered a highly successful series of literary events throughout the year.
Working long and thankless hours, Caroline Graham, Sheila Quealey, Vivienne McKechnie and James Lawlor brought Colin Barrett, Kevin Barry, Christine Dwyer Hickey, Paul Lynch, Paula Meehan, Claire Keegan and American poet Richard Blanco to Limerick, where those authors gave readings, workshops and talks in the city’s beautiful library, in different places throughout the county and at the University of Limerick.
These volunteers organised the venues, distributed the flyers, wrote press releases and adverts, set up the chairs, were the first to arrive and the last to leave, for no reason other than a passion for our literature and the belief that someone had to do it, otherwise it wouldn’t get done.
Colum McCann addressed a packed audience, including many local schoolchildren, at the college. Donal Ryan, our incoming Arts Council Writer in Residence, gave ceaselessly of his time and his talents. The contribution of these volunteers, writers and readers was immense. It establishes an important legacy that is already being built upon.
JP McManus’s educational trust funded a short story competition for Limerick schoolchildren and third-level students. Thousands of people in Limerick enjoyed cultural events of impressive range and ambition.
Were there imperfections? Yes. How could there not have been? But what happened this year in Limerick was amazing and inspiring and might serve as an example to the rest of the country – citizens taking charge, delivering excellence, destroying stereotypes. Local businesses getting involved. Third-level institutions reaching out. Local media promoting the arts as a source of dignity and pride.
Faced with the well-documented early adversities that were sometimes rather gleefully remarked upon by certain cosmopolitan geniuses based in the capital, Limerick City of Culture failed to get the memo and lie down to defeat.
Too often it used to be the case that everything cultural that happened outside the Pale was seen as unworthy except as a pretext for self-amused condescension. The volunteers who saved Limerick City of Culture and made it a success have played a hugely important part in consigning all of that to the rubbish heap where it always belonged. – Yours, etc,
Professor and
Frank McCourt
Chair of Creative Writing,
School of Culture
and Communications,
University of Limerick.

Sir, – The great abundance of rural footpaths in England and much of Europe arises from patterns of settlement arising in medieval feudal society, and not from any action by government. Rural Ireland has very few footpaths because it lacks the thousands of medieval villages which dominate rural England, each served by a vast network of footpaths criss-crossing the countryside and which have been protected since time immemorial.
Many of the publicised long-distance tourist walking trails are essentially founded on a combination of these.
The fact that the National Trust is the largest land-owner with nearly 700,000 acres in the most scenic areas, including 20 per cent of the entire coastline, has also aided key additions to paths for tourists in England.
Another key factor in England has been strict planning policies to ensure that new rural houses are attached to villages, and not scattered across the landscape, as is the case here. This has enabled the preservation of marvellous scenery which attracts walking tourists, despite a heavily populated state.
It is hard to envisage any significant change in Ireland’s footpaths since Ireland benefits from none of these circumstances, and has the further disadvantage of highly fragmented land ownership; in England, just 6,800 farmers farm 70 per cent of the farmland. – Yours, etc,
Ballineen, Co Cork.
Sir, – What planet does Mr Sean MacCann live on (December 19th)? Contrary to his assertions walkers do not want, or need, to wander round other people’s back gardens and, while there may be a few rambler-vandals, I suspect that there are far fewer than in the general population; they are unlikely to be deterred by “keep out” signs or legal prohibitions.
No, most hill walkers would be happy with clearly defined paths through farmland into remote, open country (this would also be to landowners’ benefit by controlling the present free-for-all).
Such a legal right has been implemented long ago in every European country that I know of, and I know quite a few, without uproar from landowners. So, what’s so different about Ireland? – Yours, etc,
Meadow Grove,
Dublin 16.

Sir, – On November 17th, 2010, Steve MacDonogh of Brandon Books died suddenly, leaving behind a small publishing house and some stunned writers. I had published with Steve since 1988 when he launched my first book To School Through the Fields and 15 books later we had developed a solid working relationship.
Steve’s secretary of long standing Maire Ní Dhalaig and I wondered about the future of Brandon Books. There were a few unsatisfactory overtures but then O’Brien Press appeared on the horizon and things took a positive turn. Michael and Ivan O’Brien went down to the Brandon base in Dingle and after a short time Maire rang to tell me in a relieved voice that “O’Brien Press are behaving very honourably”. I breathed a sigh of relief.
Honourable is a description that is highly desirable but seldom heard in today’s business world.
And so O’Brien Press rescued Brandon Books and now three publications later I agree with Maire that it is an honourable firm.
It has a good team who look after their writers and at this challenging time it is creating a future reading public by investing heavily in books for young people.
It seems incomprehensible that the Arts Council would so drastically withdraw support from a publishing house that is supporting so many Irish writers and engaging the minds of young readers.
Surely it is to everyone’s advantage that our Irish publishing houses be supported so that Irish writers can be published in Ireland and help sustain the Irish economy. – Yours, etc,
Co Cork.

Sir, – One of the decisions many families make each year is what to prepare for the family dinner on 25th. Most choose to cook a turkey.
The typical supermarket turkey has been bred to reach market size in six to 16 weeks, housed for its short life in an indoor factory farm. It is selectively bred to have a large body and fragile bones, much like its cousin, the broiler chicken. Simply stated, it is a mass commodity product that has a miserable, short, unnatural life.
The most compassionate choice at Christmas is, clearly, a vegetarian one.
More and more ethically minded and health-conscious consumers are taking this route.
If you can’t get your head around that, the next best choice is organic, because if the bird is raised organically, there is a good chance it will have had a reasonably decent life.
It will cost you more, but then who is willing to put a price on compassion? – Yours, etc,

Sir, – In light of the increasingly petulant and confrontational way in which the Dáil appears to conducts its parliamentary business these days , would it not be more appropriate if a few Dáil deputies were guillotined rather than proposed legislation? – Yours, etc,
Dublin 2.

Sir, – I should be obliged if you would allow me to appeal to your readers for information on the life or career of W Hamilton Burns – a Belfast man, I think – who set to music Samuel K Cowan’s poem The Charge of the Ulster Division at Thiepval. This was published in sheet music form in 1916 by the publishing firm of Burns (probably related) of Belfast. Any information would be welcome, and could be sent to or my postal address below. – Yours, etc,
71 Bluebell Road,
Dublin 12

Irish Independent

Dear Mr Kenny, I write to wish you and yours a very Happy Christmas. I am writing to inform you of a new category of class in our society – the Working Poor of Ireland (a label I had given myself some time ago, and which was confirmed by the recent ESRI report)

You see, Taoiseach, I am one of the so-called lucky ones. I have managed to re-secure employment after a horrendous five or six years. I, like many, suffered immensely due to the financial crash and not in terms of lost investments or the likes.

At the end of the day, I was just an ordinary working woman who had reared my kids single-handedly throughout the years. I am a divorcee in my 50s, with no family remaining, apart from my children. I always worked for my living, reared my children through difficulty times, but survived.

But the crash hit me badly because after 31 years, I found myself unemployed. I then lost my home as a consequence of losing my job. I also lost my long-standing excellent credit rating, lost my social standing, my self-esteem and hope for my future. I became a casualty of the crash.

However, Taoiseach, I should now be counting my blessings. I am working again and am no longer just a statistic. But, all is not quite as it seems.

Over the last four to five years, I tried and tried with all my might to find employment in a very difficult labour market. I got lots of jobs – all temporary, contract positions lasting between three and 12 months. I managed to keep my periods of “unemployment and signing on” to the very minimum. None of these positions were easily got or reachable. I had to travel to them all – some involved round trips of up to 300kms per day (from a city in the south-east to Dublin), so basically these jobs merely helped me regain some self-esteem, but were never financially beneficial. Indeed, without question, they cost me in travel and wear and tear on my car.

Presently, I am in another temporary contract position. It’s great to have a job to go to every day but, alas, that is about the entire positive I can say about it. You see, Taoiseach, I now travel 140kms a day to work, five days a week. The day is long, it’s a 12-hour day. Up at 6am, home at 7pm, with a 2.5-hour drive and eight-hour working day in between. Then it’s cook quick, eat quicker and then to bed to prepare to do it all over again the following day. My reward for my 12-hour day and pressured job, is €364 a week after tax, PRSI, USC. To those on long-term unemployment, that might seem pretty decent. But, just for fun, let’s break down my expenses.

Take home pay €364. Out of this, €85 for petrol weekly. I’m then left with €279. Then, like everyone else, I must pay my way – rent €100 a week (in a very damp house); food €50 a week; Credit Union debts €20 a week; €20 (for car tax/insurance/maintenance/NCT, etc); €8 a week cable TV (my only entertainment); €7 a week bin charges; €15 electric meter; and €20 for drum of heating oil a week. So I am left with the miserly sum of €39, for incidentals and crisis events.

As I write to you, Taoiseach, I am not full of festive cheer. I cannot afford Christmas (once again). There will be no elaborate Christmas day feast in my home. Taoiseach, you and your Government have won the battle, but lost the war and sustained huge numbers of casualties along the way.

But I will not be a humbug and will not be envious of how many will celebrate, spend, party and feast lavishly this Christmas. I will wish all of you in political office a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year, but I hope as you all celebrate, you will acknowledge how you have broken so many and created a new social class of citizen – The Working Poor of Ireland.

Name and address with Editor

Political reform still needed

I voted for Fine Gael for the first time in my life at the last general election, solely on the basis that they advocated meaningful electoral reform – which is essential for changing the way our country is governed.

Therefore, I was delighted to see Ivan Yates’s excellent article on this subject (December 18).

He stated that the dysfunctional multi-seat PR system only leads to local competition between candidates from the same party.

He is correct and I believe that this is a corrosive cancer which forces the candidates into the lowest form of clientelism and parish pump politics.

Irrespective of how well-meaning a candidate may be in their desire to put the well-being of the country first, if they do not give preference to the local issue above what is right for the country, their fellow candidate – very often from the same party – will do so. The consequence of doing what is right for the country as against what is popular can result in the loss of one’s seat at the next election.

What is required to get away from this system – which only creates political paralysis for genuine politicians – is a radical reform of the electoral system. What is needed is a 100-seat Dail with single-seat constituencies elected by proportional representation. County boundaries would be respected here, eg Leitrim would be one constituency or perhaps two. Counties with larger populations would have three or four constituencies, this would be worked out to concur with the present constitution requirement of electors per constituency. This requirement could also be reviewed as for being fit for purpose.

Paul Connolly

Co Kildare

Keane interest

I have no interest in any sport, but I always devoured the late Con Houlihan’s sports columns.

Now I read those columns of Billy Keane. And wasn’t I very glad that I do, especially when I read his account of the time spent with the last of the Dingle nuns. One to be treasured

Mattie Lennon,

Blessington, Co Wicklow

Post offices are out to lunch

Reading Billy Keane’s moving article about the transfer of their beloved Listowel Post Office reminds me of another annoying and unresolved issue. Why are post offices still closing for lunch? Why – at a time best suited to a large number of the public they purport to serve – do they lock their doors from 1pm to 2pm each day?

I know of no business – in any walk of life – which shuts their doors to their customers at times best suited to those they serve.

Liam Cassidy

Celbridge, Co Kildare

Don’t speak little of EU action

Funny how when you drink non-stop they call it an illness, but when you eat non-stop they call it greed. The truth is that they are both serious addictions.

Because you, dear reader, can stop at a half-pint of lager and a light salad, do not judge other people by your own fortunate standards.

Thank heavens, the EU are now bringing in some proper legislation to protect fatties in the workplace.

David Woosnam

Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England

In for the Count?

At last, I can (thanks to James Gleeson) confess to being an avid Count Curly Wee fan. Any more readers willing to stand up and be… counted?

Tom Gilsenan

Beaumont, Dublin 9

Optimism a vital elixir

What a fabulous letter from Benita Lennon (December 18). My friend, health, happiness, and long life to you. We deserve more people like you in this wonderful, but troubled world.

Sean Brannigan,

Dundalk, Co Louth

Irish Independent


December 21, 2014

21 December 2014 Updating

I still have arthritis in my left toe but its nearly gone. I tidy up and update some software.

Mary’s back much better today, breakfast weight up trout for tea and her tummy pain is still there.


Virna Lisi was an Italian actress who abandoned a promising Hollywood career to pursue more challenging roles in Europe

Virna Lisi

Virna Lisi Photo: GETTY

Virna Lisi, the Italian actress, who has died aged 78, enjoyed a brief burst of fame in Hollywood in the 1960s before decamping back to Europe, frustrated at being cast as what she saw as blonde eye-candy; nearly three decades later she won the best actress award at Cannes for her portrayal of the scheming Catherine de Medici in Patrice Chéreau’s costume epic Queen Margot (1994).

She was born Virna Lisa Pieralisi in Ancona on November 8 1936, the daughter of a marble exporter, and began appearing in the Italian cinema at the age of only 17, having been discovered by two Neapolitan producers ; she was soon also working extensively on both stage and television, and her beauty secured her a spot advertising a brand of toothpaste with the slogan: “con quella bocca può dire ciò che vuole” (with that mouth, she can say whatever she wants). She made several films in France, including La Tulipe Noire (Black Tulip, 1964), alongside Alain Delon, and before she was 30 she had come to the attention of Hollywood.

In 1965 she starred with Jack Lemmon and Terry-Thomas in the romantic comedy How to Murder Your Wife. Lemmon has the part of Stanley Ford, a well-off New York cartoonist who is leading a happy-go-lucky bachelor existence until, at a party, he witnesses the comely Virna Lisi bursting out of a large cake in a bikini. The next morning he wakes to find her in bed with him, and discovers that he has married her in a drunken stupor; the relationship goes downhill from there.

Virna Lisi later described the film as “very successful, but very light”, and she was no more complimentary (“trivial fluff”) about Not With My Wife, You Don’t (1966), in which she is an Italian nurse during the Korean War who falls in love with two United States Air Force pilots (Tony Curtis and George C Scott).

As for Assault on a Queen (1966), an action-adventure movie in which she co-starred with Frank Sinatra, in her judgment it was “not very good”.

She then turned down an offer to star in Barbarella (1968), later explaining: “They said, ‘You will look wonderful with wings and long silver hair.’ I said that I wanted to play something, a role, a real part.” The opportunity went to Jane Fonda, but 30 years later Virna Lisi claimed to have no regrets: “Maybe I’ve made some wrong choices in my career, but I don’t think that was one of them.”

Virna Lisi took the bold step of buying out her contract with United Artists and returning to Europe, making an enduring career in both film and television, principally in her native Italy. She did not entirely abandon English-language roles, for example co-starring with Anthony Quinn in Stanley Kramer’s The Secret of Santa Vittoria (1969), in which an Italian wine-producing village conceals from the Germans a million bottles of wine in the aftermath of the fall of Mussolini .

Virna Lisi emerging from the cake in ‘How to Murder Your Wife’

In 1977 Virna Lisi won critical praise for her role as the sister of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche in Beyond Good and Evil, directed by Liliana Cavani, famous for drawing out superb performances from Dirk Bogarde and Charlotte Rampling in The Night Porter (1974); and she gained further plaudits for her performance in Luigi Comencini’s Buon Natale… Buon Anno (1989).

Her most successful role could hardly have been further removed from Hollywood’s casting of her as a frivolous blonde. As Catherine de Medici in Queen Margot, set in Reformation France and based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas, she forces her daughter Marguerite de Valois (Isabelle Adjani) to marry the Protestant Henry of Navarre (Daniel Auteuil) and helps to orchestrate the St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre of Protestants in 1572.

Although not everyone was enamoured of the film – The New York Times called it “chaotic, overheated and bizarrely anachronistic”, and likened Virna Lisi’s character to “Nosferatu with a wig” – the judges at Cannes voted her the year’s best actress. “I heard Clint Eastwood announce my name on the stage,” she later recalled. “It was a shock. My God! This was just a small part. My son, who was sitting next to me, whispered and told me not to cry. I got up there and cried as if I were a little starlet. It was very stupid, but, then, it had taken me 35 years to get there.”

Virna Lisi as Catherine de Medici in ‘Queen Margot’

It was a source of pride to her that her looks had nothing to do with the accolade: “It must have been difficult for [the film makers] to find anyone who was willing to look as ugly as this woman. I spent three hours in make-up every morning with them pinning things in my hair, to make me look ugly.” Peeling off the make-up and hair required another hour at the end of the day’s filming.

Virna Lisi’s later films include Follow Your Heart (1996), in which he plays an elderly woman dying of cancer. Her performance was rewarded with an Italian Golden Globe for best actress.

In 2002 she made Il più bel giorno della mia vita (The Best Day of My Life), appearing as a widowed grandmother living in her family’s crumbling villa in Rome.

Virna Lisi married, in 1960, Franco Pesci, an architect. He died in 2013, and she is survived by their son.

Virna Lisi, born November 8 1936, died December 18 2014


David Cameron and Nick Clegg
Partners in parliament: David Cameron and Nick Clegg. Photograph: Wpa Pool/Getty Images

In his condemnation of the Lib Dems for propping up “the most extremist rightwing government in my lifetime”, Phillip Wood (Letters) completely ignores the result of the last general election. Given the number of seats won, a Labour/Lib Dem coalition was impossible, and the only alternative to the Conservative/Lib Dem coalition was a minority Conservative government.

As this would have been an unstable situation, and in the light of the dire economic situation, David Cameron would almost certainly have called another election within a year or so (as Harold Wilson did in 1966 and 1974) and appealed to the electorate for a proper mandate to deal with the economic crisis. Given Wilson’s experience, particularly in 1966, this would most likely have resulted in a rightwing majority Tory government, enabling them to do whatever they wished, a much worse situation than now.

Junior partners in coalitions cannot call the tune, but at least the Lib Dems have managed to exert a restraining influence on the wilder fantasies of the Tories, delivering, for example, a rise in the income tax personal allowance, which before the election Cameron said was unaffordable. If you wish for the moon in politics you’ll have a very long wait. Politics is the “art of the possible” and the Lib Dems should be given credit for their achievements in government, not vilified for policies outside their control.

Ian Dickins

Wimborne, Dorset

Out of political proportion

Andrew Rawnsley rightly predicts that our voting system will prove unfit for purpose next May (“The parties prepare for a hung, drawn and quartered parliament”, Comment). Electoral Calculus predicts that the Ukip, Lib Dem and Nationalist parties will get a 17.17%, 8.19% and 4.14% share of the GB vote yet, perversely, win 0, 19 & 45 seats respectively. First past the post would appear to be not so much a non-proportional system as an inversely proportional one.

Peter Mendenhall


Man up, Barbara Ellen

Oh Barbara Ellen, do you not realise that it is because men have become so much more sensitive to the afflictions of others that we are articulate about our own conditions (“I’m so very sick. (Of you being ill!)”, Comment)? Moreover, your self-acknowledged callousness is surely due to fearfulness that if your man is ill there will be no more food on the table for you and your bairns. So get off your arse, you pitiful creature! Ah! You’re trapped in history. Poor dear. We, in our turn, feel guilty for being less than our expected strong, fit, Marlboro Country cousins, and have to justify ourselves.

Historically, we know that you and yours have had to retire early to bed with a headache.  We understand, Babs.

Charles  Hodgson

Newport, Shropshire

Electing to marry

Interesting exchange on whether 16-year-olds should be given the vote (The Debate, New Review). Bearing in mind that in Scotland the legal age for marriage is 16, are those opposed to extending the franchise seriously arguing that it’s OK to marry an MP but not to vote for one?

David Clark


We’re no champagne Charlies

Daniel Boffey’s article (“Champagne wars in the Lords as peers say no to a cheaper vintage”) relied on inaccurate evidence from Sir Malcolm Jack to the House of Commons governance committee. Let me be categorical: no proposal to merge the catering services of the two Houses has been put to the House of Lords by the House of Commons. The joint champagne procurement I believe Sir Malcolm was referring to was over a decade ago. We have since established a joint House of Commons and Lords procurement service that is seeking even better value for money for the taxpayer.

Mr Boffey goes on to describe the 17,000 bottles of champagne bought by the House of Lords since 2010 without explaining that every one has been or will be sold at a profit, as is all alcohol sold in the House of Lords: 87% of the champagne sold in the Lords is sold in the gift shop to visitors or at revenue-generating banqueting events. Such activities have helped us reduce the cost of the catering service by 27% since 2007/08. This is a very different picture from the inaccurate one of members of the House of Lords getting five bottles each a year painted by Mr Boffey.

Lord Sewel

Chairman of Committees

House of Lords


Lohan behold, it’s Lindsay

Lindsay Lohan wants to make London her home (News). I am curious as to her immigration status. Presumably she doesn’t have right of entry as an EU citizen. I have nothing against her personally, but how is it she can come and go as she pleases? If she decides to apply for citizenship, will her past be investigated for illegal or undesirable behaviour? Could she be ejected because of her past record of drug taking and alcoholism? As an immigrant, she will have to be very careful where she settles so that she doesn’t upset Nigel Farage by overburdening the M4 corridor.

Robert Ashley

London SE9

Young man voting
A young man voting: compulsory voting would help to resolve hunger and poverty. Photograph: Alamy

With so much discussion about the plight of the poor (“It’s shameful that so many go hungry in our wealthy country”, leader), the Labour party needs to consider how to make the opinions of the poorest and the youngest in our society count.

The Audit of Political Engagement in 2010 by the Hansard Society showed for example that 69% of the AB social group but only 39% of the DE group were likely to vote and that 73% of ABs but only 38% of DEs showed an interest in politics.

Of equal concern is that only 27% of our 18-24 age group, compared with 70% of those over 70, are likely to vote, yet many of these under-24s are struggling to find good jobs. The most certain way of improving these percentages is to make voting compulsory, yet this option has received almost no discussion. If the Labour party intends to institute a constitutional commission, discussion of this issue should be given a high priority.

Dr Simon Harris


“The glue that once held us together and gave life to our communities is gone.” Your leader argues that this statement from Feeding Britain, the report from the all-party parliamentary group on hunger and food poverty, is wrong because we are still charitable. Margaret Thatcher believed that we needed the poor: how else could we show our charity? A twisted creed if ever there were one. The glue that should hold us together is a belief in a public realm, an inimical faith for the neoliberals who currently govern our sad state, which, as Will Hutton writes, they are intent on hugely reshaping (“Yes, we can reshape the state – if corporations pay more tax”, Comment).

John Airs


Will Hutton writes that “arguably the state is paying part of what should be workers’ wages”. There is no argument! Taxpayers are now paying an extra £900m in tax credits to ensure that the low paid survive. How ridiculous that this happens so that companies can maximise their profits, pay executives huge bonuses and collect “yet more cash for dividend distributions” to shareholders. Adding to the absurdity, companies in the UK get rewarded for their greed by this government, with corporation tax reduced to 21%, a full 19 points below the rate in the US.

Hutton is optimistic about the effects of the recent “Google tax”, but he did not mention George Osborne’s announcement on Northern Ireland. Despite the finance ministers of Germany, France and Italy stating that “the lack of tax harmonisation is one of the main causes allowing aggressive tax planning”, yet again we see, in John Cridland’s words, another example of Britain “going it alone” by apparently allowing Northern Ireland’s corporation tax to match the Republic’s at 12.5%.

Does not the “variety of tax regimes” in the “international system” play into the greedy hands of tax-avoiding companies and their advisers in the “big four” accounting firms? Is it not time for action against tax avoiders to be taken in concert with our EU colleagues, rather than in opposition to them? Sensible and similar rates of corporation tax would be a start.

Bernie Evans


William Keegan exposes a central lie in the coalition’s justification of its failed economic policy (“The deficit isn’t the real problem. The crisis is in productivity”, Business). To justify that lie, they peddle another also swallowed by the media: that a government is like a household because it cannot “max out its credit card”. But Osborne himself boasts about paying off First World War debt, so our government can support long-term indebtedness and it can also issue its own currency, neither of which a household can. So government and household financial constraints are very different.

Keegan is wrong though to claim we “needed austerity after the Second World War because the country was broke”. In fact, the authorities then focused on employment and economic expansion to reduce the debt. The approach was completely successful; within only two years, the debt was heading down and the wartime production and employment gains were preserved and extended through to the 1970s. They had “spent away” the debt.

David Murray

Wallington, Surrey



DJ Taylor confesses to be ignorant of physics (“Don’t know much biology”, 14 December). This reminds me of a special University Challenge in which one of the teams was a group of MPs. There was a round of questions on chemistry in which the MPs failed to get a single correct answer and, at the end, they said, “You don’t expect us to know anything about chemistry, do you?” This scientific ignorance is a very British thing – you will find a much rounder concept of general knowledge in the Netherlands and Germany. What we need is better education, producing more rounded people who know as much about chemistry and physics as they do about Shakespeare, Picasso, Mozart and the Hundred Years War.

Ian K Watson,

Carlisle, Cumbria

I agree with DJ Taylor that the ignorance displayed by educated people towards science is striking. But this mainly applies to arts and humanities graduates: it is far less common for students of science to display the same ignorance of music and literature. Science and art enrich our lives in different ways, and the national curriculum should require children to study them both equally. Britain would be so much better governed if it were run by well-rounded polymaths rather than the narrow band of PPE types we have at present.

Stan Labovitch

Windsor, Berkshire

John Rentoul (“The spirit of the Thirties lends Ed a withered hand”, 14 December) notes that Ed Balls has been more right on the economy over the past 10 years than George Osborne but that still might not win Labour the election. Why? Rentoul argues it is because Balls is bad at “selling” his analysis and policies. Labour can rarely expect a reasonable hearing from much of the media but that hasn’t stopped it winning elections. It has relied on an army of activists in the trade unions and in communities to get its points across in a far more direct and personal way. Labour still has some of that activist base, and far more of one than the other parties. However, it is diminished and in some areas hardly functions. That is a problem for Labour and more widely for democracy, though the rise in support for the Greens, nationalist parties and Ukip suggests that, as ever, nature abhors a vacuum.

Keith Flett

London N17

Your article states “More and more countries are now taking climate crisis seriously” (“Rich square up to poor at climate talks”, 14 December). It is worth recalling that world leaders all agreed to prevent dangerous anthropogenic climate change as long ago as 1992, at the Earth Summit in Rio. Since then, annual emissions of carbon dioxide have increased by 60 per cent, the United States has refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, Canada has withdrawn from the protocol, and China has become the largest emitter on the planet. In truth, the world is reneging on the promises made 22 years ago.

Robin Russell-Jones

Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire

Simon Barnes (“Conservation begins at home”, 14 December) comments that if Prince William wants to be a conservationist then he must stop shooting. Unfortunately, this might not have the desired effect. Our research shows that well-managed shoots (including grouse moors) are a force for good. A study of an abandoned grouse moor recorded that, in less than 20 years, lapwing became extinct, golden plover declined from 10 birds to one and curlew declined by 79 per cent.

Andrew Gilruth

Director of communications, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust

In last week’s issue, I have read Ellen E Jones commenting on Alan Titchmarsh and the royal mushrooms, and Jane Merrick referring to the same Titchmarshian discovery. In the Arts & Books supplement, Food for Thought was by Alan Titchmarsh. In the New Review, he’s there again, under Agenda Credo. If you give us such extensive exposure of anyone in future, can it please be someone more deserving than this ubiquitous and vapid self-publicist?

David Head

Navenby, Lincolnshire


It has been suggested that excessive intervention by MPs does the economy more harm than good Photograph: PA/PA Archive

‘Zombie’ parliaments frighten businesses less than active ones

IN HIS article “Tories rue dawn of ‘zombie’ parliament” (News, last week), Tim Shipman mistakenly equates a more active parliament with a good one. Most business people I know say hyperactive, hyper-interventionist parliaments tend to be the ones that do the most harm to investment, job creation and growth.

They also say that knowing how long a parliament will last allows them to plan better, given our politicians’ short-term decision making on things such as tax and expenditure.

Furthermore, for the millions of people disaffected by our electoral system, MPs spending more time in their constituencies trying to reconnect with the public may not be such a bad thing.

Five-year, fixed-term parliaments are certainly imperfect, especially for Westminster watchers, yet they might have a silver lining for the country as a whole.
Dr Adam Marshall, Executive Director, British Chambers of Commerce


The paucity of government bills in the last session of parliament gives backbenchers an opportunity to demand extra time to debate private member’s bills, their very own Cinderella of parliamentary business. But do they seize it?
Peter Saunders, Salisbury, Wiltshire


Camilla Cavendish (“Stuck between Brand and Farage is a place no one wants to be”, Comment, last week) asks why our faith in politicians has sunk so low.

In my work I speak to tradesmen, and a universal and recurring theme is that no politician has asked them whether they wanted mass immigration, which has led to a reduction in wages and an increase in the cost of property, or multiculturalism, which has resulted in people choosing to follow their own laws — sharia, for instance — rather than those passed in parliament.

All this has produced a very toxic brew. It is the mainstream politicians who are responsible for the rise of Nigel Farage and Russell Brand.
Gerry Congdon, Bristol

Finding Fawlty

Labour’s leaked guidance to campaigners not to mention immigration during the run-up to the general election brought to mind“Don’t mention the war!” in Fawlty Towers. It seems a Basil Fawlty is lurking somewhere deep within the Labour ranks.

Bob MacDougall, Kippen, Stirlingshire


I have always voted Labour, and am a member of Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and the National Trust. The reason voters in my area (a mixture of working and middle classes) will vote Ukip is the population boom. The council has voted to allow 3,000 new properties near my home to accommodate the population from Birmingham, in the main fuelled by immigration.

This will cover most of the green space we enjoy, and HS2 will destroy two golf courses. Our deciduous forest mass is the lowest in Europe. Ukip is our only alternative and Farage speaks for a great proportion of the electorate in my community.
Paul Butler, Cannock, Staffordshire

Nothing new about budgetary aid misuse

THE massive misuse of European and British budgetary aid in Ghana reported by Bojan Pancevski is no surprise, since almost all UK financial aid now takes that form, or is disguised so as to be impossible to audit (“British aid bankrolls Ghana’s legion of ghost civil servants”, World News, last week).

The Department for International Development (DfID) is now giving almost £300m a year to Ethiopia, and many millions to Nigeria, Pakistan, Kenya and numerous others. It is impossible, indeed dangerous, to audit budgetary aid; an assassination attempt on Malawi’s former budget director occurred last year after he planned to reveal corruption.

There have also been huge scandals over the way the governments of Uganda, Mozambique, Kenya, Rwanda and Nepal have misused this type of aid. And if anyone thinks that the £268m going to Pakistan reaches poor people, they must be very naive. The DfID is being taken to court over claims about misuse of aid in Ethiopia and it has been condemned by Amnesty International.

Barbara Castle, who in 1964 was put in charge of the newly formed Ministry of Overseas Development (for which I worked as director of economics), instructed us to phase out budgetary aid, as it undermined local effort, got diverted and was impossible to audit. We did this for all the big countries by 1972. However, it was reintroduced several decades later, as it was the only way aid targets could be met.

My guess is that about 50% of Britain’s £11bn aid programme is being misused or misdirected to multilateral agencies in order to meet the 0.7% aid target. Making this a legal target is incredibly irresponsible.

There is a strong moral case for providing help to developing countries primarily for family planning and education, but aid given in this way and on this scale is not. Castle must be turning in her grave.
Gordon Bridger, Guildford, Surrey

Baby-boomers could write book on austerity

IT IS difficult to describe what life was like for the baby-boomers in the 1950s and 1960s without sounding like Monty Python’s Four Yorkshireman sketch and no one wants to hear apparently well-off older people whingeing about the austerity and greyness of life then; how they scrimped and saved and for the most part did not go to university (“Golden years? We haven’t always had it so good”, Money, last week). Young people have far more money nowadays and they are not afraid to spend it, or go into debt to have what they want, despite warnings that there may be no pensions for them. “Live for the day” seems to be the mantra.
Carol Trueman, Harrogate, North Yorkshire


We oldies may have had to jump through hoops to buy a house, but if we wanted to, we could. Most young people now cannot and, coupled with the uncertainty of the private rental market, this is a huge handicap that we did not suffer. Without a degree — achieved at great cost — the better jobs are few and hard to find, but in our day the work was plentiful. The additional freedom the young have today does appear to us to be gold-plated, whether it be sexual freedom, or acceptance of single motherhood, or state aid for parenthood.

But this overlooks the responsibility that comes with such freedom. The young of any age handle the responsibilities of additional freedom rather poorly, and I sometimes wonder whether we have handed them insurmountable problems masquerading as liberty.
John Simon, Stroud, Gloucestershire


I agree with Hunter Davies that we haven’t always had it so good; I had a mediocre education at secondary modern, for instance. Why, however, does he trot out the old chestnut about the food being terrible? My mother was a great cook and the food was delicious.
Cherry Green, Norwich


Those of us who donate to food banks will most probably have taken steps to confirm that the distribution of these items serves people who for a variety of reasons are trapped in poverty. Your balanced coverage of the issues (“Beans and blame pile up in food banks”, News, last week) is reassuring and based on the causes and effects of poverty.

In contrast, Jeremy Clarkson (“Can’t cook, won’t cook, want everything on a plate: it’s Generation Idle”, News Review, last week) uses bigotry and class prejudice in an attempt to amuse.
Dr Adrian Watkinson, Bristol


Clarkson’s swipe at the poor, the charitable, Liberal Democrats, the government and the clergy reads like the script from a “Poshwolds” dinner party conversation and was not even funny in its attempt to be controversial. Angry young man turns into Victor Meldrew.
Philip Rushforth, Crowle, Worcestershire


I applaud Clarkson. Good common sense. Make it obligatory for all the “hard done by” people in Britain to visit Asia to learn how to be self-sufficient.
Margaret Gumbrell, London SW18


Dr Michael Irwin and I appreciate the advance publicity for our non-profit, multi-author book on assisted suicide, I’ll See Myself Out, Thank You (“I’ve helped 7 people to die, reveals doctor”, News, last week). However, helping people to die is what Dignitas does. Writing medical reports is a rather neutral activity. If I find that mental capacity is lacking or that not all acceptable treatments have been explored, Dignitas will not help them. It is an awesome privilege to be able to share the thoughts of individuals (and their families) contemplating the most irrevocable decision they will ever make. I hope eventually to publish an overview that may help other patients and professionals, especially where the diagnosis is dementia, which one of our contributors, Baroness Warnock, calls “the most intractable problem of all those we must face”.
Colin Brewer, London SE1


The business secretary, Vince Cable, makes a valid demand for greater diversity in the boardroom but I would ask he begins with the cabinet — and, indeed, parliament — itself in both terms of racial and cultural origins and in female representation (“Cable demands end to all-white boardrooms”, News, last week).
Gordon Lilly, Tenterden, Kent


Cable appears to wish to dictate to companies who should sit in their boardrooms. As an investor of modest means, I wish him to know that he should have no say in the matter. The appointment of a company’s board members is a matter for its shareholders and possibly its employees. I prefer to have experienced, educated and competent people making decisions on the use of my money. Whether they are male, female, white, black or brown is a matter of total indifference to me.
Ron Bullen, Chepstow, Monmouthshire


In our small village most of our neighbours have wood-burning stoves (“Wood-fired stoves fuel city pollution”, News, last week). It has reached the point where if we open the front windows, our house fills up with smoke. The notion that these things are ecologically sound is a sick joke. It is time the government took action on this issue because the quality of our air now is far worse than it was 20 years ago.
Simon Gladdish, Swansea


The British Army has some of the best training teams in the world: it makes sense to deploy them in Iraq to teach forces to counter Isis, or Islamic State (“UK troops back in Iraq to halt Isis”, News, last week). Our army trained the soldiers of the British Raj, both India and Pakistan still use our methods and numerous heads of state attended Sandhurst. Sending teams to world troublespots ensures employment for the military, and is a lot cheaper and probably more effective than aircraft carriers.
Tim Deane, Tisbury, Wiltshire


During 1939-1940 many people said that it would give no satisfaction to declare, after we had been invaded and conquered by the Nazis, “Ah, but we fought cleanly” (“The challenge of fighting a dirty war cleanly”, Editorial, last week). After the Blitz on London and the raids on other towns and cities, there was widespread support for the aerial bombing of German cities. We would fight fire with fire, to win. It was 70 years before it was revealed that the living quarters of German officer POWs were bugged. This certainly was not cricket.

John Carder, Anstruther, Fife


Roman Catholic marriages are legally recognised only if the church is registered under the Marriage Act (1949) and a registrar is present at the ceremony (“Humanist weddings blocked by No 10”, News, last week). Mosques are similarly entitled to register under the act and, provided a registrar is present during the ceremony, the marriage will be legally recognised. In practice only about a third of Muslim marriages in Britain are legally registered but that is not because of any problem with the law but simply because very few mosques have chosen to register. That issue does need to be addressed by the government and Muslim organisations but it is certainly not the case that the law treats Muslim marriages unfairly or differently from other religions.
Neil Addison (barrister), New Bailey Chambers, Liverpool

Letters should arrive by midday on Thursday and include the full address and a daytime and an evening telephone number. Please quote date, section and page number. We may edit letters, which must be exclusive to The Sunday Times

Corrections and clarifications

The picture of the late Kirsty MacColl with the article “Ho, ho, ho! Merry royalties everybody” (News, last week) was inappropriate and we apologise for the choice.

Complaints about inaccuracies in all sections of The Sunday Times, should be addressed to or Complaints, The Sunday Times, 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF. In addition, the Independent Press Standards Organisation (Ipso) will examine formal complaints about the editorial content of UK newspapers and magazines. Please go to our website for full details of how to lodge a complaint.


Martin Bayfield, rugby player, 48; Julie Delpy, actress, 45; Chris Evert, tennis player, 60; Jane Fonda, actress, 77; Samuel L Jackson, actor, 66; Jeffrey Katzenberg, film producer, 64; Tom Sturridge, actor, 29; Kiefer Sutherland, actor, 48; Jamie Theakston, radio and TV presenter, 43; Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor, 70


1620 the Pilgrim Fathers land at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts; 1913 British-born Arthur Wynne publishes the first crossword, in the New York World; 1937 Disney premieres Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; 1958 France elects Charles de Gaulle as president; 1988 a bomb explodes on Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, killing 270


£500m bailout to NHS as A&E on brink of collapse

Official figures show that waiting times at accident and emergency departments are at record levels Photo: PA

SIR – In 2002 there were up to 100 patients waiting on trolleys and beds in the A&E departments of the three acute NHS hospitals in the East Kent NHS Trust, some for up to a week. This state of affairs had been going on for many weeks, although my colleagues and I protested to the authorities about compromised patient welfare.

At the beginning of February 2002, because of a lack of Trust action, we drew public attention to these events. An extensive refurbishment was provided by the Government, which offered some improvement.

Twelve years have passed – surely enough time to produce the necessary long-term solution to such threats as winter pressure – and yet still patients are being told by the Trust not to go to hospital unless they are “seriously ill” or “it is a real emergency”.

This invites self diagnosis, which is often correct, but leaves plenty of room for mistakes and is not the sort of thing we should expect the public to undertake unaided, as people may come to harm.

This Trust and its officers are being put into an impossible position, trying to provide good care with inadequate resources. Patient welfare is still being compromised in 2014.

One hopes that the Government and the Department of Health will come up with a solution before another 12 years have elapsed.

Robert Heddle FRCS
Ickham, Kent

SIR – Much is made of long queues at A&E and NHS delays generally.

When I visited the hospital last week for an outpatient appointment, the digital display stated that 1,761 people had missed their outpatient appointment the previous week. One can only guess what the national figure is.

How many of those people ended up in A&E after failing to take up outpatient treatment? Failure to attend appointments exacerbates delays, quite apart from the lack of consideration it demonstrates towards other patients and staff.

How can we expect our NHS to operate efficiently if we treat it and our fellow patients with such little respect?

Ian Wells
Market Drayton, Shropshire

SIR – It is hardly surprising that there is a lack of qualified British nurses.

Many nurses are women and take a career break to raise children. To return to work, one must renew qualifications and update expertise.

As a highly qualified but unregistered nurse, I would love to be working again, but I find that the NHS has made little serious attempt to encourage me by making return-to-practice courses accessible and affordable.

Jo Hepper
Youlgrave, Derbyshire

A war of ideologies

A Pakistani police officer walks the hallway of the school (Muhammed Muheisen/AP)

SIR – The Peshawar massacre of innocent children defies words for its barbarity and ruthlessness. Politicians across the world have rightly condemned the attack.

But their rhetoric is empty, their mindset locked into more futile war. Our leaders vow we will not be beaten by terrorism. And we will not be. Yet the harsh truth of history is that, unlike conventional wars, terrorism cannot be defeated either by bullets or bombs. This war must be waged with words, ideas, values and, yes, listening and dialogue, even with Isil and the Taliban, if peace is to be won. Our leaders, it seems, either don’t know how to do that or don’t have the courage to lead us there. The language of “an eye for an eye” just condemns us to future Peshawars.

For the sake of all children everywhere, we have to find another way, however imperfect and challenging that might be.

John Hallam
Ashford, Kent

Too few cooks

SIR – Allison Pearson quite rightly disparages the change from Domestic Science to Food Technology in our schools.

In a lifetime crammed with bad decisions, I look back on my choice of “DS” over metalwork as one of the few really good ones; it has brought me independence, nourishment and creative gratification and I continue to use the acquired skills every day, while never having had the remotest need to operate a milling machine (whatever that is).

Andrew G Holdridge
Doncaster, South Yorkshire

That’s not all folks

SIR – Serial dramas that lack a definitive ending have been with us for some time.

The Jewel in the Crown series is one example. We never quite knew whether Guy Perron and Sarah Layton would marry. Only in a fifth book written much later than the Raj Quartet is there a short reference to the fact that they did and had two children.

Evelyn Howson
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

On the map

SIR – Surely the shape of Britain (Letters, December 17) resembles John Tenniel’s depiction in Alice in Wonderland of the Duchess throwing the baby or pig.

Her wimple forms the north-east of Scotland, while the south-west is her face. Norfolk is the bustle, the Lleyn and St David’s peninsulas her arms, and Ireland her offspring with its arm or trotter out.

Paul Strong
Claxby, Lincolnshire

Uncharitable treatment

SIR – The Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) has published a report stating that, since 2007, it has reviewed all 52 of Scotland’s independent schools on its register and none had been removed for failing the charity test.

So, Scotland’s independent schools have passed an independent public benefit test to justify their charitable status. But apparently this is not good enough, for the OSCR goes on to warn these schools that they will face a “higher level of vigilance” in future. In fairness to the independent schools, it would be interesting to know whether the OSCR has seen fit to issue similar warnings to the other charities on its register who have passed its tests, and, if not, why not.

Doug Clark
Currie, Midlothian

Closing time

SIR – Allister Heath’s interesting analysis of the demise of the British pub lists a number of factors to explain this phenomenon, from tax regimes to regulators, politicians and the general fall in public demand for beer.

What he doesn’t mention is the quality of the beer served by the big brewers. The boom which the new micro brewers are now experiencing appears to demonstrate that beer quality could be the real problem.

George Healy
London N16

Women at the front

(The Canadian Press/Press Association Images)

SIR – It has taken a long time to select people for front-line military service based on ability, rather than gender.

Perhaps we can now do the same when selecting parliamentary candidates and boardroom members.

Roger J Arthur
Storrington, West Sussex

A Christmas card with no reference to Christ

SIR – While banks in continental Europe still send corporate Christmas cards mentioning Christmas, in Britain and America it has almost become an offence.

Working in banking, I am both amused and saddened to see so many firms wish each other “Happy Holidays”. The best I can hope for is the correct deployment of the apostrophe in “Season’s Greetings”.

Stephen Kiely
Chelmsford, Essex

SIR – In answer to Terry Gorman (Letters, December 19), we receive two types of Christmas card – those addressed to me, my wife and children, and those also addressed to our Airedale terrier. We’ve had the Airedale longer than the children, and we prefer the latter type.

Mark Redhead

SIR – My son sent me a Christmas card signed by the family plus dog, and the “spider who lives under the tele”.

Elizabeth Luders
Knebworth, Hertfordshire

SIR – If sent a Christmas card signed by a dog, I respond with a card that includes the message: “Say hi to the boy/girl.”

This usually ends the practice the following year. Too many people view their pets as children.

Simon Field
Midhurst, West Sussex

SIR – Overheard in a local shop where a couple were buying Christmas cards: “Do you sell personalised cards headed ‘To my ex-wife’?”

Nigel Turner
Worlingham, Suffolk

The diverse talents of Churchill’s budgie, Toby

A porcelain Toby jug from the collection of Lady Soames, Churchill’s daughter (Heathcliff O’Malley)

SIR – It was not only at meal times that Churchill’s budgie, Toby, left his mark.

This much-loved creature slept in a special cage in Churchill’s bedroom during his peace-time premiership in the Fifties. The cage was opened when ministers gathered for matutinal confabulations before the great man got up.

In his diary, Churchill’s private secretary, Anthony Montague Browne, gives an affectionate account of Toby “flying round the room, pecking at Cabinet papers, taking nips from the whisky and soda at the Prime Minister’s bedside and settling upon the domed head of the Chancellor of the Exchequer with the inevitable consequences”.

Rab Butler, the Conservative politician, came to these meetings with a special silk handkerchief which he used to mop up after Toby, murmuring: “The things I do for England”.

From his master Toby received only kisses, never rebukes.

Lord Lexden
London SW1

Mobile drone

SIR – Julian Gall writes (Letters, December 19) that he can’t get a signal for his mobile phone while on the train between Waterloo and Guildford, asking that this be addressed before initiating efforts to improve coverage in rural black spots.

I agree. This dead zone should be extended to cover the entire rail network in Britain so that I and my fellow travellers don’t have to listen to people bawling interminably into their devices.

I sympathise with Mr Gall’s difficulty in getting the Telegraph’s online service to play ball and I suggest that admirable alternative: the newspaper itself.

John Penketh
Hayling Island, Hampshire

A look ahead

SIR – I would be so pleased if everybody decided to refer to next year as “Twenty fifteen”.

David Spence

It’s life, Jim. . .

SIR – Hopefully the little men on the Red Planet won’t be green. Think of the colour clash.

Peter Sumner
Ruan Minor, Cornwall

Irish Times:

Irish Independent:

Herbal Cannabis hidden in a suitcase at Dublin Airport
Herbal Cannabis hidden in a suitcase at Dublin Airport

Madam – As festive lights twinkle and Christmas approaches, most Irish people are looking forward to a happy and peaceful holiday.

But gangland doesn’t rest for Yuletide. Drug dealers are plying their poisonous filth on city streets and in towns and villages around the country, luring more and more young people into lives of addiction.

To pay for the habit, addicts may resort to crime, thus increasing the sum total of human misery in this country. A depressing scenario… but occasionally a little ray of light shines through the murky fog of drug-related crime: A truly inspirational example of the triumph of good over evil was reported in a recent edition of the ‘Kilkenny People’, which told how a man who had died from a drug overdose, left on his bedside locker a list for the gardai of the mobile phone numbers and addresses of the drug dealers who had been supplying him and other victims of drug abuse.

I say: Thank God for people like that, because it is never too late to do the right thing, free of the fear of drugs crime.

John Fitzgerald,


Co Kilkenny

Editor’s remarkable work

Madam – The forthcoming  and deeply regrettable departure of the Sunday Independent Editor Anne Harris, after such a long and remarkable contribution, reminds me  of the magnificent Kurdish women among their  Peshmerga freedom fighters who are slowly routing the Isil jihadi savages.

She and they live by the slogan of that other great anti-fascist woman, Dolores Ibarrui, chair of the Spanish Cortes in 1936, in the face of the Franco Fascist rebels: “No Pasaran.” Or “They shall not pass.”

And those Harris relentlessly resisted, to the end, have all been the common enemy of ordinary decent Irish people, North and South, as of freedom-lovers around the world – the recent championing of Mairia Cahill was another agenda-defining stand which was unfettered by subservience to power, be it in the form of the masked terrorist, at home or abroad, or the equally masked wielders of equally unaccountable financial or media influence.

Her paper – which has truly become all our paper – deserves to not merely continue but thrive.

And this will only happen if it continues to fearlessly plough the same principled as well as never-boring furrow.

Tom Carew,


Dublin 6

We need brave leadership today

Madam – Surely it can’t be true? I hear that Anne Harris will no longer hold the reins as editor of the Sunday Independent?

But who is qualified to replace her? Will he or she have the stomach for the fight that undoubtedly lies ahead?

Anne Harris is most certainly a flag-bearer for middle Ireland and has few peers in the newspaper industry.

Her fearlessness can be gauged by her insistence on publishing material that often offends the sensibilities of bully-boys like Sinn Fein/IRA while simultaneously uncovering the activities of power brokers with deep pockets.

Is there someone out there who can give the same level of courageous leadership in this time of great uncertainty? I very much doubt it!

Niall Ginty,


Dublin 5

Bruton unfair to opposing views

Madam – John Bruton (Sunday Independent, 14 December) is not being fair to the Government or other public bodies in claiming that the passage of the Third Home Rule Bill has been inadequately commemorated.

The former Minister of State with responsibility for the decade of centenaries Jimmy Deenihan went across to the British Houses of Parliament for a special joint ceremony in 2012 to mark the centenary of the first of three required legislative passages of the Bill through the Commons. UCC held a special conference on the Bill and published a book on it.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs unveiled a County Wicklow World War I memorial at Woodenbridge on 18 September, the anniversary of John Redmond’s speech urging Irishmen to join up and fight wherever the front extended. Under the auspices of the Ceann Comhairle and the Committee for Procedures and Privileges, there is an examination in progress of ways to enhance the prominence and visibility of the older Irish parliamentary tradition in Leinster House, where perversely at present it is more visible in Westminster.

However, whether we regret it or not, Home Rule was stillborn, whether in the 32-county version put on the statute book, which could have represented a valuable historic compromise between unionism and nationalism, if unionists had not gone all out to resist it, or the scaled down and delayed 26-county version that was all that was likely to emerge after amending legislation following the end of the war.

Unpardonably, Southern Unionists represented in cabinet and the House of Lords vetoed an attempt to bring in Home Rule sooner in July 1916 after the Rising, despite it being agreed between Redmond and Carson.

Worse still, the attempted introduction of conscription in 1918 utterly contradicted the Redmondite contention that Ireland with Home Rule pending was on the cusp of freedom.

With regard to the request to honour equally those who sought to put down Irish independence, the mission statement of the Government’s expert advisory group of which I am a member says that the State cannot be expected to be neutral about its own existence.

As President Michael D. Higgins said in South Africa recently, inclusiveness and consideration for other sides does not require that we have to confer equality or moral equivalence on all different versions of the past.

Martin Mansergh,

Tipperary, Co Tipperary

Bruton view backed up by facts

Madam – Born into a staunch Fianna Fail family in the 1950’s and growing up during a period where civil war politics was still the norm, my loyalties at election time for the most part stayed with family tradition.

It is not therefore through rose-tinted glasses that I read John Bruton’s article on the events of 100 years ago.

I must congratulate the writer on grasping the nettle and laying it out as it was, and producing the facts to back up his view. Ridicule will follow no doubt; his is not the popular fairy tale that we were fed through our early education system.

Time is indeed a healer but it also clears away the fog of limited and narrow-minded views of what could be looked on as a tragic rather than glorious period in our history. The bravery cannot be questioned, the necessity of it all will however be considered more and more through time; history will I feel lean towards Bruton’s view.

Yes, of course, the victims should be remembered. All the victims.

TG Judge,

Convoy, Co Donegal.

Support for Prof Fanning’s stance

Madam – I concur with Dr. Ronan Fanning’s rejoinder to Mr. Bruton (Sunday Independent, 7 December) that while the Home Rule Act 1914 was passed, “it was simultaneously suspended” and unlikely to be implemented “in the form in which it was enacted”.

The advent of World War I in 1914 cancelled the probability of armed Ulster resistance to Home Rule; it was likely also that Pearse and the IRB would stage a rebellion against a Redmond-led government.

The zeitgeist of that era was a passion for war and related sacrifice of life; the imperative was of contentions on racial, linguistic and religious demarcations. The constitutional nationalism of John Redmond was a parallel road to war. There was an atavistic dichotomy between the participants in the Easter 1916. Rebellion and those who went to fight in World War I; it is difficult to comprehend how both may be commemorated as a duality.

The sincerity of all involved is not in doubt, but I opine that these men could not have anticipated the latter-day Ireland: conversely, this generation of Irish people would baulk at the horrendous waste of life in these wars. There is not a historical obligation on modern political parties to contrive a continuum with events of a hundred years ago: leave history to the historians! “Ownership” of Easter 1916 (or of World War I) by political parties is the anti-thesis of objective history.

Tom McDonald,


Co Wexford

Divided parties must reconcile

Madam – May I welcome the excellent letter by Chris Shouldice (Sunday Independent, December 14) under the heading ‘1916 Could Bring A Reconciliation’.

I would say rather that 1916 must bring reconciliation in 2016 if not before.

There is, however, quite a lot to reconcile. We ought not to judge harshly those living through years too awful for most of us even to contemplate.

What would we have thought if in Dublin in 1916 trying to adjust to the loss of some 4,000 Irishmen wantonly slaughtered in the catastrophic British bungle of Gallipoli? A bungle that followed the bungle of Mons in 1914 and was to be followed by the epic bungle of the Somme on July 1, 1916.

These are bungles that devastated Ireland – north, south, east and west.

We ought to do better than 1966 when Nelson’s Column in O’Connell Street was blown up. I assume that the patriots of 1916 could have blown it up at their leisure at any time in the 1920s or 1930s. Why did they not do so? I assume out of respect for the Irish dead under an English commander at Trafalgar in October 1805. In the same way, as an Englishman, I have respect for the English who fought and died under an Irish commander in the Peninsular War (1808-14) and at Quatre Bras and Waterloo in June 1815.

We cannot alter the facts of history just to suit our present interests. We need to reconcile to one another all the fragmented parties that result from 1916. This is quite a task, but surely not an impossible one with good will strengthened by reflection and hindsight.

Gerald Morgan,

Trinity College,

Dublin 2

Tough decisions averted disaster

Madam – Regarding Eilis O’Hanlon’s description (Sunday Independent, 14 December) of Sinn Fein selling “fascism with a human face”.

The government of the day took on the banks’ debt, which came to €64bn. When the country was unable to bear this burden, the Troika went guarantor for the debt or provided funds which went to pay senior bondholders and to refinance one or more banks and perhaps funded the budget deficit above the 3pc target.

Then the Troika took control of running the country, and the government started to make interest payments on the €64 Bn debt and to get to a sustainable budget.

Much of the remainder of the country was also in negative equity and shareholders of banks stock lost their shirts.

This bailout option avoided a run on the banks, enabled the government to continue to pay running expenses of the country in a very recessionary economy, allowed it to continue over budget for five more years and kept the euro system stable, all of which would have been at risk with the burn the bondholders option.

So, if we had burned the bondholders, the government would not be paying interest on €64bn – but much of the country would still be in negative equity, bank shareholders would still be ‘shirtless’, and the government would have had to much more immediately live within its means.

The recession would have been even more traumatic and there would probably have been a bust-up with our EU partners, perhaps an exit from the Euro and perhaps a bust-up of the EU.

Peter Kinane, Dundrum, Co Tipperary

SF will bring us North divisions

Madam – I like to view Sinn Fein through the prism of human psychology. As a party spawned in a very dysfunctional society north of the border, Sinn Fein will seek to recreate these same divisive conditions in the Republic by setting one section of the electorate against the rest.

It needs to polarize the electorate or die an electoral death. This process has already begun. Similarly, Sinn Fein’s only fiscal experience to date has been the spending of generous British transfers from Westminster. With no such gravy train available in the Republic to disburse, it is very likely that Sinn Fein will simply decide to plunder the pockets of that section of the electorate irrevocably opposed to its policies to prop up its core vote supporters.

Sean Goulding,

Newtownsandes, Co Kerry

Sinead needs to read more history

Madam – In her article last week about her decision to join Sinn Fein, Sinead O’Connor mentions the word ‘Free State’ six times.

The Irish Free State was the name given to the state established in 1922 as a Dominion of the British Commonwealth of Nations, comprising the whole island of Ireland, though Northern Ireland exercised its right under the Treaty to remove itself from the newly-formed state. The Free State came to an end in 1937.

So what is the reason behind her historically erroneous and repetitive use of the term?

Miss O’Connor should realise that language reflects reality, so bearing this in mind perhaps she should read more history and be careful not to become a victim of a narrow sectarian nationalism masquerading as a patriotic republicanism.

Dr Stephen J Costello,

Ranelagh, Dublin 6

Why join Shinners right now, Sinead?

Madam – Sinead O’Connor had 210 months (17 years and seven months since non-violence was adopted) in which to join Sinn Fein. Sinead says the “younger members’ hands are clean”, but they refuse to describe dragging an Irish mother from screaming children and terminating her in a field, as murder. Given we in the Republic abolished capital punishment in 1963, this means no member of southern SF is clean.

MS O Dubda,

Dublin 6

Sinead and SF will help re-elect Enda

Madam – The Government parties need have no worries about the next general election. I think the new alliance between Sinead and Sinn Fein will do what Enda hasn’t managed to achieve yet – the reversal of the current trend in the polls.

It’s the political equivalent of a soccer team buying Balotelli.

Pat Burke Walsh,

Ballymoney, Co Wexford

Straight bulls plan march on the Dail

Madam – There is an extremely high degree of discontent among the heterosexual bovine population in Ireland, in particular among those about to be slaughtered – and plans are ahoof for a stampede on Dail Eireann in a frustrated attempt to gain equality with Benjy, the gay bull, who avoided the slaughterhouse simply because of his homosexuality. Be warned.

Patrick Murray,

Dundrum, Dublin 14

Another gift gone missing in the post

Madam – just like your writer last week, I recently sent a gift card for the University of Limerick Concert hall to my sister in Limerick. When the envelope arrived it was empty. The thief had even resealed the envelope! I rang An Post to report it, but very little was made of it. Not good enough. Surely we’re entitled to a reliable service from a body such as An Post.

Evelyn O’Brien,

Clonee, Dublin 15

Sunday Independent

Caroline and Nicky

December 20, 2014

20 December 2014 Caroline and Nicky

I still have arthritis in my left toe but its nearly gone. I go to the tip, and Waitrose and see Caroline for my feet and Nicky for my hair,

Mary’s back much better today, breakfast weight up gammon tea and her tummy pain is still there.


Mandy Rice-Davies – obituary

Mandy Rice-Davies was the star performer in the Profumo scandal and reinvented herself as a successful businesswoman

Mandy Rice-Davies, left, with her friend and flatmate Christine Keeler, on their way to the trial of Stephen Ward

Mandy Rice-Davies, left, with her friend and flatmate Christine Keeler, on their way to the trial of Stephen Ward Photo: AP

Mandy Rice-Davies, who has died aged 70, stole the show in 1963 at the height of the Profumo affair when she appeared as a witness in the court case involving Stephen Ward, the society osteopath who had introduced the Conservative Secretary of State for War, John Profumo, to Christine Keeler.

Mandy Rice-Davies’s role in the Profumo affair was, in fact, a fairly minor one. As friend and flatmate of Christine Keeler, who was sleeping alternately with Profumo and with the Soviet naval attaché Yevgeny Ivanov, she was called to give evidence when Ward was prosecuted on charges of living off immoral earnings (she was said to have been in a chain of call girls run by Ward, which included Christine Keeler).

Ward, as it transpired, committed suicide before sentence was passed, but the real star of the show was Mandy Rice-Davies. Her pert reply to counsel when told that another participant in the drama, Lord Astor, had denied having slept with her — “Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he?” — entered the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations and has been much plagiarised ever since.

While Keeler was the more beautiful of the two girls, Mandy was by a long chalk the more resilient and streetwise. With her heavily mascara’d eyes, pouting lips and bouffant fair hair piled and lacquered in place, she seemed to enjoy the limelight and emerged from the scandal a winner.

Her unerring instinct for the perfect sound bite, her saucy innuendoes and good head for business enabled her to build her sex-laden notoriety into a lucrative career. With what she described as a “natural aversion to unhappiness”, she emerged emotionally unscathed but financially better off from a chain of marriages and affairs, and became a novelist, actress and successful businesswoman.

She was born Marilyn Rice-Davies at Pontyates near Llanelli, Wales, on October 21 1944, the daughter of a former medical student turned police officer and finally technologist for Dunlop; her mother was a Welsh girl from the Rhondda Valley. Brought up in the prosperous Birmingham suburb of Solihull, as a child Mandy sang in the church choir and did paper rounds to raise money to feed her beloved Welsh mountain pony, Laddie.

It was while she was ministering to the needs of Laddie that she had her first sexual encounter — with a local “maniac” who exposed himself to her when she was riding her bicycle. Even at the tender age of 13 Mandy showed a gutsy instinct for self-preservation. “He didn’t touch me,” she recalled, “but the minute he stopped my bicycle I knew what he was after so I hit him with my bucket which had bran mash in it.”

As a child she had been inspired by the story of the medical missionary Albert Schweitzer and, aged 12, decided that she too wanted to become a missionary and “hug lepers”. Deciding after further research that this was not as attractive an occupation as she had imagined, when she left school aged 15 she took a job as a sales assistant in the Birmingham store Marshall & Snelgrove. She began modelling there and was “discovered”. She was cast in the film Make Mine Mink with Terry-Thomas, draped herself over a Mini at the Motor Show, then, aged 16, ran away to London.

Mandy Rice-Davies in 1964 (REX)

On her first day in London, armed with just £35, she answered an advertisement placed by Murray’s Cabaret Club, Soho, for dancers. It was there that she met Christine Keeler, and the two women briefly shared a flat together. Through Christine Keeler she met Stephen Ward (with whom she had an affair), and was soon circulating in smart London society, though, like Christine Keeler, she always denied being a prostitute. “We were just young girls in search of a good time,” she told an interviewer on Radio 4 last year. On another occasion she observed: “I was certainly game, but I wasn’t on it.”

Within her first year in the capital, she claimed to have been proposed to by the ageing Lord Dudley; she had an affair with the fraudster Emil Savundra; and, still aged 16, became the mistress of Peter Rachman, the notorious slum landlord. Rachman called her “Choochi”, she called him “Chich”, and they lived together for two years. Despite the affectionate nature of their relationship, he never told her he had a wife. This created difficulties after his death from a heart attack in 1962 when his wife, Audrey, reclaimed the Jaguar he had given his 16-year-old mistress.

In between these amorous encounters, with that irrepressible hope of better things to come that had brought her to London, Mandy Rice-Davies continued to pursue a career as a model and actress. She appeared in advertisements for Pepsodent, singing “You’ll wonder where the yellow went”, and for Pepsi, although she always refused to allow herself to be photographed in the nude on the ground that “You never know, you might become prime minister.”

After Rachman’s death, Mandy Rice-Davies moved back to Stephen Ward’s house in Wimpole Mews, where within weeks she had succumbed to the blandishments of Lord Astor, to whom she had been introduced by Ward some two years previously and who had paid the rent for the flat which she and Christine Keeler had shared in Comeragh Road.

When Stephen Ward was arrested and charged with living off immoral earnings, initially Mandy Rice-Davies refused to talk to the police. But once the trial got under way, she seemed rather to relish the publicity. Her sally to some American journalists “Call me Lady Hamilton” endeared her briefly to newspapers in three continents; and when she revealed that she had been the mistress of Peter Rachman, not to mention Lord Dudley, she became many a middle-aged man’s fantasy.

Mandy Rice-Davies outside the Old Bailey during Stephen Ward’s trial,1963 (GETTY)

After the trial ended, Mandy Rice-Davies accepted an invitation to be a cabaret singer in Germany, where she found solace with a new love (in 1966 she was cited in a divorce case by Baroness Cervello against her husband Baron Cervello), before moving to Spain and then to Israel where, aged just 21, she married Rafael Shaul, a former El Al steward. She learnt Hebrew and took six years of instruction before converting to Judaism.

Together, she and her new husband built up a chain of restaurants and opened two nightclubs, including Mandy’s, a fashionable establishment in Tel Aviv; she also acted in Israeli theatre. During the Six Day War she was rumoured to have worked as a volunteer for the Israeli Red Cross, but when the writer Auberon Waugh went to Israel to visit her, he discovered she had in fact been working in her nightclub at the time, although she was “happy to jump into nurse’s uniform and pose for photographs with the wounded soldiers”.

She and her husband parted company after the birth of their daughter, and Mandy Rice-Davies subsequently moved to Spain, though she retained a string of business interests in Israel and elsewhere. After her divorce, she had as lovers an Argentine consul, a rich Swiss businessman and an even richer Canadian. In 1978 she married a Frenchman, Jean-Charles Lefevre, a restaurant owner, but the marriage lasted less than a year and she returned to Britain.

In 1981 she played Maddy Gotobed in a touring production of Tom Stoppard’s Dirty Linen and appeared in the long-running West End production No Sex Please, We’re British. She was in A Bedful of Foreigners for 10 months and acted the part of Lady Capulet in Romeo and Juliet at the Ludlow Festival. In 2013 she was involved in the development of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Stephen Ward the Musical, in which she was played by Charlotte Blackledge.

Her film credits include Nana (1982), an X-rated piece of erotica based on Emile Zola’s book of the same name. She appeared on numerous television chat shows, took small parts in Heart of the Country and Chance in a Million (both BBC series) and made a guest appearance on Absolutely Fabulous.

In 1988 she married, thirdly, Ken Foreman, the chairman of Attwoods waste disposal group. She and her husband led a luxurious and peripatetic life between their houses in Virginia Water, Surrey, Miami and the Bahamas. An occasional holiday companion was Margaret Thatcher late in her life with her husband, Denis, who knew Foreman through business.

Mandy Rice-Davies’s autobiography, Mandy, was published in 1980. She also wrote several works of romantic fiction and cookery books.

Reflecting on her scandalous past in later life, she remarked: “I have never been sorry for myself. I’m of the existential school. I did it and that’s it.”

She is survived by her husband and her daughter, Dana.

Mandy Rice-Davies, born October 21 1944, died December 18 2014


The Christmas truce, 1914: German and British troops fraternising on the western front. Illustration
The Christmas truce, 1914: German and British troops fraternising on the western front. Illustration: Alamy

My grandfather, 2nd Lieut EF Eagar of the Royal Berkshire Regiment, wrote to his mother after spending Christmas 1914 in the front line at Fauquissart, near Lille (The truce in the trenches was real, but the football tales are a shot in the dark, 17 December): “It was bitterly cold, but bright and sunny – I have got my left big toe slightly frostbitten, but it’s going on all right now.

“The papers may say what they like about the Germans, but I know that our particular lot are good sportsmen and soldiers. On Christmas Eve we did not fire at all and early on Xmas morning about 6.30, a German with a loud voice came out in the dark and shouted, ‘A merry Xmas, we don’t fire’. Thus we had a truce which lasted two days and a night, and probably more lasting than an official truce would have been.

“We did not go near their trenches, but walked about at will, outside ours and, in many instances, in other parts of the line, large parties met half way and made friends. Their trust in us was wonderful, for they would have come into our trenches if we had let them. Three came towards my bit of trench, and as I did not want them to see too much of my wire entanglement, I got out and stopped them half way. They were all about my own age, very clean, warmly clad and cheerful looking.

“We shook hands and I carried on quite a long conversation in French with one of them. They gave me a lot of German newspapers which I am keeping as a souvenir. They had a huge concert in their trenches on Xmas night, and next day were to be seen wandering about their parapet while we were kept down below, but of course no one fired at them, and when we were relieved no one was firing in our part, though here and there one could hear them hard at it.”
Patrick Eagar

• In 1945, Otto Hahn was awarded the Nobel chemistry prize for discovering uranium fission and opened the atomic age. In 1914, he was commanding a German machine gun platoon in Flanders. “I shall never forget the afternoon of that Christmas Eve,” he wrote in his 1970 book My Life. “At first there were only a few among us and the English who looked over the parapet of the trenches, which were about 50 metres apart. Then there were more and more, and before long all of the soldiers came out of the trenches. We fraternised. The English gave us their good cigarettes, and those among us who had candied fruit gave them some. We sang songs together, and for the night of 24/25 December the war stopped. All was quiet on the 25th too. No shot was fired.

“But in the course of the day the first orders to resume fire were given. We asked our company commander where the enemy was, since we could not see any and therefore did not know where to shoot. On 26 December, however, firing was resumed, on both sides of course, and the war went on.”

Hahn’s further adventures in the war are told in my book Great Scientists Wage the Great War.
William Van der Kloot
Horley, West Sussex

• It may not have been a matter of luck that there was a football around in the trenches on Christmas Day, 1914. Footballs being kicked towards enemy trenches were reported at Loos and, by a Colonel Alfred Irwin of the 8th East Surrey Regiment, at the Somme (From Forgotten Voices of the Great War by Max Arthur: “Captain Nevill … said that as he and his men were all equally ignorant of what their conduct would be when they got into action, he thought it might be helpful … if he could furnish each platoon with a football and allow them to kick it forward and follow it. I sanctioned the idea … I think myself, it did help them enormously, it took their minds off it.”

The ball used by Captain Nevill was marked “The Great European Cup – The Final – East Surreys v Bavarians”. Nevill was killed minutes into the attack.
John Beresford

• That a football match between British and German soldiers took place is corroborated by an excerpt from a letter to the Times published on 1 January 1915 (page 3). A major in the Royal Army Medical Corps wrote: “The —– Regiment actually had a football match with the Saxons, who beat them 3-2!!!” So it would appear that Robert Graves was not writing fiction and a football match did indeed take place. And he even got the score right.
Claude Scott
Richmond, Surrey

• Stephen Moss does not make mention of the German whose grandfather said there was no such truce, only a lull in the fighting for each side to bury their dead.
John Daramy
Chesterfield, Derbyshire

• It seems unlikely someone produced a match-grade football from the trenches on Christmas Day 100 years ago, so the games, such as they were, had an improvised character. Even so they are not something that has been introduced at a later date by those keen to mythologise the war. They were noted at the time. The Herald (weekly in wartime) on 2 January 1915 reported they had taken place and added that it was, “saddening to think that such soldiers are not in charge of the affairs of Europe instead of the diplomats and potentates”. This is unlikely to be the official sentiment when the 100th anniversary is marked in the days to come.
Keith Flett
London Socialist Historians Group

• Among the many references to works about the 1914 Christmas truce, I’m sorry to see no mention of US folksinger John McCutcheon’s wonderful and moving song Christmas in the Trenches. It goes: “The ones who call the shots won’t be among the dead and lame, and on each end of the rifle we’re the same”.
Joe Locker
Surbiton, Surrey

• War profiteering used to be a crime. I realise the moral compass has been swinging wildly lately, but surely I can’t be alone in finding Sainsbury’s advertisement featuring the Christmas truce crass and insensitive? Sainsbury’s pursuit of profit in the name of young men who were ordered to kill and maim each other shortly after having enjoyed a friendly game of football leaves a very nasty taste in my mouth.

Susannah Everington

Bridport, Dorset

• Wednesday, dull and wet. Radio 4’s Midweek tells me Christmas carols have no religious origin. The Guardian tells me football at the 1914 Christmas truce was pretty much a myth. Next they’ll be telling me Father Christmas doesn’t exist.
Rupert Besley
Newport, Isle of Wight

• While the truce football match may be a myth, it is quite possible a match could be played in such muddy conditions, as those of us old enough to remember Derby’s Baseball Ground in the 70s can attest.
Michael Cunningham

Jim Murphy, new leader of the Scottish Labour Party. The trade union Unite will work with him, says
Jim Murphy, new leader of the Scottish Labour Party. The trade union Unite will work with him, says its general secretary. Photograph: Murdo Macleod

The recent attack on Unite (Editorial, 15 December) ought to be beneath your paper. It made incorrect accusations and in doing so exposed a fundamental lack of understanding of how trade unions function. Unite did not spend “enormous amounts of money” to “thwart” Jim Murphy. The money we spent to support Neil Findlay was used to communicate to Unite members, entirely in keeping with Labour party rules. The decision was in itself taken by Unite members – the working men and women of our regional committee who opted to back him – because that is how we operate, as a member-led, decision-making body. Far from being “out of touch” as you suggest, we are duty bound to listen to the day-to-day voice of our members and act upon their wishes.

How our individual members cast their vote is up to them, in the privacy of their own homes. They are not the lumpen electorate your writer considers them to be, as can be seen in the votes for the other two candidates. Six in 10 of our members chose to back Neil Findlay because they support his policies. Jim Murphy is now the Scottish Labour leader. Consistent with the values of our movement and the wishes of the electorate, Unite will work alongside him in the hope of winning back disillusioned Labour voters. I urge that the Guardian reflects upon the true nature of this vote and the genuine challenges ahead for Labour in Scotland, and in so doing resists the temptation to indulge what seems to be little more than the anti-union bias of some on its editorial team.
Len McCluskey
General secretary, Unite the union

• Your interesting two-part series, Britain on the brink and How the kingdom survived (17-18 December) had an unfortunately misleading subhead: The real story of the Scottish referendum. You explained very well the unity of the establishment in overcoming the threat to its existence but readers might have come away with the impression that it was only the SNP that stood against them. A grass-roots movement of remarkable proportions spread the Yes vote across the country. The Radical Independence Campaign, Hope over Fear, the National Collective, the Common Weal and others built one of the largest anti-austerity movements in Europe. For them it was not a campaign to support nationalism but a burning desire for social change and self-determination. This partly explains why 97% of Scots registered to vote – the highest level in Scotland or Britain since the introduction of universal suffrage – and turnout was 85%, compared with 65% at the 2010 general election.

And the campaign continues. For example, the post-referendum conference of the Radical Independence Campaign, held in Glasgow last month, attracted more than 7,000 requests for tickets. In the end only half that number could be accommodated but to do so the organisers had to hire extra venues to cater for meetings on an astonishing range of social and political topics. The conference agreed a policy of a social alternative to austerity and privatisation; a green sustainable economy; a modern republic for real democracy; and internationalism based on opposition to Nato and Trident.
Murray Armstrong

• Your account of the referendum campaign exposes the SNP’s obfuscation, now even more successful than ever in pulling the wool over the eyes of so many Scots. Three months on, Alex Salmond has obtained a safe seat to carry him to Westminster, Nicola Sturgeon coasts along promising referendum 2 and neither has yet been called upon to answer their false promises to the needy in Scotland. Horrid cliche, hence perfect for David Cameron and the SNP – be careful what you wish for.
Carolyn Kirton

Glossop, Derbyshire: birthplace of noted women. Photograph: Christopher Thomond for the Guardian

Has anyone else noticed that Hilary Mantel, Eileen Cooper (first woman keeper of the Royal Academy) and the soon to be first woman bishop in the Church of England (Report, 18 December), the Rev Libby Lane, were all born in Glossop? I hope the town feels proud of its pioneering women.
Maggie Butcher

• The Interview has been pulled because of a terrorist threat (Report, 19 December): popcorn-eating surrender monkeys?
Graham Walsh
Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire

• At the age of 90 I celebrate the years and so, along with my Spanish friends, I choose to be regarded as “un jubilato” (Letters, 19 December).
Bernard Bloom

david stoddart
David Stoddart: a larger than life character

The geographer, conservationist and coral atoll expert David Stoddart held anarchist beliefs. He also rediscovered the work, published in the second half of the 19th century, of an earlier geographer with an anarchist outlook, the Frenchman Elisée Reclus.

In the geography department at Cambridge University, Stoddart was a larger than life character. However, it was a running joke among undergraduates that we saw less of him than of other members of staff because of his idyllic-sounding research areas of distant tropical islands.

David Smith’s article about Sudan (Report, 8 December) is a good example of Guardian reporting as far as it goes. Its strength is the in-depth interviews with leading politicians, activists and UK embassy staff. But it neglects to mention the achievements and social progress the Sudanese government has realised.

Several achievements stand out. The government initiated a policy of empowering Sudanese women and mobilising their energies for development by allocating 25% of parliamentary seats to them. It has consolidated their right of equal pay for equal work and opened up employment in the judiciary, the civil service and foreign ministry. The deputy speaker of parliament is a woman, so are 80 judges, 45 diplomats, including 12 ambassadors, a lieutenant general in both the army and police, two cabinet ministers, six state ministers and three republican palace advisers. Currently, 45% of the civil service are women.

Furthermore, after the secession of the south, the Sudanese government embarked on a process of democratisation that culminated in the inclusive national dialogue which is now under way. Nineteen new universities were established as well as hundreds of secondary schools.

Motorways now link Port Sudan and Darfur to the rest of the country and are bound to accelerate development and modernisation. This is politically significant because years of US sanctions have devastated the transport infrastructure. In the past, railways played the main role in breaking down tribal barriers in central Sudan.

Thus through these new projects, the Sudan government addresses the complaints of distant areas that feel marginalised and propels development within those regions.
Khalid Al Mubarak
Media counsellor, Embassy of Sudan, London




Your correspondents (19 December) rightly point out that religion played a part in the crazed thinking of the Sydney gunman. This does not mean that many Muslims do not want to live a decent, peaceful life, or that other types of believer do not do so either. The bad behaviour of some does not negate the good of others. The Taliban killers in Pakistan were fired by an extremism that is fed as much by politics and the frustration of the marginalised as it is by distorted ideas about Allah.

They, and we, are all human beings first, before they are any type of believer or unbeliever. If religion was not in their conceptual stew then something else would take its place.

Why not report on the good and peaceful things being done in the name of faith? These include food banks and soup runs, visiting the lonely and sick and, in the Muslim world, the wonderful initiative of Al-Azhar university in Cairo. In addition various religious leaders support dialogue and denounce the persecution of Christians in Syria and Iraq. Branches of a reconciliation movement known as Family House are spreading through Egypt – why not report this?

Fr Kevin O’Donnell
Rottingdean, East Sussex


Dr Munjeb Farid al Qutob (letters, 17 December) ignores the Islamist undertones of the incident in Sydney. And Mohammed Samaana (letters, 18 December) claims that Muslims are always the oppressed, that everyone else is out to get them.

And here lies the core of the problem. Denial and an unwillingness to confront the issues that give a bad name to the great religion that is Islam will not do anything to reduce terrorism. Most practitioners of Islam lead a highly disciplined life based on strong values and love for humanity. Introspection and a mass movement led by religious leaders of every community is badly needed.

Arun Ratnam
Amersham,  Buckinghamshire


We have seen Christians as well as Muslims condone the killing of those who don’t accept their religious teachings. The crusades, Serbia, St Bartholomew’s eve, Northern Ireland and the Spanish Inquisition are just a few of the many instances when good Christians felt it their religious duty to wreak havoc on the rest.

Of course, much good has been carried out in the name of religion, but I can’t help thinking that this is not so much because religious people can be good, but rather because good people can  be religious.

D C Hooley
Newmarket, Suffolk


The vast majority of what Dr Munjed Farid’s Al Qutob’s says will be echoed by most readers. However, hidden away is “salvation”. I struggle to understand from what or for what I need to be saved. I live my life (without religious belief) trying to be as moral as I can. I know that I will die and have seen no evidence that I will continue to exist, in any conscious sense, beyond this. This view may be disconcerting to some but that is no reason to assert that a belief in a deity who can save me is a sensible way to live my life.

Roy Hicks


Your correspondents link religion with terror. If one studies the Sermon on the Mount and the writings of Peter in the New Testament, it is clear that the founders of Christianity were pacificists. Why is it that so few Christians have followed their teaching? So many of our cathedrals and churches have chapels etc dedicated to the remembrance of military exploits.

Roger Atkinson


Not shouting,  just talking

Howard Jacobson (13 December) tells how staff in a shop accused him of shouting when he tried to get information about a Blackberry Passport. This has confirmed my view about what some people regard as shouting.

Before retirement I worked in a behaviour unit with secondary pupils. If I asked them to sit down and get their books out, in an assertive way but absolutely not shouting, some kids would kick off as they said I had “shouted” at them.

A friend, who is a librarian, had to talk to a student about the return of a very late book. No shouting, just telling her to return the short-loan book by the following day or she wouldn’t be allowed to borrow any more books. Later that day the mother of the student rang up to make a formal complaint as she said the librarian had shouted at her daughter and made her cry. No shouting, lots of witnesses, but being told what she didn’t want to hear equated to shouting.

I have thought for a long while that, as Jacobson says, “the surly, the disobliging and the downright rude believe they have a human right never to be admonished”. Also, some people do not understand that assertive clear speech is not shouting.

Christine Armstrong
Swanton Novers, Norfolk


Whenever my lovely, dulcet-toned mother-in-law admonishes her husband for bad behaviour such as drinking too much, or being rude in shops, he complains “Joan has been shouting at me”. She never has to raise her voice by so much as a decibel to be accused of this.

Veronica Willis
London SW10


Reading Howard Jacobson’s experience in the Vodafone shop I recalled my totally different experience when, aged 75, I purchased my Mac Book Air in the Apple shop. The staff were utterly polite, helpful, considerate, and I have to say completely wonderful.

Elspeth Allison
Fleckney, Leicestershire


I recently had my annual review with my pharmacist for the painkillers I take for arthritis. During the review I referred to the Cox-1, Cox-2, and Cox-3 systems. He threw a tantrum: “You are a patient. You should not know these things!” I told him I have a degree in biochemistry, among others. “You shouldn’t. Patients should do as they are told.” I have met this arrogant attitude from doctors of various sorts, now pharmacists are at it. I think I shall be changing pharmacy. Why are these so-called “professionals” quite so keen to keep knowledge as a privileged preserve?

David Critchard


We lose libraries at our peril

It is said that knowledge is power, and one only has to think of the various “powers” that have tried to ban books in the past to acknowledge this fact (“The great British libary betrayal”, 18 December).

From the earliest times libraries have played a part in storing and disseminating books and latterly public libraries have had a huge role in this. Of course, some authors have thought of the library as the enemy, having the idea that they might sell more copies to the public if such institutions did not exist. However, in many cases, and certainly with more serious literature, the opposite is true. Since the establishment of the large municipal libraries, publishers have been able to rely on a certain number of sales to such institutions to make publication viable and economic. Sadly, this is probably no longer the case. Only last week while perusing the TLS I noticed a biography of Archbishop Pole in which I was interested. It was priced at £70, despite having only 300 or so pages; quite out of the reach of the ordinary reader.

Do I need to spell out any further how important the public library is to society in general and to the book trade in particular? We lose our public libraries at our peril.

Robert Senecal
London WC1


Another aspect of library provision worth mentioning (18 December) is their local history collections. Each of these is unique, and they are much valued and used by local and family historians. The latter category includes people all over the world, who enquire and sometimes make long journeys to consult material about their ancestors. They are an important part of our national heritage and must be preserved.

DW Budworth
London W4


Where do you stand on brand?

Reading “Russell Brand and an RBS banker: whose side are you on?” (18 December) and the letter that “Jo” wrote to Brand, I was perturbed by his references to Brand’s past misdemeanours committed while he had a drug problem. Like Brand, I have made many silly mistakes in my distant past, but unlike Brand mine were not made in the public eye, giving me ample opportunity to get sober, grow up and become a contributing member of society. Lucky me.

Mr Cold Lunch might also want to reflect on his language. Using the word “bikes” to refer to women, celebrity or otherwise, is beyond offensive.

Had a pupil submitted this to me as an essay I would have advised that all accusations regarding Brand’s income were unsubstantiated and required further research. And I would have suggested a cold lunch is not very important in the grand scheme of things.

Sandra Mills
Blackwood, S Lanarkshire

The next time Russell Brand calls Nigel Farage “a poundshop Enoch Powell”, as he did on Question Time, Farage should reply: “Then you are a 99p store Che Guevara.”

That should result in a temporary collapse of the polysyllabic party.

David Woosnam


Sir, President Obama’s move on Cuba is a canny foreign policy ploy. By increasing the cap on remittances, the US is dangling the carrot of prosperity, which may provide its best hope for regime change. And through the expansion of internet provision, Cubans will learn more about the outside world and may question the value of its regime, leading to popular demand for reform. In all this, US businesses stand to benefit.

As an aside, an interesting geopolitical question is what will become of an old Soviet spy base the Russians had hoped to reopen on the island, and for which a provisional agreement had been reached in July.
Daniel Rey

London SW17

Sir, It is salutary to remember in view of the thawing of relations between the US and Cuba, that in 1963 JFK said: “To some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries. That is perfectly clear.”

I wonder if the now inevitable return of American influence will really benefit the majority of the Cuban populace or if a small number of individuals will become very wealthy at their expense, thus allowing history to repeat itself.
Niall Milligan

Penzance, Cornwall

Sir, Cuba embodies the failure of US foreign policy (“Two close neighbours bound by mutual hatred for half a century”, Dec 17). More than 50 years of embargo has failed to motivate Cuba’s people to overthrow the communist leadership.Today, Cuba has one of the world’s most efficient education systems, universal literacy, health coverage and clean drinking water and sanitation. It places children and young people at the heart of its policies. It has very low infant mortality and high life expectancy. It has built partnerships and mutual respect among nations. The recent ebola outbreak in West Africa has affirmed Cuba’s noble principles of equity, social justice and solidarity with the needy everywhere; something Cuba has always done without asking for favours in return. It is time for the US to take notes.
Dr Munjed Farid al Qutob

London NW2

Sir, Michael Binyon’s (report, Dec 17) account of the Cuban Missile Crisis differs from Seymour Hersh’s carefully researched account in The Dark Side of Camelot. Hersh records that the placement of Soviet rockets on Cuba was in direct response to the US government’s placing of rockets along Turkey’s border with the Soviet Union. Nuclear war was averted by the US removal of their rockets from Turkey, after which the Soviet Union withdrew from Cuba.
David Lee
Kingston upon Thames

Sir, Michael Binyon is inaccurate in one key factor. JFK was urged by all his military advisers and many others to “Nuke Cuba”. However, JFK had the immense wisdom to ignore this advice and put a naval ring/blockade around the island. It was Khrushchev who backed down. To suggest that JFK’s actions were a “face saving act” is untrue.
Ian R Elliott

Whistable, Kent

Sir, Congratulations to President Obama for following the advice of Lord Palmerston (Prime Minister 1855-58 and 1859-65) in regard to America’s new relationship with Cuba. In 1848 Palmerston stated, “We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual.”
Peter Porter

Ashford, Kent

Sir, Peter Froggatt asks “Where is the next US-free holiday destination if Cuba falls?” (letter, Dec 19). How about North Korea? However, he may find that the attractions of choreographed massed parades pale beside Cuba’s music, tequila and cigars.
Kevin Cooper
Wargrave, Berks

Sir, Do I have to take down my Che Guevara poster now?
Peter Sergeant
Loughborough, Leics

Sir, After tramping the streets of Havana for four hours fruitlessly looking for a cup of coffee or indeed any other form of refreshment, my wife and I would have paid big money for anything McDonald’s had to offer. Ever since our trip we have advised friends intending to visit Cuba to wait until the Americans get in there and sort the place out.
Peter Hutchesson

London, W4

Sir, Reading “Concrete lessons that can be learnt from the Romans” (News, Dec 18) makes me wonder how “ivory tower” some universities are. In Europe, it has been common for many years to mix “fly ash” into cement. It reduces cost and improves some properties. Fly ash is the residue from coal-fired power stations. It is available by the millions of tonnes and is effectively free.

Decades ago, I worked on plans for burying nuclear waste in concrete. Our argument for its longevity was based on the nearby Roman wall. We developed a mix of Portland cement and fly ash that, once set, was chemically almost identical to Roman cement. This information was not secret and was published in detail in the 1980s.
Anthony J Foster, CEng
Peterlee, Co Durham

Sir, As Jim Hacker would say (letters, Dec 18) “I don’t want an inquiry, I want to know what happened”.
David Finnigan
Leatherhead, Surrey

Sir, Diz Williams is correct, the collective noun for geese in flight is a skein (letter, Dec 18).

However, if the geese are flying in a V formation, that is known as a wedge of geese.
Julian Rivers

Earls Barton, Northants

Sir, Psychology does indeed play a part in the consumption of brussel sprouts (“Science unlocks secret of perfect Christmas lunch”, Dec 19).

As a teacher in a girls’ school, I once explained to my 12-year-olds that one’s taste changed, so that a woman would like brussel sprouts but a girl would not. At the school Christmas lunch there was an unprecedented rush on brussel sprouts.
Carol Chambers-Workman

Horsham, W Sussex


France is more euro-sceptic than Britain, survey shows

It has been suggested that Britain’s renegotiations in Brussels could trigger a referendum in France Photo: Reuters

SIR – Having ignored repeated warnings from European Union leaders that his plans to reform their pet project are unacceptable, David Cameron has now been given the plainest message yet that any attempt to revise the Lisbon Treaty will be vetoed by the French.

Since that would effectively block any meaningful change in our terms of EU membership, the Prime Minister appears to be left with only two options: to accept the status quo, or to join Ukip.

Richard Shaw
Dunstable, Bedfordshire

SIR – One of the reasons given by France for its opposition to Britain’s renegotiation is that a change in the EU treaty “might trigger a referendum in France”.

Has French democracy been corrupted so much by the malign influence of the EU that a referendum, in which the country’s citizens can have their say, is seen by their political rulers as a threat?

So much for liberté, égalité, and fraternité.

Terry Lloyd
Darley Abbey, Derbyshire

SIR – As the general election approaches, the electorate’s choices are bleaker than I can recall in any I have voted in over the past 50 years. Nor has there been a general election in that period where the leader of the Conservative Party presents as big a danger to the country as the present one.

The gap between David Cameron’s rhetoric and his achievements is nowhere more apparent than in the recent Scottish referendum, where he agreed to exclude the nearly one million Scottish-born people living in England, Wales or Northern Ireland from having a say on the continuance of the Union.

Their exclusion has allowed the SNP to claim that Scotland is still on a path to independence, forcing a panicking Prime Minister to offer Scotland goodies that will only serve to whet its appetite for another referendum. It also raises a series of other constitutional questions which serve to distract the Government from dealing with the far more serious issue of Britain’s financial and economic plight.

As Mr Cameron has already demonstrated his incompetence in negotiating the terms on which the Scottish referendum was held, can anyone believe he is capable of negotiating any significant changes to our current relationship with the European Union?

Chris Davies
Salford, Lancashire

SIR – Our nation is facing an identity crisis. A large number of Scots hate the English. The Union is already broken and the wranglings about the West Lothian question stem from a refusal to accept that fact.

Thus far, this Scottish hatred has not been reciprocated in England, but the mood is shifting.

Alan Richardson
Sockbridge, Cumbria

Arbitrary Euro arrest

SIR – Torquil Dick-Erikson says that standards of evidence in many European criminal justice systems are different from our own – “mere suspicion, based on clues, is enough”.

Last summer my husband, a teacher of Ancient Greek and Latin, and I were exploring the southern Peloponnese in Greece. Because someone had seen our hire car in the vicinity of a fire in the countryside, a European Arrest Warrant was issued in my husband’s name, as he was listed as the driver of the car. We had nothing to do with the fire.

Three months later, when returning to Britain from a weekend in Paris, my husband was arrested at border control. He was charged with arson and attempting to destroy property.

He spent five weeks in police custody or under house arrest in France before being extradited to Greece, where he endured 30 hours in frightening conditions before being freed by the investigative judge. The case has not yet been closed and the costs for lawyers, expenses and loss of earnings are considerable.

The same could happen to any British traveller in Europe who happens to be near the scene of a crime or an accident. None of the safeguards being proposed by the Home Office can prevent this happening and Britain is powerless to intervene.

The European Arrest Warrant is being wrongly used as a first resort without indictable evidence and without any preliminary requests for information.

Philippa Hainsworth
Hampton, Middlesex

Overdressed bishops

The Rev Libby Lane is to become the UK’s first female bishop (Eddie Mulholland/The Telegraph)

SIR – May I offer Libby Lane my warmest congratulations on her recent appointment.

Is it too much to hope that the presence of a woman in the House of Bishops might now lead to a 21st-century abandonment of all the fancy dress? Is anyone drawn to Christ by a bishop’s robe and mitre?

Jesus himself wore what ordinary people wore. In an increasingly secular age, what message do medieval robes convey to people in the street?

Daphne Clarke
Richmond, North Yorkshire

Stem is for girls, too

SIR – I was alarmed to learn that just one per cent of parents want their daughters to become engineers.

In Britain, 60 per cent of young people aspire to a career in business. But the jobs being created for tomorrow look different from today’s and will rely heavily on Stem (science, technology, engineering and maths) skills.

In order for Britain to compete on the global stage, we need more young people to study Stem subjects. With so few girls considering a career in engineering in particular, we are missing out on half the potential workforce in this crucial sector, leaving Britain at risk of falling behind other leading economies.

Edwina Dunn
Chairman, Your Life campaign
London SW1

‘I’m on the train…’

SIR – It is good to read that mobile phone operators have agreed to end coverage blackspots in rural areas.

Before they do so, could they provide reliable coverage on the South West Trains line from Waterloo to Guildford? The signal always disappears south of Clapham Junction and south of Woking – hardly rural areas. With 150 trains in each direction on this line daily, there must be many commuters who would be pleased to be able to browse the Telegraph website without interruption.

Julian Gall
Godalming, Surrey

Missing ending

SIR – I disagree with Gerard O’Donovan’s critique of the open-ended conclusion of The Missing. Sadly, for some parents of missing children there is no closure. A happy ending would have trivialised the issue.

James Nesbitt, who played the boy’s father, captured perfectly the anguish and despair of parents in these circumstances.

Pauline Downes
Greatworth, Northamptonshire

Why a crazy (short) golf game just isn’t up to par

SIR – I cannot understand why anyone would want to introduce a shortened version of golf.

Barry Smith claims that other sports have been improved by condensing them into a shortened time span. Cricket introduced international 20/20 and rugby started sevens, but these abbreviated games are hardly the same as the real thing.

Maybe golf could introduce a magnificent putting green in a purpose-built stadium with all the instant thrills of the final stages of a game. Maybe snooker could be played with only three reds, just to get a move on.

If you want instant everything, as in cooking, then you lose the flavour. Sport is for players, not spectators.

Chris Harding
Parkstone, Dorset

Celebrating the many signs of the festive season

Santa claws (AFP/Getty images)

SIR – So far I have been encouraged to buy the following “seasonal” items: an Isa, a night in a French hotel, electrical spares and a ferry crossing. Is there anything that doesn’t count as Christmassy?

Martin Moyes
Holt, Wiltshire

SIR – Jeremy Price can display his e-greetings by copying them onto a memory stick and displaying them on a photo viewer. He can retain the sender’s details in a folder on his email software, all ready to respond to.

Paul Siddall

SIR – Friends of my parents who went to live in America used to send us a Christmas card each year, along with a letter containing their news. One year a card from the wife alone arrived – her husband had died suddenly, one son had divorced, another’s business had gone bust and a grandchild was sick. To my father’s delight, the card bore the message: “Behold I bring you tidings of great joy.”

Jan Gillies
Knaphill, Surrey

SIR – So far this season we have received two cards that contain not only the names of the senders, but also of their dogs. What is the correct way of responding?

Terry Gorman
Weaverham, Cheshire

SIR – Buying Christmas trees too big is a family tradition. My father used to buy a 16ft tree for a 14ft ceiling, which led to much sawing at the bottom and clipping at the top. It always fell over at least once, until the introduction of a hook in the ceiling and a fishing line. That’s progress.

William Mills
Coolham, West Sussex

A zoom with a view

SIR – On a recent visit to the city of Florence, I noticed street traders were selling “selfie sticks” – which can be attached to one’s smartphone – mainly to tourists from the Far East.

However, the tourists did not use them to take pictures of themselves, but to lift their camera phones high over the heads of the intervening throng in order to photograph the objects and locations their guides had mentioned.

It struck me as the ultimate madness to fly halfway around the world in order to take photographs of something you cannot see for yourself because too many taller people are in the way.

John Carter
Shortlands, Kent

Ungrateful Belgium

SIR – Sarah Rainey describes how the German invasion of Belgium prompted great sympathy from Britons. Surely this cannot be the same Belgium that refused to sell us ammunition during the Falklands war?

James B Sinclair
St Helier, Jersey

Pooling teeth

SIR – Gillian Roxburgh describes cleaning dentures as a student nurse. As a ward sister, my friend was horrified to find that, on instructing her student nurse to clean her patients’ dentures, the youngster went round the large ward and eventually presented my friend with a bowl full of false teeth.

Loris Goring
Brixham, Devon

Irish Times:

Sir, – It may come as news to Fintan O’Toole (“How gang of four runs the country”, Opinion & Analysis, December 16th) that myself and the Tánaiste disagree on certain matters. In fact, we have had many such exchanges in recent years on issues, she in the important capacity as Minister for Social Protection, the largest spending department in the State, and me in my role as Minister for Public Expenditure.

You would expect that to be the case. We also continue to work together as friends and colleagues for the recovery of our country and its economy from an unprecedented economic shock and in the name of our party, the Labour Party, of which both of us have been members all our adult lives.

Sometimes you can’t win. If Joan Burton and I agreed on every issue, all the time, we would be justly accused of being party automatons incapable of independent thought.

To see our respective views on the Economic Management Council (EMC) traduced by Fintan in justification of what is a highly unlikely conspiracy theory would be bizarre if it did not indicate how little one of Ireland’s most highly regarded commentators understands about cabinet government and Irish politics.

In my piece in the Sunday Business Post I set out a reasoned analysis on the rationale for the Economic Management Council, its origins in this Government and how it fits into the nexus of the interparty and Taoiseach/Finance relationships as they have evolved over time and responded to new circumstances, particularly those thrown up since 2011.

Fintan’s response, channelling Citizen Smith, is to complain that the EMC was set up when we should have devolved “power to the people”. Now I don’t know that that means, other than to say that Fintan now seems to have a problem with representative democracy in which people are elected to take decisions on behalf of the country.

The crisis facing the country at the time was considerable and I am satisfied that the EMC played some role in improving our national lot.

Fintan asks has the Cabinet taken different views on issues discussed at EMC, and the answer is yes. He objects to advisers attending meetings and when I point out that is not always the case, he has a problem with that too. He derides some of the most important officials of the State. His cited example of the EMC usurping Government decision-making in relation to an education budget proposal some years ago defeats his argument. This decision was taken collectively by the Government because, as he points out earlier in his piece, constitutionally decisions are not the sole preserve of any line Minister.

I conclude that Fintan is determined not to afford this Government any credit for its work over the last four years. He complains that he does not “rule” but if my memory serves me correctly he refused to stand for election when the country truly faced a crisis in 2011. – Yours, etc,


Minister for Public

Expenditure and Reform,

Government Buildings,

Dublin 2.

Sir, – Attempts to represent recent Broadcasting Compliance Committee rulings on two radio discussions about the same-sex marriage referendum as somehow unclear are misleading.

If broadcaster Will Faulkner is correct that there is some anxiety about these decisions among broadcasters (“Lack of clarity on broadcast treatment of same-sex marriage debate”, Opinion & Analysis, December 19th), then they ought to relax.

The law is simple and not new. It requires every broadcaster to ensure that “the broadcast treatment of current affairs, including matters which are either of public controversy or the subject of current public debate, is fair to all interests concerned and that the broadcast matter is presented in an objective and impartial manner and without any expression of his or her own views”.

Some broadcasters have been campaigning for years to change the law. The National Union of Journalists and the Irish Council for Civil Liberties should think twice before lending their weight to that campaign. The law protects the people whom they represent.

A combination of broadcasters who wanted to make more emotive programmes, and big business that correctly anticipated deregulated broadcasting as being more favourable to its interests, campaigned successfully to have the US abandon its “fairness doctrine”. Fox News is one outcome. Shock-jocks another.

The Broadcasting Compliance Committee, of which I am a member, applies a legal requirement that is more than 50 years old in both Ireland and Britain.

It means, for example, that a general election debate will not consist entirely of Fine Gael supporters.

Una Mullally (“Who does the BAI ruling on marriage equality serve?”, Opinion & Analysis, December 8th) thinks it “unfair” for a gay journalist to have to sit in a studio with someone who opposes gay marriage. On the contrary, when the forthcoming referendum is being discussed it would be unfair if opponents of gay marriage were given unopposed access to the airwaves.

The decisions of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, all available online, show that we have not “zoomed in on” the gay marriage referendum, as Una claims. A small proportion of all complaints from the public relate to it, and most of those have been rejected (no doubt because most professional broadcasters are well aware of what is required).

Down the years all political parties have reasserted their support for fairness in broadcasting. The alternative is, presumably, unfairness. – Yours, etc,


School of Communications,

Dublin City University,

Dublin 9.

Sir, – Rob Wright’s evidence (“Department gave ‘very little written advice’ at height of crash to the banking inquiry”, December 18th) suggests two things – there was a Civil Service phobia about freedom of information, and a high degree of incompetence at higher levels of the Civil Service (especially in the Department of Finance).

Is it unreasonable of us to expect our Civil Service to be as professional as that of Canada or Australia?

Can’t they just write it down, or do they have something to hide? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 7.

Sir, – I would like to thank the Finnish government bank official Peter Nyberg for summing up the banking disaster in Ireland (“Peter Nyberg tells banking inquiry soft landing was ‘quite unlikely’”, December 18th). He has saved the Irish taxpayer a fortune.

Could the committee now please disband, claim their expenses and get back to helping us recover instead of doing Perry Mason impressions? – Yours, etc,




Sir, – The temperate letter from former senator Dr Mary Henry (December 19th) reminds us all of the folly of making complex decisions in turbulent political times. And those were extremely turbulent years – 1981-82 – when we had three elections in two years. The question of abortion unfortunately became a political football and led to the folly of a majority of the Dáil endorsing wording which was put forward by Fianna Fáil. The then attorney general Peter Sutherland solemnly advised that the wording was dangerously ambiguous. Therefore, the government then put forward its own wording, “Nothing in this Constitution shall be invoked to invalidate or to deprive of force or effect any provision of the law on the grounds that it prohibits abortion”. This was defeated in the Dáil.

Those of us in government campaigning against the Fianna Fail wording met great hostility and well-organised hate-mail campaigns. However, the referendum was carried with a turnout of 50 per cent and a two-to-one majority.

In her letter, Dr Henry has detailed the sad and sorry consequences for Irish women. Some 31 years later, I believe the eighth amendment would be deleted from the Constitution if a referendum were held. But we know that referendums in Ireland, for a variety of reasons, are unpredictable. And even more so if held in the heat of election campaigns. Therefore, surely the responsible way forward is for all the parties to set out exactly where they stand. If – as I suspect – all of the main political groups acknowledge that the eighth amendment should be deleted, it would not be a political flashpoint and could be dealt with calmly – after the next election. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 4 .

Sir, – The real obstacle to the creation in Ireland of long-distance walking and cycling trails along the continental model lies in the fact that most of our national and local politicians have scant interest in either activity. At best, they are disinterested observers. At worst, they regard the outdoors as a branch of hippiedom. They could not possibly have any understanding or appreciation of the economic benefits that flow to the providers of such trails and the advantages to the physical and mental health of the users. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.

Sir, – As the TD who brought the Access to the Countryside Bill to the floor of Dáil Éireann in June 2013, I write to support the remarks in your editorial (December 16th).

You are absolutely correct to say we need much better access to the countryside for walkers. We get at least 750,000 tourists each year who want to walk in our beautiful countryside. They, and Irish walkers, are far too restricted in terms of where they can walk.

Some progress on a voluntary basis has been made but we need some legislation to progress the situation so that Ireland can compete with the likes of Scotland and Wales.

In addition to being good for people’s health, walking trails actually generate considerable income for the local economy. The Fife Coastal Path in Scotland generates something like £28 million annually with 500-600 jobs created.

In the new year, I will put as much pressure as I can on the Oireachtas environment committee to progress my legislation. Any support I get from the wider public on this issue would be helpful. – Yours, etc,


Leinster House,

Dublin 2.

Sir, – I found Sean McCann’s (December 19th) opening line “Obviously we need a proper network of hiking trails on publicly owned land’’ a bit ironic.

He decries the perceived suburbanite expectation that farm land should be open to access by ramblers.

At the same time he makes no reference to the fact that frequently the most vociferous opponents of opening up as walkways public assets such as redundant railway lines are the people who own land abutting them.

Generally these people are farmers who can’t seem to differentiate between their own land and public land adjoining their property.

This failure to differentiate has on occasions extended to squatting on public property and suing for adverse possession. – Yours, etc,




Sir, – It is clear from all the justifiable outrage generated by the Áras Attracta scandal that the main issue in relation to monitoring of services for the most vulnerable people receiving care is one of oversight.

Good management has an important role, as has the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), but the most important way to ensure that good standards of care are maintained is objective monitoring by advocates. These can be voluntary or paid but must be independent of the service provider and user.

This would ensure that independent individuals are overseeing the care provided and families would feel free to voice concerns to their relative’s advocate without the worry that their loved one might suffer as a result.

This level of oversight could possibly be provided by the HSE’s National Advocacy Unit, if this were extended to all service areas, particularly those used by vulnerable people.

Another way is to open all these service areas to Garda-vetted volunteers, who would provide much-needed social interaction and stimulation, while at the same time observing the standard of care provided by staff.

The model that comes to mind is one that is used in the Royal Hospital, in Donnybrook, Dublin. This hospital has over 100 volunteers that are coordinated by a designated member of staff.

As one of these volunteers, I have observed very good standards of care in the Royal, but would still feel free to comment or intervene if I saw a situation where this was not the case. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 4.

Sir, – Many years ago I received a Christmas card from my local TD, a man who would in due course become a government minister. My immediate reaction on receiving it was, why not send one to him? So I sent one. Within a week I received no fewer than four more identical cards, two of them signed by the TD himself, a third with his wife’s name beside his, and the fourth with no signature, presumably sent by his secretary. And so I finished up with five. And then I gave up. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – The amount of personal data demanded by the National Prize Bonds Company in its new application form for gift prize bonds is amazing – including the dreaded PPS number. This distinctly unfestive form has all the characteristics of a mini-CAB investigation. – Yours, etc,


Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.

Irish Independent:

The upsetting images from Aras Attracta - such as Mary Maloney being force-fed - showed much work still needs to be done on patients' rights.
The upsetting images from Aras Attracta – such as Mary Maloney being force-fed – showed much work still needs to be done on patients’ rights.

I was saddened but not surprised at the alleged abusive behaviour of some of the carers in Bungalow 3 at Aras Attracta.

I am, however, shocked at the failure of commentators and indeed psychologists to understand the dynamic behind abuse in the wider area.

Many have proposed complex reasons for the ill-treatment of vulnerable people.

But the reason for abuse, in general, whether in the home or in organisations, is simple. The abusive personality is typically fuelled by an instinct for power and control.

Power itself does not corrupt, but abusive or narcissistic people strive for power, and exert it over others physically, verbally, psychologically, financially or sexually.

The controlling tendency is wired in the brain from about the age of 13 onwards, and bullies will never change without significant professional help, which only a minority seek because they have an inbuilt sense of entitlement, black and white thinking, and a blaming mind set, to name but a few characteristics.

Despite the urge to control and hurt they could, however, choose not to do so.

Non-abusive people will never hurt another person, even if they are in bad cultures, but unfortunately in environments of power they may tend to stand back and not interfere, because of the fear of what might happen to them. There is plenty of evidence of this. They may become involved in abusive behaviour in authoritarian states such as Nazi Germany, to save their own lives, but in nursing and care homes this is not relevant.

Unfortunately, it is estimated that 25pc to 30pc of people are controlling and the abuse they perpetrate is done in secret.

To solve this problem you need dedicated non-abusive supervisors, constantly on the alert to stamp out abuse.

Unfortunately abusive people are extremely charming and can easily fool interviewers, so that some bosses are bullies who make life miserable for others.

Dr Jim O’ Shea, Thurles, Co Tipperary


Spirit of the Christmas Truce

This year the Great War was publicly remembered across the world with very respectful solemnity. This was a war that displayed a capacity to deal out death and destruction with a ferocity and efficiency that had never been seen before on the face of the earth up to that time.

However, on the first Christmas Eve of the war, amid the horror and madness of the trenches, something amazing happened. Bitter enemies who had spent months trying to kill each other were touched by something deep within their being. They laid down their arms, walked into No Man’s Land, wished each other “Happy Christmas” and acknowledged the sacredness of that night by jointly singing ‘Stille Nacht/Silent Night’.

My wish this Christmas is that special something might also move the President and the Taoiseach to replicate that gesture and pay homage to the fallen by wishing the citizens of our country “Happy Christmas” also.

If for some reason of political correctness known to themselves and/or their advisers they decide not to do this, could I respectfully suggest they say nothing at all. Instead could I suggest that they keep their greetings and felicitations and utter them on New Year’s Day, which is World Peace Day. In that way no person or group could be possibly offended, as that day would be far more appropriate and inclusive for people of all cultures and religions, and none.

Aidan Coburn, Bagenalstown, Co Carlow


Nationalism is normal

Kate Casey (Irish Independent, November 29) defines nations as merely “imagined communities” and nationalism as “negative”. Instead, she backs “only big units”, e.g. the EU, with an “ideology of liberty”. Yet liberty is the lifeblood of democratic self-determination and national identity. Hence nationalism remains natural and normal.

Alas, the views your correspondent advances reflect historical revisionism and imperialism. Did she never hear of the United Irishmen inspired by the universal ideals of “liberty, equality and fraternity”? In Irish history, “Wolfe Tone is the name and Wolfe Tone is the man”.

Anthony Barnwell, Dublin 9


Pearse deceived his own men

With reference to Rory O’ Callaghan (Letters, Irish Independent December 15), there were two general elections held in 1910 and Padraig Pearse did not contest either one.

In fact, he was not loyal to his leader Eoin MacNeill – he said that MacNeill had resigned and appointed himself to be head of the army and President of the Republic as well. The people showed their disapproval of the Rising in their reaction.

As regards Britain being imperialist after World War I, it gave away more territory than the whole of Europe in the “Statute of Westminster 1931”. Britain gave effective independence to its Dominions: Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Newfoundland and the Irish Free State. It was a change from the love of power as in the Empire to the power of love freely given within the Commonwealth. World War I was fought by the Allies, in the words of US President Woodrow Wilson, to make the world a safe place for democracy and to defend human rights.

Pearse deceived his own followers, the ‘Castle Document’ was a forgery, Eoin MacNeill did not resign and he called off the Rising. Pearse told his followers that the Germans had landed and it was only a matter of holding Dublin until they arrived.

Kate Casey, Barrington Street, Limerick


Out for the Count

‘Count Curly Wee’ in the Irish Independent must be the longest running feature of any daily newspaper. My father, a man of the land who loved wild life and was an avid reader, never missed out on ‘Curly Wee and Gussie Goose’. I can still recall, as a child, that wry smile on his face as he flicked from the cartoon to the racing page.

I believe my grandfather was also an ardent follower of the feature. Now I have become the third generation of my family to become a fan of the cartoon. Over the past two years, I haven’t gone a day without reading ‘Count Curly’.

The classy, clear pictures and free-flowing descriptive verse is hard to resist. Count Curly, the pig, is a proper gentleman and a true Samaritan to all in animal, fur and feather-land – regardless their predicament or needs. What a pity the series could not continue through the weekend – it would be sure to boost circulation of the ‘Sunday Independent’.

Generally a newspaper has a lot of dry and depressing stuff. Turn to the ‘Count Curly Wee’ gem on page 52 of Irish Independent and in two minutes you will be cracking that smile a day that makes the newspaper well worth its cost.

James Gleeson, Thurles, Co Tipperary


A sad week for world’s children

What a sad week it was for the children of the world. The atrocity in Pakistan was heartbreaking and to learn now of the deaths of eight children in Australia, especially at this time of the year, seems all the more incomprehensible. No doubt they are all at peace,

All of us must understand that we have a duty to cherish and protect the little ones.

But we must not forget the bigger ones too whose frailties and weakness go unnoticed in the whirl of every day. We all need minding – if Christmas means anything around the world, behind all the tinsel and fairy-lights, the message has to be that we could do a better job of it.

M O’Brien, Sandycove, Co Dublin

Irish Independent


December 19, 2014

19 December 2014 Astrid

I still have arthritis in my left toe but its nearly gone. Astrid comes to call.

Mary’s back much better today, breakfast weight up nothing tea and her tummy pain is still there.


Ian McLagan – obituary

Ian McLagan was a diminutive keyboard player and Mod ‘clothes horse’ who recorded a string of hits with the Small Faces

Ian McLagan, keyboard player with the Small Faces

Ian McLagan, keyboard player with the Small Faces Photo: REX

Ian McLagan, who has died aged 69, was the keyboards player with the Small Faces, and later the Faces, when they were among the most successful British rock bands of the 1960s and 1970s; he went on to become a well-known sideman alongside artists such as the Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen and Billy Bragg.

Ian Patrick McLagan was born in Hounslow, London, on May 12 1945 . As a child his Irish grandmother taught him to play the concertina, and the skiffle craze inspired him to learn guitar. The arrival of rock and roll determined his musical future and he formed a band called the Cherokees, who later became the Muleskinners. After being expelled from art school for lack of attendance (“I was thinking music, music, music!”), Ian backed many visiting blues singers as a rhythm guitarist before changing to the Hammond organ. He joined Boz and the Boz People – who paid him £5 a week as organist – but quit when the band’s van kept breaking down during a Scottish tour. On his return to London he auditioned for the Small Faces, a London band who had scored a No 15 hit with their debut single and were about to sack their keyboard player.

McLagan proved a perfect fit: an instinctively brilliant musician, he was also small of stature and a Mod “clothes horse”. His first single with the Small Faces, Sha-La-La-La-Lee, reached No 3 in the UK charts in February 1966. The band went on to score nine more UK hits over the next two years and release the pioneering concept album Ogdens’ Nut Gone Flake . Hits such as Itchycoo Park and All or Nothing would inspire punk and Britpop bands across the decades. Tensions in the band caused the vocalist Steve Marriott to leave on New Year’s Eve 1968, and the remaining trio drafted in Ronnie Wood and Rod Stewart, both of whom had been working with Jeff Beck.

Now called the Faces – Wood and Stewart being of average height – the group signed to Warner Brothers and almost immediately achieved success in America; British success quickly followed. The band was known for their raucous mix of rock and soul, flamboyant fashion sense and joyous hedonism. In concert the band kicked footballs into the audience and had a bar and bartender onstage. Their extravagant parties and model girlfriends marked them as the embodiment of rock star glamour.

The Faces’ 1971 album A Nod Is as Good as a Wink… To a Blind Horse is considered their best; it reached No 2 in the UK charts and gave them their biggest hit with Stay With Me. But Stewart’s parallel solo career soon outstripped that of the group, and in 1973 the bassist Ronnie Lane quit the band. The Faces staggered on until 1975, when Wood joined the Rolling Stones.

McLagan joined a reformed Small Faces for two unrewarding albums, then, in 1978, moved to Los Angeles, complaining that with the advent of punk rock no one in Britain wanted a Hammond organ player. He formed Ian McLagan’s Bump Band, released two solo albums, then began playing with Bonnie Raitt and the Rolling Stones. In 1984 Bob Dylan invited him to join his band for a European tour, and McLagan soon found himself in demand with leading British and American artists. In 1994 he went to live in Austin, Texas, where he became a stalwart of the city’s burgeoning music scene.

In 2000 he published a bawdy memoir, All the Rage: A Riotous Romp Through Rock & Roll History. His solo albums were well received, with United States (2014) receiving glowing reviews.

The Small Faces in 1966: (left to right) Steve Marriott, Kenney Jones, Ronnie Lane and Ian McLagan (REX)

Ian McLagan, who died following a stroke, was twice married: from 1968 to 1972 to Sandy Serjeant, a dancer on the television show Ready Steady Go, and from 1978 to Kim Kerrigan, the former wife of The Who’s drummer Keith Moon. She died in a car crash in 2006, and McLagan is survived by his daughter from his first marriage and a stepdaughter from his second.

Ian McLagan, born May 12 1945, died December 3 2014


US President Barack Obama talks by phone with Cuba's President Raúl Castro on 16 December
US President Barack Obama talks by phone with Cuba’s President Raúl Castro on 16 December. The two countries the next day announced they would restore diplomatic ties. Photograph: Pete Souza/Reuters

The implication of President Obama’s statement, “I’m not expecting transformation of Cuban society overnight”, is that closer economic and cultural ties with the US will eventually allow Cubans to see the light and embrace the “American way” (US decides to bring Cuba in from the cold, 18 December).

What is really needed is for US citizens to learn from other counties that its acceptance of the legalised bribery of its political funding practices, support of dictatorships around the world, lack of gun control, wealth inequality, poor healthcare provision, and tolerance of domestic poverty are much larger impediments of true democracy.
Peter Robbins

• For decades, American policy towards Cuba has been hijacked by a small cartel of politicos in Florida and their wealthy benefactors. The US embargo is estimated to have cost the Cuban economy close to a trillion dollars over its 53-year span, not to mention the untold suffering inflicted on the Cuban people and the countless individuals whose lives were lost at sea, induced to emigrate because of privations and embargo-related laws. President Obama’s decision is courageous, and long overdue.
Luis Suarez-Villa
Professor emeritus, University of California, Irvine, USA

• I look at Obama’s announcement of the complete end of the cold war with Cuba, including the opening of an embassy, with great caution. All monies spent by the federal government must be approved in a spending bill approved by Congress. The Republicans have vast majorities in the House and Senate. It is doubtful that even one Republican senator or congressmen would vote for one cent to be spent on the normalisation of relations with Cuba, and there are numerous Democrat senators and congressmen who if they supported this issue would risk losing their seats. Obama has nothing to lose, his political career is over. However, in the Congress this is a different matter. Obama is dreaming the impossible dream.
George Lewis
Brackley, Northamptonshire

• When you say “US decides to bring Cuba in from the cold” I assume you mean “US decides to stop its illegal and spiteful harassment of Cuba”.
Will McLewin

• Cuba embodied the failure of American foreign policy. It lies less than 100 miles from the Florida straits, yet more than 50 years of embargo failed to motivate the Cuban people to rise and overthrow the communist leadership; or to instigate a violent regime change in this tiny Caribbean island.

The Cuban scenario has always acted as an inspiration for millions across the globe dismayed by American arrogance and double standards; for the impoverished and the downtrodden and the victims of American policies of imposed sanctions, unlawful invasions and occupations, isolationism and interventionism that resulted in countless deaths in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Venezuela and the occupied Palestinian territories. And despite decades of these policies imposed on Cuba and its proximity to American shores; the US never managed to invade Cuba or to Americanise it. Today, Cuba has one of the most efficient educational systems in the world, universal literacy, universal health coverage and access to clean drinking water and sanitary services. It places children and young people at the heart of its policies. Needless to say, it has very low infant mortalities and high life expectancies. Even the most developed nations are envious of Cuba’s social and health system, and its ability to transmit its model and translate its knowledge and expertise into practice. The recent Ebola disease outbreak in west Africa has affirmed Cuba’s noble principles of equity, social justice and solidarity with the needy; something it has always done without asking for favours in return. It is time for the US to take note.
Dr Munjed Farid Al Qutob

• Now that relations between the US and Cuba at last look set to be placed on a more normal footingit is surely time for the US government to apologise for the attempts to kill or otherwise injure Fidel Castro in the 1960s. That must include the use of an exploding cigar designed to singe his beard and the scattering of thallium salts in his shoes to make his beard drop out.
Keith Flett

• Listening to President Obama I was reminded of Albert Einstein, who defined “insanity” as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”. How prescient.
Dipak Nandy

• The breakthrough in Cuba-US relations is a rare piece of good news in a troubled world, but it is a pity the president did not take a harder line in negotiations with his opposite number over matters ranging from extra-judicial killings, interference in other countries’ affairs, the lack of health provision for much of the population and the failed political system, not to mention the presence of a concentration camp on Cuban soil. Still, Mr Castro can only do so much at what is the start of a process. It is to be hoped that in the medium term he can at least persuade Mr Obama to close the facility at Guantánamo Bay and return the occupied territory to its rightful owners.
Bert Schouwenburg
International officer, GMB

• The torture may have ceased, for now, but the mindset that engaged in it hasn’t gone. This was demonstrated by the story of the six Guantánamo prisoners who, after years in captivity without being charged with a crime, let alone convicted, were this week sent to freedom in Uruguay still shackled and blindfolded (Report, 12 December). That wasn’t some effort to extract information. It was arbitrary and pointless cruelty.
Kevin McGrath
Harlow, Essex

Man looking upset and depressed
‘The stigma associated with mental health problems is as great a challenge as the “condition” the ­person experience,’ writes Nick Arkle. Photograph: Denis Closon/Rex

I am pleased to see the choice of charities for the Guardian Christmas appeal this year, as I have worked as a mental health nurse for more than 30 years. Beyond the Cuckoo’s Nest is a project in Rotherham that has been active for over 20 years. The main aim is to challenge stigma by giving a voice to people with lived experience of mental health conditions, especially psychosis. This often involves presentations in schools and colleges.

Your article on young carers (Haven for isolated young carers of parents with mental illness, 13 December) brought to mind an experience we had in a local secondary school. Year 11 students listened to experiences of mental health difficulties and recovery. As we were leaving one explained that she was a young carer for her mother, who had been diagnosed with a psychosis seven years earlier. She had never disclosed this at school because of fear the stigma would lead to her being bullied. Having heard people describe their experience, she now felt able to talk about her own experience. A teacher pointed out that a support plan could now be developed for the girl.

I believe that the stigma associated with mental health problems is as great a challenge as the “condition” the person experiences. Having been a young carer myself (not something recognised in the 1960s), highlighting the needs of young carers as you have done is to the good.
Nick Arkle

• Like Gael Mosesson (Letters, 13 December) I owe heartfelt thanks to the NHS staff who are looking after me through cancer treatment. Everyone tells me how well I am coping; maybe that’s because chemotherapy, while not much fun, is easy compared with the distress of a first-time episode of severe depression, which two years ago put me in a psychiatric hospital for five weeks.

While there I met people in circumstances much more difficult than mine ( I am retired, financially secure, with supportive family and friends), who were kind and funny and helped each other and me through. I owe the wonderful NHS a lot, but mental health services are, in spite of the promises, still appallingly underfunded and overstretched. The work of the charities you are supporting fills a huge gap, so please, Guardian readers, double the number you first thought of and give it now.
Vanessa Reburn
Devizes, Wiltshire

• I have a different perspective on the use of psychotropic medication from your correspondent Naomi Wallace (Letters, 15 December) as a result of 30 years’ working in research in the pharmaceutical industry and subsequently nine years adjudicating on the compulsory detention of patients under the Mental Health Act. Psychotic patients have a mental disorder and need to be offered treatment in the same way patients with physical illnesses are offered help to control their symptoms. It is morally wrong to deny mentally ill patients treatment and to resist the efforts of well-meaning research scientists trying to understand the origins of the disease and subsequently sell the results of their endeavours as useful treatments.

If medications for mental health issues do not work they fall out of use and are replaced by better, safer medications. It is offensive to suggest that Big Pharma is bent on “assuring us we are very sick and in need of constant drugging” when so many lives have been saved and enhanced by psychotropic medications.
Professor Derek Middlemiss
Newark, Nottinghamshire

• Guidelines from Nice to support and treat pregnant women and new parents with mental illness are welcome (Report, 17 December), but we are concerned they will not be implemented given the huge gaps in perinatal mental health services across the country.

A recent inquiry showed a total of 111 mothers had died from psychiatric causes between 2010 and 2011, a distressing confirmation of the fact that mental illness can be terminal if not treated.

We call on the government to increase funds for specialist services, such as mother and baby units, as well as community-based services and to ensure there is adequate training for all health practitioners in touch with new parents. All those who need perinatal mental health services throughout the UK must have access to them.
Susie Parsons
Chief executive, National Childbirth Trust

In her survey of women changing their surname on marriage (Review, 13 December), Sophie Coulombeau says of the situation in America: “It was only in 1972 that a succession of legal cases confirmed that women could use their birth names in whatever way they pleased.” Up to a point. When I became the Guardian’s Washington correspondent in 1979, the US embassy in London refused to issue a visa to my wife (who keeps her own name) until we had produced our marriage certificate – not the easiest thing to do when you have packed up your home and are on the way to Heathrow.
Harold Jackson
Woolpit, Suffolk

• Stimulated by Coulombeau’s essay, I wanted more information on pioneering feminist Mary Wollstonecraft. On looking her up in my Chamber’s Biographical Dictionary I was met by the instruction: “Wollstonecraft, Mary – see Godwin.”
Ian Verber
Broughton in Furness, Cumbria

• Activist pensioners (Letters, 18 December) wanting to inform the world that they are reclaiming not just the P-word for themselves will find that, with a little judicious stitching on the G, the large logo displayed on the front of the sweatshirts of a well-known high street fashion brand can readily be transformed into the out-and-proud statement: “OAP”.
Mike Hine
Kingston on Thames, Surrey

• As a friend of mine heroically secured his concessionary admission to the Acropolis by waving his Blackburn council bus pass, the official summed up the transaction: “So, that’s one pensioner, and two normal.”
Brian Stevenson

• With reference to Simon Hattenstone (Opinion, 16 December), although sadly it has never been released as a single, up there alongside the Pogues, is Bob Dylan’s Must Be Santa. Just brilliant.
Celia Ford

Home Office immigration enforcement officers reflected in their vehicle
‘The UK remains the only EU country to detain people indefinitely for immigration purposes.’ Above, immigration enforcement officers reflected in their vehicle window. Photograph: Oli Scarff/Getty Images

The tragic death of Jimmy Mubenga (Mubenga jury not told of guards’ racist texts, 18 December) highlights the inhumane treatment of migrants in the UK. Regardless of immigration status, we should afford all members of our society with dignity. The UK remains the only EU country to detain people indefinitely for immigration purposes and allows the use of pain-based removal techniques. Citizens UK is calling for an end to both of these practices. Criminals and suspected terrorists can be held for a maximum of 28 days, but immigrants – guilty only of trying to gain safety and stability – are held indefinitely while civil servants process paperwork. This is costly in terms of footing the bill for expensive, high-security, prison-like facilities and for compensation. In the past three years, £15m in damages has been paid to unlawfully held migrants. Most important, there is the high human cost when people don’t know how long they are going to be locked up for, with the threat of a painful, enforced removal in the background.

These practices are at odds with the UK our members are proud to call home. This isn’t a call for an open-door immigration policy, but a request to ensure our processes allow dignity for families seeking sanctuary.
Jonathan Cox
Citizens UK

• The Mubenga case will go down as one that will not reassure our minorities. Many regard it as a perverse verdict, even discounting the withholding of the vile texts from the jury. After hearing conflicting evidence, the jury accepted the assurances of the accused that they, the nearest to Mr Mubenga, hadn’t heard his cries of “I can’t breathe”, or held him folded up for any length of time.

Defending counsel argued that along with racist texts against Africans on the phones of two defendants were a mass of offensive “jokes” on Stuart Tribelnig’s phone “at the expense of almost every imaginable minority”, but in the eyes of the judge all content of the texts was irrelevant. This was contrary to the coroner’s verdict, which was also withheld from the jury.

The fate of Eric Garner (A powerful new cry for US justice: ‘I can’t breathe’, 5 December) shows that the justice system on both sides of the pond are struggling to reassure minorities they are equal before the law when it comes to dispensing justice.
Eddie Dougall
Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

Small fishing trawler, Eyemouth harbour, Scottish Borders
‘Local, sustainable fishermen make up nearly 80% of the UK’s fleet, but are given only 4% of the quota.’ Above, fishing trawler at Eyemouth harbour, in the Scottish Borders. Photograph: David Cheskin/PA

Cuts to fishing quotas will ultimately benefit the long-term future of the fishing industry, as it will lead to healthier number of fish in the future. We all want to see healthy seas. This is the basis for a thriving fishing industry.

Fisheries minister George Eustice claims he secured the best possible deal for fish stocks and the UK’s fishing industry at the EU negotiations (Report, 17 December). But the crucial decision now is how he allocates this quota in the new year.

The fishing quota is concentrated into the hands of a few industrial-scale companies, at the expense of local, sustainable fishermen who make up nearly 80% of the UK’s fleet, but are given only 4% of the quota.

The government has a golden opportunity to change this flawed and unfair system. Following the successful reform of EU fishing law, the government must put local fishermen at the front of the quota queue so that they can fish seasonally and sustainably all year round. This makes sense environmentally and economically as it will create thousands of new jobs and boost coastal economies.
Ariana Densham
Oceans campaigner, Greenpeace UK

Clearly the murder of José Tendetza is a very serious matter (Ecuador indigenous leader found dead days before planned Lima protest,, 6 December). In order for those responsible to be brought to account, it is crucial that the investigation is rigorous, evidence-based and transparent.

Contrary to the allegations reported in this article, Ecuador’s interior minister, José Serrano, has already called for the investigation into José Tendetza’s death to be independently overseen by the indigenous Shuar federation, to ensure its transparency. A reward of $100,000 has been offered to anyone who can provide accurate information about the crime, and the results of a further autopsy have been published, stating death was caused by strangulation.

The claim that Ecuador’s government is somehow complicit in this crime or attempting to hide it is as outrageous as it is baseless.

It is vital that the rights of the indigenous peoples and their surroundings are protected, and over the past seven years Ecuador has made tremendous progress. Ecuador is now officially a plurinational state recognising indigenous languages as official and conferring specific rights for indigenous communities and territories. Over 1.3m hectares of natural habitat has been conserved due to a scheme rewarding communities and landowners for leaving forests undamaged, a sevenfold increase since 2006. Ecuador is a world leader in reduction of poverty and access to education, and our indigenous communities are the group which has benefited most. It is into this process, and the transformation away from extractivism to a high-skilled economy, that Ecuador is ploughing its resources.

Ecuador has also taken the lead internationally in protecting the rights of indigenous peoples and of nature, setting up an observatory on the activities of multinationals in the global south and passing a motion at the UN human rights council that a legally binding instrument be set up holding multinationals to account. The ongoing refusal of ChevronTexaco to pay for causing one of the biggest environmental disasters in history in Ecuador’s Amazon is an example of why such a body is necessary.

Central to Ecuador’s citizens’ revolution are the legal rights of communities and of nature, ensuring justice and respecting the rule of law. It is crucial that justice is done in the case of José Tendetza, and Ecuador’s government is committed to making this happen. This case must be investigated transparently, not be used as a political tool against a progressive government.
Juan Falconi Puig
Ambassador of Ecuador to the UK


Dr Munjed Farid al Qutob (Letters, 17 December) claims that the Sydney gunman was a criminal, not a Muslim. This brings to mind the words of Tony Blair in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks when he claimed that the perpetrators were not Islamic terrorists, just “terrorists pure and simple”.

But by the time London was attacked in July 2005, Blair had changed his tune. In a speech to the Labour Party conference, and recounting by then 26 al-Qaeda episodes, he noted that the terrorists’ motivation was “a religious ideology, a strain within the worldwide religion of Islam, as far removed from its essential decency and truth as Protestant gunmen who kill Catholics or vice versa are from Christianity. But do not let us underestimate it or dismiss it. Those who kill in its name believe genuinely that in doing it, they do God’s work; they go to paradise”.

Then in September 2013, David Cameron turned the clock back to mimic the Blair of 2001, stating of the al-Shabaab attacks that month in Kenya and all the others before: “These appalling terrorist attacks that take place where the perpetrators claim they do it in the name of a religion – they don’t. They do it in the name of terror, violence and extremism and their warped view of the world. They don’t represent Islam or Muslims in Britain or anywhere else in the world.”

Of course the Taliban, al-Qaeda, Isis, Boko Haram, al-Shabaab and their violence, or the actions of a lone Sydney gunman, no more represent the average Muslim than the late Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church represent the average Christian. But does that mean religious dogma isn’t a significant contributing factor to their “warped view of the world”, nonetheless?

Alistair McBay


It is interesting to see how those who commit crimes in the name of their god are rapidly disowned by their fellow religionists. Yet, as Voltaire wrote: “Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

As long as it is allowed that children may be indoctrinated into belief in a god who has great powers, and is able to hand out great rewards or terrible punishments, there will be people who interpret their belief in ways which are harmful, and who believe that they have sanction from or duty to their god to do harmful acts.

At this moment, one may naturally think those comments apply to one particular sect, but not so. The reason why religious groups who recognise the problem will defend the right of all religions to indoctrinate children is that they realise that once a restriction is applied to one religious group, it may become clear they are actually all indefensible.

Tony Pointon


Dr Munjed Farid Al Qutob complains that the media rushed to attribute the tragic siege in Sydney to religious extremism but attached no religious significance to the terrible multiple murders in the US by an army veteran. He implies that this reflects a bias against Islam but overlooks the fact that it was the gunman himself who made the siege in Sydney an Islamic act when he obliged his hostages to hold the Shahada up to the view of the cameras outside. The media may often be guilty of jumping to conclusions, but in this case there was clear evidence that the gunman’s motivation was at least in part religious. The fact that he may have been of doubtful mental stability does not alter this.

If Dr Al Qutob wishes to persuade the world that Islam is a peaceful religion he might do better to address the substantial number of his co-religionists around the world who clearly take a very different view to his on aggression and terrorism, rather than berating the media.

Jonathan Wallace
Newcastle upon Tyne


Congratulations on your headline, “In God’s name” (17 December). A despairing world does indeed wonder how religious atrocity can be halted.

Derek Fabian &  Ewa Maydell-Fabian


Wake up to the dangers of Ukip

I greatly applaud your editorial of 16 December, “The nasty party”, for condemning the appalling utterances of some of Ukip’s principals. It is high time that the majority of those that are being sucked into giving Farage and his cronies support and succour were made aware of the real dangers they are at risk of creating if Ukip gains too much power.

How did a relatively small number of fascist extremists win over the majority of normal Germans to their way of thinking and behaving? It frightens me to think that the same could happen here over the next decade or so, unless ordinary members of society with the power to vote wake up to the dangers that they could be facing.

Peter Bridgman
Charlbury, Oxfordshire


Ukip’s success at securing £1.5m from the European Union from a fund set aside for parties that want to promote European integration exposes the party’s blatant hypocrisy. Taking money from the EU while fervently working against it is the same as those who come to the UK, who don’t believe in our laws and seek to overthrow democracy, but who use the human rights legislation that democracy created to prevent them being deported. Ukip would be the first to condemn such people for this treachery and yet they consider it perfectly acceptable to behave in the same way themselves. Please remember this next May.

Henry Page
Newhaven, East Sussex


Perhaps you might consider letting a representative of the Green Party have a slot to balance that nice Mr Farage on a weekly basis. It would be so refreshing to hear from a rational but radically different opinion from all the other, rather restricted, views that are rolled out with tedious monotony.

Robert Hammersley
Cuckfield, West Sussex


Ukip’s immigration spokesman maintains Ukip’s candidates are “ordinary people” who did not have the media training that their political rivals had and sometimes had to be “guided”. This is one hypothesis. Another is that it is a party whose policies attract individuals with views that are repellent enough to require censor by its central office and which brings out and fosters a blinkered nastiness in its supporters.

Angelo Micciche
St Erth, Cornwall


John Blenkinsopp (17 December) asks why The Independent gives Nigel Farage “the oxygen of publicity” by allowing him to have a weekly column. Might it have something to do with the newspaper being called The Independent?

Patrick Walsh


Does cartoon violence really hurt?

I read with interest your report (17 December) of the joint University College London/University of Ottawa research findings that on-screen death and violence in cartoons “can be particularly traumatic for young children, and the impact can be intense and long-lasting”. Noting that both Snow White (1937) and Bambi (1942) were included in the survey, one might be forgiven for wondering how it is that successive generations of kids have previously proved to be highly resistant to the effects of such trauma, despite prolonged and repeated exposure?

Could it be that young people are able to determine the difference between make-believe and the genuine article?

Jeremy Redman
London SE6


How to improve ‘question time’

Like Alice Jones (13 December), I watch Question Time and I concur that it often descends into a transplant of the Commons Punch and Judy show. The most interesting and informative part is the audience, who seem to have ideas quite different from the supposed opinions of Britons.

It would not be difficult to improve the show enormously. To start with; no more than two politicians at any time. Instead, include scientists, engineers, doctors, architects, and lawyers on each show. Not only would these professionals have a good knowledge of the minutiae of the issues at stake, but because, being  professionals, their livelihood and reputations depend on logical thinking.

John Day
Port Solent, Hampshire


Prince William should look closer to home

Prince William campaigns on behalf of African rhinos and elephants. Well done; both worthy and excellent causes. But why doesn’t the slaughter of our native breeding hen harriers, now in steep decline due to being shot by gamekeepers on grouse moors, also merit his attention? In 2007 allegations were made that his brother, Harry, had shot two hen harriers on the Sandringham Estate, but the case never came to anything.

Peter Brown


Welcome US-Cuba rapprochement

President Obama mentions health as part of the new relations between the US and Cuba (report, 18 December). It will, of course, be 100 per cent from Cuba to the US and might help the US to attain a civilised universal system to replace the shameful apology that it currently has.

Ted Clark
Leamington Spa


Sir, Alice Thomson (“Preserve the Union. Give Scots home rule”, Dec 17) is only half right, and dangerously so. Giving the Scots home rule in a unitary constitution will not avert calls for independence and could easily lead to counter calls from the English.

English votes for English laws (Evel) is acceptable as a temporary solution, but will fairly quickly be seen not to have dealt with the anomalous position of Scots MPs because most legislation for England will have financial consequences and therefore affect Scottish finance, particularly if the Barnett formula remains in place.

Creeping devolution of powers leads to disintegration of the Union. Better, as both Joseph Chamberlain and Walter Long recognised, “Home Rule all round” and a properly designed federal constitution.

If the federal government were confined to foreign policy, defence, and measures to secure a level playing field and open market within the context of Europe, the relative size of England would not matter and income tax would be paid more readily because it would be levied to fund purely English, Scottish, Welsh and Ulster business.

John Barnes

Etchingham, E Sussex

Sir, Mr Hague, as former Welsh secretary, will know there is a third consequence facing his three possible options on English votes for English laws (report and leader, Dec 17). England is not a standalone jurisdiction. Since 1535 the laws of England and Wales have been unified (notwithstanding Welsh devolution), and since 1542 England and Wales have been a single state under the English crown.

Over the past two years some 60 public general acts have been passed by the Westminster parliament. Of those, 49 extended to the whole of the UK (albeit with some sections dealing separately with individual territories, such as Northern Ireland). A further four extended to Great Britain alone. Six applied to England and Wales only, and one applied just to Scotland.

Only the six England and Wales bills (just 10 per cent) would have given rise to the “English votes for English laws” approach and, even then, some provision would have been needed to ensure that Welsh MPs were not excluded from the legislative process. As a consequence some mechanism has to be found whereby bills highlight specific English issues which differ from those for Wales. In legislative drafting terms this is going to be something of a challenge and will (as you say in your leader) need time to get right.

Jonathan Teasdale
Haywards Heath, W Sussex

Sir, It seems rather odd to assume that the Scots, having voted decisively against independence, actually want the SNP to be handed victory by the back door. But what about the implications of “Evel” for Wales?

In truth Wales as a country is an artificial concept whose boundaries have been determined more by political convenience than by the wishes of local populations. There are Welsh people, a Welsh language and a Welsh culture but in large parts of Wales they are a minority, and North and South Wales have little in common.

For obvious geographic reasons the north has far more economic, and historical, links with Merseyside than with Cardiff, and any sensible scheme of devolution would re-create “Manwebshire” — the old Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Board area — rather than force alien government from Cardiff on the north. The people of the north voted against devolution in the first place; they deserve better than to be thrown out of the UK at the behest the self-interested political mafia in Cardiff.

Mark Griffiths

Llandyrnog, Denbighshire

Sir, English votes for English laws makes a good soundbite but it provides neither devolution for the people of England nor a set of logical roles for the MPs representing different parts of the Union. Devolution in Scotland and Wales did not mean giving MPs representing Scottish or Welsh constituencies responsibilities for those nations. Rather, devolution removed from them any influence over uniquely Scottish or Welsh matters.

Ian Statham (letter, Dec 18) is no doubt right that English people favour giving Scottish MPs “no say whatsoever” over English matters — but they currently have no say over Scottish matters either. Under the government’s Evel proposals MPs representing Scottish constituencies would only have a role in respect of UK-wide issues. That is surely what the aim should be in the long term: a UK parliament that deals only with UK-wide matters, and devolved assemblies for the whole of the population.

Every English region other than the North East has a population comparable to, or larger than that of, Scotland, and many have populations larger than that of Scotland and Wales combined. If it is economically efficient and democratically just for the five million people living in Scotland to decide their own education, housing and planning policies, then so it should be for the five million in Yorkshire or the eight million in London.

David Seex
London E2

Sir, To accept that Mr Cameron was correct to state that a solution must be found to permit English votes for English laws leads inexorably to the disintegration of the Westminster parliament and thus the break-up of the United Kingdom itself.

The government of the UK has been conducted by Westminster for centuries. To start tinkering with what Westminster MPs can or cannot do — depending on where they come from — can only be the slippery slope to the break-up of the United Kingdom.

Ian GF Mavor
London SW1

Sir, The West Lothian question arises because Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have an extra tier of government that the English don’t have and, it seems, don’t want. An alternative would be to abolish the members of the Scottish parliament, Welsh and Northern Ireland assemblies and have the Westminster MPs fulfill their role. English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish MPs could sit in their devolved parliaments dealing with local issues for part of the week, and in the UK parliament dealing with only UK-wide issues for the rest of the week. This would put all constituent parts on an equal and fair footing.

Paul Usher
Harpenden, Herts

Sir, In describing James Watson as a genius and “titan of 20th-century science”, Tom Whipple (Dec 13) overeggs the pudding. His “genius” lay in the ability and ruthlessness to harness the efforts of others. Even with the measurements and data purloined from Rosalind Franklin’s notebook and the helical structure of DNA that her famous photograph 51 revealed (seen without her consent), Watson still had difficulty fitting the four bases into his model of DNA.

It was his good fortune that the American structural chemist Jerry Donohue shared Watson’s room in the Cavendish laboratory. Observing Watson’s struggles, he suggested that the “enol” form of the bases was wrong and that they should be substituted for the “keto” form. That did the trick, and the rest is history.

It is not credible that Franklin did not know her maths, as Watson alleges. It was she who famously corrected the Nobel laureate Linus Pauling that the phosphates must be on the outside of the DNA chains and not on the inside.

Years later, Aaron Klug’s analysis of her notebooks showed that on February 24, 1953, she realised that both the A and B forms of DNA were two-chain helices. On February 28 Francis Crick announced that he and Watson had found the secret of life.
Roslyn Pine

London N3

Sir, It is a happy coincidence that the first woman to be appointed a bishop in the Church of England, the Rev Elizabeth (Libby) Lane, bears the same name as the first woman county and High Court judge. Elizabeth Kathleen Lane became the first female county court judge in 1962, being “promoted” to the High Court bench (as a judge in the probate, divorce and admiralty division) three years later in 1965. Does this presage preferment to a diocesan see for Libby Lane in 2018, perhaps?
David Lamming

Boxford, Suffolk

Sir, It is incorrect to say that only now has the first clinic to treat victims of female genital mutilation been set up (report, Dec 17). A lot of work has been put into helping victims of FGM, particularly over the past five years, as it has become much more recognised as a major public health problem. In 1997 a midwife and I established a clinic at Guy’s Hospital to care for FGM victims. We have now treated more than 6,000 women, helped several UK hospitals to set up FGM clinics, and run regular courses for health workers about FGM.
Janice Rymer

Professor of obstetrics and gynaecology, Guys and St Thomas’ Hospitals Foundation Trust

Sir, The Christmas truce of 1914 was a missed opportunity for lasting peace because the wrong game was played. Instead of 90 minutes of fussball, a timeless cricket Test ought to have been arranged in no man’s land (letters, Dec 13). Cricket was popular in Germany from the turn of the 19th century, especially in Berlin. Playing on into 1915 might have encouraged French and Belgian cricketers to send home for their kit to play similar matches with their neighbours.
Brian Cope

Finham, Coventry


Photo: ALAMY

SIR – It is a myth that degree-level education for nurses is bad for patient care (Letters, December 17). A study of nurses in 11 European countries (including England) by RN4CAST, the research group, has shown that hospital mortality is approximately seven per cent lower for every 10 per cent increase in the proportion of nurses with degrees.

Research in America also found that a 10 per cent increase in the number of nurses with a bachelor’s degree was associated with a five per cent reduction in the likelihood of patients dying within 30 days of admission.

Given this data, it is unsurprising that every major British review of nursing over the past 20 years has supported degree-level education as the right preparation for the challenging and complex roles that nurses undertake.

We should be proud of our graduate nurses, help them to apply their skills to lead innovation and improvement in patient care, encourage them to engage in research and support them in challenging poor practice.

This should not distract us from a broken workforce planning system that has delivered a predictable crisis in the number of new nurses following 20 per cent cuts in the number of places between 2010/11 and 2012/13.

Prof Dame Jessica Corner
Chairman, Council of Deans of Health
London WC1

SIR – I trained for nursing under the “modular” system 32 years ago, which provided a hugely valuable practical experience, for what is – or should be – a very practical vocation.

I am now an ambulance paramedic. University-based training is becoming the norm for this equally practical job. I wonder how many youngsters will “stick at it” when their highfalutin qualifications clash with the realities of the work we do.

The nation is obsessed by “going to uni”, and getting a degree. It’s time to acknowledge that not going into higher education is not the end of the world.

Tim Bradbury
Winnington, Cheshire

SIR – I started my nurse training in the Sixties, aged 17. First, we had six weeks of preparation in the training school. After that, we were sent on to the wards to experience real nursing.

One of my first jobs was cleaning the dentures of the men on my ward after breakfast. This did not put me off and I qualified in 1972.

Gillian Roxburgh
Kintbury, Berkshire

SIR – Does nobody appreciate the immorality of tempting trained medical staff away from mostly poorer countries because we refuse to afford to train our own?

D C Cox
Falmouth, Cornwall

Violence in Pakistan


SIR – What has happened to Pakistan? I was born in Murree in 1936 and lived in Peshawar in the North West Frontier Province until my family left the country when I was 10, just before independence.

My memories are of the total freedom we had as children of the Raj and of the kind and gentle local people we knew and mingled with every day. It is unthinkable that any faction in that beautiful country should stoop to murdering children.

Jonathan Lawley
London SW12

SIR – Do these so-called Muslims read their Koran? All but one of its chapters begin with the words “In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate”.

Michael Edwards
Haslemere, Surrey

SIR – The Taliban’s massacre of children in Pakistan should demonstrate to the world that these thugs and their ideology have no place in civilised society. To slaughter innocent children is not a requirement of Islam, and their acts should be condemned by all faith leaders.

It is time for the world to unite against these barbarians – the Taliban, Boko Haram and Isil – all of which claim they are fighting in defence of their religion.

It is time for Pakistan to cooperate with other nations to seek out those who perpetrate these crimes against humanity.

Keith Taylor

Risks of home birth

SIR – How right Anita Singh is: giving birth is unpredictable. Expectant mothers might live miles from the nearest hospital, traffic can cause problems, and fast ambulance transport might not be available when things don’t go to plan.

I trained as a midwife in the late Sixties, when a flying squad provided rapid transport of blood for situations when women were bleeding to death at home. Does Nice want to return to these times?

Appropriate use of interventions – such as forceps, Caesarean section and blood transfusion – can improve the outcome for both mother and baby. The assertion that doctors trained in obstetrics and gynaecology are intervening unnecessarily lacks evidence.

Christine A Lee
Emeritus Professor of Haemophilia, University of London
London WC1

Money sings

(Getty Images)

SIR – My local branch of Lloyds Bank started playing music many months ago (Letters, December 16).

I now visit as infrequently as possible and do most of my banking online. I am sure this is what the banks really want.

S H Furlonger
Epsom, Surrey

SIR – I have complained bitterly to my local Lloyds Bank, as its “music” is so loud that my hearing aids can’t cope. I have been forced to move banks to a quieter one.

Supermarkets are just as bad. I recommend Lidl as the only supermarket I know where you can shop in peace.

Jane Righton
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk

To have and to hold

SIR – Julie Juniper (Letters, December 15) has a curious view that wearing a wedding ring would indicate that she would “belong” to someone.

A wedding ring is not a sign of belonging but of a union in partnership.

Wilhemina Bothwell
Cirencester, Gloucestershire

SIR – Referring to Simon Edsor’s query about when men started wearing wedding bands (Letters, December 13), it is of more interest to me to know when and why “wedding rings” became “wedding bands”. Another import from across the pond?

Eileen Harrington
Scawthorpe, West Yorkshire

The English Question

SIR – You correctly point out that the solution to the English Question is simple, but that it is likely to be fudged.

The Prime Minister should insist that the English Question is dealt with under the same legislation that will grant further powers to the Scottish Parliament. All that is needed is a short, two-part Constitutional Reform Bill. Part one would amend the Representation of the People Acts to limit the voting rights of any person elected for a Scottish seat to undevolved matters. Part two would then devolve the agreed new powers to the Scottish Parliament.

Parliament must vote on this before the general election so that every MP’s position is clear to the electorate.

Christopher Dickson
Leatherhead, Surrey

Golf appeal

(Getty Images)

SIR – I was disappointed that Rory McIlroy (above) did not win Sports Personality of the Year. Last summer he dominated golf, winning three titles in just over three weeks – arguably the greatest achievement by a British golfer in the modern era.

Golf is declining in popularity as a sport. Some simple changes could be made, such as not allowing the Open to be held at any golf club that does not admit women.

However, the main problem is that golf takes too long to play. Cricket suffered a similar problem, so it introduced 20/20 competitions. Golf needs a similar solution.

Barry Smith
Loughborough, Leicestershire

SIR – I do not understand what all the fuss is about. It is only the sporting version of Strictly Come Dancing, where the best dancers do not necessarily win. Just a lot of fun at the taxpayers’ expense.

W K Wood
Bolton, Lancashire

SIR – The end was nigh (Letters, December 15) when Bob Dylan decided to take up golf.

Alex Robb
Woolton, Lancashire

The season of goodwill – and reimbursement

SIR – Every year, my children ask me what presents I would like for Christmas.

Inevitably, my mind wanders to the various items that they have “borrowed” over the previous 12 months. Would it be unkind or insensitive of me to ask for a large ball of string, a pair of kitchen scissors, a set of screwdrivers, a pair of binoculars and a well-maintained 18in-blade, petrol-driven lawnmower?

Ken Grimrod-Smythe
Ingbirchworth, South Yorkshire

SIR – Last weekend we attended a Sunday school production involving some of our grandchildren.

Last year’s performance had been a traditional nativity play (Letters, December 12). Granddaughter Alice was the Virgin Mary and her brother Louis was Joseph. At some point the narrator announced: “Then Joseph took the holy child from Mary.” Mary had other ideas and screamed: “No, he’s mine!” Joseph made a grab for the child, but was strongly resisted. Tears and raised voices ensued.

This year the plot concerned the writing of Silent Night, and the script provided for no contact between the two children. Thus was peace preserved, rather to the disappointment of the audience.

Paul Renecle
Newent, Gloucestershire

SIR – Paul Molyneux (Letters, December 17) could do his wife a service by cutting insoles out of their leftover bubble wrap for her party shoes, thus making her Christmas dancing more comfortable.

Though with 70 metres to use, it is to be hoped that she is the Imelda Marcos of the Wirral.

Sara Dickinson
Tadworth, Surrey

A long hop across the country in search of rabbit

Bunny boiler: a 19th-century Japanese foot warmer made of varnished stoneware (

SIR – Ann Hellewell (Letters, December 16) asks where the rabbits have gone.

They are all in my garden and she is welcome to bring a gun, a net, her ferrets or all three.

Chris Gordon
Boston, Lincolnshire

SIR – Ann Hellewell can have the rabbit I ordered some months ago as a treat for my husband (I am a vegetarian).

It is/was a wild, free-range rabbit. It was delivered fresh and wholly intact – a sight I found so distressing that I burst into tears and stashed it in the freezer away from my sight and thoughts.

So the rabbit is here, frozen in time, if anyone would like him/it.

Ann Baker
Torpoint, Cornwall

Irish Times:

Sir, – Being kept on life support while a team of people decides if you will be treated like an incubator or a human is archaic and saddening (“Medical dilemma over woman on life support”, Front Page, December 18th).

This woman is not being kept “alive”, she is being perfused and ventilated inhumanely because the Government refuses to act on repealing the eighth amendment before the next election. This cowardice has meant that twice in the last year, doctors have been left with bizarre situations where the foetus has actually become more important than the woman. This is complete madness. How many more women have to be treated like vessels, solely here for the purpose of growing foetuses?

People talk about reaching a stage of viability, but this term is extremely misleading. I am a paediatric doctor working in a neonatal intensive care unit and babies being born at 24 weeks isn’t something that we should be aspiring to or relieved about when it happens. It means life support for a period of time, four months in intensive care, a high chance of severe disability and a 50 per cent chance of death.

Delivering babies once they become “viable” is not the answer to this legal mess. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 1.

Sir, – Over 31 years ago I opposed the insertion of the eighth amendment to the Constitution on abortion, feeling that the wording was not understandable and its consequences were unclear. The outcome of the insertion of Article 40.3.3 into the Constitution cannot be what those who proposed it intended.

We have lurched from one disaster to another with a pregnant woman or girl at the centre of each calamity and doctors in the unenviable position of being unclear what they can do, with lawyers leaning over their shoulders. The Minister for Health Leo Varadkar spoke the truth when he said that the health of the pregnant woman, even if she has a serious problem, cannot be taken into consideration as things are (“Existing abortion laws are ‘too restrictive’, says Varadkar”, December 17th).

He could have said more about cases where the developing child has a fatal foetal abnormality, diagnosed nowadays during pregnancy, which was not the case three decades ago.

He could have pointed out that we now know some women in such situations are having the abortion of such a foetus initiated in England but the second stage carried out in Ireland, either for financial reasons or because she and her partner wish to have the child buried in Ireland. How long before there is a disaster on a plane or a ferry?

How long will we ignore the fact that hundreds of women are importing abortifacient pills without medical supervision? Without counselling in these cases, the embryo will certainly be lost and a woman’s life may be too.

The removal of Article 40.3.3 is a health issue, one of great importance to women, and it is right that the Minister for Health should have spoken on the present unsatisfactory situation. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 4.

Sir, – Perhaps the most important words in Leo Varadkar’s speech on Clare Daly’s Bill to repeal the eighth amendment of the Constitution were these: “We can never say ‘never again’ and think to mean it. We need to face up to that and be honest about it. There is no perfect abortion law and never will be. We will always be challenged to amend and refine whatever law we have and so we should.”

They sum up precisely why we must urgently remove the complex issue of abortion from our Constitution and deal with it through legislation that can be amended when its shortcomings become obvious. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – As a practising counsellor and psychotherapist, I read with interest Fiona Gartland’s article “Call for pre-trial hearings on disclosure of notes in sex cases” (December 15th, 2014).

Among the recommendations of the Law Reform Commission, in its report Disclosure and Discovery in Criminal Cases, was that “in a sexual offence case, the court should have regard to the following additional factors: (a) society’s interest in encouraging the reporting of sexual offences; (b) society’s interest in encouraging the obtaining of treatment by complainants of sexual offences; and (c) the public interest in ensuring that adequate records are kept of counselling communications”.

According to your article, the commission’s recommendations were made in the context, inter alia, of a recent increase in requests for access to counselling records in sexual offence cases.

While I am not qualified to comment on the legal aspects of the commission’s report, I am concerned at the growing tendency to intrude into the relationship between counsellor and client, in particular, the requirement in the Children First Bill 2014 that counsellors report childhood abuse disclosed by victims who are their adult clients.

This requirement is likely to militate against all three of the commission’s points quoted above.

Together with other practitioners with whom I have discussed this matter, my feeling is that, by discouraging clients from disclosing sexual abuse or from entering counselling in the first place, a requirement for mandatory reporting will operate against the client’s therapeutic needs as well as being counter-productive, from a public policy point of view, in that abuse which might have been disclosed and come voluntarily to the attention of the authorities, as at present, will not now do so.

This is apart from the possible impact on the client of their involvement in the criminal justice system resulting from mandatory reporting by the counsellor, regardless of the consent or otherwise of the client, in circumstances where the client is in a vulnerable and fragile condition.

Hopefully, in considering the question of mandatory reporting by counsellors and psychotherapists, our legislators will take note of the Law Reform Commission report’s recommendations.

Balancing the imperative of protecting children with that of meeting the therapeutic needs of the client/victim is clearly very difficult. Mandatory reporting of their childhood abuse disclosed by adult clients may appear necessary to protect children yet, for the reasons outlined, the appropriate balance may not lie in that direction. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – Obviously we need a proper network of hiking trails on publicly owned land (Editorial, December 16th).

However, the insistence by some that they ought to have rights also to trespass on private land derives from a feudal mindset that is part suburban arrogance (the countryside is my plaything), part begrudgery (as we saw in the Lissadell House farce) and part ignorance of the family and personal significance of land to a country person (the urban person will assume that a house and garden are much more “personal” than “mere land”).

Not all ramblers are decent or well-behaved, and no ramblers’ association can guarantee that they will be. Once a trail becomes established or publicised on social media, it’s open season for all ramblers, decent ones and not-so-decent ones alike.

I know of elderly hill farmers who are plagued with aggressive, illegal shooters and anti-social behaviour by delinquent gangs on their land. They see outlying barns and farms in remote areas as a handy no-surveillance alternative to shopping malls. The effect is that old folk and children in isolated areas do not feel safe on their own land.

Further, when I lived in a high-rise flat in Dublin, no doubt it would have been pleasant to have been able to avail of the amenities of the large private walled gardens I walked past in parts of South Dublin. However, you can imagine the (justifiably) outraged reception, both social and legal, had I attempted illegally to march my family over a fence onto a private lawn in Foxrock to have a picnic.

In the area of access to other people’s property and other people’s amenities, it seems that well-heeled suburbanites are happy to play the “property is theft” card, but only when it suits them. – Yours, etc,



Co Tyrone.

Sir, – Peter Nyberg, in testifying to the Oireachtas banking inquiry, blames individual borrowers as well as large developers and bankers for the banking crisis and economic crash. In doing so, he is, unwittingly, falling into the trap which politicians and bankers would like everyone to fall into (“Soft landing was ‘quite unlikely’ , says Nyberg”, December 18th).

Except for a very few, most individuals who borrowed exorbitant sums to pay extortionate prices for very ordinary houses had very little choice if they wanted to provide security of tenure and long-term stability for their families.

If it had been possible to buy a three-bedroomed home in Dublin in a reasonable area for less than €350,000 to €400,000, then of course home buyers would have taken that option, if it were there. It wasn’t, which is why so many ended up buying in places 100-150km from their jobs and extended families.

But because of the decisions of politicians not to acknowledge that excessively high home prices are bad for both society and the economy and to enforce limits on bank lending, those bankers, like the devil, were given a horse, and by God they rode it to hell!

Placing blame on individual home buyers for the crisis is engaging in the same “group-think” that politicians and bankers will engage in during the banking inquiry in an attempt to absolve themselves from the blame which lies squarely and solely on their shoulders. This is grossly unfair to ordinary citizens who had no involvement in the bad decisions by the so-called “leaders” of our country. – Yours, etc,


Bagenalstown, Co Carlow.

Sir, – The ability of the Central Bank to maintain a rules-based system of mortgage control is questionable, given past experience in this country. As was reported in “ESRI voices concern over housing market move” (Front Page, December 17th, 2014), the ESRI in its submission to the Central Bank states that the new mechanisms were “the only real protection” against a credit-fuelled boom and it was concerned about the effects on the housing market from the housing supply side. The loan to value proposal is set at 80 per cent and the loan to income is set at 3½ times annual earnings by the Central Bank.

The new mechanisms aren’t “the only real protection” and the above proposals are skewed to favour the wealthy. On the loan to value side, a loan to value on houses up to and including €400,000 could be set at 90 per cent; for properties between €400,001 and €900,000, a loan to value could be set at 80 per cent, with €900,000 the maximum mortgage available for a property from any institution. The loan to income could remain at 3½ times annual income with account taken of longer terms than 25 years, say 40 years, for those purchasing properties up to €400,000, to allow for the high cost early stage, with reviews half way through the period to allow for earlier redemption, if required by the borrowers. This approach, strictly maintained, would allay the fears of the ESRI and be beneficial towards housing supply and borrowers and dampen any housing boom.

Our purpose is to provide affordable housing for all of our population and not investment vehicles. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 9.

Sir, – I am bemused to learn that the process of deleting PPS numbers undertaken by Irish Water is “quite seismic” and will take months (“Deletion of PPS numbers a ‘seismic’ process, says Alan Kelly”, December 18th). Would it to help expedite matters if I sent a Christmas gift of a bottle of Tipp-Ex? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6W.

Sir, – I signed up to Irish Water, early on, as I have a medical condition that requires a lot of water. I signed up for fear of being “roasted” by the meter for this use. I ticked a box on the application to receive information from Irish Water on a medical exemption. No such information has arrived. I emailed Irish Water last week and was informed that the medical exemption facility has been dropped. I think this will come as news to many people. I am beginning to wonder if my application is now null and void as Irish Water has not delivered on my application, so I emailed them again. I have been informed that you can ring them and have your application cancelled. I think that will also come as news to people. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – As we head into the Christmas season, many families in Ireland will be struggling with the pressures of the festive season. Years of austerity have put huge strains on family budgets, hundreds of thousands are out of work and rising rent prices are forcing people out of homes across the country.

But the good news is that more and more people are becoming dissatisfied with this state of affairs. Thousands have marched against the water charges and hundreds of thousands of families are using the Christmas period to donate to charities of all kinds. And all those people know that if we want a better Ireland, we will need to work together.

Yet not all of us realise that our efforts to build a better Ireland will not succeed unless we strengthen the way we work together across borders.

Our world is connected like never before. From international bank debts to the spread of infectious diseases, what happens in one part of the world matters to us all.

And what drives people in developing countries into poverty is directly linked to the type of situations that cause people in Ireland to lose a job, a home or an income. In 2015, let us endeavour to do our best to overcome the challenges that Ireland is facing, by understanding them as global, not just local, problems. And let us celebrate those around us who are providing inspirational examples of what it means to be an active citizen in a highly inter-dependent and interwoven global society. – Yours, etc,




1-2 Baggot Court, Dublin 2.

Sir, – Kathy Sheridan is, as usual, incisive and so right (“Time for voters to shake off the shackles of localism”, Opinion & Analysis, December 17th). However, she does not specifically mention the fundamental causes of the political malaise that have been with us since the foundation of the State, ie the PR voting system, multiseat constituencies and too many TDs, which breed and feed on localism. The electorate was given two chances to change the system in 1959 and 1968, but declined.

There is no indication that the established parties or the so-called “reformers” are prepared to tackle these real issues now. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – Patsy McGarry’s article on President Michael D Higgins made for welcome reading (“Goodwill to all NGOs, gardaí and the church”, Rite & Reason, December 16th).

We as a nation appear to be drowning in negativity at every turn. As Mr Higgins said in Ethiopia about missionaries and those working in NGOs, “to me they represent an Irishness to which all of us should aspire”.

Maybe we have to travel abroad and look back to see the qualities at times hidden beneath the surface, qualities we are afraid to express and qualities we are in danger of loosing. Blaming everyone else for the problems we see all around us has become the norm as personal responsibility appears to have taken a back seat.

Wouldn’t it be great to start of the new year on a positive note, ringing to the sound of “yes we can”. This only requires changing the mindset first. – Yours, etc,


Director and co-founder,


Bride Road,

Dublin 8.

Irish Independent:

Published 19/12/2014 | 02:30

People can feel the loss of loved ones more at Christmas
People can feel the loss of loved ones more at Christmas

Next week, we celebrate the feast of Christmas. Whatever people think about its religious significance – or, alternatively, its connection with consumerism – it is undoubtedly a time for meeting up with family and friends.

It is a time of year that many people find difficult. Memories of happier times can often come to the fore and these can contrast starkly with a person’s present circumstances. We often feel the loss of a loved one who passed away during the year more acutely at this time of year. And Christmas can often highlight more difficult periods in a person’s life, whether from childhood or adulthood.

We are hard-wired for connection with other people. It is a deep need in us and is as essential to life as air and food. That is why the feeling of loneliness is probably the most difficult feeling we as humans have to deal with. Much has been said and written about the death of homeless man Jonathan Corrie near Dail Eireann in recent weeks. But perhaps the most poignant response I heard came from another homeless man who said “you kinda get hardy to the cold but the worst pain of all is the pain of loneliness.”

If you are celebrating Christmas this year in the company of loved ones, whether family or friends, please spare a thought for anyone who may be spending Christmas alone. Even better if you are in a position to seat someone extra round your table for dinner, invite someone you suspect may be spending Christmas alone. While some people make a conscious decision to be alone at Christmas and may even resent what they might see as ‘do gooders’ trying to tell them what is good for them, I would rather annoy someone in this way than to think someone may be on their own.

There is nothing worse than the pain of loneliness and the longing for someone’s company when there is no one there. Let’s ensure this doesn’t happen to anyone this Christmas.

Tommy Roddy

Salthill, Co Galway

An emigrant’s Christmas

The true meaning of Christmas is love and for me it’s all about being around the people you love, like family and friends.

However, this year I am not able to be around those people in my life, as I am living abroad in Canada and it’s just too expensive for me to go home every year for Christmas, which I would love to do. I have made good friends through work but that’s not the same as being around friends you have known all your life.

Personally, I will feel a bit lonely waking up this year on Christmas Day with no family to sit and open presents with. I’ll miss seeing what everyone got, joking about the presents and then sitting down for Christmas dinner.

I left Ireland in 2012 for work in Canada and I have been home for Christmas the last two years. To move abroad was a big decision to make and I didn’t know what to expect. Now, I have a job and I’m making money, which I wouldn’t be doing if I was still in Ireland .

But it’s at times like Christmas that you think about the people in your life and what they mean to you, and my family are the ones I would like to see on Christmas morning. I know I won’t and that makes me feel a bit sad and lonely, but I suppose that’s what I get for moving abroad!

So while all of you are spending Christmas with your loved ones, spare a thought for those who can’t make it home.

John Coldrick


’60s Cuban crisis made me jump

I think it’s great that the United States is starting to thaw relations with Cuba, one of the last foes from the Cold War. It has been a long, strange journey since the late ’50s. Since Fidel Castro and his brother Raul have ruled Cuba there have been 11 US presidents.

I grew up in America and spent the early ’60s as a young kid, living in fear of the missiles supplied by Russia that were only 90 miles from the US.

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, our family was looking at buying an underground bomb shelter. There was a fear that the end was near. But my mom and dad decided not to buy a bomb shelter but instead bought a trampoline. My mom thought if the world was going to end, we might as well have fun.

Kevin Devitte

Westport, Co Mayo

Hare coursing disgraces Ireland

With dozens of animal baiting fixtures to be held over Christmas, a stark reminder of just how anomalous and out of date our animal cruelty laws are has been provided by the conviction of four men earlier this month for hare coursing in Cambridgeshire, England.

In addition to fining the culprits, Huntington Magistrates’ Court ordered that two of their vehicles be crushed.

By contrast, here in Ireland hare coursing is permitted by law and supported by some leading politicians.

Following weeks of unnatural captivity, the timid and inoffensive hares can be mauled or otherwise injured as the dogs pin them down or toss them about on the coursing field.

A special provision exempting hare coursing from prohibition was inserted into the Animal Health and Welfare Act at the behest of the powerful pro-hare baiting lobby. This legislative anomaly utterly disgraces Ireland in the estimation of decent people worldwide.

Hundreds of hares will be forced to run for their lives over Christmas, with snugly dressed fans gathering to watch the iconic creatures, their eyes bulging from sheer terror as they dodge and swerve to evade the salivating dogs.

John Fitzgerald

Campaign for the Abolition Of Cruel Sports

Callan, Co Kilkenny

Political farce disguised as reform

I note your report that next May the electorate will be given the opportunity to consider such weighty topics as the age of qualification for the office of President.

No doubt this referendum will be the source of weeks of political debate and even a commission to ensure that the electorate are fully aware of the finer nuances of this vital issue. In the meantime, legislation regarding the issue of the supply of water is “guillotined” through the Dail, thus avoiding a proper debate on the subject. And when that legislation proves entirely unsatisfactory, the amending legislation is itself guillotined through. This Government offered us political reform but has delivered us political farce.

Norman FitzGerald

Taylors Hill, Galway

Hospital staff need more support

I welcome the letter from the Carr family (Irish Independent, December 17) since it corresponds to my own experience of a year ago and I am sure that of many other anxious parents.

Nevertheless our hospital staff and management deserve more support than our beleaguered politicians have so far been able to give them in 2014.

Christmas is a good time to reflect on where we have gone wrong. The Ballyhea bailout protesters will tell us if we listen to them and follow their example of reasoned and dignified protest until matters are corrected.

But I can do no better at this time than the Carr family and I add my Christmas greetings to theirs.

Dr Gerald Morgan

The Chaucer Hub

Trinity College Dublin

Introduce non-religious oath

It is puzzling why the Government has not included amongst the forthcoming referenda what would be a relatively simple and uncontentious change to our Constitution.

All parties and religious leaders in our state are committed to a pluralist society and to add in an option to ‘truthfully affirm’ for those who do not wish to swear the existing religious oath would surely meet with no objections from any quarter?

With about a quarter of a million people of no religion in the State it cannot be acceptable to discriminate any longer against them in this way.

Dick Spicer

Bray, Co Wicklow

Irish Independent


December 18, 2014

18 December 2014 Dentist

I still have arthritis in my left toe but its nearly gone. I go out to the new dentist with Mary.

Mary’s back much better today, breakfast weight up gammon for tea and her tummy pain is still there.


Peter Wescombe was a diplomat who helped to save Bletchley Park from being developed into a housing estate

Peter Wescombe, who helped to save Bletchley Park from the developers

Peter Wescombe, who helped to save Bletchley Park from the developers

Peter Wescombe, who has died aged 82, was a diplomat, amateur archaeologist and – later in life – a driving force behind the Bletchley Park Trust, which saved the Second World War code-breaking establishment from being demolished and turned into a housing estate.

In 1991 Bletchley Park, conveniently located near a railway station and set in 55 acres of land, was thought to be worth (with planning permission) more than £3 million. When a plan was conceived to redevelop the site, Wescombe (who had had a house at Bletchley since 1960) joined forces with Dr Peter Jarvis, a retired GP, calling an impromptu meeting of the Bletchley Archaeological & Historical Society.

He later remembered: “Peter Jarvis and I walked despondently out of a council meeting, where, despite our pleading, it had been decided that Bletchley Park should be demolished to make way for 300-plus houses, a petrol station and a small supermarket. In May my wife, Rowena, and I met with Peter and his wife, Sue, at his house… to put forward an idea. We would ask BT, who owned the Park, if we could hold a ‘farewell reunion’ on the site for the wartime code breaking staff simply to say ‘Thank you’ for their magnificent achievements. They agreed.”

As Wescombe admitted, however, they “were not being exactly honest”: the idea was to invite the media to the meeting to publicise a campaign to save Bletchley for the nation.

“From then on,” Wescombe said in January 2014, “it was simply uphill all the way. I now often just stand and look, sometimes in disbelief, at the old, sad wartime huts gleaming in their coats of fresh paint, the grounds being restored to their wartime layout; B Block standing high and proud; groups of visitors and schoolchildren listening intently to guides telling the BP story; and everywhere staff and volunteers hurrying about their business. And I think to myself, ‘Wescombe, we actually made it.’ ”

After the necessary money and backing had been secured to keep the park as a heritage site, Bletchley was successfully transformed into a museum under the aegis of the Bletchley Park Trust, opening to visitors in 1994; this year some 190,000 people have passed through the gates.

Peter John Wescombe was born on January 4 1932 at Eltham, Kent, and brought up by his mother in straitened circumstances at Willesden, north-west London. Aged 14, after a brief period at Willesden Technical College, Peter joined the Shaftesbury Homes’ training ship Arethusa, ending up as leading boy. He was a drummer in the ship’s band, and recalled playing see-saw in the topmasts of the ship, some 180ft above the deck. The boys were not allowed to wear shoes even when there was thick snow on the ground.

In 1949 Wescombe joined the Navy, with which he would serve for the next eight years. While in the Far East with the destroyer Cossack, which was part of the United Nations force during the Korean War, he embarked on a correspondence with Rowena Bayles, a student nurse in Britain. When he returned to Britain in 1953 they met in London, and married after a whirlwind courtship.

After three years working for the CID with Essex police force, in 1960 Wescombe joined the Diplomatic Wireless Service, the arm of the Foreign Office which handles communications between Britain’s missions abroad and London. Over the next three decades his postings included India , Lebanon, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iraq, Somalia, the Soviet Union and South Africa.

In Lebanon, where he was based between 1963 and 1966, Wescombe developed his lifelong interest in archaeology. He collaborated closely with Lorraine Copeland, who specialised in the archaeology of the Near East and was the wife of the CIA officer Miles Copeland Jnr (their son Stewart Copeland made his name as the drummer with the rock band the Police).

Wescombe devoted much of his spare time in Lebanon to exploring sites with Lorraine Copeland, collecting a wide variety of tools and other artefacts. They discovered ancient stone circle structures on a site at the east end of the runway of Beirut airport, and co-wrote Inventory of Stone-Age Sites in Lebanon, published in 1965.

During his time in Iraq (1976-78), Wescombe worked on a site with Nicholas Postgate (now Professor of Assyriology at Cambridge University), but was unceremoniously booted out of the country along with several colleagues in a diplomatic “tit-for-tat” row with Saddam Hussein.

Wescombe was responsible for the security of diplomatic communications at the British embassy in Moscow between 1982 and 1985, during the last decade of the Cold War. He retired in 1992, shortly after launching the campaign to save Bletchley.

Wescombe gave lectures across North America about intelligence in the Second World War, and was a source of specialised technical knowledge about code-breaking; for example, he acted as an adviser for the 2001 film Enigma.

He was the author of Bletchley Park and the Luftwaffe and (with John Gallehawk) Getting Back into Shark, both published in 2009.

Peter Wescombe is survived by his wife and their two daughters and two sons.

Peter Wescombe, born January 4 1932, died November 25 2014


Indian Students Protest Against Taliban Peshawar School Massacre
Schoolchildren in India mourn for victims of Tuesday’s terror attack at an army-run public school in Pakistan’s northwest city of Peshawar. Photograph: Sanjay Sah/Barcroft India

As the world comes together to condemn an unspeakable act of depravity in Pakistan (Report, 17 December), we must unite around one message above all. Whatever political dispute or ideological upheaval may be occurring outside its doors, a school should always remain a safe space for children to learn, to play, to make friends and to laugh. This is non-negotiable.

This atrocity is part of a global pattern in which learning is under attack. The shooting of Malala Yousafzai in 2012, the abduction of hundreds of schoolgirls in Nigeria earlier this year, the events in Peshawar – these shocking acts are just the visible extreme of daily incidents of violence and intimidation that keep millions of children – disproportionately girls – from school each day.

The global response to those events has been loud and unequivocal. We will not tolerate schools becoming battlegrounds. We must – and we will – ensure that every child can safely enjoy their right to learn. And as the people of Pakistan try to come to terms with the most senseless and brutal of crimes, our duty to them is to ensure that the voices of those of us who believe in that right are louder than those who think otherwise.
Tanya Barron
Chief executive, Plan UK

• The attack in Pakistan shows that it is ordinary Muslims who bear the brunt of the violence perpetrated by extremists. From the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan to Islamic State (Isis), al-Qaida and pro-government sectarian paramilitaries in Iraq and Syria to Buddhist extremists in Burma and extremist Hindus in Gujarat, India, it is Muslims who are the victims. The bombing of Isis by America and its allies has also resulted in civilian fatalities including women and children. Yet Muslims get mentioned as the extremists, not the victims of extremism.
Mohammed Samaana

• Growing up as a child in the early 90s in Pakistan, I have fond memories to cherish. Life had much to offer and we made the most of its offerings. I was sent to a mosque with my brother for Qur’an lessons and I cannot remember anything that I would now judge to be unpleasant said by our teacher. To speak badly about a different Islamic sect was unthinkable. Holy days were observed with religious fervour and without antagonism against those who did not celebrate that day. There was peace. There was tolerance. Both of these words now sound naive and have acquired new connotations.

Twenty years ago I could not imagine that one day children would go to school in their uniforms and return in coffins. Pakistanis all over the world are mourning yet another tragedy: the bleakest one. This was not random killing; this was targeted killing of children and their teachers. Add to those killed the greater number of children and adults traumatised by what they saw.

We leave our homes without certainty of ever returning. We turn on our TV, unfold our newspaper, with trembling heart, beseeching: “No, not another, not any more.” We bury our dead again, those who never wished the horror. For how long? The question echoes, echoes, echoes.
Name and address supplied

• On 16 December on Facebook a friend wrote “Pakistan has awoken”. I read that line over and over. We definitely were not awake before this attack. No matter how dire the incidents – malnourishment gripping children’s lives in Tharparkar, a couple being thrown in a brick kiln – we were shaken but still in deep slumber. An awake Pakistan would not look like it did on 16 December. And while we slept, our children were being slaughtered.

As a mother watching those scenes on the television, I was speechless. And broken. Like everyone else I was shocked and absolutely grief-stricken. As time goes on when one feels pain or sorrow, one usually wants to forget, move on. My worry now is that I will forget. we, as a nation, will forget. We will move on. Back to politics, back to watching Pakistan slipping away, being stolen bit by bit by corrupt politicians who claim to represent us, by an unjust judiciary where justice is a word buried among dusty files, back to a place where the poor get nothing and the rich get richer. One horrendous event after another has desensitised us. It is too constant and we are starting to feel we are too little for such big problems. We have become a hopeless lot, for when we are informed of a tragedy, we sigh and then we move on. We move away and we forget. But these images of blood on small bodies, small coffins and grieving mothers are something I do not want to forget. I do not want to forget Pakistan’s black day. I want it imprinted in my mind today, tomorrow, a year from now, five years and 10 years and 40 years from now. I want to feel as angry, as sad, as united as we do at this moment – when the wound is fresh and painful. I want to feel as determined about change as I do today. Because the families of those massacred will always remember it just like they did on 16 December. This sense of mourning should break the walls of opposing political parties, of different political sects, of differing religious clergy, of different places of worship. We are mourning our children together as Pakistanis. The only feeling we should ensure vanishes is hopelessness. We can have no room for such a feeling. It must be buried and never passed on to the future generations of this country.

This anger should now become our resolve. Our resolve from now on should be that we Pakistanis want our country back from extremism. We ordinary citizens ask for the criminals to be brought to justice; we want to know who financed them and who their beneficiaries are. We want to know who fed them, which home or mosque housed them the nights before this massacre. And we want them before us. We want to strangle the channels that nourish these extremists.

Let 16 December be a very dark, sad part of our history, never to be repeated. We want to make our voices heard when we say we do not believe there is any room for extremist religious venom in our land, in our classrooms, in our mosques, in our homes. Let our voices be heard loud and clear when we say extremist barbarianism is not taught in our religion, not taught in our Qur’an, not spoken of in our Hadith. We should be united when we say we will not tolerant extremism any longer.

And if you start to wither in your resolve, in your commitment to these children, in your determination to this country, read this article. Go back to your newsfeeds of 16 December- facebook, newspapers, twitter feeds and relive what we were subjected to on 16 December.

Let us not sway back into slumber again. Our future depends on us staying awake. We want to remember 16 December as that painful day that Pakistan woke up, and we resolved to reclaim our country.
Benazir Jatoi
Islamabad, Pakistan

BESTPIX Sydney Pays Respect To Victims After 16 Hour Siege
Flowers are left at Martin Place in Sydney, Australia, near the scene of a siege in which two people and the hostage-taker were killed. Photograph: Joosep Martinson/Getty Images

This latest act of terrorism by an Islamic militant has to be the last straw for any moderate and civilised Muslim (Three dead in Sydney cafe siege, 16 December). Enough of this madness, this murder and mayhem.

This senseless and inhuman carnage, this slitting of throats, the indiscriminate blowing-up of innocent men, women and children and general blood-letting has set Islam back in the dark ages and has shamed every right-thinking Muslim on the planet. It is we who really pay the price in our daily lives for the havoc they create around the world.

Several Muslim scholars have said the actions of these militant groups are anti-Islamic. So why have they not been declared non-Muslims or ex-communicated by senior clerics and moulvis? These, surely, are the real “kafirs” the Qur’an speaks of?

No longer must we suffer this disgrace in silence. And it is not enough to voice one’s disgust and disapproval privately to family and friends. The time has come for all moderate Muslims to denounce these barbarians publicly and vociferously. And tell the world that what they do is not in our name. And that this menace, this scourge must be exterminated in the same manner that they have adopted: ruthlessly and with brute force.

That will make the world a better and safer place for all of us.
Mohammed Khan
Mumbai, India

• The Sydney siege should not be viewed other than simply a criminal incident. On the same day in the US, an Iraq war veteran killed his ex-wife with six members of her family. Contrary to the incident in Sydney, where media outlets rushed to attribute it to Islamist extremist; no religious meaning was attached to the US shooting rampage. We should abstain from attaching any religious ritual or flavour to these criminal acts. Islam as Christianity are the same as they ever were: peaceful religions that forbid wanton aggression and terrorism. And as Christmas – “the celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ”– is fast approaching; there is every need to refrain from empty slogans, political grandstanding and petty rivalries; and adroitly resurrect the gospel message of salvation, mutual forgiveness and reconciliation, humility, tranquillity, cooperation and peace.
Dr Munjed Farid Al Qutob

I agree that nobody should work for free. While “Unpaid internships rig the system. Curb them, now” makes a great Labour soundbite (Opinion, 15 December), it omits salient facts. There is no need to advocate new laws. Interns undertaking work, rather than shadowing, are already entitled to the national minimum wage. They are protected against working excessive hours and have rights to paid holiday and rest breaks. As your article suggests, enforcement agencies may not have the resources to protect these rights, but that is a different matter.

Many employers are aware of and gladly benefit from unpaid labour, particularly during this economic cycle. Most are not ignorant of the law, rather disinclined to impact this cost on their bottom line. As businesses cling to corporate social responsibility credentials, the basic legal (and moral) obligation of paying for work done, whatever workers’ social class, is getting lost.

Work experiences and their durations vary. Short-term work experience must be differentiated from the lengthy “exploitative” internships to which you refer. The former enables individuals to gain an understanding of a vocation before pursuing it. In the legal profession, work placements are typically outside of term time, of short duration (two to four weeks) and often paid. All precisely to encourage equality of access.
Melanie Stancliffe
Partner, Thomas Eggar LLP

• Unpaid internships are not just a scourge for the young. Women confronting a gender pay gap and unaffordable childcare are also sucked in. I am a fortysomething intern with a Cambridge degree and an MA. I spent six years in a part-time office admin job after having kids. I quit to do an MA in hope of getting better work. I am determined not to go back to the ghastly coffee morning circuit of an overqualified woman. But working nearly full-time for nothing while my three kids cook their own suppers seems a poor reward for trying to better my prospects. I’m at the “bank of my husband”, not “mum and dad”, but it is still infantilising and demoralising.
Name and address supplied

• When I was six the war ended and, as “normal” life resumed, the expression “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” became familiar to me. In time I understood it, but I think it shameful that 70 years on we are still rigging things to perpetuate the class war.
Beverly Cochran
Eastbourne, East Sussex

(FILE PHOTO) Police Cuts Announced
Newly qualified Metropolitan police officers take part in their passing out parade at Hendon Police Training College in June 2012. Photograph: Oli Scarff/Getty

If, as you claim, senior police officers fear that further cuts will lead to “1980s-style emergency-only policing” (Report, 15 December), then I assume they know very little about policing in that decade. When I joined the Metropolitan police in 1980, I went to Clapham police station, where 16 or so police officers were on the streets every shift to patrol and respond to emergency calls. Each of the 12 “beats” had dedicated “home beat officers” to attend to community matters. There was a CID office with about 20 detectives, a proactive crime squad of about 10 officers, and a dedicated team of officers to investigate minor or “beat” crimes. We had a crime prevention officer and our own scenes-of-crime officer. Every report of crime was responded to by an officer in person and every crime was assigned an investigating officer. Moreover, the public could phone the police station or attend the front office and speak to a local police officer who knew the area. Almost every police station provided this level of service – and in those days fully functioning police stations were no more than a few miles apart. I think that, with a few tweaks, the 80s style of policing would suit most people very well.
David Cox

• There is no doubt that police forces are going to continue to face financial challenges, and that efficiency savings will need to be made. To that extent, I am in agreement with Bernard Hogan-Howe (Cuts without reform put the public at risk, 15 December). Where we part company is over his proposal for nine “super-forces”. They may well qualify as “super” in terms of size, land area and budget, but whether they would be judged as such in terms of service offered to the public may be completely different.

The strategic alliance between Warwickshire and West Mercia police is achieving the vast majority of savings that would be achieved through a merger, without sacrificing the element that a lot of senior police officers overlook – local democratic accountability. While there are areas like procurement and IT where big savings are still available, none of these require the nuclear option of lumping forces arbitrarily together. We must find ways of making the public relate more closely to the police; gargantuan super-forces will have the opposite effect.
Ron Ball
Police and crime commissioner for Warwickshire

A young rugby fan waves a Welsh flag
‘What I did was to ask whether the words of songs mean anything to us any more,’ writes Dafydd Iwan of songs sung by Wales rugby fans. Photograph: Stu Forster/Getty Images

It has been fascinating to listen to the debate regarding Delilah, especially as it is largely based on the false premise that I launched a campaign to get the song banned (Tom Jones says critics shouldn’t take Delilah so literally, 12 December, Banning songs is not something I would ever advocate – even if it was possible.

What I did in my short article for the Cristnogaeth 21 website was to ask whether the words of songs mean anything to us any more. My song to the survival of Wales against all odds (Yma o Hyd) is usually sung by the choirs in the Millennium Stadium, followed by Delilah and two hymns (Cwm Rhondda and Calon Lân). A strange mix, and great songs to sing, but do the words carry any meaning?

It was in this context that I mentioned that a song about a woman being killed was a strange choice for elevation to the status of a national anthem. All I can hope for – and perhaps that hope will now be partly fulfilled – is that next time you belt out this very singable song, you spare a thought for the poor woman who “laughs no more”, and avoid feeling any sympathy for the poor sod who killed her because he “just couldn’t take any more”.

In the immortal words of Polly Garter: “Thank God we’re a musical nation”.
Dafydd Iwan
Caeathro, Gwynedd

The Wedding Dance by Pieter Bruegel
Detail from the Wedding Dance by Pieter Bruegel. Photograph:

Reintroduced into the dress code of Henry VIII’s court to cover the embarrassing gap between modishly shortened doublets and gentlemen’s nether hose, the codpiece (Pass notes, 15 December) re-emerged as a must-have fashion item for the chap about town. The sumptuary laws, which dictated what styles, fabrics, colours and sizes of every item of clothing were permitted for which rank of society, resulted in their size and splendour being ever enlarged to emphasise status. In Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare refers to “the deformed thief [of] fashion”, which made men appear “like the shaven Hercules … his codpiece seems as massy as his club”. Sadly for lovers of innuendo, by the demise of Elizabeth I, codpieces had been replaced by the less elaborate feature that became the modern fly.
Austen Lynch
Garstang, Lancashire

Polly Toynbee does not comment on the ironies of Iain Duncan Smith calling for the poor to change their reproductive behaviour (Opinion, 17 December). Perhaps he thinks that couples who have had two children will cease to want sex – because surely the country’s “most influential Catholic” cannot be advocating birth control?
Philippa Sutton
Newcastle upon Tyne

• Re: Real seniors (Pass notes, 16 December), on a recent visit to Drummond Castle Gardens near Crieff, we were amused and delighted by the categories at the ticket office: adult, super adult and child. Good to find a place that does not patronise its older visitors. I write as a super adult but by no means yet a real super adult.
Rosemary Philip

• While on holiday in Turkey recently, our guide referred to older people as pensioneers, which we all rather liked. It gives the feeling of purpose and activity to the status.
Gill Jewell

• Stockport, Stockport, so good they named it once, / Within the see of Chester, not known for clerical stunts; / Your suffragan can proudly say / “An historic Rector, me” / A cassocked queen who’s not too gay, / Mould-breaking C of E (Church of England’s first female bishop set to be named today, 17 December)!
Fr Alec Mitchell

• What should you spend on a Christmas tree (Report, 16 December)? Nothing if you have access to a winter garden. This year my tree consists of sprigs of bay and forsythia twigs. Each year it is different. The lights are 25 years old.
Selina Bates
Truro, Cornwall

• Southerners keen to experience the wonderful, uplifting Sheffield pub carols tradition (Report, 15 December) can do so at the Waterman’s Arms, Richmond on Thames (18 December at 8pm) and the Bricklayers Arms, Putney (21 December at 2pm).
Graham Larkbey



The exposure of the US CIA in Senator Dianne Feinstein’s report is very welcome – but will it be covered up, ignored and forgotten, like previous exposures? (Report, 10 December).

In February 1976 a select report by US Congressman Otis Pike revealed the extent of covert CIA interventions in overseas countries. These involved financial support, paramilitary training, arms shipments, the promotion of armed groups and the funding of civic, religious, professional and labour organisations against progressive and left-wing movements.

As a Member of Parliament I sponsored a debate on foreign policy and morality in 1976, in which I referred to the Pike report and CIA assassination plots. These sometimes involved using criminals against leaders such as Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro, Rafael Trujillo, Ngo Dinh Diem, and General Rene Schneider – not all left wingers. The CIA supported right-wing subversive forces in Iran, Vietnam, Guyana, Greece, Italy, Angola, Chile and other Latin American, African and Asian countries.

Henry Kissinger, who is again receiving publicity, assisted official efforts to obstruct and suppress anti-CIA criticisms, and Philip Agee (a former CIA operative) and Mark Hosenball (a journalist) were expelled from Britain for their exposures of CIA activities.

If the CIA’s blatant flouting of human and democratic rights is to end, political leaders in the US, Britain and elsewhere must cease to connive in it as they have done for so long.

Stan Newens
Harlow, Essex


Can there be any doubt that it is the implacable duty of the broadcast and print media to demand on behalf of the people, to preserve any remaining faith in our democratic system, that the endlessly delayed Chilcot report be published now and in full; well before the general election? The media should speak as one on this demand and should not stop until they succeed in shaming the establishment into publication.

It will be unconscionable for us to be asked to vote for politicians who have not been forced into responding to Chilcot’s findings. The shaming and shameful revelations of CIA kidnapping and torture and possible UK complicity put the necessity of this immediate publication beyond dispute. But without the efforts of the press, we will not get it.

Keith Farman
St Albans, Hertfordshire


I fully endorse calls for UK ministers to face investigation and prosecution for any collusion with CIA-led rendition and torture. (Editorial, “Full disclosure”, 13 December).

However, there is a disreputable convention that one faction of the governing class never knifes its predecessors in power. They are all in it together and in their turn may need blind eyes turned, inconvenient paper trails deleted, skeletons left undisturbed in cupboards and judge-led public enquiries blocked or rendered anodyne.

Michael McCarthy
London W13


Muslims are the victims of extremists

The attack on the school in Pakistan shows that it is ordinary Muslims who bear the brunt of the violence perpetrated by extremists. From Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Islamic State, al-Qaeda and sectarian paramilitaries in Iraq and Syria, to Buddhist extremists in Burma, to extremist Hindus in Gujarat in India, it is Muslims who are the victims. Bombing IS by America and its allies has also resulted in civilian fatalities including women and children. Ironically, Muslims get mentioned as the extremists not the victims of extremism.

Mohammed Samaana


In view of your headline “In God’s name” (17 December), perhaps God’s Christmas message to The Independent and to all of us is, “Not in my name”.

The history of religion demonstrates an increasingly nuanced understanding of the divine nature, but even the ancient Israelites, in a world where violence was the norm, were enlightened enough to shun human sacrifice and respect the foreigner. It has been taking our society long enough to work out the full implications of Jesus’s revolutionary teaching, but surely no one today reading “Blessed are the peacemakers” can be in any doubt where at least the Christian God’s values lie.

Any religion claiming to be pro-humanity should be distancing itself utterly from the carnage perpetrated in Peshawar this week.

John Davis


Down with dogmatic regionalism

“His unbiased opinion… he ought not to sacrifice”: these memorable words of Edmund Burke, along with others in similar vein, must surely be the corrective to the Government’s ill-thought-out proposals for English votes for English laws (report, 17 December).

While one is aware of the power of party whips and constituency organisations, the members of the House of Commons have traditionally and rightly been seen as persons who should not be prisoners of any local, sectional or indeed regional interest.

The correct way out of the West Lothian question dilemma is surely a truly federal structure with both regional assemblies for all who wish them and an overarching legislative body analogous to the American Congress.

Andrew McLuskey
Staines, Surrey


The Tories wrap themselves in the Union flag – only to implement policies guaranteed to destroy the Union. They shriek “we’re fighting for Britain”, while alienating our biggest trading partners, threatening in the process inward investment. And – most damning of all – they claim financial success while adding to the country’s debt and impoverishing most of the population.

Tom Palin
Southport, Merseyside


In praise of Peterborough

Simon Calder and Hugo Campbell (“Peterborough named the ‘worst place to be without a car in UK’”, 16 December) might be surprised to hear that, after years of battling the slow buses of Bristol, overcrowded Tube trains of London and gridlocked streets of Cambridge, I moved back to my roots in Peterborough in search of a stress-free transport experience. Yes, I need a car, but thanks to Peterborough’s sensible house prices I can afford this, and any environmental guilt that I have is assuaged by the knowledge that Peterborians buy the greenest cars in the country (142g CO2 emissions per kilometer vs 177g/km for Londoners) and the city’s faster traffic flow (19.3mph rush-hour traffic vs 10.1mph in Westminster) reduces the amount of heavily polluting idling.

What’s more, could it be that the combination of low-density urbanisation, an excellent road network and decentralised employment opportunities have prevented clustering of the middle classes around transport hubs and thereby helped to keep our house prices low?

Not everything has worked in the Peterborough experiment, but many things have. Bus services can be improved with investment, cars are becoming ever greener, and our city centre is being rejuvenated. Being “named and shamed” with a “damning verdict” and “vitriol” is undeserved, and risks masking successes from which the overcrowded and unequal south of the country could learn.

Celyn Yorath


Sports personalities without a chance

I agree with Matthew Norman (16 December): nice, talented chap though Lewis Hamilton is, Rory McIlroy deserved to win Sports Personality of the Year. One reason, I suspect, is that motor racing is one of the few sports still regularly shown on BBC.

This week, one could watch just 3.5 hours of live sport (cycling and gymnastics) and 6.5 hours of football. For golf, cricket, rugby, horse racing and so on, you have to watch other channels. Perhaps the time has come to wrap the whole thing up – or sell it to BT.

Alan Sonnex
Jordans, Buckinghamshire


Woeful attendance at carers’ debate

During an important debate about carers in the House of Lords, there were just nine of their Lordships present. Important facts emerged: for example that carers are allocated 15-minute slots, and are not paid for the time spent travelling between these 15-minute slots, and that the non-payment of the minimum wage was widespread. Their Lordships of course can claim £300 a day for just turning up.

John Humphreys
Milton Keynes


No teenagers in France

Susan Chesters’ letter (“Grow old gracefully in French”, 16 December) reminded me why the French have more difficulty with the concept of teenagers than we do, their language not having a conveniently useful term for the numbers 13 to 19 as English does.

David J Williams
Colwyn Bay, North Wales


Surely voters have a right to know what their politicians have been up to before they go to the polls?

Sir, Your front-page story (“Whitehall shockwaves over Chilcot draft report”, Dec 17) clearly indicates that the outcome of this important but inordinately protracted inquiry will not be known before the general election. That represents a disservice both to democracy generally and specifically to voters’ right to know, in what will inevitably prove a finely balanced election result.

This unsatisfactory state of affairs is exacerbated given the US senate’s excoriating (but laudably open) report into the CIA’s use of torture and rendition, with valid questions outstanding over the UK’s complicity. It is lamentable that UK voters face going into the polling booths in May without knowing the Chilcot inquiry’s findings, no matter how damaging these turn out to be for Tony Blair, David Miliband and Jack Straw, among others.

If nothing else, the current impasse illustrates the flaw in allowing those who face criticism, and their lawyers, to challenge and demand deletions and amendments before publication. After all, we don’t allow defendants in our courts of law to lodge appeals or to demand that judges amend their sentences in advance of a verdict. Perhaps the same principle should apply to inquiries such as Chilcot in future.

Paul Connew
St Albans

Sir, On Monday I watched the defence secretary, Michael Fallon, explain that, with the permission of the Iraqi government, he intended to send some hundreds of soldiers to train the Iraqi army (of which very little is known). The government was also supplying military equipment, surveillance and RAF bombing, because it was a vital British interest, he stated, that ISIL should be “pushed back”. It is all too easy to see how ISIL could draw these British soldiers into fighting, as may be their plan, whatever our policy might be. Mr Fallon had nothing to say about this and how this new “plan” was consistent with assurances that our soldiers would never have a combat role in Iraq.

Now I read that some unnamed lawyers are delaying the publication of the Chilcot inquiry by their attempts to modify or delete criticisms of those who contrived Britain’s disastrous involvement in the invasion of Iraq. It would be interesting to know the basis for the claimed ability to influence and censor criticisms, for there can be little point in a public inquiry if its judgments may be secretly determined by lawyers rather than by Sir John Chilcot himself.

Martin Cozens
Lacock, Wilts

Sir, It will be unconscionable for us to be asked to vote for politicians who have not been forced into responding to Chilcot’s findings. The shaming and shameful revelations of CIA kidnapping and torture, and possible UK complicity, put the necessity of the report’s immediate publication beyond dispute. Without the concerted efforts of the press, however, we will not get it.

Keith Farman
St Albans

Real Christmas trees can improve one’s mental health, according to a study. Can this be true?

Sir, I hope Dr Gatersleben (“How a real tree can spruce up your mental health at Christmas”, Dec 17) builds into her test proper balancing factors for the accompanying stress of choosing an appropriate real tree (height, thickness, spread, colour, etc), haggling over the price, fixing the chosen tree in the back or on top of the car, squeezing it though several doors, setting it up in the best place in the house (is it straight, secure in its base, will it stay upright, fresh and not make a mess for a fortnight or so?).

We have bought our very first artificial tree this year. It looks just like the real thing, is nicely symmetrical, easy to set up and will not make a mess or fall down. If necessary, we can spray it with an appropriate soothing scent.

David Walton

Keinton Mandeville, Somerset

The correct collective noun for geese in flight is a ‘skein’. A gaggle refers to geese with their feet on the ground

Sir, I do not wish to ruffle any feathers, but with reference to your splendid photograph of greylag geese (Dec 16) the correct collective noun for geese in flight is a “skein”.

A gaggle refers to geese with their feet on the ground.

Diz Williams

Prestatyn, Denbighshire

Pooh is not a ‘doll’. Far from it. To say as much proves that he ought to be repatriated

Sir, The very fact that Angela Montefinise of the New York Public Library refers to Pooh as a “doll” should strike fear into the hearts of Pooh-lovers and have them rushing to the barricades to demand that he be sent back to the UK (report, Dec 17). Pooh is most certainly not a doll. He is, of course, “THAT sort of bear”.

Fur should fly.

Suzie Marwood

London SW6

Sir, I’m American. We’ll give Winnie back when you give the Elgin Marbles back to Greece. Deal?

J Reynolds

Wiveliscombe, Somerset

Just how old is ‘old’, exactly? And does ‘thinking young’ really help you to live longer?

Sir, “Don’t act your age: think young, live longer” (Dec 16). I agree. On turning 65, I decided to take up competitive motorsport speed events — sprints and hillclimbs. Part of the motivation for this was to celebrate the 80th “birthday” of my 1934 Frazer Nash. Together we had a very successful season.

MW Vincent

Padbury, Bucks

Sir, I believe that it was George Thomas, one-time Speaker of the House of Commons, who said that he regarded anybody as being old who was five years older than he was.

I fully agree with this.

Jim Shuttleworth (age 89)

Guilsborough, Northants

‘Redaction’ clearly shows the extent of the material that the person releasing the document wishes to hide

Sir, “Redaction” (letter, Dec 17) has a particular meaning. The document in question, for legal or confidential reasons, is shown as originally set out but with the relevant words blacked out so as to make them illegible. Consequently, the reader can see on the face of the document the extent of the material which the person releasing the document wishes to hide.

Tony Radevsky

Falcon Chambers, London EC4


The hostage crisis in Sydney; training to be a nurse; solar-paneled car parks; green reasons to keep British beef on the menu; holy rabbit, and uses for surplus bubble wrap

A bouquet is pictured inside a secured area at the scene of a hostage taking at Martin Place after it ended in Sydney early December 16, 2014. Heavily armed Australian police stormed a Sydney cafe on Tuesday and freed a number of hostages being held there at gunpoint, in a dramatic end to a 16-hour siege in which three people were killed and four wounded.

A bouquet is pictured inside a secured area at the scene of the hostage taking at Martin Place in Sydney Photo: REUTERS/Jason Reed

SIR – The siege at a café in Sydney should not be viewed as anything other than a criminal act committed by a lunatic with a history of sexual violence and assault. People have been quick to attribute the siege to Islamist extremism. But Islam is the same as it ever was: a peaceful religion that forbids aggression and terrorism.

Dr Munjed Farid Al Qutob
London NW2

SIR – We in the West live in a liberal, tolerant society.

Unfortunately, these are the values that play into the hands of the fanatics who have hijacked Islam.

Gerry Doyle

SIR – Despite being played down by Tony Abbott, the Australian prime minister, it is worth noting that the gunman in Sydney was a self-styled Islamic preacher and scholar.

Islamic fundamentalists need to be challenged, especially by other Muslims, before they destroy the religion.

Y F D Taylor-Smith
São Marcos da Serra, Algarve, Portugal

SIR – Several Muslim scholars have declared that the actions of militant groups are anti-Islamic. So why have the perpetrators not been declared non-Muslims or ex-communicated by senior Islamic clerics?

It is not enough to voice one’s disgust and disapproval privately to family and friends.

The time has come for all moderate Muslims to denounce these barbarians publicly and vociferously, and to tell the world that what they do is not in our name.

Mohammed Khan
Mumbai, India

SIR – The man who took 17 people hostage in Sydney was out on police bail.

As we saw in the tragic case of Lee Rigby, evil perpetrators of these kinds of crimes are often known to the authorities. This suggests that something is wrong with the justice systems in both the United Kingdom and Australia.

Marianne Stevens
Mandurah, Western Australia

SIR – The 9/11 terrorist attacks were the most extreme ever perpetrated, and the CIA was criticised for not preventing them from happening.

The subsequent conduct of the CIA may not have been correct, but those were dark times and they were dealing with a new threat. It was war and still is.

Releasing the report into the CIA’s interrogation programme now has only served to fan the flames of terrorism, to wit the latest outrage in Sydney.

S H Barclay
High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

Training to be a nurse

SIR – John Kellie is right to question the usefulness of a three-year stint at university for those contemplating a nursing career (Letters, December 16).

The excellent ward sisters I encountered during the 13 years I chaired an NHS Trust had learnt their profession effectively as apprentices straight from school.

Young people not pursuing higher education should go to their local hospital to try nursing for three months. If they are still interested after looking after patients’ most basic and personal needs, they most likely will make the grade and stick with the job instead of aspiring to pseudo-management positions that have almost nothing to do with hands-on care.

Introducing degrees has changed the nursing profession.

Peter Hayes
Siddington, Cheshire

Out of the question


SIR – While I agree with Tony Cross (Letters, December 13) that David Dimbleby’s chairmanship of Question Time leaves a lot to be desired, I disagree with the idea that he should “take a leaf out of his brother’s book”. Both of them should listen to a recording of Any Questions chaired by the late Freddie Grisewood to learn how to do the job properly.

Ray Powell
Bramcote, Nottinghamshire

Converted motorist

SIR – I had my three-litre car converted from petrol to LPG last year (Letters, December 13), and it was the best move in motoring that I have ever made. It costs me £20 a week in fuel to run instead of £50, and LPG produces virtually no pollutants.

One would think that the Government would actively support conversion, but the only help that is given to us is a miserly reduction on our road tax.

Colin Crawford

SIR – If the Government is serious about reducing the number of diesel vehicles to cut pollutants, then it should put pressure on car manufacturers.

I recently bought a mid-size family car solely for private motoring and a moderate annual mileage. The vast majority of cars with an engine capacity of around two litres and automatic transmission are diesel.

Now I am likely to be penalised in future for something I did not want in the first place, but car makers gave me no choice.

Edwin Guttridge
Martock, Somerset

Solar solutions

Workers installing 320 square metres of solar panels on roof of farmstead barn in Binsham (Reuters)

SIR – Sue Samuelson (Letters, December 15) overlooks how much putting solar panels on the roofs of new houses would increase their cost, making it even harder for first-time buyers to get on the property ladder.

The Government should insist that large commercial buildings are fitted with solar panels. Using agricultural land doesn’t even require concreting over the land, and, if the panels are raised high enough, sheep can still graze below.

Sally Johnson
Cullompton, Devon

SIR – All supermarkets should cover their car parks with solar panels. The land is already used up, customers would be kept dry in poor weather, and a substantial amount of power could be generated.

John Baker
East Bergholt, Suffolk

Buzzards are vital to a balanced ecosystem

SIR – Angus Jacobsen (Letters, December 15) displays a Victorian ignorance of the ecology of the countryside by suggesting that the only reason buzzards should not be exterminated is that their place would be taken by other birds of prey.

The buzzard is an important link in a healthy ecosystem, its diet comprising rabbits, rodents, earthworms and carrion, rather than the bird species Mr Jacobsen mentions. We cannot blame dwindling bird populations on vital predators that have lived in balance with their environment for millennia until man interfered.

David Gardner
Trefin, Pembrokeshire

SIR – Mr Jacobsen has it the wrong way round; predators are in fact controlled by their prey. A consequence of the spread of the rabbit disease myxomatosis in the Fifties was that the buzzard population declined.

In my North Somerset buzzard study area, the birds feed on a wide variety of prey. The most important bird prey are corvids (crows, magpies, jays and jackdaws) and pigeons. After more than 200 years of persecution, buzzards have now recovered to healthier numbers.

Robin Prytherch

SIR – I blame the domestic cat for the loss of bird species in Britain. The Mammal Society estimates that 55 million birds are killed by cats in Britain annually.

Like most dog owners, cat owners should pay a licence fee and ensure the cat always wears a collar with a bell attached.

Anne Chadwick
Chichester, Sussex

Green reasons to keep British beef on the menu

Horned hedge trimmer: cattle help to control the spread of weeds on pastures and moors (Matthew Davies/Alamy)

SIR – As a beef producer, I echo Jemima Lewis’s concerns that we are eating less beef and lamb. As we see a decline in the numbers of grazing cattle and sheep on pastures, dales, downs and moors, we accelerate the encroachment of bracken and invasive pastoral weeds. Eventually vast areas will return to unproductive scrub forestry.

This is a problem ignored by Defra, despite the fact that in 2011 the Government’s Foresight Report, produced with help from 400 global experts on population and food security, forecast a national food crisis in 25 to 30 years. The report further emphasised the importance of pastoral red meat production in supplying sustainable diets for our children and grandchildren.

Mike Keeble
East Witton, North Yorkshire

How Britain shapes up

SIR – In Britannia Obscura: Mapping Hidden Britain, Joanne Parker says the shape of Britain resembles a wingless dragon or a bob-tailed dog (Review, December 13).

Surely my old geography teacher at Haverstock Comprehensive School had it spot on: Britain looks like a Victorian lady in a mob hat who is riding a pig.

I live somewhere near the crook of the old lady’s knee. The pig’s head is facing Ireland – an island that is obviously a dog, by the way.

John Powell
Tavistock, Devon

Top-down strategy

Tate Britain’s Christmas tree in 2001, by Yinka Shonibare (JOHN COBB)

SIR – I always cut the top off our Christmas tree (Letters, December 15). My husband inevitably buys one slightly too tall to fit under our stairs so, rather than cutting the bottom off and risk losing the bushiest part of the tree, I find it better to shape and trim from the top, shortening some of the lateral branches to create a pleasing silhouette.

No one ever notices what I have done, but they do comment on the good shape of our tree.

Susan Walker
Hitchin, Hertfordshire

SIR – I was delighted to receive an email from a council harbour authority wishing my family and me “a very Merry Christmas”.

Of course, the disclaimer underneath reads: “The views in this message are personal; they are not necessarily those of the Council.”

There’s much to be said for the old Christmas card.

Malcolm Williams
Chichester, West Sussex

SIR – Ann Hellewell seeks rabbit for her Christmas Eve game pie (Letters, December 16). She should come to County Durham, where our butcher offers fresh “holy rabbit” for sale.

The animals are caught in the churchyard.

Judith Anderson
Mickleton, County Durham

Bubble trouble

SIR – My wife bought a “small” roll of bubble wrap to insulate the greenhouse.

Well, I’ve insulated the greenhouse and double glazed the windows in my shed and garage, but I still have more than 70m of bubble wrap left. What can be done with it?

Paul Molyneux
Heswall, Wirral

Irish Times:

Sir, – Keep Ireland Open would like to support wholeheartedly the sentiments expressed in your editorial (“Encouraging numbers”) and in David Turner’s letter (December 16th).

We have been unsuccessfully campaigning for many years. The four main political parties – Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, Labour and Sinn Féin (yes, even Sinn Finn!) have run a mile from any legislative proposal that might just possibly offend the farming community.

It is now obvious that walking tourism cannot compete with other European countries. An article in the winter issue of Walk magazine – the official organ of the immensely influential Ramblers organisation – singled out Ireland as having the least walker-friendly regime in Europe. A sad fact with which we must agree. Walking visitors to other European countries are assured of a warm welcome, with no nasty “keep out” signs. They will encounter well-marked and maintained trails and a freedom to roam in upland areas.

The latest statistics tell us that farmers represent less than 4 per cent of our population.

An aphorism mentioning tails and dogs comes to mind. – Yours, etc,



Keep Ireland Open,

Butterfield Drive,

Dublin 14.

Sir, – David Turner rightly bemoans the dearth of long-distance walking trails in Ireland, and the lack of attraction for the millions of Europeans and others who like to take a holiday on foot, or on two wheels.

To give Fáilte Ireland its due, it has belatedly begun to realise that it missed an important trend; its recent research showed that many more Germans would visit our shores if we had sufficient mileage of interconnected trails. Our much-lauded 43km greenway in Mayo pales into insignificance by comparison with the 70,000km that can be enjoyed in Germany.

So why don’t we have our own network and why don’t we go after the thousands of jobs that would result from it?

It’s very simple. Our politicians don’t understand the potential of our hundreds of miles of canal and river navigation towpaths or our disused railways. They don’t understand the need for long trails, and instead they favour short routes going from nowhere to nowhere so that TDs can be seen to deliver funding locally. They prefer to block greenway development on abandoned rail lines because vague promises of trains in the future are easier and don’t require any action, and because the squatters who are slowly acquiring these State-owned assets by adverse possession mustn’t be discommoded.

Mostly though, they just don’t understand. They don’t understand that tourists have no desire to holiday with their families along busy roads. They don’t understand that nobody will come to Ireland to spend a week cycling up and down the Mayo Greenway.

A couple of years back, a Mayo county councillor suggested that tourists who fancied a walking holiday could use the Castlebar ring road. Clearly our politicians have a lot of catching up to do before tourism policies match the realities of the market. – Yours, etc,



Co Roscommon.

A chara, – Your editorial was spot-on. Our limited public countryside access, compared to that of our competitors, is hindering our tourism development. There is no legal right in Ireland to walk in our countryside or mountains areas. Rural areas, in particular, are losing out. They have most to gain from ecotourism if walkers had some legal access as enjoyed in other countries. – Is mise,


An Charraig Dhubh,

Baile Átha Cliath.

Sir, – With a British general election due in early 2015, the electoral map there is becoming more complex following the Scottish referendum and the anticipated rise in electoral popularity of the Scottish nationalists, at the expense of Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

Either David Cameron or Ed Miliband will, in all probability, be faced with the prospect of leading a coalition or minority government.

Against that background, the current budgetary impasse in Northern Ireland poses an interesting dilemma for Sinn Féin, in particular.

With its ongoing abstentionist policy in Westminster and no threat of IRA violence, does Sinn Féin have any political leverage with any prospective UK prime minister?

Any further budget concessions by David Cameron will be garnered by DUP/UUP influence, not Sinn Féin, with an eye to post-election support at Westminster.

Perhaps it is time for Sinn Féin to take up its Westminster seats and become a proper democratic party with some real influence in UK politics. – Yours, etc,


Glenageary, Co Dublin.

Sir, – The referendum-fatigued electorate will surely be bewildered by the news that we are to have a constitutional poll on whether or not to lower the age of presidential candidates from 35 to 21 (“Referendums on same-sex marriage and voting age for May 2015”, December 16th).

One can scarcely think of an issue which could be more utterly removed from the day-to-day worries of voters.

Where exactly did this proposal come from? It didn’t feature in the manifestos of either Fine Gael or Labour at the 2011 general election, and nor was it included in the Programme for Government. The only party which proposed such a referendum was Fianna Fáil, which was hit hard in that election, suggesting there wasn’t much demand for it on the doorsteps.

The first time the idea reappeared after the election was at a meeting of the 100-strong “Constitutional Convention” in Malahide in January 2013, where those present took it upon themselves to put forward this proposal. Even at that tiny gathering, the proposed amendment only garnered a bare majority of those present, with 50 in favour carrying the day due to a small number of abstentions.

The Government has now baulked at the possibility of rejecting the idea, despite the fact that there seems to be no public appetite for it whatsoever – apart, that is, from 50 people in a room in Malahide a full two years ago. And on the back of this total non-issue, TDs from both Government parties will as usual be whipped through the lobbies to vote for a Bill to call the referendum, despite the fact that neither party has ever supported the idea, and that no-one anywhere views it as an issue of even incidental importance.

Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, ordinary people will continue to focus on getting a job, paying the bills and caring for their families. – Yours, etc,


Harolds Cross,

Dublin 6W.

Sir, – Why are we having a “plebiscite” on the ownership of our water resources and a “referendum” on same-sex marraige ? Which one is legally binding? – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.

A chara, – Institutional care has for decades been internationally recognised not to be suitable for people with intellectual disability. Institutional living not only denies people their basic human rights compared to normal household living in ordinary, open integrated community settings, but furthermore is known to lend itself to abusive practices.

As a paediatrician specialising in intellectual disability, I can well recall the outcry among the many who were committed to the community care model, following the announcement that the building of an institution for people with intellectual disability in Swinford was to go ahead. At the time, there was already an excellent, countywide, community-based service for children with intellectual disability in Co Mayo, and people wanted similar services to be extended to adults. Most of those professionally involved with the intellectual disability services in the west of Ireland signed a document petitioning the health authorities not to proceed with the plan for the institution, but instead to invest the money available in developing community services.

Unfortunately, with an election looming, it was considered politically expedient to build a large institution, and so the voice of the people was ignored. Not for the first time, the provision of jobs trumped all considerations of appropriate care for the marginalised.

Minister of State for Disability Kathleen Lynch should take immediate action, and put in place a plan to close Áras Attracta within a reasonable time, and move on to community care, rather than waste time and money endeavouring to change that which is most likely inherently unchangeable. – Is mise,


Bearna, Co Galway.

Sir, – Fintan O’Toole may be right or he may be wrong when he says that the Economic Management Council is “dominated by civil servants and policy advisers” (“Gang of four rule tramples Cabinet and Constitution”, Opinion & Analysis, December 16th).

We could have done with an Economic Management Council, dominated by civil servants and policy advisers, during the years of the boom. It might have prevented the people at the head of the government, financial institutions, etc, from bankrupting this country and contributing to its needing an €80 bilion bailout. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 13.

Sir, – Given the refusal of our “democratic” politicians to give up the power which they took for themselves with no reference to the citizens of the Republic, it is clear that we were very wise to refuse to grant them the powers they asked for in the rushed and ill-prepared referendum of October 2011 on the 30th Amendment to the Constitution [Oireachtas inquiries].

In assuming that we would approve the amendment simply because we were asked to do, Fine Gael and Labour appear to have begun to lose touch with reality at a very early stage in this Dáil. I seem to remember that the Taoiseach complained that it was not passed because we of the non-elite did not understand the terms. It probably never crossed his mind that we refused because we had so much reason to distrust politicians.

Pundits regularly lecture us on the need to behave as a grown-up electorate. I believe that most Irish voters are much more grown-up than our senior politicians and, I hope, much less hypocritical. – Yours, etc,


Rathgar, Dublin 6.

Sir, – Dr Vincent Kenny (December 17th) points to a “statistical correlation” between alcohol outlet density and health harms as disclosed in a recent Scottish study. Correlation and causation are quite different. Indeed, the authors of the study to which he refers expressly state that, “We cannot conclude that the relationship is causal” and point to the need for “further analyses” and “better quality time-series licensing statistics”. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – The concern about excessive alcohol consumption is not new, nor particularly Irish. In the 18th century, the British elite expressed horror at the alcohol consumption of the “lower classes” in London, with gin being of particular concern.

Now, we again express our concern at cheap alcohol – with even the working class drinking cheap wine! Who knows where it will end? Cheap cognac? It is time to act and make sure that cognac remains the reserve of the bankers we bailed out. – Yours, etc,


Bogotá, Colombia.

Sir, – It was heartening to read Patsy McGarry’s tribute to missionaries and gardaí (“Goodwill to all NGOs, gardaí and the church”, Rite & Reason, December 16th).

May I add Sr Mary Sweeney of Dungloe, Donegal, working in Sierra Leone for 40 years? I heard her heart-rending account of the Ebola crisis now raging around her school on RTE’s Morning Ireland. She told of one boy who has lost every single member of his enlarged family. She and her community are struggling to fight the disease in their new clinic under terrible conditions. Her school was levelled during the civil war but she rebuilt it and no doubt her faith and courage will endure through this trial too. Yes, as Patsy says, it “feels great to be Irish” but let’s continue to support and cherish those on the front lines. – Yours, etc,


Donegal Town.

Sir, – I read that Oireachtas banking inquiry committee chairman Ciaran Lynch has said “we can’t made adverse findings against an individual”, adding that it could make only findings of fact (“Finnish and Canadian financial experts to be first witnesses in banking inquiry”, December 16th).

I immediately looked at the membership of the committee but to my amazement observed no trace of a quantum physicist among its number.

With operating conditions like that, it’s enough to make Schrödinger’s cat laugh. – Yours, etc,




Sir, – Regarding the ECB’s refusal to appear before the joint committee of inquiry into the banking crisis, is it a case of Hamlet without the protagonist? – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin

Sir, – Instead of thanking members of Dáil Éireann for supporting the motion which called on the Government to “officially recognise the State of Palestine, on the basis of the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as the capital”, and praising successive Irish governments for remaining committed to the “establishment of a viable, sovereign Palestinian state, in the West Bank including East Jerusalem and Gaza, existing alongside and at peace with the state of Israel” (December 16th), Ambassador Ahmad Abdelrazek should have written an open letter to the leaders of Hamas – part of the so-called unity government which he represents – asking them to drop their ongoing call for the destruction of the state of Israel. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – William Hederman’s article about protest (“Protest works – if it breaks rules”, Weekend, December 13th) is a significant contribution to the debate about democracy and power.

If you take away protest, and the right to campaign on issues without being hounded or negatively labelled in all sorts of way, democracy is a hollow sham.

Protest works at many different levels (just as power does not reside only in the Oireachtas). Protest does not always have to break rules to work – but it does need to be imaginative, appropriate to the campaign and the stage it is at, and also to the level of support. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – Further to the suggestion that mischievous dogs should spend some time in “pugatory” (December 16th), some comforting pointers can be found in the writings of St Bernard. – Yours, etc


Dublin 24.

Sir, – Even the dogs in the street know only cats are admitted into “purrgatory”. My deepest apologies. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – Gender (and women’s) studies centres may be “few” in number, as Dr Chryssa Dislis mentions (December 17th), but the viewpoints they promote imbue what is taught in a wide variety of courses in the humanities and social sciences. – Yours, etc,


Castleknock, Dublin 15.

Sir, – A motorist I encountered while crossing the Malahide road recently clearly does not intend to include the “green man” on her Christmas presents list. She completely ignored the poor divil. – Yours, etc,


Beaumont, Dublin 9.

Irish Independent:

Indian Muslim children pray for the victims of the Peshawar attack. Photo: AP Photo/Ajit Solanki
Indian Muslim children pray for the victims of the Peshawar attack. Photo: AP Photo/Ajit Solanki

I, like most of the world, was shattered by the news of the slaughter of 132 children at their school in Pakistan. They were innocent and vulnerable and should never have been targets.

All over the world, in the run up to the birth of an infant in a stable, people are racing about spending money and stressing themselves out, in this little infant’s name who was born with nothing.

Our values have become shallow. Human life is the most precious gift of all. To be human is to be great. Yet look at how we are treating each other. A spiritual void has opened up and it is filling with darkness.

Even if one has no faith, from December 21 a new light comes and the days begin to stretch again. Let us embrace the light that is in us all, and nurture hope rather than hate.

Jed Thomas, Connemara, Co Galway


A letter to myself

If you’re trying to show off for people at the top, forget it. It doesn’t matter. They will look down on you anyhow. And if you’re trying to show off to people at the bottom, forget it. They will look up at you with envy. Status will get you nowhere. What will get you somewhere is being your authentic self. If you’ve got something to say – say it. Somewhere to be – get there. Something to do – do it. Nothing to say – shut up. Someone to love – love ’em up! Trust me, you’ll sleep better at night!

So many people walk around with their eyes half-closed. Closed to everything and everyone around them. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they’re chasing the wrong things and, at the same time, pushing further away from them what matters most. By devoting yourself to loving others and yourself, you create a space within you to something that gives you purpose, meaning and inner peace. Don’t be afraid to walk away from situations or relationships which don’t serve you. Rather, spend your energy searching and reaching for something that serves, feeds and replenishes your soul. Most importantly, forgive all who wronged you, but first you must forgive yourself. Life is too short to spend time thinking of “what ifs”. There is much to be grateful for. Grateful that when you close your eyes at night you wake up to a beautiful tomorrow.

Be thankful for being you. For being here. For having the courage to walk away and stand up for what is right because at the end of this – when you’re grey and wrinkly – look back at what you’ve accomplished and achieved in life and let out a laugh knowing that you let yourself live, your spirit soar and your soul search. For whatever you did do on this Earth, you’ve got to be proud.

To you – my beautiful self. I love you always.

Benita Lennon, Address with editor


Drugs problem must be tackled

Since the launch of RTE’s crusade on homelessness, I can’t help but feel that this country doesn’t have a homelessness problem – it has a drugs problem. I don’t doubt the need for affordable housing, but all the new houses in the world won’t end the homeless problem, as so many on our streets are addicts.

The media chose to represent the death of a man on the streets close to Leinster House as the death of a victim of economic austerity and lack of social housing, rather than as a victim of the poison of drugs.

The late Tony Gregory always highlighted this cancer on our streets, which can be seen in every urban area in this country. However, since his passing it no longer seems a fashionable topic in Montrose. As long as we fail to acknowledge that heroin is still eating away at the very heart of our society, not only will homelessness continue to grow, but it will be the least of our problems.

Peter Cosgrove, Wellingtonbridge, Co Wexford


The truth behind building crisis

I refer to Donal O’Donovan’s comment on the lack of supply of new houses and I have to say I disagree with his assertions.

The reasons new houses are not being built are as follows:

1. Most of the large-volume builders which built the three-bedroom semis are in Nama or are gone bust for a variety of reasons.

2. Our tradespeople in the 30 to 50 age bracket are gone in the last wave of post-Celtic Tiger emigration.

3. Any new builder who would stick his head over the parapet and lay out his own money would be crazy – and he will not be getting any risk capital from the state-owned banks.

4. Should a builder start up in the morning he would be descended on by public service planners, health and safety persons and Revenue inspectors who have been maintained at full strength over the last five years and are sitting there waiting to get on the road. It would not be worth the hassle and the red tape.

5. Finally, who can afford or would want a family home when the Government and society in general appear to be anti-family in its attitude?

Daniel Coleman, Carrigrohane, Co Cork


Everyone has a right to privacy

A right to a private life is a value under the UN Charter of Human Rights. How, then, is it okay for TV stations to record and broadcast the humiliation of vulnerable and fearful – yet capable of understanding – elderly women in Aras Attracta’s Bungalow 3 to millions of viewers?

We viewed their fear of being punished, being used by the “couldn’t-care-lessers” to bully them.

They understand fear. They feel. Would someone please ask them – as they alone have this unique experience to answer authoritatively – whether more money should be spent on broadcasting more TV reports humiliating more people, or in a more intelligent way?

Jim Fitzgibbon, Ballykeeran, Co Westmeath


Fresh political blood needed

I’m surprised Mr A Leavy could think that if there had been a Fiscal Council during the Celtic Tiger years, that it would have led to better decision-making and that we could have avoided the mess the country is in. The Fiscal Council struggles now, so I don’t see why it would have been any better in years gone by.

The reason the country is in such a mess – and people like me can’t make our living in our own country and have to emigrate – is not because there wasn’t a Fiscal Council, nor that a Fine Gael/Labour government would have acted any differently to the various Fianna Fail led ones.

It is because the poor decision-making is due to the nature of the Irish character. Too many voted for the same tired old grey faces of Fine Gael, Labour and Fianna Fail for decades. Meanwhile, they moaned about how nothing changes and the cronyism, shoddy standards and public squalor continues. They are now so deluded that they think Sinn Fein/IRA is the solution.

Just because Enda Kenny is now Taoiseach doesn’t mean he magically changed overnight from the parish pump TD he always was. Michael Noonan and Brendan Howlin are great gas for throwing out the smart-mouth one-liners, but are we seriously meant to think a small-time teacher and a union official are capable of making the sort of decisions that professional managers are only equipped to make after years of direct experience and work towards professional qualifications?

A Fiscal Council is not needed in Ireland. Instead what is needed are new candidates to stand for political office who have never stood for election to anything ever before. In that way you can still vote for a normal political party or group, but for a new candidate and in the process retain the stability of the party system, but replace the people within it with new untainted people.

Desmond FitzGerald, Canary Wharf, London

Irish Independent


December 17, 2014

17 December 2014 Chairs

I still have arthritis in my left toe but its nearly gone. I go out to pick up Michael and Astrid’s two chairs.

Mary’s back much better today, breakfast weight up rabbit for tea and her tummy pain is still there.


Sheila Stewart, Scottish folk singer

Sheila Stewart Photo: TOPIC RECORDS

Sheila Stewart, who has died aged 79, was one of Scotland’s most popular folk singers and helped to fuel the British folk song revival of the 1950s and 1960s. The last of the Stewarts of Blairgowrie, a singing dynasty of travellers, she was acclaimed not only for her full-blooded unaccompanied singing but also for popularising a huge fund of traditional ballads which had been preserved for generations by her family.

A colourful character with a ready wit and gift for storytelling, in 1976 Sheila Stewart was invited to perform at the United States bicentennial celebrations in Washington, DC, where she met the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh at an official reception byefore a show. “The Duke of Edinburgh says to the man next to him ‘Can we go down to the Mall and hear Sheila sing?’ ” she recalled. “And the man says ‘Sorry, Your Highness, security won’t allow it’, and he says ‘—- security!’ ”

Later on she was accosted by two men in dark glasses who demanded she accompany them: “They put me in this long limo – I thought they were Mafia! And they take me to the White House and there’s President Ford and his wife and the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, who says to me ‘I told you I was hearing you sing.’ So I had tea in the White House and sang for them for two hours.”

Sheila Stewart’s largest audience, however, was at Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, in 1982 when she sang in front of 385,000 people who had come to see Pope John Paul II. “When they asked me to sing for the Pope, I says I cannae do that, I’m not a Catholic.’ And they said: ‘Oh, the Pope won’t bother,’ ” she recalled. “So I bought a pair of green shoes to wear, and when he gets out of the Popemobile, he says: ‘I like your shoes’, and puts his hand on me and blesses me. So I went in front to the mike … I sing Ewan MacColl’s Moving-On Song.” The following day a newspaper report observed that “only two things silenced the crowd – the Pope’s arrival and Sheila’s singing”.

Sheila Stewart was born on July 7 1935 in a stable behind the Angus Hotel at Blairgowrie, Perthshire, after an argument between her mother and grandmother had rendered her parents homeless. Her mother Belle – also a singer – had been born in a tent, and the family was accustomed to the travelling way of life, surviving through hawking, besom-making and seasonal farm work. Music was a key part of the family’s itinerant lifestyle, which included regular trips to Ireland , and Sheila’s father and grandfather were well-known Highland pipers. At harvest time they would often meet up with fellow members of the travelling community to sing, play and share stories around the camp fire.

Sheila was five when she learnt her first song, and her singing became a regular feature of family gatherings. A notable characteristic of her style was the decorative “conyach” – an ill-defined term suggesting a gift for conveying the emotional feeling of a ballad – with which she imbued many of the oldest and most epic songs in the canon of Scottish folk song, notably The Twa Brothers and The Bonnie Hoose Of Arlie.

It was a tough existence. Travellers were the victims of much prejudice, and Sheila was frequently bullied at school; but life began to change in the mid-1950s when the song collector Hamish Henderson arrived to record the family’s vast repertoire of songs. Until that point the Stewarts had never performed in a formal setting, and they were initially somewhat self-conscious. But as a result of Henderson’s recordings for Edinburgh University’s School of Scottish Studies, the Stewarts’ repertoire became a key source of the folk revival in Britain, with ancient ballads such as Young Jamie Foyers, Bogie’s Bonnie Belle and Queen Among the Heather passing into the common repertoire.

Sheila Stewart, Scottish folk singer

At 16, Sheila rebelled and gave up the travelling life to work as a waitress. She then spent a brief spell in the Army . In 1956 she married a non-traveller, Ian McGregor, with whom she had four children and eventually moved to Stoke Newington, north London, where in the early 1960s her husband found work as a joiner helping to build the new Victoria underground line.

There Sheila became involved in the folk song club movement after meeting Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger, who made many recordings of her family and featured them in their documentary The Travelling People. The Stewarts became a popular festival and folk club act as a result, and released two LPs, The Stewarts Of Blair (1965) and The Travelling Stewarts (1968), in addition to being included on many other compilations.

Ian McGregor died suddenly in 1977, after he and Sheila had returned to Scotland. As the children grew up and left home, she took a series of jobs, including a brief period as a molecatcher. For a time she lived in Yorkshire , working as a liaison officer for travellers in Sheffield, Leeds and Bradford. She also taught in schools and lectured in America.

Sheila Stewart performed whenever she could with her mother Belle and her sister Cathie, and after Belle’s death in 1997 she undertook solo work, touring internationally and releasing a solo album, From the Heart of the Tradition (1998). Altogether she recorded more than 80 ballads.

She also wrote a biography of her mother, Queen Among the Heather (2006), followed by an autobiography, A Traveller’s Life (2011). She appeared as a café owner and singer in the 2012 Jamie Chambers film Blackbird .

Sheila Stewart was appointed MBE in 2006.

Her children survive her.

Sheila Stewart, born July 7 1935, died December 9 2014


Scottish Labour Leader Jim Murphy
Jim Murphy: ‘Nicola Sturgeon will have no trouble in representing him as the man sent to run the branch office.’ Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

You report that Jim Murphy wants “to press Scottish Labour to rewrite clause four of its constitution to emphasise that the party will act ‘in the national interest of Scotland’”. Clause IV is more than just warm sentiments. It is 345 succinctly crafted words, expressing the “principles” on which “Labour seeks the trust of the people to govern”.

It was under paragraph 2(c) that the original principle of devolution was born and developed: “we work for … an open democracy, in which government is held to account by the people [and] decisions are taken as far as practicable by the communities they affect”.

However, political events in Scotland have clearly moved on. Devolution never envisaged national separation. The Tories are unambiguously unionists. The Lib Dems (according to their constitution) are federalists. A new form of words ought now to be found to distinguish Labour’s new principles of government for devolved nations (bearing in mind that, constitutionally, a Scottish Labour party cannot embrace national independence).

If the issue of national integrity is to be so redefined, it is also surely right that Labour clarifies its governing principles over its political and economic relations with Europe. A new cascading and embracing principle of devolution and nationalism is again surely well overdue. On the broader level, remember, clause IV was the defining product of New Labour. So, yes, perhaps Murphy is right to want to go back to first principles.
Mike Allott
Eastleigh, Hampshire

• I would love to believe that Jim Murphy is the man for the job (Editorial: Jim Murphy has a huge task ahead. All Labour supporters should unite behind him, 15 December). But can I really accept that a New Labour Blairite, in favour of Trident, who supported the war in Iraq, can reach out to the people who deserted Labour to vote yes? Or people such as me who deserted Labour over the Iraq war? Nicola Sturgeon will have no trouble in representing him as the man sent to run the branch office.
Margaret Squires

• With the election of Jim Murphy (with more than a hint of “or else!” from Labour’s London HQ), even the most delusional Labourite north of Hadrian’s Wall can no longer kid themselves that the “people’s party” is anything more than Tories in red rosettes.

Know your place and obey your betters is the Labour way, and it’s a mark of how out of touch with the electorate they’ve become that they still think Scots will vote for them anyway. With Labour offering nothing but more misery for the masses and more tax breaks for “wealth creators”, they’re likely to find most core voters either staying at home next polling day or voting SNP, Green or Ukip to give them a well-earned bloody nose.
Mark Boyle
Johnstone, Renfrewshire

• If Jim Murphy is to regain the lost Scottish Labour party supporters by reaching out to those who want “a fair deal”, he will have to reconsider his position on Trident. His rivals in Scotland, the SNP and the Greens, have clear policies on phasing it out. Yet all Murphy can do is mutter the threadbare argument that Britain needs “a strong defence”. But Trident isn’t “defence” and it cannot keep anyone in Scotland or the UK secure. It also provokes proliferation and will cost upwards of £100bn to renew, when “austerity” is biting so hard. He would be better advised to start working with other members in the Labour party to support the Austrian pledge at the recent Vienna conference on starting negotiations for a global ban on nuclear weapons.
Rae Street
Littleborough, Lancashire

• Jim Murphy cannot go it alone and ignore the UK Labour party (Murphy’s law: Scottish party will act in the national interest, 15 December) as the “Scottish” Labour party is registered as an accounting unit of the Labour party with the Electoral Commission and is therefore not a separately registered political party under the terms of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000. As such Scottish Labour does not have a “party leader”, although Murphy leads the Scottish division of the UK party, having been elected by members in 2014. At party conferences he appears under the title “leader of the Labour party in Scotland”. He is the branch manager of the aforesaid accounting unit of the UK Labour party.
Jim McLean

• As a long-standing member of Unite in Scotland I take issue with your editorial’s assertion that, in opposing Jim Murphy, Unite showed itself to be out of touch with its members in Scotland.

Many Unite members have opted out of the political levy in protest against its being used to support a Labour party which has shown itself to be less and less concerned with social justice and the rights of workers. They were thus ineligible to vote in the leadership election. Murphy’s record of support for Trident, for continuing austerity and for opposition to devo max might make him representative of Labour party parliamentarians, but not of many trade unionists.

Indeed a major future issue for Unite will be to assess how the political fund is used and to consider changing the present policy, whereby the Labour party is the only political party to be financially supported.
Rev David Mumford
Brechin, Angus

Ian Jack (13 December) is surely right to recall that many of Scotland’s left-leading political class tend to be conspicuous by their absence at political protests at the Gare Loch and elsewhere.

He identifies the Scottish universities as a breeding ground for plausible-sounding social democrats, eyes set firmly on their own main chance, but he perhaps plays down the role of the schools in this process. A friend of mine, a keen observer of all things political, once observed of a later generation of Labour politicians that “they all looked like they’d been head boy”. Perhaps even more cuttingly, he went on, “Christ, you wouldn’t want any of these on your side in a fight would you?”
Alistair Richardson

• Jim Murphy’s credentials as worthy of the top Labour job in Scotland seem to have been boosted by the news that he slept in a drawer as a baby. So did many a working-class baby in the 50s. I, too, was put into a chest of drawers when I was born in a back-to-back house in Leeds, with a tin bath, shared toilet and dripping sandwiches for tea. Can I be leader of the Labour party please?
Maggie Lyons

Mary Berry
Mary Berry. Photograph: Nils Jorgensen/REX

Why is Mary Berry referred to as “the 79-year-old TV judge” (Media, 15 December) when the age of not one of the other celebrities was mentioned in this article? Is it ageism, or sexism, or both?
Ann Lynch
Skipton, North Yorkshire

• Martin Griffiths, CEO of Stagecoach, claims that his and other private operators’ input have delivered Europe’s “best, safest and fastest growing railway” (Letters, 13 December). These claims are the opposite of the truth for anyone who has travelled on railways in Europe, which are clean, uncrowded, frequent, punctual and affordable. Trains in the UK are none of the above; one cannot help admiring the chutzpah of Mr Griffiths.
Peter Brandt

Zoe Williams (15 December) highlights a cruel aspect of government policy. Natalie Engel is surely being denied a basic human right that is not denied to foreign citizens in prison. If they have been able to challenge deportation in the European court of human rights, Engel should be able to do so even if her husband, as a South African, has no such right.
John Pelling
Coddenham, Suffolk

• So Chelsea, a stonkingly rich football club, is to pay its staff a living wage at last (Report, 12 December). Are we supposed to applaud?
Gwyn Jones
Windermere, Cumbria

• You devote a page to the apparent injustice of Rory McIlroy’s failure to win BBC’s Sports Personality of the Year 2014 (15 December). This is an award previously bestowed upon such sporting giants  as Princess Anne and Zara Phillips…
Bob Merrison
Barking, Essex

Enoch Powell
‘No one should attempt to rehabilitate either Powell or his vile ideas, and his kind of overt racism is, fortunately, now absent from mainstream politics.’ Photograph: ITV/REX

Anne McElvoy writes (13 December) that Enoch Powell was many things. The one thing she doesn’t mention is that he was a racist. Nor, apparently, were his followers, many of whom “were neither racist nor wholly opposed to immigration”. It didn’t feel like that at the time. My mixed-race English father took for a while to double-barrelling his name to make it look more Anglo-Saxon. To her credit, my white English mother would have none of this. Powell, as Hanif Kureishi rightly points out in a piece on the same day, instilled real fear in many immigrant communities, and played a major role in instigating the wave of popular white racism from which the National Front and other fascist organisations profited in the 1970s. No one should attempt to rehabilitate either Powell or his vile ideas, and his kind of overt racism is, fortunately, now absent from mainstream politics. But the British right are emulating their US counterparts, for whom to be called a racist is worse than to hold racist views (which, in their surrealist world, like Magritte’s pipe, are not racist). Time, to use a good Anglo-Saxon expression, to call a spade a spade. Racism, albeit more subtly manifested than Powellism, is poisoning the sphere of public discourse, and politicians of all the main parties are shamefully pandering to it.
Professor Chris Sinha

• Ian Jack’s review of Boris Johnson’s encomium on Winston Churchill (13 December) refers sceptically to the Goveian view which reduces history to the achievements of individuals. But a few pages on, Hanif Kureishi appears to do just that in his lucid but rather simplistic piece on Enoch Powell. Demonising Powell doesn’t help to deepen our understanding. If, as Kureishi argues, Britain was being remade into a multicultural haven, evident in today’s cosmopolitan London (which is not Britain), then it was also being unmade, and many natives, especially some members of the white working and lower-middle classes – historically, the foundation of fascist movements – felt threatened by the changes happening around them. Their British identity was, in part, predicated on a notion of whiteness – the origins of which predated Powell – that was being threatened by post-second world war changes, domestic and international, economic and ideological. By articulating their fears, Powell’s notorious speech may have given them a mainstream voice, thereby averting a greater conflagration. A decade after Powell’s infamous speech, Margaret Thatcher also reached out to the corners of benighted Britain with a reference to fears that the country would be “swamped by people with a different culture”. However distasteful the racist and anti-immigration voices, they must be included in the national debate.
Ferdinand Dennis

faith illustration
Celebrations for the season, and for a story that has evolved. Photograph: Gary Kempston

Celebration of the season

David Mitchell made one quite serious mistake in his article about the Christmas season (12 December). He suggested that at that time of year we had nothing to celebrate. This is very far from the point (literally). Yule is the opposite point on the wheel of seasons from midsummer. To celebrate yuletide is to celebrate the day after which the hours of sunlight increase.

Many modern countries celebrate this rather than Christ’s birthday. The only word in some Baltic nations for Christmas is the translation of yule. Jul in Denmark, joulu in Finland, and Sweden’s is julen. So in the land of Father Christmas, Finland, he is called Joulupukki, which translates as the yule buck. But, as stories mutate he is just the man in red who arrives pulled by the yule buck.
Andrew Youd
Turku, Finland

We must save the NHS

We are very fortunate to have the NHS and in no way would I wish to see it privatised (5 December). However, I see a problem that every government kicks down the road. The very success of the NHS contains the seeds of its own destruction.

When the NHS was established in the 1950s medicine was a great deal simpler. You got your medicines, then much cheaper, or you went to hospital to have broken bones healed, or to die.

Now scientific advances have made operations much more complex and expensive, with new hips, kidney, liver and heart transplants. Dying is not an option. In addition, because we are living much longer the care and other costs are mounting exponentially. Scientific advance will continue so the NHS will become a bottomless pit of expense. So what is the solution?

One could cap the type of operations available on the NHS to limit the cost. However, we do not want health only available to the wealthy and that would be the inevitable effect. This problem cannot be solved by paying the NHS staff peanuts, which is the present policy. Nor can it be entirely solved by automation. No one wants their hand held or brow mopped by a robot. Similarly it would not be acceptable to limit treatment to those under a certain age.

I do not see the answer to the problem, but it needs to be faced by us all and not just left to the government of the day to find an ad hoc solution.
Geoffrey H Levy
Andover, UK

Truth about cats and humans

The article in your 21 November issue about the domestication of cats has no clue about ecology. The closing remark about cats killing lovable little creatures is astonishing. Whatever effect kindness and affection may have had on the human-cat relationship, the way it started is that humans, by storing food in primitive shelters, made their habitations into breeding places for rodents, which raided their grain stores. The wealth of rodents made people’s farms into feeding places for small felids.

The relationship between cats and people started out as strictly business and even today most farmers are not inclined to feed the cats. That would be bad for business! That contemporary cats are lovable may of course have developed as the article avers – but as a byproduct.
Dave Schmalz
Amsterdam, the Netherlands

There is more danger now

Since this year marks the 100th anniversary of the horrors of the first world war, aversion to war should be high. Yet there’s little questioning of the sanity of continually erupting wars perpetrated by western powers on Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia. These wars, costing trillions of dollars, divide and damage countries, causing misery, chaos and cycles of continual violence.

The new Ukraine conflict, with the US and EU baiting Russia, terrifyingly risks annihilating all life on earth through the potential use of nuclear weapons, which can also be released accidentally, especially under conflict pressures. Your story, A cold war for the 21st century (28 November), claims the worst excesses of the original cold war are largely absent. But a huge increase in US military bases worldwide has stimulated a nuclear weapons arms race and the modernisation of nuclear weapons; they can be released now in a few minutes, rather than the longer time it used to take. There’s more danger now with less time for correcting errors of judgment.
Kay Weir
Wellington, New Zealand

Groupthink is the problem

Owen Jones (28 November) seems not to have noticed the basic fact about humanity: we live in social groups. It is within these groups that “selflessness and cooperation make evolutionary sense” but in conflicts between groups (ie wars) that we are “capable of sickening cruelty against other human beings”.

These groups are defined by the information they share. Originally they were extended families and all the information was in their DNA, but every advance in communication from language itself (some 50,000 years ago) to writing (5,000) to printing (500) and television (50) allowed them to get bigger by facilitating that sharing. The bigger the group, the more unequal its members became, and attempts to remedy it by violence ended badly. Hence, the gradual social democratic approach favoured by us Guardian readers.
Graham Andrews
Spokane, Washington, US


• Eric Schlosser (5 December), rightly fearing the dangers posed by nuclear weapons in war or via accidents at a base, says that Iran, for these reasons, must never get the bomb. His concern for the Iranian people doesn’t seem to extend to Israel, where an accident would not only endanger the Israelis, but also those in lands it has annexed, built on, and occupied.
Ivor Tittawella
Umeå, Sweden

• Mike Selvey is right that the bowler will be as devastated as anybody over Phillip Hughes’s death (5 December). But why was he bowling at the batsman’s head? The principle of cricket is to bowl towards the stumps for the chance of a wicket for the bowler or of a score for the batter. Too wide of the stumps is disallowed, so why not too high equally?
Adrian Betham
London, UK

• Dirty supermarket chicken (5 December) is one episode in a decade-long row of abominable scandals in the meat industry. Judging by consumer watchdogs’ publications, spoiled meat has been the new standard for a long time. Supermarket bosses should be ashamed, indeed. It is time, however, to also raise the following question: why is it that countless well-informed consumers are still so eager to buy what is evidentially of very poor quality when literally everybody has what it takes to live on better foodstuffs?
Karim Akerma
Hamburg, Germany

Please send letters to


The siege of a café in Sydney should not be viewed as anything other than simply a criminal incident committed by a lunatic with a history  of sexual violence, assaults and murders.

On the same day, an Iraq war veteran killed his ex-wife with six members of her family in the US. Contrary to the incident in Sydney, where media outlets rushed to attribute it to an Islamist extremist; no religious meaning was attached to the shooting rampage in the US.

We should abstain from attaching any religious  flavour to these criminal acts. Islam and Christianity are the same as they ever were: peaceful religions which forbid wanton aggression and terrorism. And as Christmas, “the celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ”, is fast approaching, there is every need to refrain from empty slogans, political grandstanding and petty rivalries, and to resurrect the gospel message of salvation, forgiveness and reconciliation, humility, tranquillity, co-operation and peace.

Dr Munjed Farid Al Qutob

London NW2


As an Australian and a former Sydney resident, I am deeply saddened by the events at Martin Place. Yet somehow, it is not terrorism I fear the most. It is how the Australian government  may react.

Will another Australian be dumped in Guantanamo Bay, subjected to torture and tried by a kangaroo court? Will security forces be given even more draconian powers than the ones they already have but didn’t use?

Samantha Chung



I can’t help thinking that if the siege in Sydney had occurred in America or Israel the gunman would have been swiftly shot by a marksman as soon as he became visible through the café window, which he clearly did on a number of occasions, as could be seen in the live editions of various television news programmes.

That would have brought about a much earlier conclusion.

Robert Tuck

Wimborne Minster, Dorset


Torture report shames us all

The US Senate’s CIA report is welcomed. It is a start. It may do some good and, it being a formally published document, the law ought to take its course.

However, having no special information, I feel I have known all along that the denials and half-truths of British and US officials and politicians have been lies. We are not stupid, and if I knew, then, probably, most of us have known.

The blind eyes that millions have turned appear to be the same blind eyes that much of the population of German and German-occupied collaborationist Europe turned towards the Holocaust. Uncertain and impotent we may be, but it shames us all even so.

That shame is intensified by the effrontery of the liars. And they ask us to vote for them?

Roger Bloomfield

London NW6


Sober as a Lord

I write regarding the piece by Donald MacInnes about catering in the House of Lords (13 December).

At no time has the House of Lords voted against a shared catering service. No such proposal has been made by the House of Commons. Furthermore, we work closely with colleagues in the Commons to procure catering supplies cost-effectively. It is preposterous to suggest that the House has a “champagne fund”; we sell champagne at a profit in the Lords and most of it is sold in our gift shop (30 per cent) or at revenue-generating banqueting events (57 per cent). Such activities have helped us to reduce the cost of the catering service by 27 per cent since 2007-08.

Mr MacInnes said that this matter left him “spluttering” in anger. Your paper’s failure to reflect my statement pointing out that Sir Malcolm Jack’s evidence was inaccurate has left me similarly incandescent with rage. Neither the House itself nor its authorities would reject so lightly any proposals for closer working with the House of Commons, particularly were it to be in the taxpayer’s interest.

Lord Sewel

Chairman of Committees, House of Lords

Pupils and teachers both let down

The Ofsted annual report made it clear that it is not just the country’s most able pupils who are being let down by schools but also those with a special educational need (SEN) (“Bright pupils are cheated by ‘lack of scholarship’ in schools”, 11 December).

The report stated that pupils with SEN, including autism, are being failed by lack of appropriate support from teaching staff. It also stated that not enough attention is paid to the development of personal and social skills, despite the fact that this can make a “substantial difference” for pupils with SEN.

This comes as no surprise to us, given recent research which found that 60 per cent of teachers did not feel adequately trained to support children with autism. Such a huge skills gap, and the impact it has on pupils with autism, should be clear to all.

With more than  1.4 million pupils in English schools having a special educational need, school leaders must ensure staff are trained to support them. Local authorities also have a role to play in ensuring that all schools under their control have access to an autism specialist teacher.

Jolanta Lasota

Chief Executive, Ambitious about Autism

London N10


We are often faced with headlines which say, in effect, “Pupils let down by teachers”.

During my long career in education I met many pupils who could not, and some who simply would not, apply themselves to the hard work which is necessary for those who want to learn.

It seems that nowadays disruptive pupils can refuse with impunity, and at the same time disrupt those who are willing to put in the effort. With modern technology there are many more ways in which this can be done, mobile phones and computer games being but two examples.

The whole concentration seems to be on the pupils, and the teachers get the blame. Anyone can lead a horse to water, but no one can make it drink. Education has to be a two-way process. Perhaps it is time for the headline to be revised and read, “Teachers let down by pupils”.

Bill Fletcher

Cirencester, Gloucestershire


It was disappointing to read your recent article on the Ofsted’s inspections of free schools (“Ofsted tells a third of free schools to improve”, 3 December); not least because it failed to reflect the fact that free schools are significantly more likely to be judged as outstanding than all other state schools.

Nearly a quarter of free schools have been recognised as outstanding, compared with 19 per cent of all other schools, no small feat given the these schools did not even exist three years ago.

Natalie Evans

Director, The New Schools Network, London SE1


Maths is more  than numbers

I must disagree with Guy Keleny when he recommends that the term “maths literate” be replaced by “numerate” (Errors and Omissions, 13 December).

The word “numerate” is not appropriate to the problem. Numeracy refers to ability with numbers – in other words, arithmetic. Arithmetic is just one part of mathematics – even school mathematics introduces people to algebra, geometry, calculus, all topics that require the development of logical thought processes.

The problem nowadays is that our politicians and others are quite capable of adding up numbers, but the choice of which numbers and the conclusions about the effects of their sums seem to be beyond them. They just don’t think things through logically.

I agree that “maths literate” is not sensible – but the country’s  need is much wider  than “numeracy”.

Professor Anthony North



New invasion of Scotland

Marilyn Mason (letter, 15 December) asks if the rest of us will have to make up the difference between low taxes and high welfare payments in Scotland. The answer is no: we will use our right of free movement to cross the border and take advantage of this regime, provided, that is, we are still in the EU.

David Wallis



Platform for a nasty party

Your editorial “The nasty party” (16 December) rightly shows The Independent’s feelings about Nigel Farage and Ukip. So why give him the “oxygen of publicity” by allowing him to have a weekly column?

John Blenkinsopp



Marriage of inconvenience

Lynton Crosby thinks that legalising humanist marriage would distract from the Tories’ main message at the election. Too right. Celebrating and valuing humanity sits uneasily with the inhumanity of creating deep social divisions through the misallocation of resources and opportunity. The country would be stunned.

Paula Jones

London SW2


Melanie Phillips says that, to save innocent life, you may have to dole out rough treatment on occasion

Sir, The arguments put forward by Melanie Phillips (Opinion, Dec 15) in her defence of the use of torture by the CIA during the interrogation of terrorists are flawed. The moral and legal permissibility of the use of torture does not depend on the particular circumstances of the case in question (the “supreme emergency” or “ticking bomb” justification referred to by her has long been discredited on logical and empirical grounds). Nor does it depend on the motivation of the agent doing the torturing. Honourable motives do not turn a fundamentally wrong action into a “right” wrong. Article 2.3 of the UN Convention against Torture specifically states that “No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture”.

“Torture” also does not admit of degrees, and cannot be redefined to suit the purposes of those wishing to justify it: recall the cynical attempts of US government lawyers in the Bush era to reclassify so-called lesser degrees of mistreatment as “torture lite” and to redefine this as “enhanced interrogation” simply to suit their highly selective use of special pleading argument in order to justify what was, in effect, state-sanctioned torture.

The prohibition against torture is an absolute, not a qualified, one: the right not to be tortured does not admit of any exceptions. If civilised communities attempt to derogate from this basic right, no matter what the purported justification, then they become, to use Ms Philips’s own words “morally no different” from those who torture.

Don Carrick
Project director, Military Ethics Education Network, Universities of Hull and Leeds

Sir, We are hearing a great deal these days about our government’s attitude to torture. It may be worth recalling that when the Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi died in 2011, documents found in Tripoli the following day revealed that until a late stage of the Libyan uprising against him, MI6 and the CIA had been involved in the “rendition” of Libyan dissidents from as far afield as Singapore to face torture and worse by the authorities in Tripoli in exchange for “intelligence”.

Ivor Lucas
(British Embassy, Tripoli, 1962-66)
London SW19

Sir, Melanie Phillips asks “Can waterboarding be torture when it is used to train US forces?” The journalist Christopher Hitchens voluntarily experienced it first-hand, in North Carolina. He survived the experience but concluded: “If waterboarding does not constitute torture, then there is no such thing as torture.”

Dr John Doherty
Vienna, Austria

Sir, The end does not justify the means, and it is never right to commit an evil in the hope of eradicating another evil. From a practical point of view, the use of torture could lead the one being tortured giving false information to shorten the period of suffering.

John Scotson
Altrincham, Gtr Manchester

Sir, The softly, softly method of interrogation worked better than torture when I was a serving soldier many years ago. Pain makes one confess to anything to escape the unpleasantness. A sort of bad cop, good cop routine without the agony softens up a recipient who’ll respond better to food and drink from those wanting information rather than the quasi-sadists who enjoy their power.

Robert Vincent
Wildhern, Hants

Sir, “Redacted”? I understand that our language is evolving all the time but suddenly this word is appearing everywhere. What is wrong with censored, deleted, erased or cut out?

David Housden
Elton, Cambs

If the BBC gives away the rights to its Wimbledon coverage, just what are we paying our licence fee for?

Sir, Having lost cricket and much of rugby, the BBC is now negotiating away coverage of Wimbledon (report, Dec 16). This, coupled with the plethora of repeats on BBC 1 and 2, including the interminable railway peregrinations by Michael Portillo, begs the question: what is the BBC doing with our licence fee? Plenty of the BBC’s big-wigs are pocketing £100,000-plus salaries, but where does the public feature in the priorities of this increasingly self-serving body?

Richard English

South Petherton, Somerset

The proposed two-tier contract will impinge access to justice and undermine the principle of equality before the law

Sir, Dominic Grieve’s comments are yet another blow to the Lord Chancellor in a month in which they have already rained thick and fast on his wrong-headed reforms to the justice system (“Politicians put stability at risk in race for popularity, Grieve warns”, Dec 16). The ban on prisoners’ books overturned, his guidance for granting legal aid in immigration cases ruled unlawful, parliament misled over his judicial review reforms and, crushingly, a High Court judge labelling his policies “strange”.

However, our legal system still stands at a tipping point. His proposed two-tier contract will impinge access to justice and fundamentally undermine the principle of equality before the law. This is why, in conjunction with the London Criminal Courts Association, we are launching a judicial review into the unlawful nature of his reforms which we hope will be the straw that will finally break this particular camel’s back.

Bill Waddington

Criminal Law Solicitors’ Association

Is one reason behind good health in today’s elderly people simply that their peers were killed off during the war by TB?

Sir, One reason for better health in older people today (report, Dec 15) may be that their less fit peers were killed off by diseases such as tuberculosis which increased substantially during the war. The danger is that as the disease-resistant generation dies off and drug resistance increases, we may repeat the cycle all over again.

Professor Peter D.O. Davies

Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital

Lady Herries of Terregles and her siblings were known as ‘The Norfolk Broads’ on the 1962 MCC tour of Australia

Sir, Your obituary of Lady Herries of Terregles (Dec 15) mentions the fact that her father, the Duke of Norfolk, managed the 1962-63 MCC tour to Australia, but not that the cricketers irreverently referred to her and her three sisters as “The Norfolk Broads”.

Harold Goldblatt

London NW11


Ukip and the EU; air traffic control chaos; displaying the season’s e-greetings; and festive shopping soundtracks

A supporter is seen wearing a United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) badge before meeting the leader of the party Nigel Farage, at a campaign event in South Ockendon, Essex

A supporter is seen wearing a United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) badge  Photo: Reuters

SIR – It is a pity that Professor Alan Sked chose to denigrate Nigel Farage and his party, rather than offer practical alternatives as to how the people of Britain can voice their many concerns over membership of the European Union.

Boycotting the European Parliament as a demonstration of opposition (the Ukip policy laid down in Professor Sked’s day), is surely too silent an option. Mr Farage chose to highlight what he perceived as a fundamentally flawed institution by getting as close to its working as possible. Importantly, it is a strategy his constituents have consistently agreed with.

The EU, with its single currency that has brought mass unemployment and debt on a truly massive scale, is a very different beast from the one Professor Sked knew when leader of Ukip. If the power of the unelected elite in Brussels is to be challenged, there seems little point in the grinding of axes.

David Taylor
Lymington, Hampshire

SIR – We are told that a vote for Ukip at the next general election will mean that

Ed Miliband will be in No 10. Why, then, has the Labour Party felt it necessary to issue its MPs with a strategy document entitled Campaigning against Ukip?

Gordon Galletly
Sevenoaks, Kent

SIR – Nigel Farage seems to think that Enoch Powell was forecasting bloodshed between whites and West Indians. This was not so.

Powell was far more worried about Asian immigration, both because the potential number of Asians wishing to migrate to Britain was hundreds, perhaps thousands of times greater, and also because he felt that many Asians were culturally unassimilable.

He did not specify Islam as a factor – I talked to him about it – but I think that was what he meant.

It is important to say that colour and race did not matter to him. What he wanted was a British nation that did not include unassimilated minorities. He would, precisely, have abhorred multi-culturalism.

R W Johnson
Cape Town, South Africa

SIR – Enoch Powell was not a racist. I was present at a reception in the London School of Economics attended by academics, politicians and journalists being given a glass of wine as we entered by an Afro-Caribbean waitress. Enoch Powell did not just take a glass and pass on; he – and only he – stopped to talk to her as a person.

J R Lucas
East Lambrook, Somerset

SIR – Side effects: this painkiller may cause blurting out of racist and anti-gay remarks. Avoid driving, operating heavy machinery and contesting a target seat in next year’s general election.

Keith Gilmour

Virtuous circles

SIR – The European Commission will vote today on its work programme for 2015, which may remove support for the Circular Economy package. This concerns resources and recycling. It offers huge potential for job creation, resource security, environmental protection and economic growth in Britain and the rest of Europe and abandoning it would be short-sighted.

There is a great deal of support for the package from many sectors, and the World Economic Forum has suggested that developing the circular economy would save $1 trillion a year.

We call on British ministers to send a clear message to Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the Commission, that the programme must be retained to protect the continent’s environment, economy and competitiveness in the long term.

Gillian Drakeford
Country Manager, Ikea Group

Richard Gillies
Group Sustainability Director, Kingfisher Plc

Sheila Redzepi
VP Global Advocacy, Unilever

Mike Barry
Director of Sustainable Business, Marks and Spencer

Gareth Stace
Head of Climate and Environment Policy, EEF, The Manufacturers’ Organisation

Andy Atkins
Executive Director, Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Jacob Hayler
Economist, Environmental Services Association

Steve Lee
Chief Executive Officer, Chartered Institute of Waste Management

Dan Cooke
Director of External Affairs, Viridor

Matthew Spencer
Director, Green Alliance

Ray Georgeson
Chief Executive, Resource Association

Charlotte Morton
Chief Executive, Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association

Dr John Williams
Sinvestec LLC

Nick Molho
Executive Director, Aldersgate Group

Matthew Farrow
Executive Director, The Environmental Industries Commission (EIC)

Jeremy Jacobs
Renewable Energy Association

Forbes McDougall
Head of Circular Economy, Veolia UK

Derailed commuters

SIR – From January 11 trains for London Charing Cross will no longer stop at London Bridge. This is where one could change trains for Cannon Street. Commuters on the train from Hastings are to be left with only one train before 7.30am into Cannon Street.

How am I and many other commuters, who have paid thousands of pounds for the privilege of travelling with Southeastern Trains, supposed to get to work on time?

Oh – and on January 2, the cost of my ticket will rise again, making it almost

30 per cent more expensive than in 2010.

Ian Rennardson
Tunbridge Wells, Kent

Air traffic chaos

Air traffic control at Gatwick Airport

SIR – While the breakdown of air traffic control is of great concern once again it is the lack of detailed information given to the thousands of people whose travel plans were disrupted that was most inexcusable. This seems to be a common problem at both airports and railway stations.

The duty manager at the airport concerned should broadcast a message introducing himself or herself personally, apologising for the inconvenience caused, and explaining the exact reason for the delay and the possible knock-on effects. They should then provide regular updates as more information becomes available.

The public will be more accepting of delays if they are given detailed information by someone in authority.

Stephen Reichwald
London NW8

SIR – With our increasing dependence on ever more complex computer systems, it is inevitable that glitches will occur from time to time. The real question that Nats – and Heathrow – need to answer is why an outage of just 36 minutes led to chaos lasting for more than 24 hours.

All organisations, in both the private and public sectors, which serve the general public should be obliged to pass stress tests in which they demonstrate the resilience of their service to a single point of failure.

Michael Grayeff
Harrow, Middlesex

SIR – Why is this country buying bespoke real-time software from a Spanish company?

Is it a consequence of the abysmal record of the Government’s computer system projects over many decades? If so, it is to be bitterly regretted, as Britain boasts some of the most talented software developers in the world.

Peter Humphrey
Tideswell, Derbyshire

Motorway barriers

SIR – The dramatic photograph of the recent tragic accident on the M25 was particularly frightening as it showed the new reinforced concrete reservation barrier smashed and breached.

These barriers form part of the Government’s “smart” upgrades for motorways and many miles of this type of barrier have been built, with more under construction. One would have thought this type of accident should not happen where concrete barriers have been constructed.

David Hartridge
Groby, Leicestershire

Discouraging nurses

SIR – Has it occurred to the UK nursing authorities that the current university-based training system may be a significant disincentive for those interested in a nursing career?

It certainly was for our daughter, an ideal candidate, who was discouraged by a further three years in academic study after successful completion of her A-levels.

John Kellie
Pyrford, Surrey

Music while you queue

SIR – Has NatWest lost its senses? When I found piped music playing in my local branch recently, I was told it was likely to become the norm.

To where can I move my account of many years, for peace and quiet?

Robin Stainer
London EC2

Fishy timing

SIR – I once worked for an NHS trust that had a strict policy on staff surrendering to the personnel department any gifts offered by patients.

I was given a nice pair of freshly caught trout by the father of a patient. Contacting personnel I asked them if I should put the trout into the internal or external mail to comply with trust policy. They phoned me back two days later to say I could keep the trout, which by then had already provided me with a very nice fish supper.

David Booth
Dunfermline, Fife

Just popping outside to warm up a little bit

‘Lighting the Stove’, an oil painting by Pierre Édouard Frère, 1886 . Photo:

SIR – We live in an old farmhouse in a frost pocket where it is colder inside than out.

Setting the daytime room temperature at 22C is merely a target that is never reached. A woodburner, recently fitted in one room with three walls to the outside, is having to be upgraded to cope, contrary to the manufacturer’s assurances.

In summer, when the weather is occasionally too hot for us, we come inside to cool off.

Malcolm Watson
Welford, Berkshire

How can the season’s e-greetings be displayed?

SIR – This year I have already received more electronic Christmas cards than I have on all previous Christmases combined. A few have been preceded, or accompanied, by messages explaining that postal charges and card costs are becoming exorbitant and the sender will therefore be making a donation to charity instead of buying and posting a card.

My difficulty with this is in finding a method of displaying these “cards”. It also becomes more difficult to keep a reliable list of card-senders.

Jeremy C N Price

SIR – For the past four weeks I have been trying to buy fresh rabbits in preparation for making my Christmas Eve game pie, but none of our local butchers is having any delivered.

Where have all the rabbits gone?

Ann Hellewell
Camberley, Surrey

SIR – My husband and I have found a solution to the problem of tangled Christmas lights and their effect on marital harmony.

On Twelfth Night this year we left our Christmas tree as it was – lights and all – and put it in the spare room until December 1. Incidentally, we have been married for 46 years and this is the first time we have resorted to this.

Maureen Iles
Eldene, Wiltshire

SIR – The odd gem does appear in Christmas circular letters. Here’s one I found particularly odd, from an American whom I met just once on holiday some years ago and who has sent a card ever since. It said: “We lost our sister in law Betty this fall and Lisa lost her bulldog Fred this past summer. Both Betty and Fred are fondly remembered and missed.” They didn’t say who was missed more.

David Leigh
Ludlow, Shropshire

Irish Times:

Sir, – Prof Frank Murray (December 15th) provides us with a convincing and compelling argument for the creation of minimum unit pricing for alcohol. He emphasises the consequences of drinking to excess and points out the number of lives that could be saved should minimum unit pricing be introduced.

Here in Britain similar concerns have been aired by authoritative bodies such as the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence and the British Medical Association, which are calling for not only minimum unit pricing but also a ban on alcohol advertising and increasing to 21 the age at which one can purchase the stuff. Regrettably the British government, possibly hiding behind European directives, is vacillating and perhaps reluctant to take on the drinks industry, a powerful lobby which spends some £800 million a year promoting its products.

I cannot add to the eloquence or authority of Prof Murray, but his views resonate with many of us this side of the Irish Sea. The collateral damage brought about through excessive drinking in incontrovertible. It is evident in domestic violence, assaults, anti-social behaviour and of, course, untold damage to our health. – Yours, etc,


Formby, Liverpool.

Sir, – The opinion piece by Derek Byrne (“Clear policy needed to tackle alcohol fallout”, December 14th) regarding Ireland’s alarming alcohol abuse problems highlights again the lack of coherent Government policy in this area.

On October 7th, you published a report by your correspondent Mark Hennessy on a recent Scottish study on alcohol abuse which showed that there were 13,000 deaths in Scotland between 2002 and 2011 directly caused by drinking habits (“Areas with many pubs have triple the alcohol deaths, says Scottish study”) .

What was particularly shocking about that report was the statistical correlation between the number of drinking licences issued in an area and the significantly increased number of alcohol-related deaths within the associated catchment areas. The study demonstrated that whereas hospital admission rates for alcohol-related illness were constant in neighbourhoods with fewer than six off-licences and nine pubs within a 10-minute walk, the admission statistics more than tripled when there was an increase in the number of outlets selling alcohol.

In particular the study highlighted that off-licences were a leading contributor to alcohol abuse and illness, as also is the practice of shopping outlets using alcohol as a loss-leader in competition among stores.

It will come as no surprise that the highest number of deaths were in the poorest communities.

I haven’t seen a similar study published in Ireland, but given the very close cultural connections between Scotland and Ireland, it would be highly likely that similar patterns and statistics apply here.

Local planning authorities should take note and government should take the lead in ensuring more coherent health-related strategies to combat our epidemic of alcohol abuse. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.

Sir, – The suggestion by the Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) that the State should assist asylum seekers in meeting the cost of travelling abroad for abortions is nothing short of surreal (“Migrant women unable to travel for abortions”, Front Page, December 15th).

At a time when the exchequer is struggling to maintain existing hospital services for the general public, why should taxpayers foot the bill for anyone to get elective medical procedures which are illegal here in Ireland? What kind of a precedent would this set in respect of other medical procedures or treatments banned here?

The recent subtle emphasis on this issue of cost shows how the goalposts on abortion are slowly being shifted by the IFPA and other pro-choice groups. First, they pushed strongly for legislation for the X case and abortion in the case of suicidal ideation, a cause which was taken up with vigour and enthusiasm by the Government. The ink was hardly dry on the so-called Protection of Life in Pregnancy Act when there was a concerted attempt to use the death of Savita Halappanavar to discredit Ireland’s maternity services, which remain among the best in the world. And the recent Miss Y case is now being used as the catalyst for the suggestion that abortion on demand ought to be introduced in Ireland because of the high cost of travelling to England.

The fact remains that any woman in Ireland, including asylum seekers, whose life is in danger due to their pregnancy is entitled to all treatment which is necessary to save their lives. What they are not legally entitled to do is to seek abortions for social or economic reasons or as a matter of lifestyle choice. So why should taxpayers pay for them to do so abroad? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 3.

Sir, – The RTÉ programme on the Áras Attracta care home in Swinford, Co Mayo, last week shone a depressing light on the standards of residential care for persons with intellectual disabilities in this HSE-run facility. The scenes have caused shock and distress to people all across the country. Inclusion Ireland has identified specific legislative or ministerial actions which could be taken now in five areas: advocacy, individualised funding (personal budgets), investment in promised disability reform, assisted decision-making legislation and hate crime legislation.

The Citizens Information Act 2007, a core component of the National Disability Strategy (NDS) (2004), provides for the establishment of a Personal Advocacy Service with statutory powers. The Personal Advocacy Service and Community Visitors Programme have yet to be introduced. The decision not to introduce the Personal Advocacy Service was made in 2008.

The National Advocacy Service has huge waiting lists and is struggling to meet demand and it has been reported that these advocates are being met with resistance and a lack of co-operation from public bodies, including the HSE.

The Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton should, under section 5 of the Citizens Information Act 2007, establish the Personal Advocacy Service.

The HSE and Minister of State for Social Care Kathleen Lynch should introduce the Community Visitors Programme in 2015, in partnership with Inclusion Ireland and other stakeholders.

The Department of Health convened an expert group to review disability services that stated in 2012 that the current model of disability service provision does not meet stated policy objectives and that “those using disability services do not participate in society in any meaningful way . . . have little opportunity to self-determine or to live full and independent lives”.

Five large disability service organisations control 50 per cent of the total disability spend of circa €1.4 billion. They serve nowhere near 50 per cent of persons with disability who require support. In the absence of Government commitment to individualised or personalised supports being fulfilled, no real reform will happen soon.

In line with Programme for Government commitments, Minister for Health Leo Varadkar should instruct the HSE to ensure that service-level agreements are signed with disability providers for 2015 to allocate 5 per cent to 8 per cent of the block grant to individualised, person-centred, community-based models of support.

A programme of investment by Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Brendan Howlin to ensure the implementation of the congregated settings report is urgently required if these abuses are to be avoided in the future.

Legislation currently before the Oireachtas – the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Bill 2013 – will put in place the legal recognition of people with disabilities and a realisation of their right to enjoy legal capacity alongside others.

Crucial to this realisation is the supports that are needed to make decisions and exercise legal capacity, and it is critical that the legislation recognises the individual support each person with an intellectual disability requires to make and communicate decisions.

Persons committing hate crimes against persons with disabilities should be punished through the criminal justice system. There are two ways of doing this – by introducing aggravated forms of existing offences and through sentence enhancement. Both of these should be immediately considered by the Government.

In addition, Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald must repeal the Lunacy Regulation (Ireland) Act 1871, which labels people with intellectual disability as “idiots” in law and does not protect the decisions or choices of people with intellectual disabilities.

She should also publish the revised Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Bill 2013 and ensure its enactment at the earliest possible moment. – Yours, etc,


Inclusion Ireland,

Unit C 2,

The Steelworks,

Foley Street, Dublin 1.

Sir, – It cost €510 million more than budgeted to run the health service this year (13 times what the department budgeted to extend medical cards to children under six).

A large Dublin hospital is advising patients to stay away. Another is only able to see its diabetics for their annual check-up every 18 months.

Waiting lists locally for orthopaedics are in excess of two years.

Some of my patients have experienced puberty and come out the other side while on the ear, nose and throat (ENT) waiting list for outpatients.

Consultant posts lie empty and many rural areas are set to lose their family doctors for good. The HSE has stated it is not going to readvertise the GMS list in Feakle, Co Clare, which received no applications, so in other words there will probably never be another GP in Feakle.

Yet the Department of Health and the HSE are planning to extend free GP care to children under six, to primary schoolchildren, the over-70s, secondary schoolchildren and then to the rest of the public.

We are told we aspire to having a world-class health service based on the medical needs of patients rather than the ability to pay.

Like world peace, this is hard to argue with, and I hope the Minister for Health Leo Varadkar can succeed, but I worry about the fact that we don’t have enough doctors and that we cannot afford these reforms.

The existing system is already struggling and common sense would seem to suggest that it would be prudent to fix the health service we have before we continue to expand it.

I would like a world-class health system, but would settle for one that is safe and sustainable. – Yours, etc,


An Uaimh,

Co na Mhí.

A chara, – Kathy Sheridan nails it as usual with another thoughtful and well-researched article (“Blueprint for a smarter society”, December 13th). Citizens who protest the “broken” political system would be well served to direct their energy into realising that the system isn’t “broken,” it’s just functioning the way it will inevitably function in its current form. And the glory of a democracy is that you can vote for alternatives, or mobilise to create the alternatives where none exist. I personally don’t think the majority of citizens are willing to vote for the type of changes that would do away with localism or cronyism, and none of the existing parties is advocating wholesale constitutional reform. So we have to educate ourselves to know the alternatives, decide among them, and agitate for them to be enacted, if we’re serious about meaningful change. – Is mise,



Oileán Chliara,

Co Mhaigh Eo.

Sir, – Joanna Tuffy TD highlights (December 13th) what she sees as a contradiction in the ESRI’s analysis of the distributional effects of the budget.

Perhaps Ms Tuffy should read the Labour Party manifesto on which she stood for election, particularly the reference to the water tax, and examine the role of the Government which she supports.

Ms Tuffy concludes with a reference to economists and light bulbs; in her case, pots and kettles come to mind. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.

Sir, – The ESRI’s pronouncements remind me of Ronnie Corbett telling one of his shaggy dog stories – a vague and rambling yarn with so many contradictions and caveats as to be close to unintelligible. At least Mr Corbett has the excuse of being vaguely amusing. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.

Sir, – Here’s a simple mathematical tip for journalists to avoid arguments with street protesters about crowd numbers – each square metre of standing space can safely accommodate three people, depending on body size and fixed obstacles (parked cars, street furniture, etc). It’s possible, therefore, to fit 9,000 people into 3,000 sq m. As an example, Croke Park has standing space – about 3,500 sq m – for 8,800 spectators.

The area of the streets (including footpaths) on either side of Merrion Square can be accurately calculated – the length of the north/south side of the square is twice that of the east/west side, the latter being about 180m. The four sides together at, say, 20m wide (allowing for obstacles) produce standing space of about 21,600 sq m. Multiplying this parameter by three equals 64,800 people. Substituting the east side of the square for Mount Street, and Merrion Street, Lower Clare Street and Nassau Street, it’s very probable that more than 70,000 people could have attended last Wednesday’s water charges protest.

That’s engineering for you! – Yours, etc,


Killiney, Co Dublin.

Sir, – Further to David Walsh’s letter (December 16th), I fail to see how the existence of a few gender studies centres is an example of “notorious gender bias” when the real figures that show the lack of representation and the biased promotion methods that abound in Irish universities and the rest of Irish society are somehow not notorious at all.

It is interesting how the elephant in the room can be ignored when it affects women, rather than men. – Yours, etc,



A chara, – On December 13th The Irish Times ran a reprint of a New York Times article (“Good dogs go to heaven, Pope suggests”) in which it was reported that Pope Francis had made some remarks concerning man’s best friend and the afterlife to comfort a young boy who was grieving his lost pet. All very touching, except he said and did nothing of the sort – indeed, the New York Times ran a correction to their original piece making that clear. And the date they published that clarification? December 12th. – Is mise,


Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny.

Sir, – You report that the Association of Catholic Priests has written to Pope Francis to ask him to reverse the silencing of Fr Tony Flannery (“Priests’ association asks Pope to reverse decision on Fr Flannery”, December 15th). The use of the word “silencing” in this case is odd. Has Fr Flannery ever been more vocal at any time in his life than he has been since he was disciplined? – Yours, etc,



Sir, – To mark Thierry Henry’s retirement from soccer, perhaps we should change the name of Henry Street to Handball Alley. – Yours, etc,


Killerig, Carlow.

Sir, – It is so refreshing to read Michael Harding’s column every Tuesday. His words and style of writing transports one to a place which is free from the daily worries of modern life. Romantic Ireland’s alive and well. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 6.

Irish Independent:

Some of the nurses at Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin
Some of the nurses at Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin

To all the staff and management at Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin:

All too often we hear bad press relating to the Irish health service, and it is only right that if a service as critical to the well-being of the country, such as health, is under- performing it should be criticised and improved.

But if we are to be open and honest in our criticism when the health service is under-performing, we should also be forthright in our praise when it does an excellent job. It is for this reason I am writing to you today.

On Friday, December 5, our 8-week-old boy, Frank, had been sick with the symptoms of a cold for a couple of days.

By Friday night he seemed to be deteriorating and was brought to Crumlin A&E. It turns out he had the RSV virus, his lung was partially collapsed and he was in a very critical condition. He spent about three hours being intensively treated in A&E and was then moved to ICU for 24 hours. After this he spent eight nights on St Peter’s ward.

On Saturday, December 6, his twin brother, Bobby, started to show signs of the virus and we brought him to A&E. He was also admitted with RSV and has spent 10 nights on St Peter’s ward. We are expecting him to be discharged this morning.

During our time at Crumlin, the care our family received was amazing. Not just the care given to the boys but also the kindness and tenderness shown to us as parents. I do not have one complaint about the service we received there. Please pass on our thanks to all at the hospital, particularly the staff on the floor in A&E, PICU1, St Peter’s ward and Dr Kileen’s team. Thanks to you all, our whole family will be safe and sound at home this Christmas.

Please keep up the excellent and very important job you are doing. We will always remember how well we were treated during our time with you.

All our love and happy Christmas.

The Carr Family: Frank, Bobby, Amy, Marty and Harry

Now not even air is free

I called into my local garage in Kilkenny the other day to pump up a soft tyre on the front of my car, only to be confronted by a machine demanding a – non refundable – one euro coin for five minutes of air.

I confronted the shop assistant, who confirmed that, yes, this garage is now charging customers for air. Disgusted at this new development and with the words of George Lee ringing in my ears, I refused to pay. I’m reluctantly paying for water, I said, but I absolutely refuse to pay for air, and stormed out.

Hobbling home I questioned George’s logic. “Price increases can lead to inflation,” he said – but in my case not paying contributed to deflation. I was confused but satisfied myself by deciding that you really needed to be a very clever economist to work all this stuff out.

Eugene McGuinness

Co Kilkenny

We need statemanship on NI

I do not wish to be critical of British Prime Minister David Cameron, but he carries in his hands the future for peace in these islands along with Taoiseach Enda Kenny. Is it too much to hope that the one will be inspired by the example of Gladstone and the other by that of Parnell?

We do not elect a prime minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to solve the problems of, say, Libya and Ukraine, but we do elect him or her to solve the problems of Northern Ireland.

Events in Belfast and Dublin ought not to be the sideshow for a British prime minister that they were in 1914 for Asquith or at the time of Sunningdale in 1973 for Heath. Nothing is more important to the peoples of these islands, English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh alike, than a permanent and just settlement in Ireland. A peace process will no longer suffice. It is peace that is required.

All the main players are now assembled in Belfast. They must realise that they have an unparalleled opportunity to find a lasting solution for us all. We have waited for a hundred years for the British parliament at Westminster to build upon the Home Rule Act of 1914. Surely we have waited long enough.

The British are in no position to tell the rest of the world how to conduct its affairs (as they frequently do with a simply unbelievable arrogance born of past imperial rule) unless they can govern themselves. Christmas 2014 is the time for one Old Etonian (Cameron) to assume the mantle of another (Gladstone).

More is needed here than gifts of money, which the bankrupt British dole out with extraordinary largesse throughout the world. We need statesmanship and a compelling vision for the future.

Dr Gerald Morgan

Chaucery Hub

Trinity College Dublin

Why not slam Egypt on Gaza too?

In recent weeks, 60 tunnels and 800 homes have been destroyed in Gaza. A 500-metre-deep security zone is being created along the border and no structures whatsoever will be allowed in this zone. In addition to this, military courts have been authorised to try civilians who block roads or damage state facilities. These moves are as a result of attacks which caused the deaths of 33 security men.

The reason I write this letter is because the silence in this country and around the world is quite deafening. There is no hijacking of the Dail, there are no flotillas, no academics or trade unions screaming for boycotts, no false accusations of apartheid, no political hissy fits from either House and no bullying of people in supermarkets who wish to buy products of their choice.

The answer, of course, is obvious. Israel cannot be blamed. Egypt was forced to take this action to defend itself against Hamas terrorists. It just goes to show how anti-Semitic and racist this country really is.

Captain Donal Buckley

Castlebar, Co Mayo

Israel is nothing like ISIS

It is morally repugnant of Dr Al Qutob (Letters, Irish Independent, December 15) to even insinuate any comparison between ISIS and Israel.

ISIS is a barbaric organisation that has murdered countless thousands of fellow Muslims, Christians and Yazidis, usually in the most fiendish manner possible, including decapitation. It has tortured, raped and sold into slavery thousands of men, women and children. Its ideology calls for the conquest and annihilation of everyone who does not match its demented standards of Sunni Islam fidelity. Israel, by contrast, is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East.

Dr Qutob says that the issue of the Palestinians is ignored by the world. In fact, there is a very disproportionate focus on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, to the point that other conflicts in the region, not to mention the Third World, receive scant attention and commentary. This summer, for example, during the seven-week-long war between Hamas and Israel, there was saturation coverage of the situation, at a time when far more people were murdered on a daily basis in Syria and Iraq, not to mention Africa or Afghanistan.

What Dr Qutob also ignores is that Israeli Arabs (a minority of over 20pc of the Israeli population) are the most secure and safest Arabs in the entire region. This is why opinion polls show that most Israeli Arabs are proud to consider themselves Israeli citizens. They can see on their TV sets every day the nightmare that stalks the Arab World, of which ISIS is merely the most extreme manifestation.

Dr Derek O’Flynn

Press Officer

Embassy of Israel

Has fiscal advice come too late?

“Everybody is utterly turned off by Ireland’s Fiscal Advisory Council”, according to Shane Ross.

He did not mention the fact that we could have done with what he calls “this academic quintet containing … four professors and an economist” during the years of the boom. It might have challenged the people at the head of the government, financial institutions, etc, then and prevented them from bankrupting this country and contributing to its needing an €80bn bailout.

A Leavy

Sutton, Dublin 13

Irish Independent


December 16, 2014

16 December 2014 Sharland

I still have arthritis in my left toe but its nearly gone. I go out to the paper sop, the post office, the chemist the tip, 6 bags of leaves gone, Mark and Spencers for Mary’s mussels, and the chemist again, and the Co op. Sharland comes to call.

Mary’s back much better today, breakfast weight up trout for tea and her tummy pain is still there.


Gil Marks was a rabbi and cookery writer whose books explored the scriptural background of matzos, blintzes and latkes

Gil Marks


Gil Marks, who has died aged 62, was a celebrated rabbi-chef; his five books on kosher cuisine, which included the Encyclopedia of Jewish Food (2010), catalogued such delicacies as honey-nut sfratto cookies (beloved of Tuscan Jews), Passover sponge cake, and blintzes and latkes of every description.

“To Jews, food is much more than just a form of nourishment or enjoyment,” wrote Marks. “Food plays a central part in Jewish ceremonies. There are two ways food is represented. First, there are foods that are biblically prescribed for rituals, and second are the Jewish comfort foods. When you eat them it brings back nostalgia and warmth, like matzo ball soup.”

The kosher rules that govern how food is acquired, cooked and eaten create a larderful of challenges for a chef. Pork and shellfish are forbidden, and further restrictions take effect during Passover, when eating and cooking any meat or dairy product is prohibited, as is the use of leavening agents. “It’s almost like a game to see what you can do with these limitations,” said Marks.

A self-confessed “Jewish foodie”, Marks combined the spiritual, historical and sensual in his books, which set out to educate Jewish and Gentile readers alike. “I’m… bringing the rabbi and rebbetzin [wife of a rabbi] in at one time,” he joked. “I can do the sermons and the speeches and the cooking demonstration too.”

Gilbert Stanley Marks was born on May 30 1952 in Charleston, West Virginia. He attended Talmudical Academy in Baltimore before studying Jewish History at Yeshiva University in New York. He remained at the university for a masters degree in social work and was ordained as a rabbi at the affiliated Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. From 1986 to 1992 he edited Kosher Gourmet magazine, after which he turned to his own writing, publishing his first cookbook, The World of Jewish Cooking: More Than 500 Traditional Recipes from Alsace to Yemen, four years later.

Marks considered that by providing delicious suggestions for Passover he was helping Jews to bond with their forefathers: “Eating these foods is transcending time. You’re eating the same food as ancestors 3,000 years before.”

Marks wrote of the pleasures of the Seder plate, a collection of symbolic foods. These include bitter herbs, which represent the harsh experience of enslavement, and matzos, which allude to the unleavened bread that the Israelites ate on their exile from Egypt. He liked to repeat the well-worn Jewish joke: “They tried to kill us, we won, now let’s eat.” The Seder feast, he said, was “an educational tool for parents to instruct children on the beginning of biblical history”.

Cookery books by Gil Marks

The historical and scriptural context of recipes and culinary traditions informed much of his writing and teaching. For instance, he explained that during Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) Jewish taste buds search out sugary treats as “a reflection of a hope for a sweet year to come”.

Marks himself had a sweet tooth. Some reviewers, however, claimed that he had stretched the definition of a Jewish pudding too far in his survey The World of Jewish Desserts (2000). “As with many of the recipes included here,” complained one critic, “the Hungarian sugar cookies (klaitcha), Moroccan sweet yeast buns (fackasch), Turkish semolina custard pie (galactoboureko) and Alsatian fruit custard tart (tarte Alsacienne) are not traced by Marks to Jewish culinary tradition.”

In 2010 Marks’s studies culminated in a vast 650-page encyclopedia of Jewish food which included more than 300 recipes, from adafina (a Sephardic Sabbath stew) to melawach (a fried bread favoured by Yemenite Jews). His other books are The World of Jewish Entertaining: Menus and Recipes for the Sabbath, Holidays, and Other Family Celebrations (1998) and Olive Trees and Honey: A Treasury of Vegetarian Recipes from Jewish Communities around the World (2004), which won a James Beard Foundation Award. He had recently completed a history of American cakes.

Although he was a long-standing resident of New York, towards the end of his life Marks moved to Israel, settling near his family in Alon Shvut, a settlement south-west of Jerusalem. He became an Israeli citizen in 2012, the year he was diagnosed with lung cancer. Writing to a friend soon after his diagnosis, Marks joked that he was more concerned with the state of his meringues: “Left them in the oven overnight to dry. Forgot and turned on the oven to start the day’s cooking. Not a pretty sight.”

He continued to write an online column on confectionery and teach cooking classes to local children until shortly before his death.

Gil Marks was unmarried and is survived by his mother, two brothers and two sisters.

Gil Marks, born May 30 1952, died December 5 2014


A worker collects coffee beans in Nicaragua
A worker collects coffee beans in Nicaragua. Photograph: Inti Ocon/AFP/Getty Images

While there’s no doubt corporate power needs to be curbed, Nesrine Malik (Opinion, 10 December) proposes a “single sales factor apportionment” to tax corporations based on where sales are made, not where profits are reported. But sales are where profits are realised, not where they are made. Offshore production of goods and services consumed in the UK will mean the workers producing these goods and services – and creating the profits – will get little benefit from tax receipts in their country compared to the UK. This would apply to developing world commodities, such as coffee and precious metals, largely ending up as consumer goods in the west, where the tax would end up under the single sales factor apportionment.
Ted Watson
Brighton, East Sussex

• As you say (Editorial, 13 December), government does indeed have powers that it shrinks from using in dealing with antisocial firms, and you cite the need to force those vying for public contracts to pay the living wage. One obvious place to begin is with the clinical commissioning groups handing out tens of millions to contracting firms as the NHS is privatised by stealth. Stockport NHS Watch, a voluntary group formed to monitor the awarding of contracts by the Stockport CCG, has been urging the inclusion of an ethical clause in its procurement policy that would require the payment of the living wage. Hiding behind “legal advice”, the content of which has not been disclosed, the CCG has rejected this and, in consequence, a formal complaint was entered last week that it has failed in its statutory duty to consult in good faith with interested parties. It may be too much to hope that the embarrassment of having to defend the indefensible will cause the CCG to have second thoughts. A surer way of forcing progress would be for the Labour party to pledge that its intended repeal of the Health and Social Care Act will include an obligation on all CCGs to apply such a measure in future contracts.
Dr Anthony Carew
Stockport, Cheshire

• You editorial should have added two points. First, once a contract has been agreed between a company and a local council or part of central government, the documents should be made available for viewing by the public. Second, directors of companies should be held personally liable for fines imposed on their company for any acts of malfeasance. That would concentrate their minds.
Richard Dargan
Old Coulsdon, Surrey

Activistsin Belgium protest against TTIP
Activists demonstrate against the planned TTIP free trade agreement in Brussels, Belgium, December 2014. Photograph: Jonas Sch ll/dpa/Corbis

Ian Traynor (Report, 9 December) makes some powerful points for and against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership being negotiated between Washington and Brussels. There is some difficult negotiating ahead and ultimately a rough ride during the ratification process in the European parliament, since the Lisbon treaty gave the parliament the final say over all trade agreements. The Europeans surely will want some say over the limits of US companies tax avoidance manoeuvres in Europe. Equally, there will be a major stand-off between US and European-style regulation. They will need to be harmonised to bring the full benefits to both sides, but at the moment they are poles apart. Exactly where the compromise ends up matters.

Globally TTIP is one leg of a triangle of deals. There are the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations between the US and 11 Asian Pacific countries, but dominated by Japan-US bilateral trade, and the EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement now in the final phase of negotiations. But if we want to negotiate from a position of strength, we should seal the deal with Japan first, getting Tokyo on board with our high standards of consumer, environmental and safety regulations. The EU-Japan deal would be the world’s biggest trade agreement, with only the TTIP as a potentially bigger deal. With that in the bag, Brussels – and Tokyo – would have powerful leverage over Washington to ensure a TTIP agreement shaped in our interests and reflecting our concerns.
Glyn Ford
Former MEP and member of the international trade committee

• Some 340 cases are known to have gone to arbitration under existing trade and investment agreements with ISDS, a model in which decisions are made by arbitrators who are not accountable to anyone, under a process in which civil society has no right to know who has given evidence, what that evidence was, or what arguments were made, and has no right of appeal. Hence in a dispute between a company and a government, the decision may negate democratic government policy.
Jenny Parsons
Cottingham, East Yorkshire

• Contrary to your report, the investor-state dispute settlement provisions in the proposed TTIP could well give corporations more powers over national sovereignty. The government’s own report on ISDS, by LSE Enterprise, found that the analogous Nafta pact permitted US corporations to mount 34 compensation claims in 15 years against Canada over corporate business exclusion because of state restrictions, such as health and environmental regulations. These claims amounted to $5bn at an average cost and even when unsuccessful, cost $4m to the defending party. Under TTIP the amount of cases and costs would probably be higher because of the greater volume of business between the US and UK. So it is incorrect to dub European fears “not necessarily rational”. They could be, for example, a significant financial deterrent to any “de-privatisation” of the NHS.
Bryn Jones

• You say governments could “force firms vying for public contracts to pay a living wage”. But already, under a treaty between France and Egypt including ISDS, French multinational Veolia is suing the Egyptian government for compensation after it dared to raise the minimum wage. The Guardian has an immense power for good when you throw its full weight into a campaign, as you have done admirably over NSA and GCHQ. But you’ve done little to publicise the TTIP, which is a far greater long-term threat to democracy. Please join the fight against TTIP and ISDS before it’s too late.
John Heawood

luxembourg city centre
‘Companies such as Skype and Disney are among the firms using Luxembourg for tax avoidance.’ Photograph: Graeme Robertson

George Monbiot’s proposals for fighting corporate power (8 December) are spot-on with one exception. The concessions he makes to “commercial confidentiality” would open a loophole that would be exploited to the full. Perhaps there are areas where some kind of confidentiality is justified on commercial grounds, and where the public interest in transparency should be overruled, but I have never understood precisely what these are. Any exceptions should be very much limited, and subject to tight independent scrutiny.
Kevin McGrath
Harlow, Essex

• One problem with the primacy of shareholders is the role of institutional investors. These allocate our money saved in pensions and Isas, yet we have no direct way to hold to account the companies where they invest our money. Institutional investors are supposed to act on our behalf, but they have their own interests and incentives. Savers are shut out of the investment system, unable to influence corporate behaviour as shareholders.
Dr Alex May

• You reveal (Case studies, 10 December) that Skype and Disney are among the firms using Luxembourg for tax avoidance. It is even more disturbing that companies which contract with the UK government, such as Atos, Serco, G4S, and train companies, such as East Midlands Trains also use extensive tax avoidance methods. This not only undermines the tax base, offering George Osborne an excuse for further massive cuts in public expenditure, it also undermines fair competition, weakening the relative position of purely UK-based companies. We need new government procurement rules which ban companies which engage in elaborate tax-avoidance schemes from competing for government contracts. This would probably require agreement at EU level.
David Price

• There have been a lot of stories about the Big Six (energy companies) and the Big Five (banks). Isn’t it about time we learned more about the Big Four: EY, Deloitte, KPMG and PWC and what part the auditors’ advice plays?
Ruth Eversley
Paulton, Somerset

• We now learn that, as well as bankers, senior officials of the Financial Conduct Authority expect annual bonuses (Report, 11 December). Why?
Professor John Bryant

• I’m thoroughly enjoying your expose of the tax avoidance schemes in Luxembourg, however i’m puzzled by the silence on the matter from Labour party, is it because some of these schemes have been designed by KPMG, which, you point out, paid for Ed Balls’s researcher?
Nicholas Whitmore
Newcastle upon Tyne

Occupy protesters in Parliament Square
Protestors from the Occupy group attempt to stop traffic in Parliament Square, November 2014. Photograph: Anthony Devlin/PA

While your Taming corporate power series offered some useful ideas for reining in the power of corporations, it largely failed to confront the fact that our government and politics has become so corrupted by corporate power that such reforms are highly unlikely. What is required, we believe, is to first make reforms to our democracy so that it starts to work for the common good rather than private interests. This requires removing the influence of corporations entirely through reforms in the areas of party funding and lobbying, closing the revolving door between government and corporations, ending the culture of corporate secondment, introducing proportional representation, democratising the City of London Corporation and the removal of the Remembrancer.

Obviously, as supporters of a direct action organisation looking to create a mass movement, we don’t believe politicians will roll over and enact these reforms if simply asked. Thus we assert the need for a mass gathering of people every month in Parliament Square until the general election, simultaneously putting pressure on politicians while creating a space where people can learn about corporate influence and experience true democracy.
Joseph Todd and Phil England
#occupydemocracy activists, London

• Good analysis but wishful thinking by Nesrine Malik (10 December) that what’s required to chop “global fat cats … down to size” is solely “political pressure from voters”. After huge public and NGO pressure against it, Cameron’s Lobbying Act, as George Monbiot said, “restricts the activities of charities and trade unions but imposes no meaningful restraint on corporations”. Similarly the Health and Social Care Act became law in spite of tremendous public and professional outcry against it, voted in by many politicians with interests in healthcare companies. Revolving doors are also thriving illustrated by Deloitte’s (formerly HMRC’s) Dave Hartnett and NHS England’s Simon Stevens (formerly United Health group and Blair’s adviser). The Remembrancer and his lawyers represent City of London interests from their office in the House of Commons. Such formidable powers can be opposed but it will take at the very least a brave campaigning newspaper, together with campaigning email petitioners, to galvanise and organise those voters.
David Murray
Wallington, Surrey

An electronic stock board
‘Too many companies have become increasingly financialised, so that their primary objective is realising a short-term profit.’ Photograph: Stringer Shanghai/REUTERS

Prem Sikka provides a welcome counterblast to the prevailing orthodoxy of the sanctity of shareholder supremacy and corporate power (Break the stranglehold of shareholders, 11 December). In an era where long-term investment in research and development is needed, the current corporate framework actively promotes short-term decision making. In 1991, UK pension funds and insurance companies, traditionally long-term investors, held over 50% of UK shares. Now they hold around 13%. No wonder that, according to the Economist, Britain was 159th out of 173 countries ranked by investment as a share of GDP in 2012 – five places behind Mali.

In a world where hedge funds and other high-frequency traders are responsible for nearly three-quarters of market turnover, shareholders have less and less attachment to the companies they own. It is therefore hardly surprising that all too many companies operate with short-term horizons, and have become increasingly financialised, so that making something or providing a public or private service is secondary to their primary objective of realising a short-term profit.

Until the governance structure of companies is changed, corporate power will always serve the interests of the few on the top floor rather than the many on the ground floor of wider society.
Peter Skyte

• Corporate power and shareholder power are not the same thing. When the shareholders of British Gas wanted to remove Cedric Brown as CEO in the 90s, they turned up en masse at the AGM to vote him out. But their votes were meaningless because the board was able to vote the proxies of all the corporate shareholders. It would be unfair to abolish limited liability, as George Monbiot suggests (8 December), and make small shareholders shoulder the blame for the board’s actions when they have no control over them.

Limited liability has only existed since the middle of the 19th century;; before that, the liability of a company’s owners was unlimited. This may have been the “invisible hand” that Adam Smith talked about, which ensured that otherwise self-interested businessmen behaved in a moral manner.

Getting rid of limited liability would not work anyway, as so many people would want to sell their shares that the stock market would crash. But without the invisible hand of unlimited liability, some external force, like regulation, is necessary.
Dudley Turner
Westerham, Kent

• To strip all companies of limited liability would certainly be a nuclear option which would be difficult to implement, except perhaps,for hedge funds and the like. I would suggest a more modest approach. At present directors have, or believe they have, only one obligation: to maximise shareholder value. This is often interpreted as being in the short term, even if this results in lower long-term growth or even in the destruction of the company through asset stripping.

From 1963 to 1974, I was the chief financial officer of Booker’s agricultural division, employing some 20,000 people. Under Jock Campbell, our ethos was to balance our obligations to our customers, our workers, the countries in which we operated in and, of course, our shareholders.
Ross Randall
Richmond, Surrey

• Oligopolies run contrary to free market economics and to democracy (The giants walk off with our billions. No more something for nothing, Aditya Chakrabortty, 9 December). People and communities are being stripped of their control over the necessities – energy, transport, housing and others – that matter most. Democratisation of markets is essential to put power back in the hands of the people.

Fortunately, a quiet revolution is well underway. Across the country, businesses, consumers and entrepreneurs are creating a new social economy – one where alternatives such as community energy, social investment and co-operative housing groups are rebalancing the economy. The state, with its enormous spending power, is a market-maker. It must use this power to create markets that harness the enormous social and economic advances already happening in communities across the country.
Dan Gregory
Director, Social Economy Alliance
Peter Holbrook
Chief executive, Social Enterprise UK

• The fundamental question we must face when considering the power of corporations is ownership. This is now largely concentrated in the large corporations with mostly undesirable consequences.The question of ownership was recognised in the 19th century by many local authorities that owned local utilities. It was recognised by the 1945 Labour government when it attempted, with varying degrees of success, to transfer private to public capital in the form of the nationalised industries.

Surely the only effective way of taming corporate power is to transfer private ownership of capital into public ownership. How we do this, the form it takes, and how we democratically supervise the institutions created should be the main focus of our attention.
Jack Mitchell

Taming corporate power deals only with symptoms. The deeper problem is the freedom given to individuals to pursue their interests, subject to competition and choice. Though widely accepted and useful for clearing markets where supply and demand are elastic, this selfish rubric is the root of the problem. It is the opposite of the values taught by religions: restraint, concern for others, cooperation and loyalty to the common weal. Democracy gave capital the power to pursue its own interests. Why are people surprised it does not serve theirs? Up to a point, free capital serves peoples’ interests. It travels the globe finding people to make goods and ensures they are well made and reliable too. But it is not required to create a sustainable global economy or to preserve nation states. So why is anyone surprised when it optimises return on its capital? Though often rather short term, this is what it is required to do.
George Talbot
Watford, Hertfordshire



Sir, In his book 1914, Field Marshal Sir John French, commander-in- chief of the British Army in the field at the time, talks about the “Christmas Armistice”. He believed that the idea was first mooted by the Pope but that Allied governments refused to entertain the idea and admitted that when reports of spontaneous and unauthorised truces came to him, he issued immediate orders that they were to cease.

However, he went on to write that he attached the utmost importance to chivalry in war and that had the question of an armistice for a day been submitted (formally) to him he is not sure that he would have dissented from it. He made his name as a dashing young cavalry officer in the Boer war where he had experienced and been part of a similar arrangement on Christmas day with the “most generous and chivalrous foe”.

He finished his musings by saying that, “Soldiers should have no politics”, but, “emulating the knights of old, should honour a brave enemy only second to a comrade and like them rejoice to split a friendly lance today and ride boot to boot in the charge tomorrow”.
Christopher Durnford

St Mawes, Cornwall

Sir, Malcolm Neale (letter, Dec 13) shows a misunderstanding of the nature of the men involved in the early months of the conflict. My grandfather’s battalion included many veterans of previous conflicts. The battalion had been reinforced by special reserve volunteers who knew exactly what they were doing. Many of these volunteers were “over-age” men with families: they did not go blindly into the conflict.

Educationally, while a number of them had only received a modest education, many were artisans and craftsmen before joining the army. The battalion’s officers were generally privately educated and many had been through Sandhurst. A number of the officers had travelled widely before the war and had close connections with different countries and cultures.

To say that these men “didn’t know where they were, nor why” does them an injustice and is a misrepresentation of the character and intelligence of the men of the British Army in 1914. Incidentally, the battalion enjoyed a period of calm from December 20 to December 31, 1914 and Major Hicks, the CO, reported that from Christmas day until the new year they entered into an informal truce with the 133rd Saxon Regiment.
The Rev Damon Rogers

Lowestoft, Suffolk

Sir, Christmas 1914 was only a few months after the war started and many of the men involved will only have been weeks into the experience. Trench warfare, as we now visualise it, did not really start until early 1915 when Sir John French ordered his men to entrench and the Germans did likewise. No records have come to light of the truce being repeated in any following years of the conflict.

Also, it must not be assumed that the “truce” happened all along the battle line. Bill Clarke, a correspondent for the Daily Mail who had managed to smuggle himself into the Flanders battle zone despite a government ban on reporters at the front, reported: “The Germans came down upon the countryside in a fury of hate, their fiercest onslaught of the week they reserved for Christmas day . . . the guns thumped, the machine guns tapped, and the rifles cracked. That was the music of Christmas.”
Martyn Thatcher

Winsford, Cheshire

Sir, We marvel at the truce but from the early 11th century the Peace and Truce of God movements banned fighting on feast days and Sundays. Marc Morris in The Norman Conquest says that this was driven by “a groundswell of popular enthusiasm and indignation, large crowds had gathered in great open-air assemblies to decry the violence”. Clare Moore’s idea (letter, Dec 13) of return football matches, might have started a modern Truce of God, or its secular equivalent and such activity by ordinary soldiers might have spared the following horrors.
Charles Bazlinton
Alresford, Hants

Sir, Clare Moore asks what would have happened if the Christmas match had been followed by games on December 26, 27 and 28. I think it’s pretty obvious. The Germans would have won on penalties.
Oliver Breckon

Ormesby, N Yorks

Sir, The well-meaning article by Matt Ridley on IT catastrophes (Opinion, Dec 15) is off-beam. He lumps together failing IT projects and crashing IT systems in the same category; they are not and require different approaches. He also lauds the “new” Darwinian way of doing things in government IT. This is called using “pilot” schemes for big projects and is as old as the hills. Finally, the system of usable websites whose requirements are dictated by users and professionals from outside IT has been written about for a long time in the IT press.
Terry Critchley
Knutsford, Cheshire

Sir, The main reason why major IT projects overspend and fail is frequently that nobody has defined the objectives that the project should be designed to achieve. The result is that, as the project develops, it has to be altered at great expense and delay. Projects often have to be abandoned because they do not satisfy the real need once it becomes clear. It is essential to understand the real needs for the project and clearly define how those needs can be achieved.
Dr Peter Primrose

Malpas, Cheshire

Sir, While we debate whether the Nobel laureate James Watson deserves our pity (“This racist, sexist genius deserves no pity”, Opinion Dec 13) we should perhaps spare a thought for the 19th-century Swiss scientist Johann Friedrich Miescher, who would no doubt be spinning in his grave to hear Watson hailed as the “joint discoverer of DNA”.

In 1869, Miescher first isolated a complex of DNA and protein before later going on to purify DNA from salmon sperm. In the first half of the 20th century a whole host of scientists made studies of the chemical and physical properties of this material, the most notable of which was the work of a shy, retiring US clinician called Oswald Avery who, nine years before Watson and Crick published their paper in Nature, obtained strong evidence that DNA was the genetic material. Watson and Crick’s subsequent discovery of the double-helical structure of DNA gave a molecular explanation of this process. It was a fine vindication of Sir Isaac Newton’s famous remark that, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”.
Dr Kersten Hall

University of Leeds

Sir, The radar image showing aircraft in a holding pattern over Heathrow on Friday (News, Dec 13) actually depicts aircraft on the ground, including one landing or taking off from the northern runway. There is a holding pattern over Biggin Hill in Kent and another at Lambourne in Essex; much farther away from the airport. Had the planes actually been stacked over the runways, there might have been rather more chaos over the airport than there was at the airport itself.
Julian Bennett

Halstead, Essex

Sir, I endorse Libby Purves’s comments (Opinion, Dec 15) about the “endless war of outrage”. But there is a factor in all her examples (and others not mentioned) which encourages the outrage. People make a public comment, the outrage starts, they swiftly apologise or withdraw the remarks. So either they didn’t really mean what they said, or they lack courage. I’m waiting for someone to say, “Yes, I said that, no I’m not going to apologise, this is my view, you can take it or leave it”.
Algy Cole

Altrincham, Gtr Manchester



Letters: Ukip’s early policy on immigration; Pensioner Bond income; First World War football; heckling from cereal; and Dylan’s big surprise

Enoch Powell on the campaign trail

Enoch Powell on the campaign trail Photo: PA

SIR – Your report on Ukip’s relationship with Enoch Powell brings back happy memories. I was the only Ukip candidate he ever spoke for at a public meeting, at Newbury race course, 1993.

When I wrote a Eurosceptic constitution for Europe for the Bruges Group he called it the best attempt ever made to square the circle of British independence and association with Europe.

We never discussed immigration. Under my leadership, Ukip never interested itself in the issue, which in the mid-1990s was not a topic of public debate. I do not believe he was a racist.

Enoch Powell’s support was over Europe. He backed my stance that we should send no MEPs to Brussels and accept no income from the European Parliament. As soon as I quit the party, and after Enoch’s death, Mr Farage was happy to become an MEP and take over £2 million from the European Parliament in expenses. The clause in the party membership form which laid down boycotting the European Parliament as a principle of the party was removed. It is now a home for dimwitted opportunists.

Were he alive today, Enoch Powell would treat Nigel Farage and Ukip with contempt.

Professor Alan Sked
London School of Economics
London WC2

SIR – A friend of my parents served in the Second World War in north Africa with Enoch Powell. Some 15 years later he sought Powell’s support for the European cause in Kenya, threatened as it appeared to be by African nationalism. Powell politely but firmly refused to take sides.

Shortly afterwards news of illegal killings at the Hola detention camp leaked out, with the attempted cover-up by the Kenya and British governments. Powell castigated the authorities in one of the most eloquent and influential contributions ever heard in the Commons.

Illiberal and racist? I hardly think so.

C J W Minter
London SW6

SIR – Enoch Powell was well past his best both physically and in influence by the 1990s. I would have had deep misgivings about him as prime minister, due to his anti-Americanism and softness on communism – although his prediction that the Soviet Union would break up turned out to be prescient.

However, when Heath sacked Powell in a mockery of justice the Conservative party should have sacked Heath. They have, of course, a record of choosing Balfour over Chamberlain, Chamberlain over Churchill, Major over Redwood, and Cameron over Davis, as well as Heath over Powell.

Mark Taha
London SE26

SIR – You report that Nigel Farage, as a teenager meeting Powell, found that he “dazzled me for once into an awestruck silence”. It’s a great shame that this effect didn’t persist.

Harvey Clegg
Woodbridge, Suffolk

Bail time-bomb

SIR – The proposal to cap the pre-charge bail period at 28 days (Letters, December 2) is well-intentioned but profoundly flawed. Grounds for bail are recorded in writing and open to scrutiny, and if conditions are attached they must be proportionate and not onerous. Any aspect can be challenged by the subject or their legal representative, as the Human Rights Act demands that a suspect must have swift access to justice.

An excessive period on bail can in itself cause a case to fail. The law stipulates that inquiries must be conducted expeditiously, and strict, clear and accountable legal safeguards already exist.

A limit of 28 days’ bail is unfeasibly short. A simple forensic test may take weeks to be completed. On its return, a further interview may be needed, which could require further evidence-gathering.At the conclusion of the investigation, a Crown Prosecution Service decision will usually be required, which can take days, weeks, or in complex cases, months.

My last four years as a police sergeant, until I retired in 2011, were spent in the custody system, managing bail records and procedures. I find it hard to believe that those who call for a 28-day limit have sufficient understanding of the Pandora’s box they seek to open.

Rupert Battersby

Sunny side up

SIR – Thousands of houses and thousands of solar panels await planning permission on agricultural land. Why can’t solar panels be put on the roofs of all new houses, which at least would save some farmland?

Sue Samuelson
Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire

Painless performances

SIR – Some years ago I had a small job of surgery done under local anaesthetic. A few minutes listening to the barcarolle from The Tales of Hoffman while an elderly nurse gently stroked my hand was pure bliss.

George Teasdale
Leeds, West Yorkshire

SIR – When I had some surgery under local anaesthetic, the surgeon asked if I would like some music. I chose Mozart. After half an hour or so, the surgeon announced: “It’s all downhill from now.” I had to ask how his comment should be taken, since the piece being played was Mozart’s Requiem.

Eric Holloway
Banbury, Oxfordshire

Pensioners’ savings

Pensioner Bonds will be issued by the Government through National Savings & Investments

SIR – Interest on the heralded pensioner bonds is paid each year (or after three years, for the higher-yield bond). Most pensioners seek income monthly and can’t wait a year or three. An example of out-of-touch government.

Michael Edwards
Haslemere, Surrey


SIR – A mystery of our age is increasing feminisation of most walks of life – politics, education, the Church, medicine – being accompanied by ever-greater sexualisation.

Are the two related? Or is the latter explained by the boundaries of what sells always being pushed and the opportunities for doing this never having been greater?

Bryan Clark
Ludlow, Shropshire

Trench football

SIR – Michael Worfolk’s letter (December 13) on his father’s diary entry for December 25 1915, when English and German troops played football, mentions “an officer of the Scots Guards” and “court martials”.

Two Scots Guards officers, Iain Colquhoun and my grandfather, Miles Barne, were court-martialled for fraternising with the enemy, though a High Command order forbidding this had, it seems, not been passed on by the sector’s senior officer, Brigadier John Ponsonby.

According to the historian Randall Nicol, Iain Colquhoun was “nonchalant” about the charge, whereas my grandfather was “very low”. Neither blamed the Brigadier, who did his utmost to defend them.

My grandfather was acquitted and, although Iain Colquhoun was convicted, his punishment was struck out by Earl Haig, who ordered that the records be expunged of any reference to the incident.

My grandfather was killed two years later when a bomb was inadvertently dropped on his tent by a British aircraft.

Anthony Barne
Milton Lilbourne, Wiltshire

With this ring…

SIR – Simon Edsor (Letters, December 13) asks when it became fashionable for men to wear wedding rings. My ring has not been removed since my wedding day more than 50 years ago. My father also wore his from his wedding day, before 1940.

Keith Taylor
Hinton Cantiacorum, Herefordshire

SIR – I have been married to my husband for more than 40 years and I do not wear a wedding ring. I do not “belong” to anyone.

Julie Juniper
Bridport, Dorset

Cold comfort

SIR – I read the report about arguments over home thermostat settings with some amusement. My stance is this: would you put your central heating on during a summer’s evening when the ambient temperature was, say, 15C? No. Then why heat your house to 22C in the winter?

If you think it is cold inside, go outside for a few minutes and come back in again. Your viewpoint will no doubt have changed.

Ted Bourn
Waterlooville, Hampshire

Blue Eyes Blues

Bob Dylan (right) is recording an album of songs once sung by Sinatra Photo: Rex Features

SIR –You know that the end is nigh when Bob Dylan records covers of Sinatra standards. Didn’t see that coming.

Liam Power
Bangor Erris, Co Mayo, Ireland

Blame the buzzard

When rabbits run low, buzzards may turn to killing other birds Photo: ALAMY

SIR – The decline in many avian species (Charles Moore, Comment, December 13) – a matter of concern to me, a farmer – is due to the buzzard being “top bird” in most areas of the United Kingdom.

It is not preyed upon. A small number are killed by motor vehicles. On my farm in the past 10 years, I have lost all the snipe, redshank, oystercatchers, woodcock, lapwing and a great many voles.

Their decline is not helped by the decline in rabbit numbers, through myxomatosis. When resident buzzards find their traditional food source is absent, they prey on other bird species, whose populations suffer.

To allow these species to recolonise their habitats, some culling, by shooting, of buzzards is required. It would be a mistake to exterminate them, as their role would then be taken over by sparrowhawks, kestrels and merlins, and the countryside would be no better off.

If only countrymen (in the truest sense of that word) were permitted to control many species of birds and mammals and thus create a desirable balance of nature, the countryside would be a more interesting and ecologically more sustainable environment for all to enjoy.

Angus Jacobsen
Inverbervie, Angus

Impertinent greetings from prospective meals

SIR – It isn’t just Nigel Milliner’s Cornish Blue that is issuing seasonal greetings (Letters, December 12). I’ve noticed that my (Kellogg’s) breakfast cereal box wishes me, in large letters, a “Merry Crunchmas”.

Hugh Stewart-Smith
London E11

SIR – Stephanie Mariam is spending £2,000 on her dogs at Christmas (report, December 11). My poor Nova Scotia tollers will have to make do with a four-mile walk, a swim in the lake, mud up to their elbows, a few squirrels to chase, my left-over sprouts and gravy on their evening meal, then a sleep by the fire. No Santa Claws for them. Lucky they don’t read the paper.

Nairn Lawson
Portbury, Somerset

SIR – The trouble with leaving Christmas preparations to women is that they tend to be too tasteful. Proper enjoyment of Christmas requires the liberal application of festive bling, the more naff the better. Only men and children can cast good taste aside sufficiently for the required effect.

Damien McCrystal
London W14

SIR – My husband once brought home a Christmas tree and, finding it too tall, cut 2ft off the top of it. I retrieved it from the dustbin and stuck it back on with Sellotape. He still does not understand what he did wrong.

Louise Faure
Buntingford, Hertfordshire

Irish Times:

Sir, – On behalf of the Palestinian people, I wish to thank members of Dáil Éireann for their unanimous support last Wednesday for the motion which calls on the Government to “officially recognise the State of Palestine, on the basis of the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as the capital”. This followed the passing of a similar motion in Seanad Éireann on October 22nd.

A total of 135 states in the world have already recognised Palestine as a state, including nine members of the EU, most recently Sweden. I hope that Ireland will become the 136th in the near future.

For many years, Ireland has been to the fore in seeking justice for the Palestinian people, for which we will be eternally grateful. In February 1980 in the Bahrain Declaration, Ireland was the first European state to declare explicitly that the Palestinian people “had a right to self-determination and to the establishment of an independent state in Palestine”.

Ever since, successive Irish governments have remained committed to the establishment of a viable, sovereign Palestinian state, in the West Bank including East Jerusalem and Gaza, existing alongside and at peace with the state of Israel.

In November 2012, Ireland voted in favour of a resolution in the UN general assembly, which granted Palestine observer rights as a “non-member state” at the UN. The success which Ireland helped to achieve then opens up the possibility of Palestine becoming a member of organisations associated with the UN, including the International Criminal Court.

Our quest for a two-state solution was crowned in November 1988 when the PLO declared the establishment of a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank including East Jerusalem as its capital. With this declaration, the PLO adopted the objective of establishing a Palestinian state on only 22 per cent of our historic homeland, with the Israeli state continuing to exist in the other 78 per cent. This was a compromise of extraordinary generosity on our part, which opened up the way to a two-state solution.

However, rather than work for the two-state solution, Israel dramatically consolidated its control over the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, by accelerating the colonisation process, especially following the Oslo Agreement in 1993.

There were around 135,000 Jewish settlers living in occupied territory in 1993, now the total number is approaching 600,000. And the colonisation process is continuing relentlessly. An obstruction to the creation of a viable Palestinian state that was manageable in 1988 is a major obstacle today – and it continues to grow. The possibility of a viable Palestinian state being established is fast disappearing.

Ireland has been to the fore in demanding that Israel cease this colonisation, which is contrary to international law (since Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention bans an occupying power like Israel from transferring its own civilian population into territory it has taken over by force). However, as everybody knows, Israel has simply ignored all requests to desist, including those made by the UN security council.

In The Irish Times on November 26th, Minister of Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan and his Finnish counterpart, Erkki Tuomioja, wrote: “We have time and time again called on the Israeli authorities to end this settlement policy, which clearly contradicts international law. But commitment is nothing without action. Continuation of this policy must bring a strong response from the international community, including the EU, if our commitment to upholding international law is to be taken seriously.”

If this is an indication that the EU is prepared to supplement words with effective action to halt Israeli colonisation, then it is greatly to be welcomed – and not a moment too soon. – Yours, etc,



of the State of Palestine,


Co Dublin.

Sir, – Prof Nancy Hopkins (December 10th) writes about “unconscious gender bias” at the top in science. I would argue that by far the most notorious example of gender bias in Irish universities is the existence of a number of women’s and gender studies centres, several of which have existed for more than 20 years and which are overwhelmingly staffed by women. According to the US writer Daphne Patai, they are more concerned with political activism than with scholarship and the pursuit of knowledge. They share a common ideology, central to which is the notion that gender is socially constructed and that biology has little or nothing to do with gender; openness to any challenge to this ideology or to criticism appears to be at a minimum. This is all the more extraordinary since science has refuted its central tenet and has shown biology plays an undoubted and perhaps a major role in gender construction.

An example of how the pretensions of gender studies can be exposed occurred in 2012 when the NIKK Nordic Gender Institute was closed. The decision was made after Norwegian state television had broadcast a documentary in which the unscientific character of the NIKK and its research was exposed. The whole enterprise was based on ideology with no basis in evidence. – Yours, etc,


Maynooth, Co Kildare.

Sir, – As a youngster growing up in Dublin, the hero of all the males in my family and school was Jackie Kyle. I used to go to Lansdowne Road, stand for hours in the schoolboy stand and watch him mesmerise the opposition with his jinking runs and he seemed to single handedly orchestrate their defeat. After the match, I would wait for him to come out of the dressing room to get his autograph. He never complained that this was, as he probably knew, the 10th autograph he had signed for me and just simply asked “What’s your name, son?” and signed “To Jimmy, best wishes Jackie Kyle”.

When I played rugby with my brothers I always wanted to be Jackie Kyle playing outhalf for Ireland. They could have the rest of the options to themselves. I often dreamed of scoring a try in the last minute to win the Triple Crown. I was devastated when he retired.

Years later and I was in my forties and working with John O’Shea in Goal. John arranged sports events to raise money for the third world and there was a star-studded group of rugby players helping at various functions. Moss Keane, Ray McLoughlin, Barry John, Gareth Edwards, Gerald Davies, Tom Grace and many others all answered the call. One night I heard that among those helping would be Jackie Kyle. I couldn’t wait to meet him and talk about all the tries he scored and all those moments we shared. I did meet him and he was very gracious and pleasant but he did’t seem to want to talk about rugby. All he wanted to talk about was the great work John O’Shea was doing through sport in Goal. Despite my initial disappointment in this, I began later to realise that by seeing things this way and by his own life’s dedication to the poor in Africa, he was an even bigger hero than I had initially thought. – Yours, etc,


Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin.

Sir, – The teachings of most churches on same-sex practices and the idea of marriage are well-known. There can be no other position for a committed practitioner of almost any major world faith to take, if they truly accept the precepts of their faith.

I will admit that this position is weakened by the fact that many ignore some of the other teachings of their faiths when it suits and that the holy books of various faiths are reinterpreted for modern society (for example, stoning for adultery is rather frowned upon these days).

Shouldn’t the separation of religion and state, so necessary to a true republic, ensure that an option such as a civil partnership or perhaps civil marriage be available to those who have no problem with it? After all, those whose faith doesn’t allow divorce would not avail of it, even if sanctioned by the civil state, would they? – Yours, etc,



Co Kilkenny.

Sir, – Although the Government and Irish Water displayed unbelievable ineptitude in their handling of the issue, they eventually explained to my satisfaction why there is a need for the creation of a company to manage the system. Having looked at my accounts, noting the recent tax adjustments and the water charges, I calculate that, with my moderate income, I will actually have more money (about €50 for the year) in 2015. This is the first time this has happened since 2009. The current charges will remain stable until after the next general election, at which time we will be able to pass judgment on the Government as against the various Opposition parties which, no doubt, will make a key part of their policies the promise to abolish the water charges while showing us how they intend to pay for the necessary repairs to the water system without raising taxes.

That, I believe, is how our democracy is supposed to function. – Yours, etc,


Booterstown, Co Dublin.

Sir, – The dreadful scenes that unfolded on our television screens last Tuesday night shamed our nation.

Those responsible must be held to account and there must be a thorough investigation into the whole care sector. But the avalanche of hatred directed against Áras Attracta workers on social media, including death threats and cruel taunting, achieves nothing. It is bullying of another sort and will not in any way help the victims of the kind of abuse we witnessed on Tuesday night.

Let justice take its course. Let’s act decisively to protect the most vulnerable in our society.

But lynch mobs and bullies we can do without. – Yours, etc,



Co Kilkenny.

A chara, – The situation where an increasing flow of families and individuals are being made homeless or mired in poverty because of escalating rents is a scandal of shocking proportions.

It brings to mind the campaign in the 19th century for the “Three Fs” – fair rent, fixity of tenure and free sale.

We certainly could do with a campaign around the first two “Fs” today.

Can we challenge the anger and outrage at the social injustices of Ireland today by continuing the protests instigated by the water charges but incorporating a call for fair rent and fixity of tenure also? To shame the Government, which is treating the citizens of Ireland just as callously as a remote government in Westminster did in the 19th century, into taking steps to establish some form of rent control and fixity of tenure? – Is mise,


Dublin 2.

Sir, – Frank McNally writes about Stephen Maturin, one of the two principal characters in Patrick O’Brian’s famous sequence of naval novels (“An Irishman’s Diary”, December 12th).

Maturin, supposedly of mixed Catalan and Irish Catholic ancestry, has the surname of an Irish Protestant family of Huguenot descent – the surname indeed of three Church of Ireland clerics listed in the Dictionary of Irish Biography. Still odder was O’Brian’s choice of the surname Palafox for an 18th-century Irish Protestant character in his little-known novel The Golden Ocean (1956). Palafox was the Aragonese general who defended Saragossa during the Peninsular war – a man with no links with Ireland, still less with Protestantism. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – Some of my most memorable walks have taken place in Britain and France, in areas that feature extensive walking trails. For example, the coastal pathway around Devon and Cornwall stretches for almost 500km.

Notwithstanding the excellent Sheep’s Head Way network in west Cork, the Irish coastline is virtually devoid of designated walkways of any kind. The “keep out” lobby ensures that walking in rural Ireland is all about negativity and hostility, with walkers taking their chances on dangerous roads. Even the annual Croagh Patrick pilgrimage is under threat.

For Fáilte Ireland, it is a truth that dare not speak its name – walkers are not welcome in Ireland.

It is telling that while the Welsh government has proudly rolled out the 1,400km Welsh coastal path, Fáilte Ireland is promoting the Wild Atlantic Way, a 1,000km car drive. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – Now that the ESRI has reiterated and updated its research into the impact of austerity on various social groups (“Unemployed worst affected by budgets, says ESRI report”, December 12th), can we please look forward to hearing less about the squeezed middle, and more about the strangled poor and compressed rich? – Yours, etc,


Portmarnock, Co Dublin.

Snow business Sir, – I am disturbed at your report (December 12th) that the first “genuine” snow of the year has fallen in Donegal.

Does the rest of the country have to put up with artificial substitutes?

In a spirit of inter-county solidarity, I suggest that some of our genuine wind, rain and snow should be diverted to Dublin. – Yours, etc,


Gaoth Dobhair,

Co Donegal.

Political mergers A chara, – With all of the recent Government U-turns, we may already have the “rotating taoiseach” that Paul Delaney (December 13th) wonders about. – Is mise,


Dublin 24.

On the cards

Sir, – Using social media in place of cards to wish friends and family happiness at this time of year? How terribly impersonal!

Checking the letterbox is still such fun to see who has sent a card. It takes time, effort and thought to send a Christmas card.

Long may the tradition continue! – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Wuff justice Sir, – “Good dogs go to heaven, Pope suggests” (Breaking News, December 13th). But what happens to naughty,mischievous pugs that shuffle off this mortal coil in a state of venial sin? Do they go directly to heaven or must they first undergo a period of purification in a place called “Pugatory”? – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Irish Independent:

A boy plays with water from a well in Twic County, South Sudan. Photo: Mark Condren
A boy plays with water from a well in Twic County, South Sudan. Photo: Mark Condren

I read with interest the news from Ireland over the water charges protests. What seems to have been a major concern was how many people were going to turn out to protest.

Let me say, from where I stand the crowds will be very small compared with the crowds around the world who have never – and I say never – had a glass of clean water to drink. Think about it.

I am Irish and what I am going to say next is true.

When you turn on your tap at home any hour of the day or night, what do you get? Clean water. Count your blessings again.

Remember, the next time you do it, think of the number of people who do not have piped water in their houses. There are millions around the world.

At present, I live in Sudan. This is what it is like.

In Malakal, we queue at a clean water source for hours in temperatures of 40C while water trickles from the one tap. There may be a hundred women in the line before me.

Next time you turn on your tap, think about them.

During the rainy season, this water is coloured brown, so we bring it home and boil it. We are happy to do so. Many times, these water sources break down from overuse, so we go to the Nile, whose waters are used for cleaning fish, washing clothes, cars etc.

But this is also the source of drinking water for thousands of people. I drive to the Nile. I know many women who have to walk 40 minutes to reach this water source every morning to bring home 20 litres of water for which they must pay.

To all of us Irish people, I say let us be thankful for what we have. Nothing much in life is free.

Sr Margaret Sheehan

Yambio, Western Equatoria,



Knowing when to say nothing

Articulate men and women expound their opinions with confidence. They question everything but themselves.

Disparate views spewed out in a genuine belief that theirs is the answer.

And the rest of us will listen with respect because we are not articulate.

We would never submit our views to public scrutiny.

Fred Meaney

Dalkey, Co Dublin


From the horse’s mouth

Reading of the pastor in Mississippi who brought a horse in a wedding dress to stand outside a courthouse with him, reminded me of a comment made by Groucho Marx to his much put-upon co-star, Margaret Dumont: “I promise you that as long as I’m married to you I’ll never look at another horse.”

Tom Gilsenan

Beaumont, Dublin 9


Caring for the most vulnerable

It sounds like the line from a song: ‘This must never happen again.’

When all is written regarding the infamous Bungalow 3 at the Aras Attracta care home, along with the many investigations into what happened, it’s a sure thing that those words will be used again and again.

‘This must never happen again.’

To say it shouldn’t have happened in the first place might be too near the mark, because no person – whether young, middle-aged or elderly – who depends on being cared for by any state nursing home or institution should live in fear of those who are paid to look after them.

It’s of little comfort to hear that other units or bungalows at Aras Attracta were well run.

They are all supposed to be well run.

There is an old saying: ‘Honest people must be watched’.

Look back on all of our so-called respectable institutions over the past 60 or 70 years, I’m sure you will agree that the ones we trusted were exposed as having been guilty of gross abuse, both criminal and otherwise.

We must not pretend to be shocked at what we saw.

We have seen much worse in the recent past and, for sure, it will continue as long as people are allowed to have power over the defenceless, especially those that cannot speak up for themselves.

Collective responsibility lies at the door of the health ministers, both past and present.

It is no excuse to say what amount of money is being spent on looking after these people; it is no excuse to say, as health minister, you set up this department and that department and it was their job to see that it did not happen.

It was your job to ensure that it did not happen.

Have we learned?

Do we care?

Maybe for a while – until something else turns up; perhaps more outrageous than what we saw last week.

Fred Molloy

Glenville, Clonsilla, Dublin

I didn’t see the RTE Investigations Unit report on how badly treated people were in one unit of the HSE-run home for those with intellectual disabilities, but I read the reviews. The abuse and taunting reminded me of when a few soldiers in the US army taunted captives in Iraq, more than seven years ago. They were filmed doing it and dismissed from the army. The Government could bring in legislation for CCTV to be put in private and public care homes as a deterrent and for undercover people to be sent in when abuses are reported – as RTE did.

Inspections carried out by HIQA or HSE unannounced will never reveal the abuses like that seen on ‘Prime Time’.

Some have asked for forgiveness for the staff who abused and mocked the people in their care.

It is hard to forgive anyone who may not be sorry for their actions. It appears some of the employees held bitter resentment about the work they were doing and unfortunately took it out on the residents.

Maybe they had little training. Was there no thought of suspending or firing them when complaints were made?

It took RTE to invoke a response. Few will speak up when they see a serious wrong, as they tend to be ignored or pushed out.

There are great community hospitals and nursing homes, but there are badly run ones, including private ones. Some 160 complaints were sent to HIQA this year over homes for people with disabilities.

Some 430 were sent to HIQA over nursing homes.

Some people have never heard of HIQA, until it is explained to them that it is to monitor quality of care for the HSE.

The Ombudsman for the Public Service, Peter Tyndall, said concerns can be sent to him as HSE-run homes for the disabled and the elderly fall under his remit and he will investigate.

That’s good to know.

The Dail’s health committee could put new recommendations to HIQA and HSE as inspections don’t seem to prevent abuse.

Name and address with editor


We have allowed the care of vulnerable people of all ages in a range of environments to become, to a considerable extent, a minimum wage job with all that implies.

Are we entitled to demand high standards from these workers when we offer them poor pay, little or no career development, little security or status and no respect?

It is long past time for us to face the reality that high-quality, dependable care cannot be provided cheaply.

Maeve Kennedy

Rathgar, Dublin 6

Irish Independent